
This is an unofficial archived version.
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This version was current from February 26, 2022 to May 31, 2022.

Note: It does not reflect any retroactive amendment enacted after May 31, 2022.
To find out if an amendment is retroactive, see the coming-into-force provisions
at the end of the amending Act.

Latest version

C.C.S.M. c. E40

The Electoral Divisions Act

Table of contents

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:



In this Act,

"commission" means The Electoral Divisions Boundaries Commission established under section 8; (« Commission »)

"east" and "west", where used after a number or after the word "range" or "ranges", mean respectively "east of the Principal Meridian" and "west of the Principal Meridian"; (« est » et « ouest »)

"parish", "settlement", "river lot", or "lot in the inner two miles", "lot in the outer two miles", "section", "fractional section", "township", "fractional township", and "range", and the numbers thereof referred to, mean a parish, settlement, river lot, lot in the inner two miles, lot in the outer two miles, section, fractional section, township, fractional township, or range, respectively, in Manitoba according to the systems of survey authorized by the Canada Lands Surveys Act and by The Surveys Act, and used by the Government of Canada and the Government of Manitoba, and the numbers thereof according to those systems; (« paroisse », « établissement », « lot riverain » « lot en deçà de deux milles », « lot au-delà de deux milles », « section », « section divisée », « township », « township divisé » et « rang »)

"township" includes whole townships and fractional townships. (« township »)

References to municipalities


Subject to section 3, in this Act a reference by name to any municipality means that municipality as it existed, and with the area and boundaries that it had, on December 18, 1998.

S.M. 1999, c. 1, s. 2.

Change of status of municipality


Where, after December 18, 1998,

(a) any rural municipality, village, or town is erected into a city;

(b) any rural municipality or village is erected into a town; or

(c) any rural municipality is erected into a village;

any reference herein to the municipality under the name it bore before being so erected shall be deemed to mean that municipality under the name it bears after being so erected.

S.M. 1999, c. 1, s. 3.

Reference by number to lots, etc.


Where in this Act reference is made by number to two or more lots, sections, townships, or ranges, the number first mentioned and the number last mentioned are both included in the reference.

Indian reserves, in electoral divisions


The portions of territory laid out in Indian reserves, not surveyed into townships or sections, are included within the respective electoral divisions within the outer limits of which, as found by the descriptions given in the Schedule, they lie; and for the purpose of including the reserves, where they lie so as to prevent the continuity of the limits, the lines of the ranges, townships, sections, or parishes, shall be deemed to be carried through or along the reserves, as the case may be, in their proper courses.

As to incorporated towns and villages


Where an incorporated town or village, or a portion thereof, lies within the territory assigned by this Act to an electoral division, the town, village, or portion thereof, as the case may be, shall be deemed to form part of the electoral division, unless the contrary appears.

Number of electoral divisions


The province is hereby divided into 57 electoral divisions.

Area and names of electoral divisions


Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, each electoral division bears a name as set out in the Schedule; and each electoral division comprises and consists of the portions of the province set forth in the Schedule after the name of the electoral division, as being comprised in that electoral division.

Establishment of commission


There is hereby established a commission which shall be known and described as: "The Electoral Divisions Boundaries Commission".

Membership of commission


The commission consists of

(a) the Chief Justice of Manitoba;

(b) the President of each of the following institutions: the University of Manitoba, Brandon University and the University College of the North; and

(c) the Chief Electoral Officer.

Appointment of staff and remuneration


Such advisers, clerks, and assistants as may from time to time be required to enable the commission to discharge its duties may be appointed under Part 3 of The Public Service Act.

Remuneration of commission


Each of the members of the commission shall be paid such remuneration as may be fixed by order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council; and he shall be repaid such reasonable and necessary out of pocket expenses as he may incur in discharging his duties and the amount of which is approved by the Minister of Finance.

Charge on Consolidated Fund


All salaries of, or other remuneration paid to, the members of the commission or advisers, clerks, and assistants, appointed to assist the commission, and all other expenses properly incurred by or on behalf of the commission, the members thereof, or the advisers, clerks or assistants, shall be paid from the Consolidated Fund with moneys authorized under an Act of the Legislature to be paid and applied for the purpose.

Temporary members of commission


If the commission is required to perform or is performing duties under this Act and an office referred to in subsection (2) is vacant or the office holder is unable to act for any reason, his or her membership on the commission is filled by the following person:

(a) in the case of the Chief Justice of Manitoba, by the Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench;

(b) in the case of a university president, by the dean of the faculty of arts of that university;

(c) in the case of the Chief Electoral Officer, by the Deputy Chief Electoral Officer.

Where temporary member cannot act


Where, at a time when the commission is required to perform, or is performing, any duties under this Act, there is, or there occurs, a vacancy in the membership of the commission for any cause mentioned in subsection (6), and the vacancy is required to be filled, or has been filled, as provided in that subsection, if there is, or there occurs, a vacancy in any of the offices of Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench, Dean of the Faculty of Arts of The University of Manitoba, Brandon University or the University College of the North, and Deputy Chief Electoral Officer, or if a person holding any of those offices is unable to act as aforesaid, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may appoint a person to be, and act as, a member of the Commission in the place of the person who would be a member if the office were not vacant as aforesaid, or in the place of the member who is unable to act as aforesaid.

Duty of temporary member


A person who becomes a member of the commission under subsection (6) or (7) shall be, and act as, a member of the commission until its next report is made under section 10, unless a person is appointed, under subsection (7), to act in his place, notwithstanding that, before the report is made, the vacancy in the office is filled or the person absent, ill, or incapacitated returns or becomes able to act.

R.S.M. 1987 Supp., c. 14, s. 1 and 2; S.M. 2006, c. 15, Sch. C, s. 2; S.M. 2008, c. 42, s. 29; S.M. 2021, c. 11, s. 65.

Population quotient


In the year 2008 and in each tenth year thereafter, the commission shall proceed to establish a quotient for each electoral division in the Province by dividing the total population of the province by 57.

Estimate of population if census undercoverage


If the commission is satisfied that persons in the province or in a specific electoral division or on an Indian reserve have not been counted or fully counted in a census referred to in subsection (3), the commission may use an estimate of population prepared by Statistics Canada, the Manitoba Bureau of Statistics or another source satisfactory to the commission.

"Total population" defined


For the purposes of this section, "total population" means the population of the province as determined by the census of population taken by Statistics Canada in the year 2006 or in any tenth year thereafter and includes estimated population determined pursuant to subsection (2).

R.S.M. 1987 Supp., c. 14, s. 3; S.M. 2006, c. 15, Sch. C, s. 3.

Report of the commission


Before December 31, 2008, and before December 31 in each 10th year afterward, the commission must prepare and submit to the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the Assembly a report establishing the area, boundaries and names of the electoral divisions.

When commission to begin work


The commission must begin the work required to prepare its report as early as is reasonably necessary in 2008, and in each 10th year afterward.

Report to be tabled in the Assembly


Promptly after receiving the report, the Speaker must table it in the Assembly if the Assembly is sitting and, if the Assembly is not sitting, the Speaker must table it within seven days after the next sitting begins.

If Assembly not sitting


If the report is submitted to the Speaker when the Assembly is not sitting, the Clerk of the Assembly must give a copy of it to each member of the Assembly.

Report replaces Schedule at next dissolution


The report comes into force and replaces the Schedule on the first dissolution of the Legislature to occur after the end of the year in which the report is submitted to the Speaker, and has the same force and effect as if it were enacted by the Legislature.

Publication in Manitoba Gazette


The Statutes and Regulations Act does not apply to the report, but the Speaker must cause the report to be published in The Manitoba Gazette as soon as practicable after receiving it.

S.M. 2006, c. 15, Sch. C, s. 4; S.M. 2013, c. 39, Sch. A, s. 50.

Governing factors for consideration by commission


In determining the area to be included in, and in fixing the boundaries of, any electoral division, the commission shall take into consideration

(a) the community or diversity of interests of the population;

(b) the means of communication between the various parts thereof;

(c) the physical features thereof; and

(d) all other similar and relevant factors;

and, in so far as possible, shall include the whole area of each municipality in the same electoral division.

Variation in population basis


In determining the area to be included in, and in fixing the boundaries of, any electoral division, the commission shall consider

(a) special geographic conditions, including the sparsity, density, and relative rate of growth, of population of a region of the province, the accessibility of a region of the province, and the size or shape of a region of the province; and

(b) any special diversity or community of interests of the inhabitants of a region of the province;

and shall, subject to subsection (3), allow a variation in the population requirement of any electoral division where, in its opinion, those considerations, or any of them, render a variation desirable.

Population variation


Where the commission is of the opinion that a population variation is desirable for any reason set out in subsection (2), it may vary the population of any electoral division but no such variation shall,

(a) where the electoral division is situated wholly south of the 53rd parallel, be greater than 10% more or 10% less than the quotient obtained under section 9; and

(b) where the electoral division is situated wholly or partially north of the 53rd parallel, be greater than 25% more or 25% less than the quotient obtained under section 9.

R.S.M. 1987 Supp., c. 14, s. 4 and 5.

