
Court of King's Bench Forms (Civil)

This is a complete list of the forms prescribed by the Court as part of the Court of King's Bench Rules, M.R. 553/88, as well as:

a few additional forms approved by the Court; and

the form for a Certificate of Judgment under The Judgments Act.


The asterisk (*) indicates that a user-friendly version is available in Microsoft Word format.

Note:     These forms are available in an alternate format on request.
Please contact Manitoba Government Inquiry at for more information.

Rule Form Title Legislative History
* Affidavit of Execution
* Affidavit in Support of Payment Out — Notice of Garnishment
* Affidavit in Support of Payment Out — Security for Costs
* Affidavit in Support of Payment Out — To the Garage Keeper
* Affidavit in Support of Payment Out — To Vehicle Owner
* Requisition for Cheque
* Credit Note
* Certificate of Judgment (The Judgments Act)
* Motion Brief
CPIC Confidential Personal Information
CPIC Registration Request
CPIC Registration Renewal
* Authorization for Access to Family Division Court File
* Request for Access to Family Division Court File
* Affidavit and Consent to Dispense with Bond and or Surety
* Affidavit proving Holograph Will
* Affidavit proving Signature (Witnesses deceased or cannot be located)
* Letters of Administration of Estate Unadministered
* Letters of Administration with Will Annexed of Estate Unadministered
Rule 4 4A General Heading of Documents — Actions
Rule 4 4B General Heading of Documents — Applications
Rule 4 4C* Covering Page
Rule 4 4D* Affidavit
Rule 4 4E* Requisition
Rule 7 7A Request for Appointment of Litigation Guardian
Rule 7 7B Order to Continue (Minor Reaching Age of Majority)
Rule 8 8A Notice to Alleged Partner
Rule 11 11A Order to Continue (Transfer or Transmission of Interest) M.R. 14/94
Rule 14 14A* Statement of Claim M.R. 187/97; 128/2012
Rule 14 14B* Notice of Application M.R. 12/92
Rule 15 15A* Notice of Change of Lawyer
Rule 15 15B* Notice of Appointment of Lawyer
Rule 15 15C* Notice of Intention to Act in Person
Rule 16 16A Acknowledgment of Receipt Form M.R. 50/2001
Rule 16 16B* Affidavit of Service M.R. 50/2001; 43/2003
Rule 16 16C Certificate of Service by Sheriff
Rule 18 18A* Statement of Defence
Rule 19 19A* Default Judgment (Debt or Liquidated Demand)
Rule 19 19B Default Judgment (Recovery of Possession of Land)
Rule 19 19C Default Judgment (Recovery of Possession)
Rule 19 19D Default Judgement (Foreclosure, Sale or Redemption of a Mortgage) M.R. 143/2023
Rule 19 19E* Requisition for Default Judgment M.R. 150/89; 67/94
Rule 22 22A Special Case
Rule 23 23A* Notice of Discontinuance M.R. 31/91
Rule 23 23B Notice of Withdrawal of Defence
Rule 25 25A* Reply
Rule 25 25B* Particulars M.R. 127/94
Rule 27 27A* Counterclaim (Against Parties to Main Action Only)
Rule 27 27B* Counterclaim (Against Plaintiff and Person Not Already Party to Main Action) M.R. 128/2012
Rule 27 27C* Defence to Counterclaim
Rule 27 27D* Reply to Defence to Counterclaim
Rule 28 28A* Crossclaim
Rule 28 28B* Defence to Crossclaim
Rule 28 28C* Reply to Defence to Crossclaim
Rule 29 29A* Third Party Claim M.R. 128/2012
Rule 29 29B* Third Party Defence
