
Consolidated regulations

Regulations in force on January 31, 2025 (unless otherwise noted).

General information about consolidated regulations

Consolidation status: A consolidated regulation is usually current to within 90 days or less. Amendments are consolidated as time and resources permit.

  • A note on the first page of the consolidated regulation indicates any amendments that are not yet included, either because they are not yet in force or because the consolidation is still in progress.
  • A retroactive amendment is consolidated as of the day it is registered, not as of the day it is deemed to have come into force.
  • To show the legislative history, click on the title of the regulation. If it has been amended, click on Amendments for a list of the amendments, which includes links to any amending regulations made after 1999.
  • If a regulation includes an amendment that was consolidated on or after May 1, 2014, the previous version will continue to be available online. To access a previous version, click the title of the regulation and then on the Previous versions link.
  • You can also check the table of corrections and minor amendments for notice of changes made to a regulation pursuant to The Statutes and Regulations Act.

Court of King's Bench references: References in these regulations to the Court of Queen’s Bench have been updated to reflect the change to the Court of King’s Bench. See The Court of King’s Bench Act, C.C.S.M. c. C280, s. 3.

Revisions related to the demise of the Crown: Under section 25.1 of The Statutes and Regulations Act, the chief legislative counsel may revise language and punctuation in legislation to deal with the demise of the Crown.

List of revised regulations
Regulation revisions related to the demise of the Crown (revisions to references to reflect "His Majesty")
C.C.S.M. Regulation Provision
C200 Consumer Protection Regulation, M.R. 227/2006 item 1 of Form 6 of Schedule A
item 1 of Form 7 of Schedule A
item 1 of Form 8 of Schedule A
item 1 of Form 9 of Schedule A
C230 Correctional Services Regulation, M.R. 128/99 (English version) s. 40(2)
E10 Schools Patriotic Observances Regulation, M.R. 472/88 R s. 2(2)
F80 Fire Safety Inspections (2014) Regulation, M.R. 208/2014 (English version) s. 4
H60 Bills of Lading and Uniform Conditions of Carriage Regulation, M.R. 16/2019 (English version) s. 4 of Schedule A
s. 4 of Schedule B
s. 4(1)(a) of Schedule C
H60 Impoundment of Vehicles Fees Regulation, M.R. 243/89 s. 2(1)(b)(i)
K15 Manitoba Gazette Regulation, M.R. 129/2014 s. 1(2)
L75 Designation of Law Enforcement Bodies Regulation, M.R. 112/99 (English version) s. 1(1)(a) and (b)
L107 Agents Bonding and Insurance Regulation, M.R. 105/90 item 1 of the Schedule
M162 Mine Closure Regulation, M.R. 67/99 (English version) s. 21
M162 Quarry Minerals Regulation, 1992, M.R. 65/92 Schedule D, wherever it occurs
O34 Crown Disposition Regulation, M.R. 108/94 Schedule B, wherever it occurs
Schedule C, wherever it occurs
P141 Profits of Criminal Notoriety Regulation, M.R. 56/2005 (English version) Schedule
W60 Water Power Regulation, M.R. 25/88 R (English version) s. 6(1)
s. 24(5)
s. 33(2), wherever it occurs
s. 41(5)(c)
s. 41(7)
s. 45(2)
s. 47(6)
s. 48(6)(a)
s. 51(3)
s. 52(2), in the part before clause (a)
s. 53(a)
s. 67(6)
s. 81(7), wherever it occurs
s. 82
s. 86, in the part after clause (b)
W140 Wild Rice Regulation, M.R. 38/88 R Schedule K, wherever it occurs Schedule L, wherever it occurs
Schedule M, wherever it occurs

Versions and Official Status: As of May 1, 2023, each current consolidation of a regulation is available in two versions:

  • the official bilingual version in PDF format (the link to which is provided at the top of the HTML version)
  • an unofficial HTML version* (click the title for this version), which may be viewed
    • as an English-only version
    • as a bilingual version, or
    • as a French-only version
    * If a previous version of an regulation was not in effect after May 1, 2023, it is available only in the PDF format in which it was published.

A consolidated regulation published in the PDF format on this website is an official copy unless otherwise indicated. It is presumed to be an accurate statement of the regulation for the period shown in the footer. For more information about official copies of Acts and regulations, see Part 5 (Proof of Legislation) of The Statutes and Regulations Act.

Publication date: The publication date shown for a regulation published before May 1, 2014 is the date of publication in the Manitoba Gazette. For a regulation published after that day, it is the date the regulation was first published on the Manitoba Laws website.

Maps and other images: If a regulation has a map or other image, it is usually embedded in both the PDF and HTML versions of the regulation. However, at least one regulation has several large maps published as separate PDF files. Links to those maps are provided in the HTML version of the regulation.