Public hearings


Before making any final determination of the area and boundaries of the several electoral divisions, the commission shall appoint such times and places as it may deem necessary and suitable as the times when, and places where, it will hear representations from any person as to the area and boundaries of any electoral division; and at the times and places so appointed the commission shall sit and hear such representations from all persons desiring to be heard.

Notice of hearings


The commission shall give reasonable public notice of the times and places at which it will sit and hear representations as provided in subsection (1).

Expenses paid out of Consolidated Fund


All expenses under this Act are to be paid from the Consolidated Fund without further appropriation.

S.M. 2006, c. 15, Sch. C, s. 5.



S.M. 2006, c. 15, Sch. C, s. 6.





All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 13 Township 19 Range 17 WPM; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 18 to 13 (both inclusive) Township 19 Ranges 16 to 12 WPM (both inclusive) to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 12 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 12 WPM to the northeast corner of Section 24 Township 18 Range 12 WPM; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 19 to 24 (both inclusive) Township 18 Range 11 WPM to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 11 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 11 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 17; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 17 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 10 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 10 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 18; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 18 to the intersection of the western shore of Lake Manitoba; thence in a general southerly direction along the sinuous western shore of said Lake Manitoba to the intersection of the eastern limit of Township 14 Range 9 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 9 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 9; thence easterly along the northern limit of Section 31 Township 9 Range 8 WPM to the northeast corner of said Section 31; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Section 31 to the northeast corner of Section 30 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 29 and 28 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said Section 28; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Section 33 of last said Township to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 33; thence easterly then northerly along the southern and eastern limits of the northwest quarter of Section 34 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said northwest quarter of Section 34; thence easterly along the northern limit of Township 9 to the eastern limit of Range 8 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 8 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 6; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 6 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the western limit of the east half of the southwest quarter of Section 6 Township 7 Range 8 WPM; thence northerly along the last said production southerly and the western limit of the east half of said southwest quarter of Section 6 to the intersection of the northern limit of said southwest quarter of Section 6; thence westerly along the northern limit of said southwest quarter of Section 6 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 1 Township 7 Range 9 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of the south half of last said Section 1 to the northeast corner of the west half of the southwest quarter of last said Section 1; thence southerly along the eastern limit of the said west half and its straight line production southerly to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 6; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 6 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Section 3 Township 7 Range 10 WPM; thence northerly along the last said straight line production southerly and the eastern limits of Sections 3, 10, 15 and 22 of last said Township to the northeast corner of Section 22 Township 7 Range 10 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Section 22 to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 22; thence northerly along the western limits of the east halves of Sections 27 and 34 of last said Township to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 7; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 7 to the northeast corner of Section 32 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 5, 8, 17, 20, 29 and 32 of Townships 8 and 9 Range 10 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 9; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 9 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 13 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 13 WPM to the northeast corner of Section 13 Township 9 Range 13 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 13 to 18 (both inclusive) of last said Township to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 14 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 14 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 9; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 9 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 17 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 17 WPM to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the northeast corner of Township 4 Range 2 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Township to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 3; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 3 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 5 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 5 and its straight line production southerly to the intersection of the Canada/United States boundary; thence westerly along the said Canada/United States boundary to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Range 7 WPM; thence northerly along the said straight line production southerly and the eastern limit of said Range 7 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 3; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 3 to the northwest corner of Section 35 Township 3 Range 1 EPM; thence northerly along the straight line production southerly of the western limit of the Parish of Sainte Agathe and further along the western limit of said Parish to the northwest corner of River Lot 297 of said Parish; thence easterly along the northern limit of said River Lot and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River; thence in a general northerly direction along the sinuous centre thread of the Red River to the intersection of the straight line production westerly of the northern limit of River Lot 336 of said Parish; thence easterly along the last said straight line production and the northern limit of said River Lot 336 to the northeast corner of said River Lot 336; thence easterly along the straight line production westerly of the northern limit of the northeast quarter of Section 31 Township 4 Range 2 EPM and further along the northern limit of Township 4 to the point of commencement.

Excepting out of the above described land all that portion described thus:

Commencing at a point at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of Section 13 Township 3 Range 6 WPM; thence easterly along the northern limit of the south half of said Section 13 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 13; thence easterly along the northern limits of the south halves of Section 18 and Section 17 of Township 3 Range 5 WPM to the intersection of the western limit of the easterly 220 feet of the southeast quarter of said Section 17; thence southerly along the western limit of said easterly 220 feet to the intersection of the southern limit of the northerly 50 feet of last said quarter Section; thence easterly along the southern limit of said northerly 50 feet to the intersection of the eastern limit of said Section 17; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Section 17 to the northeast corner of Section 8 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limit of Section 9 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said Section 9; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Section 16 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said Section 16; thence easterly along the northern limit of Section 15 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said Section 15; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Section 15 to the northeast corner of Section 10 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 11 and 12 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said Section 12; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of Township 3 Range 4 WPM to the northeast corner of the west half of said Section 11; thence southerly along the eastern limits of the west halves of said Section 11 and of Section 2 of last said Township and its production southerly to the intersection of the northern limit of Section 35 Township 2 Range 4 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Section 35 to the northeast corner of Section 34 of last said Township; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Section 34 to the northeast corner of Section 27 of last said Township; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 27, 28 and 29 of last said Township to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 29; thence northerly along the eastern limit of the west half of Section 32 of last said Township to the intersection of the southern limit of the northerly 880 feet perpendicular of the northwest quarter of said Section 32; thence westerly along last said southern limit and its straight line production westerly to the intersection of the eastern limit of Section 31 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Section 31 to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 2; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 2 to the northeast corner of Section 32 Township 2 Range 5 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Section 32 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 32; thence westerly along the southern limit of the north half of said Section 32 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 31 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Section 31 of last said Township and its straight line production northerly to the intersection of the southern limit of Section 5 Township 3 Range 5 WPM; thence westerly along the southern limit of last said Section 5 and further along the southern limit of Section 6 of last said Township and its production westerly to the southeast corner of Section 1 Township 3 Range 6 WPM; thence westerly along the southern limit of last said Section 1 to the intersection of the eastern limit of the southwest quarter of last said Section 1; thence northerly and westerly along the eastern and northern limits of last said southwest quarter to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 2 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limits of last said Section 2 and Section 11 of last said Township to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of last said Section 11; thence easterly then northerly along the southern and eastern limits of the northwest quarter of Section 12 of last said Township to the northeast corner of last said northwest quarter; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said southwest quarter of Section 13 of last said Township to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Brandon lying south of the centre thread of the Assiniboine River which lies east of Eighteenth Street and Eighteenth Street north.


