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Le texte figurant ci-dessous constitue la codification la plus récente en date du 16 février 2025.
Ceci est la première version. Il est en vigueur depuis le 1er octobre 2018.
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Hog Transporter Licensing Order, M.R. 105/2018
« Hog Transporter Licensing Order », R.M. 105/2018
The Farm Products Marketing Act, C.C.S.M. c. F47
NOTE: This regulation was enacted in English only.
Loi sur la commercialisation des produits agricoles, c. F47 de la C.P.L.M.
NOTE : Ce règlement a été adopté en anglais seulement.
version anglaiseRegulation 105/2018
Registered August 29, 2018
This Order is made under the Manitoba Hog Producers Marketing Plan Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 226/2002, and is Order No. 2, 2018 of Manitoba Pork Council. |
Application for licence
1 A person may apply to be licensed as a hog transporter by filing a signed application with the Manitoba Pork Council in the form prescribed by the Manitoba Pork Council and containing the information required by the Manitoba Pork Council.
Criteria for licence
2 An applicant for a licence must
(a) be the registered owner or the lessee of transportation equipment and facilities sufficient to provide for the efficient and humane transportation of hogs;
(b) pay the licence fee required by the Manitoba Pork Council; and
(c) satisfy any undertaking required by the Manitoba Pork Council as a prerequisite for licensing.
Conditions of licence
3(1) A hog transporter licence issued by the Manitoba Pork Council may be made subject to terms and conditions.
3(2) Each hog transporter licence is subject to the following conditions:
(a) that the representations made by the applicant in, or in connection with, any application for licence are true and complete;
(b) that the hog transporter comply with the Act and with the regulations and orders made under it, the Manitoba Hog Transporter Program of the Manitoba Pork Council, and with all terms and conditions set out in the licence;
(c) that the hog transporter comply with
(i) The Highway Traffic Act and the regulations made under it,
(ii) The Livestock and Livestock Products Act and the regulations made under it,
(iii) The Animal Diseases Act and the regulations made under it,
(iv) The Animal Care Act and the regulations made under it,
(v) the Health of Animals Act (Canada) and the regulations made under it,
(vi) the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Pigs, published by the National Farm Animal Care Council,
(vii) all applicable requirements of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and
(viii) all applicable requirements of the Chief Veterinary Office for Manitoba;
(d) that the hog transporter maintain insurance for vehicles and for animals being transported as may be required by the Manitoba Pork Council;
(e) that the hog transporter agree to the sharing by the Manitoba Pork Council with federal and provincial authorities of all information provided by the hog transporter to the Manitoba Pork Council related to the care of animals or to the prevention and management of animal diseases.
Terms of licence
4 A hog transporter licence takes effect on the date stated on the licence and continues in effect until the earlier of
(a) the date on which it is surrendered by the hog transporter; or
(b) three years after the date the licence takes effect;
unless it is earlier suspended or cancelled by the Manitoba Pork Council.
Application of definitions from M.R. 226/2002
5 Terms defined in the Manitoba Hog Producers Marketing Plan Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 226/2002, and used in this Order, have the same meaning in this Order as in that regulation.
Coming into force
6 This Order comes into force on October 1, 2018, or on the day it is registered under The Statutes and Regulations Act, whichever is later.
July 25, 2018Manitoba Pork Council:
George Matheson, Chair
Andrew Dickson, General Manager
August 27, 2018Manitoba Farm Products Marketing Council:
Ed Helwer, Chair
Ingrid Peters-Fransen, Secretary