Prescribed forms: Numerous regulations include prescribed forms. These are now published as individual files (one for each form) in PDF format* instead of being included in the PDF version of the regulation. Links to these forms are provided

  • in the list of prescribed forms that may be accessed from the main menu (under the Regulations drop-down menu)
  • within the HTML version of each regulation that has prescribed forms
  • within the list of regulations, when you click the title of the regulation to show information about that regulation

*NOTE:  Any prescribed form can be made available in an alternate format on request.
Please contact Manitoba Government Inquiry at for more information.

Repealed regulations: Regulations repealed after 2003 are listed when you show repealed regulations. Regulations repealed earlier are not available online.

Ministerial responsibility
Show all consolidated regulations

Regulations under C.C.S.M. Acts for which the Minister of Environment and Climate Change is the responsible minister

Include repealed regulations
    ( * denotes a regulation with prescribed forms)
The Biofuels Act, C.C.S.M. c. B40 (enacted by SM 2003, c. 5)
Biodiesel (General) RegulationRegistered: November 24, 2008
Published: December 6, 2008
Amendments Previous version(s)
Biodiesel Fund Grant RegulationRegistered: July 8, 2010
Published: July 17, 2010
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Biodiesel Mandate for Diesel Fuel RegulationRegistered: September 4, 2009
Published: September 19, 2009
Amendments Previous version(s)
Ethanol Fund Grant RegulationRegistered: December 12, 2007
Published: December 22, 2007
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Ethanol General RegulationRegistered: December 12, 2007
Published: December 22, 2007
Amendments Previous version(s)
The Contaminated Sites Remediation Act, C.C.S.M. c. C205 (enacted by SM 1996, c. 40)
Contaminated Sites Remediation RegulationRegistered: May 2, 1997
Published: May 17, 1997
Amendments Previous version(s) Corrections and minor changes
The Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Act, C.C.S.M. c. D12 (enacted by RSM 1987, c. D12)
Anhydrous Ammonia Handling and Transport RegulationRegistered: September 25, 1989
Published: October 7, 1989

NOTE: Previous versions that were last amended before 2014 are not available online.

Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Fees RegulationRegistered: November 2, 2001
Published: November 17, 2001
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation RegulationRegistered: March 18, 2003
Published: March 29, 2003
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Environmental Accident Reporting RegulationRegistered: December 8, 1987
Published: December 26, 1987
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Hazardous Waste RegulationRegistered: November 25, 2015
Published: November 26, 2015
Amendments Previous version(s)
PCB Storage Site RegulationRegistered: November 14, 1988
Published: November 26, 1988
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Special Waste (Shredder Residue) RegulationRegistered: July 18, 2003
Published: August 2, 2003
Amendments Previous version(s)
Storage and Handling of Petroleum Products and Allied Products RegulationRegistered: December 17, 2001
Published: December 29, 2001
Amendments Previous version(s)
The Drinking Water Safety Act, C.C.S.M. c. D101 (enacted by SM 2002, c. 36)
Drinking Water Quality Standards RegulationRegistered: February 28, 2007
Published: March 17, 2007
Amendments Previous version(s)
Drinking Water Safety RegulationRegistered: February 28, 2007
Published: March 17, 2007
Amendments Previous version(s)
The East Side Traditional Lands Planning and Special Protected Areas Act, C.C.S.M. c. E3 (enacted by SM 2009, c. 7)
Asatiwisipe Aki Traditional Use Planning Area RegulationRegistered: June 16, 2011
Published: June 25, 2011
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
East Side Traditional Lands Planning and Special Protected Areas RegulationRegistered: October 25, 2010
Published: November 6, 2010

NOTE: Previous versions that were last amended before 2014 are not available online.

Little Grand Rapids First Nation Traditional Use Planning Area RegulationRegistered: December 14, 2012
Published: December 29, 2012

NOTE: Previous versions that were last amended before 2014 are not available online.

Pauingassi First Nation Traditional Use Planning Area RegualtionRegistered: December 14, 2012
Published: December 29, 2012

NOTE: Previous versions that were last amended before 2014 are not available online.

Pimitotah Traditional Use Planning Area RegulationRegistered: November 28, 2011
Published: December 10, 2011
Amendments Previous version(s)
The Ecological Reserves Act, C.C.S.M. c. E5 (enacted by RSM 1987, c. E5)
Ecological Reserves Designation RegulationRegistered: May 13, 1987
Published: May 30, 1987
Amendments Previous version(s)
Ecological Reserves RegulationRegistered: October 15, 2014
Published: October 15, 2014
Amendments Previous version(s)
The Energy Act, C.C.S.M. c. E112 (enacted by SM 1994, c. 3)
Energy Efficiency Standards for Replacement Forced Air Gas Furnaces and Small Boilers RegulationRegistered: November 12, 2009
Published: November 21, 2009
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
The Environment Act, C.C.S.M. c. E125 (enacted by SM 1987-88, c. 26)
Burning of Crop Residue and Non-Crop Herbage RegulationRegistered: April 8, 1993
Published: April 24, 1993
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
89/88 R
Campgrounds RegulationRegistered: January 29, 1988
Published: February 20, 1988

NOTE: Previous versions that were last amended before 2014 are not available online.