All that portion of the City of Brandon lying south of the centre thread of the Assiniboine River which lies west of Eighteenth Street and Eighteenth Street north.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the intersection of the northwestern shore of Lake Manitoba and the eastern limit of Township 33 Range 15 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Range 15 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 35; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 35 to a point at the most eastern intersection of the northern limit of Section 33 Township 35 Range 18 WPM and the shore of Lake Winnipegosis; thence in general northerly, southerly then westerly directions along the sinuous shore of said Lake Winnipegosis to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 31 Range 19 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of Township 31 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 21 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 21 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 27; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 27 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 26 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 26 WPM to the northeast corner of Section 13 Township 26 Range 26 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Section 13 to the intersection of the western limit of the east half of said Section 13; thence southerly along the said western limit to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of Section 12 of last said Township; thence southerly then westerly along the eastern and southern limits of last said northwest quarter to the northeast corner of the south half of Section 11 of last said Township; thence westerly along the northern limit of said south half to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 10 of last said Township; thence westerly then southerly along the northern and western limits of last said southeast quarter to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of Section 3 of last said Township; thence southerly then easterly along the western and southern limits of last said northeast quarter to the southeast corner of last said northeast quarter; thence easterly along the northern limits of the south halves of Sections 2 and 1 of last said Township to the intersection of the eastern limit of said Range 26 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 26 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 22; thence easterly along the northern limit of Township 22 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 18 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of Range 18 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 21; thence easterly along the northern limit of Township 21 to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of Section 31 Township 21 Range 16 WPM; thence southerly and easterly along the western and southern limits of the northeast quarter of said Section 31 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 31; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Section 31 to the northeast corner of Section 30 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 29 and 28 of last said Township to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of said Section 28; thence southerly and easterly along the western and southern limits of the northeast quarter of said Section 28 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 28; thence southerly along the eastern limits of Sections 28 and 21 to the northeast corner of Section 16 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 15 and 14 of last said Township to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 14; thence southerly and westerly along the eastern and southern limits of the northwest quarter of said Section 14 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of last said Section 15; thence southerly along the eastern limit of last said Section 15 to the northeast corner of Section 10 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limit of Section 11 of last said Township to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of last said Section 11; thence southerly along the eastern limit of last said northwest quarter to the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of last said Section 11; thence easterly along last said southeast quarter to the intersection of the eastern limit of last said southeast quarter; thence southerly along the eastern limits of said Section 11 and Section 2 of last said Township to the northeast corner of Section 35 Township 20 Range 16 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Section 35 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 35; thence easterly and southerly along the northern and eastern limits of the southwest quarter of Section 36 of last said Township to the northwest corner of the east half of Section 25 of last said Township; thence southerly along the western limit of the east half of said Section 25 to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of Section 24 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Section 24 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 16 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of Range 16 WPM to the northeast corner of Section 13 Township 19 Range 16 WPM; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 18 to 13 (both inclusive) Township 19 Ranges 15 to 12 WPM (both inclusive) to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 12 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 12 WPM to the northeast corner of Section 24 Township 18 Range 12 WPM; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 19 to 24 (both inclusive) Township 18 Range 11 WPM to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 11 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 11 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 17; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 17 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 10 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 10 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 18; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 18 to the intersection of the western shore of Lake Manitoba; thence in a general northwesterly direction along the sinuous western shore of said Lake Manitoba to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 31 Township 12 Range 6 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limits of Sections 31, 30, 19, 18, 7 and 6 of Townships 12 to 10 (both inclusive) Range 6 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 9; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 9 to the northeast corner of Section 33 Township 9 Range 4 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limits of Sections 33, 28, 21, 16, 9 and 4 of Townships 9 and 8 Range 4 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 7; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 7 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 6 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 6 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 6; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 6 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Section 1 Township 7 Range 8 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Range 8 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 11; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 11 to the intersection of the eastern limit of said Range 6 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 6 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 12; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 12 to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the straight line production westerly of the northern limit of Township 63 and the Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary; thence easterly along said straight line production and the northern limit of Township 63 to the intersection of Provincial Trunk Highway 6; thence in a general southerly direction along said Highway 6 to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 54; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 54 to the intersection of the northwestern shore of Lake Winnipeg; thence in a general northeasterly and southeasterly direction along the sinuous northern shore of said Lake Winnipeg to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 50; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 50 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 1 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 1 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 67; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 67 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 12 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 12 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 84; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 84 to the intersection of the eastern limit of said Range 1 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 1 WPM and its straight line production northerly to the intersection of the Manitoba/Nunavut boundary; thence westerly along the said Manitoba/Nunavut boundary to the intersection of the Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary; thence southerly along the said Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Parcel 1: Commencing at the intersection of the southeastern shore of Lake Manitoba and the northern limit of Township 15 Range 4 WPM; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 15 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 2 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 2 WPM to the intersection of the northeastern shore of East Shoal Lake; thence in a general northwesterly direction along the sinuous shore of said East Shoal Lake to the intersection of the northern limit of Section 36 Township 16 Range 2 WPM; thence easterly along the northern limit of Township 16 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 1 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 1 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 17; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 17 to the intersection of the western limit of the east half of Section 33 Township 17 Range 4 EPM; thence southerly along the western limit of the east half of Section 33 of last said Township to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of Section 28 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Section 28 to the northeast corner of said Section 28; thence southerly along the eastern limits of Sections 28, 21, 16 and 9 of last said Township to the northeast corner of Section 4 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limit of Section 3 of last said Township to the intersection of the eastern limit of Canadian Pacific Railway Plan 691 WLTO; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Railway Plan to the intersection of the southern limit of Victoria Avenue Plan 2615 WLTO; thence easterly along the southern limit of said Victoria Avenue and its production easterly to the intersection of the centreline of the government road allowance lying between Sections 2 and 3 Township 17 Range 4 EPM; thence northerly along last said centreline to the intersection of the straight line production westerly of the southern limit of Ralph Avenue Plan 2822 WLTO; thence easterly along the last said production and the southern and southeastern limits of said Ralph Avenue to the intersection of the southwestern shore of Lake Winnipeg; thence in general northerly, southwesterly and northeasterly directions along the sinuous western shore of said Lake Winnipeg to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 26 Range 4 EPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of Township 26 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 1 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 1 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 25; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 25 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 3 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 3 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 26; thence in a westerly direction along the northern limit of said Township 26 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 4 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 4 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 25; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 25 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Section 6 Township 26 Range 5 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Section 6 to the northeast corner of said Section 6; thence easterly along the northern limit of Section 5 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said Section 5; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Section 8 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said Section 8; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Section 8 to the northeast corner of Section 7 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 18, 19, 30 and 31 of last said Township to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 26; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 26 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Range 6 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 6 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 27; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 27 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 7 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 7 WPM; to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 28; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 28 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 8 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 8 WPM to the intersection of the eastern shore of Lake St. Martin; thence in a general southwesterly and northwesterly direction along the sinuous shore of said Lake St. Martin to the intersection of the southern limit of the Fairford Indian Reserve No. 50; thence in a general westerly then northeasterly direction (an irregular line) along the southern, southwestern and northwestern boundaries of said Fairford Indian Reserve to the intersection of the southern shore of Pineimuta Lake; thence in a general northwesterly, southwesterly, southerly, westerly, northerly and southeasterly direction along the sinuous shore of said Pineimuta Lake to the intersection of the northern limit of said Fairford Indian Reserve; thence easterly, southerly and southeasterly along the northern limit of said Fairford Indian Reserve to the intersection of the western limit of the Little Saskatchewan Indian Reserve No. 48 as shown on Plan No 51149 Canada Land Survey Records; thence in a general northeasterly then easterly direction along the western and northern limits of said Plan to the intersection of the western shore of said Lake St. Martin; thence in a general northeasterly direction along the sinuous shore of said Lake St. Martin to the intersection of the western limit of The Narrows Indian Reserve No. 49; thence in general northerly and easterly directions (an irregular line) along the western and northern limits of said The Narrows Indian Reserve to the intersection of the western shore of said Lake St. Martin; thence in a general northerly direction along the sinuous shore of said Lake St. Martin to the intersection of the northern limit of Fractional Section 10 Township 33 Range 7 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limits of said Fractional Section 10 and Sections 9 to 7 (both inclusive) of last said Township to the northeast corner of Section 12 Township 33 Range 8 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 12 to 7 (both inclusive) of last said Township to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 9 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 9 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 33; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 33 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 10 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 10 WPM to the northeast corner of Section 13 Township 32 Range 10 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 13 to 18 (both inclusive) of last said Township to the intersection of the eastern limit of the community of Homebrook – Peonan Point as shown on Plan 20414 filed in the Office of the Director of Surveys; thence northerly, westerly and southerly (an irregular line) along the eastern, northern and western limits of said Plan 20414 to the intersection of the northwestern shore of Lake Manitoba; thence in a general westerly, southerly then easterly direction along the sinuous shore of said Lake Manitoba to the point of commencement.

Parcel 2: Hecla Island


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the intersection of the western shore of Hudson Bay and the Manitoba/Ontario boundary; thence in a general westerly direction along the sinuous western shore of said Hudson Bay to the centre thread of the Nelson River; thence in a general southwesterly direction along the said centre thread to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 2 East of the Second Meridian East; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 2 East to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 86; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 86 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 22 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 22 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 83; thence westerly along the northern limit of Township 83 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 16 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 16 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 69; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 69 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 1 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 1 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 50; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 50 to the intersection of the eastern shore of Lake Winnipeg; thence in a general southerly direction along the sinuous eastern shore of said Lake Winnipeg to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 31; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 31 to the northeast corner of Section 36 Township 31 Range 5 EPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Section 36 and its straight line production westerly to the intersection of the western shore of said Lake Winnipeg; thence in general southerly, easterly, northerly and easterly directions along the sinuous western, southern and eastern shore of said Lake Winnipeg to the intersection of the western limit of Fort Alexander Indian Reserve No. 3; thence southerly, easterly, southerly, easterly, northerly, westerly and northerly (an irregular line) along the western, southern and eastern limits of said Fort Alexander Indian Reserve to the intersection of the left bank of the Winnipeg River; thence northerly along the straight line production northerly of the eastern limit of Fort Alexander Indian Reserve to the intersection of the centre thread of the Winnipeg River; thence in a general easterly direction along the sinuous centre thread of said Winnipeg River to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of said Fort Alexander Indian Reserve; thence northerly along the last said production southerly and the eastern limit of said Fort Alexander Indian Reserve to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 18; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 18 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 10 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 10 EPM to the intersection of the straight line production westerly of the northern limit of said Township 18; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 18 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 11 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 11 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 17; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 17 and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of said Manitoba/Ontario boundary; thence northerly and northeasterly along the said Manitoba/Ontario boundary to the point of commencement.

