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Le texte figurant ci-dessous constitue la codification la plus récente en date du 25 janvier 2025.


Ceci est la première version. Il est en vigueur depuis le 30 mars 1981.

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Turkey Transportation Order, M.R. 89/81

Being Order 4/81 of The Manitoba Turkey Producers' Marketing Board made under the Manitoba Turkey Producers' Marketing Plan, being Manitoba Regulation 233/80, and The Farm Products Marketing Act

« Turkey Transportation Order », R.M. 89/81

The Farm Products Marketing Act, C.C.S.M. c. F47

NOTE: This regulation was enacted in English only.

Loi sur la commercialisation des produits agricoles, c. F47 de la C.P.L.M.

NOTE : Ce règlement a été adopté en anglais seulement.

version anglaise

Regulation 89/81
Registered March 30, 1981


1   In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires:

"production premises" means that part of any building or real property utilized for the raising of the regulated product but does not include that part of the building or real property utilized for the processing, packing or storage of the regulated product;

"processing premises" means that part of any building or real property utilized for the processing, packing or storage of the regulated product but does not include that part of the building or real property utilized for the raising of the regulated product;

"transport" means to convey, ship or transfer the regulated product from one location to another by any means and includes the movement of the regulated product from production premises to processing premises;

"regulated product" means every grade, class and variety of turkey raised in Manitoba;

"producer" means any person who raises the regulated product.

2   Any person who is both a producer and a processor of the regulated product shall be subject to the provisions of this Order as a producer and as a processor.

3   No producer shall transport or deliver for transport any regulated product without first reporting the intended transportation to this Board and obtaining a Clearance Certificate from this Board in such form as this Board shall have prescribed.

4   No producer shall transport or deliver for transport regulated product without providing, at the time of commencement of the transportation, copies of the Clearance Certificate issued in respect to that regulated product to the person transporting such regulated product.

5   Each person transporting the regulated product shall:

(a) provide any inspector on request a copy of the Clearance Certificate for the regulated product being transported, and for this purpose shall at all times have the Clearance Certificate in the same vehicle as the regulated product covered thereby; and

(b) immediately upon completion of the transportation, report to this Board the date of the transportation, and the quantity, origin, and destination of the regulated product, and the Clearance Certificate number.

6   Any person transporting any regulated product which is not accompanied by a Clearance Certificate shall report the name of the shipper, and the date of the transportation, and the quantity, origin and destination of the regulated product to this Board immediately upon completion of the transportation.

7   No producer shall process or deliver for processing any of the regulated product without first reporting to this Board the origin and quantity of that regulated product and the date he intends to process it or deliver it for processing and obtaining a Clearance Certificate for that product.

8   Any person processing or permitting the processing of the regulated product shall report to this Board the origin and quantity of the regulated product and the date of receipt and processing of such regulated product, and the Clearance Certificate number issued in respect of such regulated product.

9   Any person processing or permitting processing of the regulated product who is not provided with a Clearance Certificate for that product shall report to this Board the name of the shipper or transporter, and the quantity and place and date of receipt of such regulated product.

10   This Order does not apply to the marketing of turkeys less than ten (10) days old.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the seal of The Manitoba Turkey Producers' Marketing Board is hereon impressed duly attested by the hands of its proper signing officers in that behalf, this 24th day of March, 1981.

March 24, 1981 The Manitoba Turkey Producers' Marketing Board:

William A. Chrismas, Chairman

Emery Kitchen, Secretary-Manager