Original regulations: 2000 to 2024 (unconsolidated)
General information about unconsolidated regulations
Unconsolidated regulations: These are the regulations as orginally made. They have not been updated with any amendments. A new regulation is also published as a consolidated regulation whether or not it has been amended. That version will be updated with amendments made to it from time to time.
Official status: An original regulation published in the PDF format on this website is an official copy unless otherwise indicated. For more information about official copies of Acts and regulations, see Part 5 (Proof of Legislation) of The Statutes and Regulations Act.
Publication date: The publication date shown for a regulation registered before May 1, 2014 is the date of publication in the Manitoba Gazette. For a regulation published after that day, it is the date the regulation was first published on the Manitoba Laws website.
Missing forms, maps, diagrams: Not all the forms, maps, tables and diagrams in the regulations are available online. In their place, you will find a note indicating where the missing form or other information may be found.