Excepting out of the above described land: Hecla Island and Elk Island.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 33 Township 7 Range 4 EPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of Township 7 to the intersection of the eastern limit of SP Lot 1 Plan 19178 WLTO; thence southerly and westerly along the eastern and southern limits of said Lot 1 to the southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence westerly, southerly and easterly along the northern, western and southern limits of the southwest quarter of Section 32 of last said Township to the southeast corner of said southwest quarter of Section 32; thence southerly along the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of said southwest quarter of Section 32 to the northeast corner of the north half of the northwest quarter of Section 29 of last said Township; thence southerly and westerly along the eastern and southern limits of said north half to the intersection of the western limit of said Section 29; thence southerly along the western limit of said Section 29 to the intersection of the straight line production easterly of the southern limit of Section 30 Township 7 Range 4 EPM; thence westerly along the last said straight line production easterly and the southern limit of said Section 30 and further along the straight line production westerly of the southern limit of said Section 30 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 3 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 3 EPM and its straight line production southerly to the intersection of the northern limit of the Settlement of Rat River; thence westerly along the northern limit of said settlement and the northern limit of Township 6 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of River Lot 538 Parish of Sainte Agathe; thence northerly along the last said straight line production southerly to the southeast corner of said River Lot 538; thence westerly and southerly (an irregular line) along the eastern limit of said Parish to the intersection of the straight line production northerly of the eastern limit of Section 13 Township 6 Range 2 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of Range 2 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 3; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 3 to the intersection of the eastern limit of said Range 5 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of Range 5 EPM and its straight line production southerly to the intersection of the Canada/United States boundary; thence easterly along the said Canada/United States boundary to the intersection of the Manitoba/Ontario boundary; thence northerly along said Manitoba/Ontario boundary to the intersection of the straight line production easterly of the northern limit of Township 6; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 6 to the northeast corner of Section 36 Township 6 Range 13 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of Range 13 EPM to the northeast corner of Section 24 Township 5 Range 13 EPM; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 24 to 19 (both inclusive) of Township 5, Ranges 13 EPM to 9 EPM to the northeast corner of Section 24 Township 5 Range 8 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Range 8 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 6; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 6 to the northeast corner of Section 36 Township 6 Range 6 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of Range 6 EPM to the northeast corner of Section 12 of last said Township; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 12 to 7 (both inclusive) of last said Township to the northeast corner of Section 12 Township 6 Range 5 EPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of last said Section 12 to the northeast corner of Section 11 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 14, 23, 26 and 35 of last said Township to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 6; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 6 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Section 3 Township 7 Range 5 EPM; thence northerly along the last said production southerly and along the eastern limits of Sections 3, 10, 15, 22, 27 and 34 of last said Township to the intersection of the northern limit of last said Township; thence westerly along the northern limit of Township 7 to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Parcel 1: Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 33 Township 12 Range 6 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Section 4 Township 13 Range 6 EPM to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of said Section 4; thence westerly and northerly along the southern and western limits of the northeast quarter of said Section 4 to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of said Section 4; thence northerly along the western limit of the east half of Section 9 Township 13 Range 6 EPM to the intersection of the southern limit of the north half of the west half of Legal Subdivision 15 of said Section 9; thence easterly and northerly along the southern and eastern limits of the north half of the west half of said Legal Subdivision 15 to the intersection of the northern limit of said Section 9; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Section 9 to the northeast corner of said Section 9; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 16, 21, 28 and 33 of last said Township to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 13; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 13 to the northeast corner of Section 34 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 3, 10, 15, 22, 27 and 34 of Township 14 Range 6 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 14; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 14 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Section 1 Township 15 Range 6 EPM; thence northerly along the said straight line production southerly and the eastern limit of Range 6 EPM to the northeast corner of Section 13 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 18 to 13 (both inclusive) of Township 15, Ranges 7 EPM and 8 EPM to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 8 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 8 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 15; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 15 to the northeast corner of Section 32 Township 15 Range 8 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 5, 8, 17, 20, 29 and 32 Township 16 Range 8 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 16; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 16 to the northeast corner of Section 34 Township 16 Range 7 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 3, 10, 15, 22, 27 and 34 Township 17 Range 17 EPM to the northeast corner of last said Section 34; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 3 and 10 Township 18 Range 7 EPM to the northeast corner of last said Section 10; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 10 and 9 of last said Township to the northeast corner of Section 8 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 17, 20, 29 and 32 of last said Township to the intersection of the southeastern shore of Lake Winnipeg; thence in general northerly and easterly directions along the sinuous southeastern shore of said Lake Winnipeg to the intersection of the western limit of Fort Alexander Indian Reserve No. 3; thence southerly, easterly, southerly, easterly, northerly, westerly and northerly (an irregular line) along the western, southern and eastern limits of said Fort Alexander Indian Reserve to the intersection of the left bank of the Winnipeg River; thence northerly along the straight line production northerly of the eastern limit of Fort Alexander Indian Reserve to the intersection of the centre thread of the Winnipeg River; thence in a general easterly direction along the sinuous centre thread of said Winnipeg River to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of said Fort Alexander Indian Reserve; thence northerly along the last said production southerly and the eastern limit of said Fort Alexander Indian Reserve to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 18; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 18 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 10 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 10 EPM to the intersection of the straight line production westerly of the northern limit of said Township 18; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 18 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 11 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 11 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 17; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 17 and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of said Manitoba/Ontario boundary; thence southerly along the Manitoba/Ontario boundary to the intersection of the straight line production easterly of the northern limit of Township 6; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 6 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 13 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of Range 13 EPM to the northeast corner of Section 24 Township 5 Range 13 EPM; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 24 to 19 (both inclusive) of Township 5, Ranges 13 EPM to 9 EPM (both inclusive) to the northeast corner of Section 24 Township 5 Range 8 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Range 8 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 11; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 11 to the intersection of the eastern limit of said Range 6 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 6 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 12; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 12 to the point of commencement.