Rule 29 29C* Reply to Third Party Defence
Rule 30 30A Affidavit of Documents (Individual)
Rule 30 30B Affidavit of Documents (Corporation or Partnership)
Rule 30 30C Request to Inspect Documents
Rule 34 34A Notice of Examination M.R. 121/2002; 130/2017
Rule 34 34A.1 Order for Examination in Aid of Execution M.R. 121/2002
Rule 34 34B Subpoena to Witness (Examination out of Court) M.R. 140/2010; 130/2017; 13/2018
Rule 34 34C Commission
Rule 34 34D Letter of Request
Rule 34 34E Order for Commission and Letter of Request
Rule 35 35A Questions on Interrogatories
Rule 35 35B Answers on Interrogatories
Rule 37 37A* Notice of Motion M.R. 143/2023
Rule 37 37B* Notice of Abandonment of Motion M.R. 25/90; 143/2023
Rule 38 38A* Notice of Abandonment of Application M.R. 25/90
Rule 42 42A Pending Litigation Order M.R. 143/2023
Rule 42 42B* Certificate Discharging Pending Litigation Order M.R. 25/90; 127/94
Rule 43 43A Interpleader Order — General M.R. 143/2023
Rule 43 43B Interpleader Order — Sheriff M.R. 143/2023
Rule 44 44A Interim Order for Recovery of Personal Property M.R. 143/2023
Rule 44 44B Bond — Interim Recovery of Personal Property
Rule 46 46A Attaching Order M.R. 143/2023
Rule 46 46B Bond — Attaching Order (Plaintiff)
Rule 46 46C Bond — Attaching Order (Defendant)
Rule 46 46D Order for Garnishment Before Judgment M.R. 143/2023
Rule 46 46E* Notice of Garnishment (Before Judgment) M.R. 150/89; 31/91; 155/91; 127/94
Rule 46 46F* Garnishee's Statement M.R. 12/92
Rule 48 48A REPEALED: Notice for Pre-trial Conference M.R. 150/89; 130/2017
Rule 49 49A Offer to Settle M.R. 240/91; 27/2010
Rule 49 49B Notice of Withdrawal of Offer
Rule 49 49C Acceptance of Offer
Rule 49 49D Offer to Contribute M.R. 240/91; 27/2010
Rule 51 51A Request to Admit
Rule 51 51B Response to Request to Admit
Rule 53 53A* Subpoena to Witness (At Hearing) M.R. 140/2010
Rule 53 53B Warrant for Arrest (Defaulting Witness) M.R. 127/94
Rule 53 53C Subpoena to a Witness Outside Manitoba M.R. 50/2001
Rule 53 53D Order for Attendance of Witness in Custody M.R. 143/2023
Rule 54 54A Confirmation Date Alteration Agreement M.R. 43/2003; 143/2023
Rule 55 55A Notice of Hearing for Directions M.R. 143/2023
Rule 55 55B Notice to Party Added on Reference M.R. 143/2023
Rule 55 55C Notice of Contested Claim M.R. 143/2023
Rule 55 55D Notice to Creditor
Rule 55 55E Conditions of Sale
Rule 55 55F Report and Order on Sale M.R. 127/94; 43/2003; 143/2023
Rule 56 56A Order for Security for Costs M.R. 143/2023
Rule 58 58A* Notice of Appointment for Assessment of Costs
Rule 58 58B Notice to File and Serve a Bill of Costs for Assessment
Rule 58 58C Certificate of Assessment of Costs
Rule 59 59A Order M.R. 150/89; 25/90; 146/90
Rule 59 59B Judgment M.R. 150/89; 146/90; 151/2002
Rule 59 59C* Notice of Satisfaction
Rule 60 60A* Writ of Seizure and Sale
Rule 60 60B* Writ of Possession M.R. 118/2021
Rule 60 60C Writ of Delivery
Rule 60 60D Request to Renew
Rule 60 60E* Notice of Garnishment by General Creditor M.R. 98/95; 182/95; 186/96; 32/2002; 14/2018
Rule 60 60E.1* Notice of Garnishment (to Enforce a Restitution Order) M.R. 32/2002; 14/2018