Classes of Development RegulationRegistered: March 31, 1988
Published: April 16, 1988
Amendments Previous version(s)
Coal and Petroleum Coke Ban for Space Heating RegulationRegistered: December 16, 2013
Published: December 28, 2013
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
90/88 R
Disposal of Whey RegulationRegistered: January 29, 1988
Published: February 20, 1988
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Environment Act Fees RegulationRegistered: August 15, 1996
Published: August 31, 1996
Amendments Previous version(s)
Environmental Assessment Hearing Costs Recovery RegulationRegistered: November 18, 1992
Published: December 5, 1992
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
91/88 R
Incinerators RegulationRegistered: January 29, 1988
Published: February 20, 1988
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Inco Limited and Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co., Limited Smelting Complex RegulationRegistered: March 31, 1988
Published: April 16, 1988

NOTE: Previous versions that were last amended before 2014 are not available online.

Joint Environmental Assessment RegulationRegistered: June 7, 1991
Published: June 22, 1991

NOTE: Previous versions that were last amended before 2014 are not available online.

Lake St. Martin Outlet Channel Authorization RegulationRegistered: June 27, 2014
Published: June 27, 2014
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Licensing Procedures RegulationRegistered: March 31, 1988
Published: April 16, 1988

NOTE: Previous versions that were last amended before 2014 are not available online.

92/88 R
Litter RegulationRegistered: January 29, 1988
Published: February 20, 1988
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management RegulationRegistered: March 30, 1998
Published: April 11, 1998
Amendments Previous version(s)
Non-Essential Pesticide Use RegulationRegistered: December 17, 2014
Published: December 18, 2014
Amendments Previous version(s)
Notice and Reporting RegulationRegistered: August 31, 2010
Published: September 11, 2010
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Onsite Wastewater Management Systems RegulationRegistered: April 28, 2003
Published: May 10, 2003
Amendments Previous version(s)
Participant Assistance RegulationRegistered: June 7, 1991
Published: June 22, 1991
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Peat Smoke Control RegulationRegistered: September 14, 1989
Published: September 30, 1989
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
94/88 R
Pesticides RegulationRegistered: January 29, 1988
Published: February 20, 1988
Amendments Previous version(s)
Rockwood Sensitive Area RegulationRegistered: June 17, 1994
Published: July 2, 1994
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Waste Management Facilities RegulationRegistered: February 23, 2016
Published: February 24, 2016
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Water and Wastewater Facility Operators RegulationRegistered: April 22, 2003
Published: May 3, 2003
Amendments Previous version(s)
The Gas Pipe Line Act, C.C.S.M. c. G50 (enacted by RSM 1987, c. G50)
Gas Pipe Line Excavations RegulationRegistered: July 27, 1992
Published: August 8, 1992
Amendments Previous version(s)
The Groundwater and Water Well Act, C.C.S.M. c. G110 (enacted by SM 2012, c. 27)
More than one minister is responsible for this Act. To see if the Minister of Environment and Climate Change is responsible for a regulation under this Act, check whether the minister is responsible for the provisions of the Act under which the regulation is made.
Minister responsible for
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure [as it relates to the planning, construction or operation of provincial water control works]
Minister of Environment and Climate Change [all except as it relates to the planning, construction or operation of provincial water control works]

Aquifer Management Zones Designation RegulationRegistered: July 29, 2024
Published: July 29, 2024
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Groundwater and Water Well (General Matters) Regulation *Registered: December 21, 2015
Published: December 22, 2015
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended. PDF schedules or forms
Well Standards RegulationRegistered: December 21, 2015
Published: December 22, 2015
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
The Off-Road Trails Safety and Maintenance Act, C.C.S.M. c. O30.5 (enacted by SM 2023, c. 7)
Provincial Snowmobile Trail Permit RegulationRegistered: August 25, 2023
Published: August 28, 2023
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
The Ozone Depleting Substances Act, C.C.S.M. c. O80 (enacted by SM 1989-90, c. 38)
Ozone Depleting Substances and Other Halocarbons RegulationRegistered: May 27, 1994
Published: June 11, 1994

NOTE: Previous versions that were last amended before 2014 are not available online.

The Provincial Parks Act, C.C.S.M. c. P20 (enacted by SM 1993, c. 39)
Chief Place of Residence Levy RegulationRegistered: October 12, 1997
Published: September 27, 1997

NOTE: Previous versions that were last amended before 2014 are not available online.