Parcel 2: Elk Island


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the northeast corner of Township 9 Range 4 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Range 4 WPM to the southeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 24 Township 12 Range 4 WPM; thence easterly along the straight line production westerly of the southern limit of the Parish of Baie Saint Paul to the southwest corner of River Lot 75 of said Parish; thence northerly, westerly, southerly, westerly and northerly (an irregular line) along the southern and western limits of said Parish to the intersection of the northern limit of the Parish of Poplar Point; thence southwesterly and westerly along the northern limit of last said Parish to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Range 5 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 5 WPM to the intersection of the southern shore of Lake Manitoba; thence in a general northeasterly direction along the sinuous shore of said Lake Manitoba to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 15; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 15 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 2 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 2 WPM to the intersection of the northeastern shore of East Shoal Lake; thence in a general northwesterly direction along the sinuous shore of said East Shoal Lake to the intersection of the northern limit of Section 36 Township 16 Range 2 WPM; thence easterly along the northern limit of Township 16 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 1 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 1 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 17; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 17 to the northeast corner of Section 33 Township 17 Range 3 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limits of Sections 33, 28, 21,16, 9, and 4 of Townships 17 to 13 (both inclusive) Range 3 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 12; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 12 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 2 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 2 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence westerly, southerly and westerly (an irregular line) along the northwestern limit of said City of Winnipeg to the intersection of the northern limit of Outer Two Mile Lot 94A of the Parish of Saint Charles; thence westerly along the northern limit of the outer two miles of the Parish of Saint Charles and the Parish of Headingley to the intersection of the eastern limit of the Parish of Saint Francois Xavier; thence southerly along the eastern limits of Outer Two Mile Lot 227 and River Lots 227 and 1 of last said Parish to the intersection of the southern limit of last said Parish; thence westerly along the southern limit of last said Parish to the intersection of the straight line production northerly of the eastern limit of the southeast quarter of Section 1 Township 10 Range 1 WPM; thence southerly along last said production and the eastern limit of said southeast quarter of Section 1 to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 9; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 9 to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the northeast corner of Township 3 Range 8 WPM; thence easterly along the northern limit of Township 3 to the northwest corner of Section 35 Township 3 Range 1 EPM; thence northerly along the straight line production southerly of the western limit of the Parish of Sainte Agathe and further along the western limit of said Parish to the northwest corner of River Lot 297 of said Parish; thence easterly along the northern limit of said River Lot and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River; thence in a general northerly direction along the sinuous centre thread of the Red River to the intersection of the straight line production westerly of the northern limit of River Lot 336 of said Parish; thence easterly along the last said straight line production and the northern limit of said River Lot 336 to the northeast corner of said River Lot 336; thence easterly along the straight line production westerly of the northern limit of the northeast quarter of Section 31 Township 4 Range 2 EPM and further along the northern limit of Township 4 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 2 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 2 EPM and its straight line production northerly to the intersection of the southern limit of River Lot 482 of the Parish of Sainte Agathe; thence easterly along the southern limit of said River Lot 482 to the intersection of the eastern limit of said Parish of Sainte Agathe; thence northerly and easterly (an irregular line) along the eastern limit of said Parish to the southeast corner of River Lot 532 of said Parish; thence northwesterly along the southwestern limit of said Lot 532 to the southeast corner of River Lot 530 of said Parish; thence westerly along the southern limits of River Lots 530 and 529 of said Parish to the intersection of the western limit of said Parish; thence in generally northerly and easterly directions (an irregular line) along the western limit of said Parish and its production northerly to the southwest corner of River Lot 2 of the Parish of Saint Norbert; thence in generally northerly and westerly directions (an irregular line) along the western limit of last said Parish to the intersection of the southern limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence in generally northerly and westerly directions along the western limit of the City of Winnipeg to the intersection of the southern limit of Outer Two Mile Lot 83 of the Parish of Saint Charles; thence westerly along the southern limit of the Parish of Saint Charles and its straight line production westerly to the southeast corner of Outer Two Mile Lot 1 of the Parish of Headingley; thence westerly along the southern limit of the said Parish of Headingley and its straight line production westerly to the southeast corner of River Lot 1 of the Parish of Saint Francois Xavier; thence westerly along the southern limit of said Parish of Saint Francois Xavier to the intersection of the straight line production northerly of the eastern limit of the southeast quarter of Section 1 Township 10 Range 1 WPM; thence southerly along last said production and the eastern limit of said southeast quarter of Section 1 to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 9; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 9 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 8 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 8 WPM to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of Section 13 Township 3 Range 6 WPM; thence easterly along the northern limit of the south half of said Section 13 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 13; thence easterly along the northern limits of the south halves of Section 18 and Section 17 of Township 3 Range 5 WPM to the intersection of the western limit of the easterly 220 feet of the southeast quarter of said Section 17; thence southerly along the western limit of said easterly 220 feet to the intersection of the southern limit of the northerly 50 feet of last said quarter Section; thence easterly along the southern limit of said northerly 50 feet to the intersection of the eastern limit of said Section 17; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Section 17 to the northeast corner of Section 8 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limit of Section 9 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said Section 9; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Section 16 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said Section 16; thence easterly along the northern limit of Section 15 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said Section 15; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Section 15 to the northeast corner of Section 10 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 11 and 12 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said Section 12; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of Township 3 Range 4 WPM to the northeast corner of the west half of said Section 11; thence southerly along the eastern limits of the west halves of said Section 11 and of Section 2 of last said Township and its production southerly to the intersection of the northern limit of Section 35 Township 2 Range 4 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Section 35 to the northeast corner of Section 34 of last said Township; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Section 34 to the northeast corner of Section 27 of last said Township; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 27, 28 and 29 of last said Township to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 29; thence northerly along the eastern limit of the west half of Section 32 of last said Township to the intersection of the southern limit of the northerly 880 feet perpendicular of the northwest quarter of said Section 32; thence westerly along last said southern limit and its straight line production westerly to the intersection of the eastern limit of Section 31 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Section 31 to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 2; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 2 to the northeast corner of Section 32 Township 2 Range 5 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Section 32 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 32; thence westerly along the southern limit of the north half of said Section 32 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 31 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Section 31 of last said Township and its straight line production northerly to the intersection of the southern limit of Section 5 Township 3 Range 5 WPM; thence westerly along the southern limit of last said Section 5 and further along the southern limit of Section 6 of last said Township and its production westerly to the southeast corner of Section 1 Township 3 Range 6 WPM; thence westerly along the southern limit of last said Section 1 to the intersection of the eastern limit of the southwest quarter of last said Section 1; thence northerly and westerly along the eastern and northern limits of last said southwest quarter to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 2 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limits of last said Section 2 and Section 11 of last said Township to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of last said Section 11; thence easterly then northerly along the southern and eastern limits of the northwest quarter of Section 12 of last said Township to the northeast corner of last said northwest quarter; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said southwest quarter of Section 13 of last said Township to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the northeast corner of Township 9 Range 4 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Range 4 WPM to the southeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 24 Township 12 Range 4 WPM; thence easterly along the straight line production westerly of the southern limit of the Parish of Baie Saint Paul to the southwest corner of River Lot 75 of said Parish; thence northerly, westerly, southerly, westerly and northerly (an irregular line) along the southern and western limits of said Parish to the intersection of the northern limit of the Parish of Poplar Point; thence southwesterly and westerly along the northern limit of last said Parish to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Range 5 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 5 WPM to the intersection of the southern shore of Lake Manitoba; thence in a general westerly direction along the sinuous southern shore of said Lake Manitoba to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 9 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 9 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 9; thence easterly along the northern limit of Section 31 Township 9 Range 8 WPM to the northeast corner of said Section 31; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Section 31 to the northeast corner of Section 30 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 29 and 28 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said Section 28; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Section 33 of last said Township to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 33; thence easterly then northerly along the southern and eastern limits of the northwest quarter of Section 34 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said northwest quarter of Section 34; thence easterly along the northern limit of Township 9 to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River and the most northeasterly limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence southeasterly along said northeasterly limit to the intersection of the southern limit of Outer Two Mile Lot 119 of the Parish of Saint Paul; thence in generally northerly and easterly directions (an irregular line) along the eastern limit of last said Parish and its production northerly to the southeast corner of Outer Two Mile Lot 288 of the Parish of Saint Andrews; thence in generally northerly and easterly directions along the eastern limit of last said Parish to the intersection of the southern limit of Plan 9978 WLTO; thence in generally easterly and northerly directions (an irregular line) along the southern and eastern limits of said Plan 9978 to the intersection of the southwestern limit of Plan 7145 WLTO; thence in generally northerly and easterly directions along the eastern limit of the Parish of Saint Andrews (an irregular line) to the southeast corner of Outer Two Mile Lot 145 of last said parish; thence southerly along the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of said Lot 145 to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 12; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 12 to the northeast corner of Section 33 Township 12 Range 6 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Section 4 Township 13 Range 6 EPM to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of said Section 4; thence westerly and northerly along the southern and western limits of the northeast quarter of said Section 4 to the northwest corner of said northeast quarter of said Section 4; thence northerly along the western limit of the east half of Section 9 Township 13 Range 6 EPM to the intersection of the southern limit of the north half of the west half of Legal Subdivision 15 of last said Township; thence easterly and northerly along the southern and eastern limits of the north half of the west half of said Legal Subdivision 15 to the intersection of the northern limit of said Section 9; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Section 9 to the northeast corner of said Section 9; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 16, 21, 28 and 33 of last said Township to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 13; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 13 to the northeast corner of Section 34 of said Township 13; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 3, 10, 15, 22, 27 and 34 of Township 14 Range 6 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 14; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 14 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Section 1 Township 15 Range 6 EPM; thence northerly along the said straight line production southerly and the eastern limit of Range 6 EPM to the northeast corner of Section 13 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 18 to 13 (both inclusive) of Township 15, Ranges 7 EPM and 8 EPM to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 8 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 8 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 15; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 15 to the northeast corner of Section 32 Township 15 Range 8 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 5, 8, 17, 20, 29 and 32 Township 16 Range 8 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 16; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 16 to the northeast corner of Section 34 Township 16 Range 7 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 3, 10, 15, 22, 27 and 34 Township 17 Range 17 EPM to the northeast corner of last said Section 34; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 3 and 10 Township 18 Range 7 EPM to the northeast corner of last said Section 10; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 10 and 9 of last said Township to the northeast corner of Section 8 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 17, 20, 29 and 32 of last said Township to the intersection of the southeastern shore of Lake Winnipeg; thence in generally southerly and westerly directions along the sinuous southeastern shore of Lake Winnipeg to the intersection of the center thread of the Red River; thence in a general southern direction along the said center thread to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the intersection of the Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary and the straight line production westerly of the northern limit of Township 18; thence easterly along the said straight line production and the northern limit of said Township 18 to the intersection of the centre thread of the Assiniboine River; thence in a general southeasterly direction along the said centre thread to the intersection of the southern limit of the west half of Section 34 Township 18 Range 29 WPM; thence easterly along the southern limit of said west half to the intersection of the eastern limit of said west half; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said west half to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 18; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 18 to the eastern limit of Range 23 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 23 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 20; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 20 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 24 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 24 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 21; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 21 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 26 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 26 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 22; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 22 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 18 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of Range 18 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 21; thence easterly along the northern limit of Township 21 to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of Section 31 Township 21 Range 16 WPM; thence southerly and easterly along the western and southern limits of the northeast quarter of said Section 31 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 31; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Section 31 to the northeast corner of Section 30 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 29 and 28 of last said Township to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of said Section 28; thence southerly and easterly along the western and southern limits of the northeast quarter of said Section 28 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 28; thence southerly along the eastern limits of Sections 28 and 21 to the northeast corner of Section 16 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limits of Sections 15 and 14 of last said Township to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 14; thence southerly and westerly along the eastern and southern limits of the northwest quarter of said Section 14 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of last said Section 15; thence southerly along the eastern limit of last said Section 15 to the northeast corner of Section 10 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limit of Section 11 of last said Township to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of last said Section 11; thence southerly along the eastern limit of last said northwest quarter to the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of last said Section 11; thence easterly along last said southeast quarter to the intersection of the eastern limit of last said southeast quarter; thence southerly along the eastern limits of said Section 11 and Section 2 of last said Township to the northeast corner of Section 35 Township 20 Range 16 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Section 35 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 35; thence easterly and southerly along the northern and eastern limits of the southwest quarter of Section 36 of last said Township to the northwest corner of the east half of Section 25 of last said Township; thence southerly along the western limit of the east half of said Section 25 to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of Section 24 of last said Township; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Section 24 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 16 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of Range 16 WPM to the northeast corner of Section 13 Township 19 Range 16 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 13 to 18 (both inclusive) Township 19 Range 16 WPM to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 17 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 17 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 12; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 12 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 23 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 23 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 9; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 9 to the intersection of the centre thread of the Assiniboine River; thence in a general southwesterly direction along the said centre thread to the intersection of the western limit of Section 34 Township 9 Range 23 WPM; thence northerly along the western limit of said Section 34 to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 9; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 9 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 26 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 26 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 6; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 6 and its straight line production westerly to the intersection of the Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary; thence northerly along the said Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 33 Township 17 Range 3 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limits of Sections 33, 28, 21, 16, 9 and 4 of Townships 17 to 13 (both inclusive) Range 3 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 12; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 12 and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of the western limit of Outer Two Mile Lot 1 Parish of Saint Andrews; thence southerly along the western limit of said Lot 1 to the intersection of the southwestern limit of said Lot 1; thence southeasterly along the southwestern limit of said Lot 1 and River Lot 1 of last said Parish and the straight line production southeasterly of said River Lot 1 to the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River; thence in a general northeasterly and northerly direction along the sinuous centre thread of said Red River to the intersection of the southern shore of Lake Winnipeg; thence in a general northwesterly direction along the sinuous southwestern shore of said Lake Winnipeg to the intersection of the southeastern limit of Ralph Avenue Plan 2822 WLTO; thence southwesterly then westerly along the southeastern and southern limits of said Ralph Avenue and its straight line production westerly to the intersection of the centreline of the government road allowance lying between Sections 2 and 3 Township 17 Range 4 EPM; thence southerly along the last said centreline to the intersection of the straight line production easterly of the southern limit of Victoria Avenue Plan 2615 WLTO; thence westerly along the last said straight line production and along the southern limit of said Victoria Avenue to the intersection of the eastern limit of Canadian Pacific Railway Plan 691 WLTO; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Railway Plan to the intersection of the northern limit of Section 3 of last said Township; thence westerly along the northern limit of last said Section 3 to the northeast corner of Section 4 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 9, 16, 21 and 28 of last said Township to the northeast corner of Section 28 of last said Township; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Section 28 to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 28; thence northerly along the western limit of the east half of Section 33 of last said Township to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 17; thence westerly along the northern limit of last said Township to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 31 Township 12 Range 6 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limits of Sections 31, 30, 19, 18, 7 and 6 of Townships 12 to 10 (both inclusive) Range 6 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 9; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 9 to the northeast corner of Section 33 Township 9 Range 4 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limits of Sections 33, 28, 21, 16, 9 and 4 of Townships 9 and 8 Range 4 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 7; thence westerly along the northern limit of Township 7 to the intersection of the eastern limit of SP Lot 1 Plan 19178 WLTO; thence southerly and westerly along the eastern and southern limits of said Lot 1 to the southwest corner of said lot 1; thence westerly, southerly and easterly along the northern, western and southern limits of the southwest quarter of Section 32 of last said Township to the southeast corner of said southwest quarter of Section 32; thence southerly along the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of said southwest quarter of Section 32 to the northeast corner of the north half of the northwest quarter of Section 29 of last said Township; thence southerly and westerly along the eastern and southern limits of said north half to the intersection of the western limit of said Section 29; thence southerly along the western limit of said Section 29 to the intersection of the straight line production easterly of the southern limit of Section 30 Township 7 Range 4 EPM; thence westerly along the last said straight line production and the southern limit of said Section 30 and further along the straight line production westerly of the southern limit of said Section 30 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 3 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 3 EPM and its straight line production southerly to the intersection of the northern limit of the Settlement of Rat River; thence westerly along the northern limit of said settlement and the northern limit of Township 6 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of River Lot 538 Parish of Sainte Agathe; thence northerly along the last said straight line production to the southeast corner of said River Lot 538; thence westerly and southerly (an irregular line) along the eastern limit of said Parish to the southeast corner of River Lot 532 of said Parish; thence northwesterly along the southwestern limit of said Lot 532 to the southeast corner of River Lot 530 of said Parish; thence westerly along the southern limits of River Lots 530 and 529 of said Parish to the intersection of the western limit of said Parish; thence in generally northerly and easterly directions (an irregular line) along the western limit of said Parish and its production northerly to the southwest corner of River Lot 2 of the Parish of Saint Norbert; thence in generally northerly and westerly directions (an irregular line) along the western limit of last said Parish to the intersection of the southern limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence in generally northeasterly and northerly directions (an irregular line) along the southern and eastern limits of said City of Winnipeg to the intersection of the southern limit of Outer Two Mile Lot 119 of the Parish of Saint Paul; thence in generally northerly and easterly directions (an irregular line) along the eastern limit of last said Parish and its production northerly to the southeast corner of Outer Two Mile Lot 288 of the Parish of Saint Andrews; thence in generally northerly and easterly directions along the eastern limit of last said Parish to the intersection of the southern limit of Plan 9978 WLTO; thence in generally easterly and northerly directions (an irregular line) along the southern and eastern limits of said Plan 9978 to the intersection of the southwestern limit of Plan 7145 WLTO; thence in generally northerly and easterly directions along the eastern limit of the Parish of Saint Andrews (an irregular line) to the southeast corner of Outer Two Mile Lot 145 of last said Parish; thence southerly along the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of said Lot 145 to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 12; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 12 to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the northeast corner of Township 12 Range 17 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 12 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 23 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 23 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 9; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 9 to the intersection of the centre thread of the Assiniboine River; thence in a general southwesterly direction along the said centre thread to the intersection of the western limit of Section 34 Township 9 Range 23 WPM; thence northerly along the western limit of said Section 34 to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 9; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 9 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 26 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 26 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 6; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 6 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Section 3 Township 7 Range 10 WPM; thence northerly along the last said straight line production southerly and the eastern limits of Sections 3, 10, 15 and 22 of last said Township to the northeast corner of Section 22 Township 7 Range 10 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Section 22 to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 22; thence northerly along the western limits of the east halves of Sections 27 and 34 of last said Township to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 7; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 7 to the northeast corner of Section 32 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 5, 8, 17, 20, 29 and 32 of Townships 8 and 9 Range 10 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 9; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 9 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 13 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 13 WPM to the northeast corner of Section 13 Township 9 Range 13 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 13 to 18 (both inclusive) of last said Township to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 14 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 14 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 9; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 9 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 17 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 17 WPM to the point of commencement.