Rule 60 60E.2* Notice of Garnishment (to Enforce a Forfeited Recognizance Order or an Order Imposing a Fine) M.R. 32/2002; 121/2002; 14/2018
Rule 60 60F Notice of Garnishment (by support creditor) M.R. 182/95; 42/96; 39/2023
Rule 60 60F.1 Notice of Garnishment (by Director, Maintenance Enforcement Program) M.R. 182/95; 39/2023
Rule 60 60F.2 Notice of Garnishment of Pension Benefit Credit M.R. 182/95; 39/2023
Rule 60 60G* Garnishee's Statement M.R. 150/89; 98/95
Rule 60 60G.1* Garnishee's Statement M.R. 182/95; 39/2023
Rule 60 60G.1.1* Garnishee's Statement M.R. 32/2002
Rule 60 60G.2* Statutory Declaration of Pension Benefit Credit Garnishee M.R. 182/95; 39/2023
Rule 60 60H* Notice of Termination of Garnishment
Rule 60 60I Warrant for Arrest (Contempt)
Rule 60 60J Warrant of Committal M.R. 127/94
Rule 60 60K Notice of Claim
Rule 60 60L Sheriff's Report
Rule 62 62A* Notice of Appeal from a Associate Judge (or Registrar or Assessment Officer) to a Judge M.R. 127/94; 28/2010; 143/2023
Rule 62 62B Notice of Hearing Date M.R. 28/2010; 143/2023
Rule 62 62C* Notice of Abandonment of Appeal M.R. 28/2010; 143/2023
Rule 63 63A Certificate of Stay M.R. 127/94
Rule 64 64A Notice of Election That Defendant Conduct Sale
Rule 64 64B Notice to Encumbrancers M.R. 143/2023
Rule 64 64C Notice to Parties by Statement of Claim Having Encumbrances M.R. 143/2023
Rule 64 64D Notice to All Original Defendants M.R. 143/2023
Rule 65 65A Notice of Application for Registration of United Kingdom Judgment M.R. 127/94
Rule 66 66A Judgment for Partition or Sale M.R. 162/2011; 143/2023
Rule 67 67A* Affidavit in Support of Application for Guardianship M.R. 120/2004
Rule 67 67B Bond to Be Given by Guardians
Rule 67 67C Affidavit of Justification by Sureties for Guardians
Rule 67 67D* Order of Guardianship M.R. 150/89; 120/2004; 143/2023
Rule 70 70A* Petition for Divorce M.R. 204/2002; 104/2004; 93/2005; 98/2015; 170/2018; 109/2019; 7/2021; 39/2023
Rule 70 70A.1* Joint Petition for Divorce M.R. 7/2021; 39/2023
Rule 70 70B* Petition M.R. 204/2002; 104/2004; 98/2015; 170/2018; 109/2019; 7/2021; 39/2023
Rule 70 70C* Acknowledgment of Service
Rule 70 70D* Financial Statement M.R. 204/2002; 104/2004; 93/2005; 170/2018
Rule 70 70D.1* Demand for Financial Information M.R. 98/2015
Rule 70 70D.2* Request for Triage Conference M.R. 98/2015; 170/2018; 109/2019
Rule 70 70D.3* Certificate of Prerequisite Completion M.R. 170/2018; 109/2019; 42/2020; 7/2021; 39/2023; 143/2023
Rule 70 70D.4* Triage Brief M.R. 170/2018; 7/2021; 39/2023; 143/2023
Rule 70 70D.5* Comparative Family Property Statement M.R. 170/2018; 7/2021
Rule 70 70E* Notice of Application M.R. 98/2015; 39/2023; 143/2023
Rule 70 70E.1 Notice of Application for Exclusive Occupation Order M.R. 271/2014
Rule 70 70E.2 Affidavit for Exclusive Occupation Order M.R. 271/2014
Rule 70 70E.3* Notice of Application for Special Relief under the Divorce Act (Canada) M.R. 7/2021; 39/2023; 143/2023
Rule 70 70F* Notice of Application for Guardianship M.R. 39/2023; 143/2023
Rule 70 70G* Notice of Application to Vary M.R. 98/2015; 170/2018; 7/2021; 39/2023
Rule 70 70G.1* REPEALED: Notice of Application for Provisional Order to Vary M.R. 170/2018; 109/2019; 7/2021