Debt Certificate Regulation *Registered: July 18, 1996
Published: August 3, 1996
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended. PDF schedules or forms
Park Activities RegulationRegistered: July 18, 1996
Published: August 3, 1996
Amendments Previous version(s)
Park Districts Designation RegulationRegistered: April 21, 1997
Published: May 3, 1997
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Park Fees RegulationRegistered: July 22, 1996
Published: August 3, 1996
Amendments Previous version(s)
Park Lands Withdrawn from Local Governments RegulationRegistered: July 22, 1996
Published: August 3, 1996
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Park Reserves Designation RegulationRegistered: March 26, 1999
Published: April 10, 1999
Amendments Previous version(s)
Permits and Leases RegulationRegistered: July 22, 1996
Published: August 3, 1996
Amendments Previous version(s)
Provincial Parks Designation RegulationRegistered: February 28, 1997
Published: March 15, 1997
Amendments Previous version(s)
Subdivision of Land RegulationRegistered: July 18, 1996
Published: August 3, 1996

NOTE: Previous versions that were last amended before 2014 are not available online.

Use of Vehicles in Spruce Woods Provincial Park RegulationRegistered: July 18, 1996
Published: August 3, 1996

NOTE: Previous versions that were last amended before 2014 are not available online.

The Waste Reduction and Prevention Act, C.C.S.M. c. W40 (enacted by SM 1989-90, c. 60)
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Stewardship RegulationRegistered: February 3, 2010
Published: February 13, 2010
Amendments Previous version(s)
Household Hazardous Material and Prescribed Material Stewardship RegulationRegistered: February 3, 2010
Published: February 13, 2010
Amendments Previous version(s)
Packaging and Printed Paper Stewardship RegulationRegistered: December 22, 2008
Published: January 3, 2009
Amendments Previous version(s)
Tire Stewardship Regulation, 2006Registered: November 14, 2006
Published: November 25, 2006
Amendments Previous version(s)
Used Oil, Oil Filters and Containers Stewardship RegulationRegistered: April 11, 1997
Published: April 26, 1997
Amendments Previous version(s)
The Water Power Act, C.C.S.M. c. W60 (enacted by RSM 1987, c. W60)
More than one minister is responsible for this Act. To see if the Minister of Environment and Climate Change is responsible for a regulation under this Act, check whether the minister is responsible for the provisions of the Act under which the regulation is made.
Minister responsible for
Minister of Environment and Climate Change [all except as it relates to the planning, construction or operation of provincial water control works]
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure [as it relates to the planning, construction or operation of provincial water control works]

542/88 R
Crown Lands Withdrawn from Disposal RegulationRegistered: December 12, 1988
Published: December 24, 1988
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
25/88 R
Water Power RegulationRegistered: January 15, 1988
Published: January 30, 1988
Amendments Previous version(s)
The Water Protection Act, C.C.S.M. c. W65 (enacted by SM 2005, c. 26)
Aquatic Invasive Species RegulationRegistered: October 28, 2015
Published: October 28, 2015
Amendments Previous version(s)
Manitoba Water Quality Standards, Objectives and Guidelines RegulationRegistered: November 28, 2011
Published: December 10, 2011
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Nutrient Management RegulationRegistered: March 18, 2008
Published: March 29, 2008

NOTE: Previous versions that were last amended before 2014 are not available online.

Nutrient Targets RegulationRegistered: August 23, 2024
Published: August 23, 2024
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Phosphorus Reduction RegulationRegistered: June 29, 2010
Published: July 10, 2010
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
Watershed Management RegulationRegistered: December 19, 2019
Published: December 20, 2019
Amendments Previous version(s)
The Water Resources Conservation Act, C.C.S.M. c. W72 (enacted by SM 2000, c. 11)
Water Resources Conservation RegulationRegistered: December 24, 2010
Published: January 8, 2011
NOTE: This is the first version. It has not been amended.
The Water Rights Act, C.C.S.M. c. W80 (enacted by RSM 1988, c. W80)
More than one minister is responsible for this Act. To see if the Minister of Environment and Climate Change is responsible for a regulation under this Act, check whether the minister is responsible for the provisions of the Act under which the regulation is made.
Minister responsible for
Minister of Environment and Climate Change [all except as it relates to the planning, construction or operation of provincial water control works]
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure [as it relates to the planning, construction or operation of provincial water control works]

Water Rights RegulationRegistered: April 7, 1987
Published: April 18, 1987
Amendments Previous version(s)
The Watershed Districts Act, C.C.S.M. c. W95 (enacted by RSM 1987, c. C175)
Watershed Districts Regulation *Registered: December 19, 2019
Published: December 20, 2019
Amendments Previous version(s) PDF schedules or forms