Excepting out of the above described land all that portion of the City of Brandon which lies south of the centre thread of the Assiniboine River.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 34 Township 7 Range 5 EPM; thence easterly along the northern limit of Township 7 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 6 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 6 EPM to the northeast corner of Section 12 Township 6 Range 6 EPM; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 12 to 7 (both inclusive) of last said Township to the northeast corner of Section 12 Township 6 Range 5 EPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of last said Section 12 to the northeast corner of Section 11 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 14, 23, 26 and 35 of last said Township to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 6; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 6 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Section 3 Township 7 Range 5 EPM; thence northerly along the last said production southerly and eastern limits of Sections 3, 10, 15, 22, 27 and 34 of last said Township to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the intersection of the parallel 53 degrees north latitude and the Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary; thence easterly along said parallel to the intersection of the northeastern shore of Lake Winnipegosis; thence in general southeasterly, southerly and northeasterly directions along the sinuous northeastern shore of said Lake Winnipegosis to the intersection of the eastern limit of Parcel E Plan 7565 NLTO; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Parcel E to the intersection of Provincial Trunk Highway 60; thence in a general easterly direction along said Highway 60 to the intersection of Provincial Trunk Highway 6; thence in a general southerly direction along said Highway 6 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 10 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 10 WPM to the northeast corner of Section 13 Township 32 Range 10 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 13 to 18 (both inclusive) of last said Township to the intersection of the eastern limit of the community of Homebrook – Peonan Point as shown on Plan 20414 filed in the Office of the Director of Surveys; thence northerly, westerly and southerly (an irregular line) along the eastern, northern and western limits of said Plan 20414 to the intersection of the northwestern shore of Lake Manitoba; thence in a general northerly, southerly then northwesterly direction along the sinuous shore of said Lake Manitoba to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 15 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 15 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 35; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 35 to a point at the most eastern intersection of the northern limit of Section 33 Township 35 Range 18 WPM and the shore of Lake Winnipegosis; thence in general northerly, southerly then westerly directions along the sinuous shore of said Lake Winnipegosis to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 31 Range 19 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of Township 31 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 21 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 21 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 27; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 27 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 26 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 26 WPM to the northeast corner of Section 13 Township 26 Range 26 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Section 13 to the intersection of the western limit of the east half of said Section 13; thence southerly along the said western limit to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of Section 12 of last said Township; thence southerly then westerly along the eastern and southern limits of last said northwest quarter to the northeast corner of the south half of Section 11 of last said Township; thence westerly along the northern limit of said south half to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 10 of last said Township; thence westerly then southerly along the northern and western limits of last said southeast quarter to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of Section 3 of last said Township; thence southerly then easterly along the western and southern limits of last said northeast quarter to the southeast corner of last said northeast quarter; thence easterly along the northern limits of the south halves of Sections 2 and 1 of last said Township to the intersection of the eastern limit of said Range 26 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 26 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 21; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 21 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 24 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 24 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 20; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 20 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 23 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 23 WPM and its straight line production southerly to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 18; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 18 to the intersection of the eastern limit of the west half of Section 34 Township 18 Range 29 WPM; thence southerly along the said eastern limit to the intersection of the southern limit of said west half; thence westerly along the southern limit of said west half to the intersection of the centre thread of the Assiniboine River; thence in a general northwesterly direction along the said centre thread to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 18; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 18 and its straight line production westerly to the intersection of the Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary; thence northerly along said Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the straight line production westerly of the northern limit of Township 63 and the Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary; thence easterly along said straight line production and the northern limit of Township 63 to the intersection of Provincial Trunk Highway 6; thence in a general southerly direction along said Highway 6 to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 54; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 54 to the intersection of the northwestern shore of Lake Winnipeg; thence in a general northeasterly and southeasterly direction along the sinuous northern and eastern shore of said Lake Winnipeg to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 31; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 31 to the northeast corner of Section 36 Township 31 Range 5 EPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Section 36 and the straight line production westerly to the intersection of the western shore of said Lake Winnipeg; thence in a general southerly direction along the sinuous western shore of said Lake Winnipeg to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 26; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 26 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 1 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 1 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 25; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 25 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 3 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 3 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 26; thence in a westerly direction along the northern limit of said Township 26 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 4 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 4 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 25; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 25 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Section 6 Township 26 Range 5 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Section 6 to the northeast corner of said Section 6; thence easterly along the northern limit of Section 5 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said Section 5; thence northerly along the eastern limit of Section 8 of last said Township to the northeast corner of said Section 8; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Section 8 to the northeast corner of Section 7 of last said Township; thence northerly along the eastern limits of Sections 18, 19, 30 and 31 of last said Township to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 26; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 26 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Range 6 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 6 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 27; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 27 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 7 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 7 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 28; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 28 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 8 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 8 WPM to the intersection of the eastern shore of Lake St. Martin; thence in a general southwesterly and northwesterly direction along the sinuous shore of said Lake St. Martin to the intersection of the southern limit of the Fairford Indian Reserve No. 50; thence in a general westerly then northeasterly direction (an irregular line) along the southern, southwestern and northwestern boundaries of said Fairford Indian Reserve to the intersection of the southern shore of Pineimuta Lake; thence in a general northwesterly, southwesterly, southerly, westerly, northerly and southeasterly direction along the sinuous shore of said Pineimuta Lake to the intersection of the northern limit of said Fairford Indian Reserve; thence easterly, southerly and southeasterly along the northern limit of said Fairford Indian Reserve to the intersection of the western limit of the Little Saskatchewan Indian Reserve No. 48 as shown on Plan No 51149 Canada Land Survey Records; thence in a general northeasterly then easterly direction along the western and northern limits of said Plan to the intersection of the western shore of said Lake St. Martin; thence in a general northeasterly direction along the sinuous shore of said Lake St. Martin to the intersection of the western limit of The Narrows Indian Reserve No. 49; thence in general northerly and easterly directions (an irregular line) along the western and northern limits of said The Narrows Indian Reserve to the intersection of the western shore of said Lake St. Martin; thence in a general northerly direction along the sinuous shore of said Lake St. Martin to the intersection of the northern limit of Fractional Section 10 Township 33 Range 7 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limits of said Fractional Section 10 and Sections 9 to 7 (both inclusive) of last said Township to the northeast corner of Section 12 Township 33 Range 8 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limits of Sections 12 to 7 (both inclusive) of last said Township to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 9 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 9 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 33; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 33 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 10 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 10 WPM to the intersection of said Provincial Trunk Highway 6; thence in a general northwesterly direction along said Highway 6 to the intersection of Provincial Trunk Highway 60; thence in a general westerly direction along said Highway 60 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Parcel E Plan 7565 NLTO; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Parcel E to the intersection of the northeast shore of Lake Winnipegosis; thence in general southwesterly, northerly and northwesterly directions along the sinuous shore of said Lake Winnipegosis to the intersection of the parallel 53 degrees north latitude; thence westerly along said parallel to the intersection of the Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary; thence northerly along said Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the intersection of the straight line production northerly of the eastern limit of Range 1 WPM and the Manitoba/Nunavut boundary; thence easterly along said Manitoba/Nunavut boundary to the intersection of the western shore of Hudson Bay; thence in a general southeasterly direction along the sinuous western shore of said Hudson Bay to the intersection of the centre thread of the Nelson River; thence in a general southwesterly direction along the said centre thread to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 2 East of the Second Meridian East; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 2 East to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 86; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 86 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 22 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 22 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 83; thence westerly along the northern limit of Township 83 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 16 EPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 16 EPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 69; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 69 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 1 WPM; thence southerly along the eastern limit of said Range 1 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 67; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 67 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 12 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 12 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 84; thence easterly along the northern limit of said Township 84 to the intersection of the eastern limit of said Range 1 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 1 WPM and its straight line production northerly to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the intersection of the straight line production westerly of the northern limit of Township 6 and the Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary; thence southerly along the said Manitoba/Saskatchewan boundary to the intersection of the Canada/United States boundary; thence easterly along the said Canada/United States boundary to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the eastern limit of Range 7 WPM; thence northerly along the said straight line production southerly and the eastern limit of said Range 7 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 3; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 3 to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 8 WPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 8 WPM to the intersection of the northern limit of Township 6; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 6 to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the western limit of the east half of the southwest quarter of Section 6 Township 7 Range 8 WPM; thence northerly along the last said production southerly and the western limit of the east half of said southwest quarter of Section 6 to the intersection of the northern limit of said southwest quarter Section 6; thence westerly along the northern limit of said southwest quarter Section 6 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 1 Township 7 Range 9 WPM; thence westerly along the northern limit of the south half of last said Section 1 to the northeast corner of the west half of the southwest quarter of last said Section 1; thence southerly along the eastern limit of the said west half and its straight line production southerly to the intersection of the northern limit of said Township 6; thence westerly along the northern limit of said Township 6 and its straight line production westerly to the point of commencement.