Rule 70 70H* Notice of Motion to Vary M.R. 98/2015; 170/2018; 7/2021; 39/2023
Rule 70 70H.1* Notice of Opposition to Variation M.R. 170/2018; 42/2020; 7/2021; 39/2023
Rule 70 70H.2* Notice of Motion to Vary Family Arbitration Award M.R. 42/2020; 39/2023
Rule 70 70I* Affidavit of Service M.R. 104/2004; 39/2023
Rule 70 70J* Answer M.R. 98/2015; 170/2018; 7/2021; 39/2023
Rule 70 70K* Reply to Answer and Petition for Divorce M.R. 7/2021; 39/2023
Rule 70 70L* Notice Withdrawing Opposition
Rule 70 70M* Affidavit of Petitioner's Evidence M.R. 7/2021; 39/2023
Rule 70 70M.1* Joint Petitioner Affidavit M.R. 7/2021; 39/2023
Rule 70 70N Order M.R. 76/2007; 143/2023
Rule 70 70O* Divorce Judgment M.R. 76/2007
Rule 70 70O.1* Divorce Judgment on Joint Petition for Divorce M.R. 7/2021
Rule 70 70P Certificate of Divorce
Rule 70 70Q* Notice of Motion M.R. 143/2023
Rule 70 70R* Motion Brief M.R. 104/2004; 93/2005; 98/2015; 7/2021; 39/2023
Rule 70 70S* REPEALED: Case Management Information Statement M.R. 69/2010; 98/2015; 164/2015; 170/2018
Rule 70 70S.1* REPEALED: Case Management Information Statement (Except Motion to Vary a Final Order) M.R. 69/2010; 98/2015
Rule 70 70S.2* REPEALED: Case Management Information Statement — Motion to Vary A Final Order M.R. 69/2010; 98/2015
Rule 70 70S.3* Trial Readiness Certificate M.R. 69/2010; 170/2018; 7/2021
Rule 70 70T Request for Adjournment M.R. 11/95
Rule 70 70U* Summary of Assets and Liabilities M.R. 104/2004
Rule 70 70V* Explanatory Note M.R. 39/2023; 143/2023
Rule 70 70W Recalculation and Enforcement Information Form M.R. 42/2020
Rule 70 70X Enforcement Opt-out M.R. 39/2023
Rule 70 70Y* Notice of Satisfaction
Rule 70 70Z* Notice of Hearing M.R. 76/2007; 7/2021; 39/2023; 4/2024
Rule 70 70AA* Notice of Change of Name M.R. 104/2004
Rule 70 70BB* Request for Emergent Hearing M.R. 170/2018
Rule 70 70CC* Notice of Appeal from an Associate Judge for a Family Proceeding under Case Management Process M.R. 109/2019; 143/2023
Rule 70 70DD* Request for Motion or Subsequent Case Conference M.R. 109/2019
Rule 71 71A* Notice of Application for Assessment of Lawyer's Bill M.R. 76/2007
Rule 71 71B REPEALED: Reference Order M.R. 76/2007
Rule 72 72A Order Appointing a Committee of Property M.R. 146/90; 155/91; 13/93; 160/99; 66/2000; 143/2023
Rule 72 72A.1 Order Appointing a Committee of Both Property and Personal Care M.R. 160/99; 66/2000; 143/2023
Rule 72 72B* Committee Bond M.R. 156/90; 160/99; 143/2023
Rule 72 72C* Affidavit of Execution of Bond M.R. 146/90
Rule 72 72D* Affidavit of Justification by Surety or Sureties M.R. 146/90; 160/99
Rule 72 72E* Affidavit of Initial Inventory M.R. 146/90; 160/99; 143/2023
Rule 72 72F* Initial Inventory M.R. 146/90; 148/2009
Rule 72 72G* Opening Inventory M.R. 146/90; 160/99
Rule 72 72H* Statement of Monies Received M.R. 146/90
Rule 72 72I* Statement of Monies Disbursed M.R. 146/90
Rule 72 72J* Statement of Assets Sold or Realized and Assets Acquired M.R. 146/90
Rule 72 72K* Reconciliation and Closing Inventory M.R. 146/90; 160/99; 162/2011
Rule 72 72L Report and Order of Judge or Associate Judge M.R. 146/90; 160/99; 148/2009; 163/2016; 143/2023
Rule 73 73A Notice of Payment into Court
