This is an unofficial version. If you need an official copy, use the bilingual (PDF) version.

As of April 27, 2024, this is the most current version available.

It has been in effect since September 15, 2013.

Last amendment included: M.R. 128/2013


Note: Earlier consolidated versions are not available online.

Amendment Title Registered Published
128/2013 Amusement Rides Inspection Fees Regulation, amendment 30 Aug. 2013 14 Sept. 2013
71/2002 Amusement Rides Inspection Fees Regulation, amendment 10 May 2002 25 May 2002
81/98 Amusement Rides Inspection Fees Regulation, Amendment 22 May 1998 6 June 1998
551/88 Amusement Rides Inspection Fees Amendment Regulation 12 Dec. 1988 24 Dec. 1988

Corrections and minor changes

Corrections and minor changes made under the authority of section 25 of The Statutes and Regulations Act

Date Authority Affected provision Correction or minor change
21 Apr. 2022 25(1) whole regulation The current status of the regulation has been corrected. It did not cease to have effect as previously stated.
General information about corrections and minor changes

The Statutes and Regulations Act requires Manitoba legislation to be published on the Manitoba Laws website. Under subsection 25(1) of the Act, the chief legislative counsel is required to correct consolidation and publication errors. Under subsection 25(2) of the Act, the chief legislative counsel may make minor corrections or changes to the consolidated version of an Act or regulation without changing its legal effect.

Notice of the following types of minor changes must be given:

  • replacing a description of a date or time with the actual date or time; [s. 25(2)(f)]
  • replacing a reference to a bill or any part of a bill with a reference to the resulting Act or part of the Act after the bill is enacted and assigned a chapter number; [s. 25(2)(g)]
  • removing a reference to a contingency in a provision that is stated to come into effect when or if that contingency occurs, if that contingency has occurred, or is required as a result of removing such a reference; [s. 25(2)(h)]
  • updating a reference to a person, office, organization, place or thing if an Act provides that references to it are deemed or considered to be references to another person, office, organization, place or thing; [s. 25(2)(i)]
  • updating a reference to reflect a change in the name, title, location or address of a person, office, organization, place or thing, other than
    • a change in the name or title of a document adopted or incorporated by reference unless it was adopted or incorporated as amended from time to time, and
    • a change in the title of a minister or the name of a department; [s. 25(2)(j)]
  • updating a reference to a minister or department when, under subsection 5(3) of The Executive Government Organization Act, the Act is to be read as if it were amended as necessary to give effect to an order in council made under that Act; [s. 25(2)(k)]
  • correcting an error in the numbering of a provision or other portion of an Act, or making a change to a cross-reference required as a result of such a correction; [s. 25(2)(l)]
  • correcting an obvious error in a cross-reference, if it is obvious what the correction should be; [s. 25(2)(m)]
  • if a provision of a transitional nature is contained in an amending Act, incorporating it as a provision of the consolidated Act and make any other changes that are required as a result; [s. 25(2)(n)]
  • removing a provision that is deemed by The Interpretation Act to have been repealed because it has expired, lapsed or otherwise ceased to have effect. [s. 25(2)(o)]

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Amusement Rides Inspection Fees Regulation, M.R. 185/87 R

Règlement sur les droits payables pour l'inspection des manèges, R.M. 185/87 R

The Amusements Act, C.C.S.M. c. A70

Loi sur les divertissements, c. A70 de la C.P.L.M.

Regulation 185/87 R
Registered May 25, 1987

bilingual version (HTML)

Règlement 185/87 R
Date d'enregistrement :  le 25 mai 1987

version bilingue (HTML)

1   In this regulation,

"certificate" means a certificate issued by an inspector under subsection 7(3) of The Amusements Act certifying that an amusement ride is reasonably safe for participation therein by the public; (« certificat »)

"director" means the person designated by the minister as the Director of Mechanical and Engineering Branch. (« directeur »)

M.R. 551/88


1   Les définitions qui suivent s'appliquent au présent règlement.

« certificat »  Certificat délivré par un inspecteur, en application du paragraphe 7(3) de la Loi sur les divertissements, attestant qu'un manège est raisonnablement sécuritaire aux fins de son utilisation par le public. ("certificate")

« directeur »  La personne désignée par le ministre à titre de directeur de la Direction mécanique et technique. ("director")

R.M. 551/88


2   This regulation does not apply in respect of an amusement ride that is on a non-moving base and that is designed to accommodate only one person.


2   Le présent règlement ne s'applique pas aux manèges montés sur un socle immobile et conçus pour le divertissement d'une seule personne à la fois.

Fee for first inspection of non-portable ride

3   The fee payable for the first inspection of the season of any amusement ride that is not portable and that is located in an amusement park is $50.

M.R. 81/98; 71/2002; 128/2013

Première inspection des manèges fixes

3   Le droit exigible pour la première inspection de la saison des manèges fixes situés dans un parc de divertissement est de 50 $.

R.M. 81/98; 71/2002; 128/2013

Fee for first inspection of other rides

4   The fee payable for the first inspection of the season of any amusement ride, other than an amusement ride referred to in section 3, is $100.

M.R. 81/98; 71/2002; 128/2013

Première inspection des autres manèges

4   Le droit exigible pour la première inspection de la saison des manèges autres que ceux visés par l'article 3 est de 100 $.

R.M. 81/98; 71/2002; 128/2013

Fee for additional inspections

5   Where an inspection additional to an inspection referred to in sections 3 or 4 becomes necessary as a result of a decision of an inspector under subsection 7(4) of the Act, the fee payable is $250.

M.R. 551/88; 81/98; 71/2002; 128/2013

Inspections subséquentes

5   S'il s'avère nécessaire, par suite d'une décision que prend un inspecteur en vertu du paragraphe 7(4) de la Loi, de procéder à une autre inspection en plus de celle prévue à l'article 3 ou 4, le droit exigible est de 250 $.

R.M. 551/88; 81/98; 71/2002; 128/2013

No fee for certificate

6   No fee is payable for a certificate of safety issued under subsection 7(3) of the Act.

M.R. 551/88

Certificat délivré sans paiement de droits

6   Aucun droit n'est exigible pour l'obtention d'un certificat délivré en application du paragraphe 7(3) de la Loi.

R.M. 551/88

Partial waiver of fee by director

7   Where, in the opinion of the director, a reduction of the inspection fees for which provision is made in section 5 is warranted, the director may waive the payment of part of such fees as the director deems appropriate.

Renonciation partielle aux droits par le directeur

7   Si le directeur estime justifié de réduire le montant des droits d'inspection prévus à l'article 5, il peut renoncer au paiement de la fraction des droits qu'il juge appropriée.

Inspection standards

8   The standards set out in Canadian Standards Association Standard Z267 titled "Midway Safety Code", shall, as amended from time to time and to the extent that they are relevant, be used as guides in carrying out inspections of amusement rides.

Normes d'inspection

8   Les normes établies dans la norme Z267 de l'Association canadienne de normalisation intitulée « Midway Safety Code », et ses modifications, servent de guides, dans la mesure où elles sont applicables, lors de l'inspection des manèges.