All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the western limit of the City of Winnipeg and Portage Avenue; thence northerly and easterly (an irregular line) along the western and northern limits of said City of Winnipeg to the northwest corner of Parcel A Plan 34260 WLTO; thence southerly along the western limit of said Plan and its production southerly to the intersection of Saskatchewan Avenue; thence easterly along said Saskatchewan Avenue to the intersection of Moray Street; thence southerly along said Moray Street to the intersection of Ness Avenue; thence westerly along said Ness Avenue to the intersection of Sturgeon Road; thence southerly along said Sturgeon Road to the intersection of said Portage Avenue; thence westerly along said Portage Avenue to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the Arborg Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway and Adsum Drive; thence easterly along Adsum Drive to the intersection of Jefferson Avenue; thence southeasterly along Jefferson Avenue to the intersection of McPhillips Street; thence southwesterly along McPhillips Street to the intersection of Inkster Boulevard; thence southeasterly along Inkster Boulevard to the intersection of Arlington Street; thence southwesterly along Arlington Street to the intersection of the Carberry Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence northwesterly along said Carberry Subdivision to the intersection of Keewatin Street; thence northerly along Keewatin Street to the intersection of Selkirk Avenue; thence southeasterly along Selkirk Avenue to the intersection of the Arborg Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence northwesterly along said Arborg Subdivision to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of Raleigh Street and McLeod Avenue; thence southeasterly along McLeod Avenue to the intersection of Molson Street; thence southwesterly along Molson Street and Panet Road to the intersection of Regent Avenue West; thence southeasterly along Regent Avenue West to the intersection of Lagimodière Boulevard; thence southwesterly along Lagimodière Boulevard to the intersection of the Redditt Subdivision of the Canadian National Railway; thence northwesterly along said Redditt Subdivision to the intersection of the Emerson Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence northerly and northwesterly along said Emerson Subdivision to the intersection of the Keewatin Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence easterly along said Keewatin Subdivision to the intersection of the straight line production southwesterly of Raleigh Street; thence northeasterly along said straight line production and Raleigh Street to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River and the Keewatin Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence in a general northerly direction along said centre thread to the intersection of the straight line production northwesterly of Rossmere Crescent; thence southeasterly along said straight line production and Rossmere Crescent to the intersection of the straight line production northwesterly of the southwestern limit of Lot 21 Block 5 Plan 5256 WLTO; thence southeasterly along the last said straight line production and the southwestern limit of said Lot 21 and its straight line production southeasterly to the intersection of Henderson Highway; thence northeasterly along said Henderson Highway to the intersection of McLeod Avenue; thence southeasterly along McLeod Avenue to the intersection of Roch Street; thence southwesterly along Roch Street to the intersection of the straight line production northwesterly of the southern limit of River Lot 75 of the Parish of Kildonan; thence southeasterly along the last said straight line production and the southern limit of said River Lot 75 to the intersection of the northwestern limit of Lot 41 Block 1 Plan 7059 WLTO; thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of said Lot 41 to the southwest corner of said Lot 41; thence southeasterly along the southern limit of said Lot 41 and Lot 42 Block 1 Plan 7059 WLTO and its straight line production southeasterly to the intersection of Raleigh Street; thence southwesterly along Raleigh Street and its straight line production southwesterly to the intersection of said Keewatin Subdivision; thence westerly along said Keewatin Subdivision to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the intersection of Corydon Avenue and Stafford Street; thence southeasterly along Stafford Street to the intersection of Grant Avenue; thence southwesterly along Grant Avenue to the intersection of Cambridge Street; thence southerly along Cambridge Street to the intersection of Poseidon Bay; thence southeasterly along Poseidon Bay to the intersection of Taylor Avenue; thence westerly along Taylor Avenue to the intersection of Waverley Street; thence southerly along Waverley Street to the intersection of Bishop Grandin Boulevard; thence northeasterly along Bishop Grandin Boulevard to the intersection of Pembina Highway; thence southerly along Pembina Highway to the intersection of the straight line production of the northwestern limit of Lot 1 Plan 22535 WLTO; thence northeasterly along said straight line production and the northwestern limit of said Lot 1 and its straight line production northeasterly to the intersection of the northwestern limit of Lot 2 of said Plan 22535; thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit of said Lot 2 and its straight line production northeasterly to the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River; thence in a general northerly direction along said centre thread of the Red River to the intersection of the straight line production southeasterly of Riverdale Street; thence northwesterly along the last said straight line production and Riverdale Street to the intersection of Jubilee Avenue; thence southwesterly along Jubilee Avenue to the intersection of Pembina Highway; thence northeasterly along Pembina Highway to the intersection of Corydon Avenue; thence southwesterly along Corydon Avenue to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of Waverley Street and Bison Drive; thence easterly along Bison Drive to the intersection of Pembina Highway; thence northeasterly along Pembina Highway to the intersection of the straight line production southwesterly of the northwestern limit of Lot 1 Plan 22535 WLTO; thence northeasterly along the said straight line production and the northwestern limit of said Lot 1 and its straight line production northeasterly to the intersection of the northwestern limit of Lot 2 of said Plan 22535; thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit of said Lot 2 and its straight line production northeasterly to the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River; thence in a general southerly direction along said centre thread of the Red River to the intersection of the Perimeter Highway; thence in a southwesterly direction along the Perimeter Highway to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of Shahi Street; thence northerly along the last said straight line production southerly and Shahi Street and its straight line production northerly to the intersection of Waverley Street; thence northerly along Waverley Street to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the intersection of Arbuthnot Street and Corydon Avenue; thence northeasterly along Corydon Avenue to the intersection of Pembina Highway; thence southwesterly along Pembina Highway to the intersection of Jubilee Avenue; thence northeast along Jubilee Avenue to the intersection of Riverdale Street; thence southeasterly along Riverdale Street and its straight line production southeasterly to the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River; thence in a general northerly direction along the centre thread of the Red River to the intersection of the centre thread of the Assiniboine River; thence in a general westerly direction along the center thread of the Assiniboine River to the intersection of the straight line production northeasterly of the northwestern limit of Parcel A Plan 19453 WLTO; thence in a southwesterly direction along said straight line production northeasterly and the northwestern limit of said Parcel A and its production southwesterly to the intersection of Wellington Crescent; thence southeasterly along Wellington Crescent to the intersection of Grosvenor Avenue; thence southwesterly along Grosvenor Avenue to the intersection of Arbuthnot Street; thence southeasterly along Arbuthnot Street to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the intersection of McCreary Road and the Rivers Subdivision of the Canadian National Railway; thence northeasterly along said Rivers Subdivision to the intersection of Waverley Street; thence southerly along Waverley Street to the intersection of Bishop Grandin Boulevard; thence southwesterly along Bishop Grandin and its straight line production southwesterly to the intersection of the western limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence northerly and westerly along said western limit to the intersection of McCreary Road; thence northerly along McCreary Road to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the northeastern limit of the City of Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Beach Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence southeasterly (an irregular line) along the said northeastern limit to the intersection of the straight line production northeasterly of Gateway Road; thence southwesterly along said production northeasterly and Gateway Road to the intersection of Chief Peguis Trail; thence northwesterly along Chief Peguis Trail to the intersection of Henderson Highway; thence southwesterly along Henderson Highway to the intersection of the straight line production southeasterly of the southwestern limit of Lot 21 Block 5 Plan 5256 WLTO; thence northwesterly along last said straight line production and the southwestern limit of said Lot 21 and its straight line production northwesterly to the intersection of Rossmere Crescent; thence northwesterly along Rossmere Crescent and its straight line production northwesterly to the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River; thence in a general northeasterly direction along said centre thread to the intersection of the straight line production southeasterly of the northeast limit of Parcel B Plan 6729 WLTO; thence northwesterly along last said straight line production and last said northeast limit to the intersection of Scotia Street; thence northeasterly along Scotia Street to the intersection of Leila Avenue; thence northwesterly along Leila Avenue to the intersection of Main Street; thence northeasterly along Main Street to the intersection of Highland Avenue; thence northwesterly along Highland Avenue and the straight line production northwesterly of said Highland Avenue to the intersection of said Winnipeg Beach Subdivision; thence northeasterly along said Winnipeg Beach Subdivision to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of Portage Avenue and the western limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence southerly along said western limit of the City of Winnipeg to intersection of the centre thread of the Assiniboine River; thence in a general easterly direction along the sinuous centre thread of said Assiniboine River to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of Conway Street; thence northerly along said straight line production to the intersection of said Portage Avenue; thence westerly along said Portage Avenue to the intersection of Mount Royal Road; thence northerly along said Mount Royal Road to the intersection of Ness Avenue; thence westerly along said Ness Avenue to the intersection of Sturgeon Road; thence southerly along said Sturgeon Road to the intersection of said Portage Avenue; thence westerly along said Portage Avenue to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of Bishop Grandin Boulevard and St. Anne's Road; thence easterly along Bishop Grandin Boulevard to the intersection of Lagimodière Boulevard; thence northerly along Lagimodière Boulevard to the intersection of the straight line production westerly of the southern limit of Plan 3364 WLTO; thence easterly along the said production westerly and the southern limit of said Plan 3364 to the intersection of the eastern limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence southerly, westerly and southwesterly along said eastern limit to the intersection of the centre thread of the Seine River; thence in a general northwesterly direction along said centre thread to the intersection of the Perimeter Highway; thence southwesterly along the Perimeter Highway to the intersection of St. Anne's Road; thence northwesterly along St. Anne's Road to the point of commencement.