Rule 73 73B Stop Order M.R. 165/2015
Rule 74 74A* Request for Probate M.R. 66/2000; 167/2003; 104/2004; 70/2022; 38/2023
Rule 74 74B* Inventory and Valuation of the Property of the Deceased M.R. 167/2003; 104/2004; 70/2022
Rule 74 74C* Request for Letters of Administration with Will Annexed M.R. 66/2000; 167/2003; 70/2022; 38/2023
Rule 74 74D* Affidavit of Execution M.R. 167/2003; 104/2004; 70/2022; 38/2023
Rule 74 74E* Affidavit of Condition M.R. 167/2003; 70/2022
Rule 74 74F* Grant of Probate M.R. 104/2004; 70/2022
Rule 74 74G* Letters of Administration with Will Annexed M.R. 70/2022
Rule 74 74H* Order to Bring in Will M.R. 66/2000; 70/2022
Rule 74 74I* Order to Accept or Refuse Probate M.R. 70/2022
Rule 74 74J* Request for Double Probate M.R. 70/2022; 38/2023
Rule 74 74K* Grant of Double Probate M.R. 70/2022
Rule 74 74L* Request for Letters of Administration M.R. 155/91; 66/2000; 167/2003; 104/2004; 70/2022; 38/2023
Rule 74 74M* Nomination of Administrator M.R. 70/2022
Rule 74 74N* Renunciation of Probate or Letters of Administration with Will Annexed M.R. 104/2004; 70/2022; 38/2023
Rule 74 74O* Renunciation of Administration M.R. 160/98; 70/2022; 38/2023
Rule 74 74P* Order to Accept or Refuse Letters of Administration M.R. 160/98; 70/2022
Rule 74 74Q* Letters of Administration M.R. 70/2022
Rule 74 74R* Request for Resealing of Foreign Grant of Probate M.R. 70/2022
Rule 74 74R.1* REPEALED: Request for Resealing of Foreign Grant of Probate M.R. 167/2003; 104/2004; 70/2022
Rule 74 74R.2* REPEALED: Inventory and Valuation of the Property of the Deceased in Manitoba M.R. 167/2003; 104/2004; 70/2022
Rule 74 74R.3* REPEALED: Affidavit in Support of Request for Resealing of Foreign Grant of Probate M.R. 167/2003; 70/2022
Rule 74 74R.4* REPEALED: Request for Resealing of Foreign Grant of Administration with Will Annexed M.R. 167/2003; 104/2004; 70/2022
Rule 74 74R.5* REPEALED: Affidavit in Support of Request for Resealing of Foreign Grant of Administration with Will Annexed M.R. 167/2003; 70/2022
Rule 74 74R.6* REPEALED: Request for Resealing of Foreign Grant of Administration M.R. 167/2003; 104/2004; 70/2022
Rule 74 74R.7* REPEALED: Affidavit in Support of Request for Resealing of Foreign Grant of Administration M.R. 167/2003; 70/2022
Rule 74 74S* Inventory and Valuation on Request for Resealing M.R. 70/2022
Rule 74 74T* Request for Resealing of Foreign Letters of Administration with Will Annexed M.R. 160/98; 70/2022
Rule 74 74T.1* REPEALED: Affidavit of Execution of Renunciation M.R. 160/98; 70/2022
Rule 74 74U* Request for Resealing of Foreign Letters of Administration M.R. 70/2022
Rule 74 74V* Bond for Administrators [(or with Will Annexed or Foreign Executors)] M.R. 185/96; 104/2004; 160/2016; 70/2022
Rule 74 74W* Affidavit of Execution of Bond M.R. 160/2016; 70/2022
Rule 74 74X* Affidavit of Execution of Renunciation M.R. 104/2004; 160/2016; 70/2022
Rule 74 74Y* Affidavit of Justification by Sureties M.R. 160/2016; 70/2022
Rule 74 74Z* Notice of Application to Pass Accounts M.R. 160/2016; 70/2022; 38/2023
Rule 74 74AA* Affidavit Verifying Application and Accounts M.R. 146/90; 167/2003; 134/2012; 162/2016; 70/2022
Rule 74 74BB* Appointment to Pass Accounts M.R. 66/2000; 104/2004; 70/2022; 143/2023
Rule 74 74CC* Notice to Beneficiaries M.R. 127/94; 66/2000; 104/2004; 70/2022; 143/2023
Rule 74 74DD* Order on Passing Accounts M.R. 70/2022; 143/2023
Rule 74 74EE Information for Personal Representatives and Beneficiaries M.R. 70/2022
Rule 74 74FF* Request for Order under Section 47 of The Court of King's Bench Surrogate Practice Act M.R. 70/2022; 38/2023
Rule 74 74GG* Order under Section 47 of The Court of King's Bench Surrogate Practice Act M.R. 70/2022; 38/2023
Rule 75 75A* Caveat M.R. 186/96; 167/2003; 70/2022
Rule 75 75B Notice to Caveator M.R. 70/2022
Rule 75 75C Order to Bring in Grant Where Revocation Is Sought M.R. 70/2022
Rule 75 75D REPEALED: Order Giving Directions M.R. 70/2022; 38/2023
Rule 76 76A* Small Claim M.R. 150/89; 240/91; 50/2001; 88/2008; 258/2014; 143/2017; 43/2020; 151/2021
Rule 76 76B* Declaration of Service M.R. 160/89; 240/91; 50/2001; 88/2008; 60/2012; 258/2014; 43/2020; 151/2021
Rule 76 76C* Order Extending Time for Service M.R. 150/89; 240/91; 88/2008; 258/2014; 43/2020
Rule 76 76D* Defence M.R. 150/89; 240/91; 88/2008; 258/2014; 43/2020
Rule 76 76E* Defence and Counterclaim M.R. 150/89; 240/91; 88/2008; 258/2014; 43/2020; 151/2021
Rule 76 76E.1 REPEALED: Order Setting Hearing Date M.R. 60/2012; 258/2014
Rule 76 76E.1* Request for Noting Default and Default Decision M.R. 43/2020; 151/2021
Rule 76 76E.2 REPEALED: Certificate of Dismissal for Delay M.R. 60/2012; 258/2014
Rule 76 76E.2* Application to Set Aside the Noting of Default M.R. 43/2020
Rule 76 76E.3 Order and Notice of Hearing — Noting of Default M.R. 43/2020
Rule 76 76E.4 Certificate of Decision on Default — Decision of Judge M.R. 43/2020
Rule 76 76E.5 Certificate of Decision on Default — Decision of Court Officer M.R. 43/2020
Rule 76 76F Certificate of Decision - Claimant not at Hearing M.R. 150/89; 240/91; 14/94; 50/2001; 88/2008; 60/2012; 258/2014
Rule 76 76F.1 REPEALED: Certificate of Decision on Default — Decision of Judge M.R. 88/2008; 60/2012; 258/2014
Rule 76 76G Certificate of Decision at Hearing — Decision of Judge M.R. 88/2008; 60/2012; 258/2014
Rule 76 76G.1 REPEALED: Certificate of Decision at Hearing — Decision of Judge M.R. 88/2008; 60/2012; 258/2014
Rule 76 76H Certificate of Decision at Hearing — Decision of Court Officer M.R. 150/89; 240/91; 14/94; 88/2008; 258/2014
Rule 76 76I* Application to Set Aside Decision M.R. 258/2014; 151/2021
Rule 76 76J Order and Notice of Hearing M.R. 258/2014; 43/2020
Rule 76 76K* Application for Leave to Appeal and Notice of Appeal M.R. 150/89; 240/91; 88/2008; 258/2014; 43/2020; 151/2021
Rule 76 76L* Discontinuance of Appeal M.R. 14/94; 88/2008; 258/2014
Rule 76 76M Certificate of Decision — Leave to Appeal and Appeal Hearing Date M.R. 258/2014
Rule 76 76N Certificate of Decision on Appeal M.R. 258/2014
Rule 76 76O* Consent to Act as Litigation Guardian M.R. 258/2014
Rule 76 76P* Request for Appointment of Litigation Guardian M.R. 258/2014
Rule 77 77A Notice of Application (By Owner)
Rule 77 77B Notice of Application (By Authority)
Rule 77 77C Reply
Rule 77 77D Particulars of Claim
Rule 77 77E Reply