Parcel 1: All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the northeast corner of Township 12 Range 2 EPM; thence easterly along the northern limit of Township 12 and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of the western limit of Outer Two Mile Lot 1 Parish of Saint Andrews; thence southerly along the western limit of said Lot 1 to the intersection of the southwestern limit of said Lot 1; thence southeasterly along the southwestern limit of said Lot 1 and River Lot 1 of last said Parish and the straight line production southeasterly of last said Lot 1 to the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River; thence in a general southwesterly direction along the sinuous centre thread of said Red River to the intersection of the straight line production southeasterly of the northeastern limit of River Lot 38 Parish of Kildonan; thence in general northwesterly and westerly directions (an irregular line) along the northern limit of the City of Winnipeg to the intersection of the eastern limit of Range 2 EPM; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said Range 2 EPM to the point of commencement.

Parcel 2: All that portion of the City of Winnipeg which lies north of the following described boundary:

Commencing at the intersection of the northern limit of the City of Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Beach Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence southwesterly along said Winnipeg Beach Subdivision to the intersection of the straight line production northwesterly of Highland Avenue; thence southeasterly along said straight line production and Highland Avenue to the intersection of Main Street; thence southerly along Main Street to the intersection of Leila Avenue; thence northwesterly along Leila Avenue to the intersection of said Winnipeg Beach Subdivision; thence southwesterly along said Winnipeg Beach Subdivision to the intersection of Inkster Boulevard; thence northwesterly along Inkster Boulevard to the intersection of McPhillips Street; thence northeasterly along McPhillips Street to the intersection of said Leila Avenue; thence northwesterly along said Leila Avenue to the intersection of Pipeline Road; thence northerly along Pipeline Road to the intersection of the northern limit of the City of Winnipeg.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the western limit of the City of Winnipeg and the Carberry Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence southerly along said western limit to the intersection of Notre Dame Avenue; thence easterly then southeasterly along Notre Dame Avenue to the intersection of Erin Street; thence southerly along said Erin Street to the intersection of Sargent Avenue; thence easterly along said Sargent Avenue to the intersection of Maryland Street; thence northerly along said Maryland Street to the intersection of said Notre Dame Avenue; thence southeasterly along said Notre Dame Avenue to the intersection of Isabel Street; thence northerly along said Isabel Street and the Slaw Rebchuk Bridge to the intersection of said Carberry Subdivision; thence northwesterly along said Carberry Subdivision to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the Carberry Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Arlington Street Viaduct; thence northeasterly along said Viaduct and Arlington Street to the intersection of Church Avenue; thence southeasterly along Church Avenue to the intersection of Main Street; thence southwesterly along Main Street to the intersection of Redwood Avenue; thence southeasterly along Redwood Avenue to the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River; thence in a general southerly direction along said centre thread to the intersection of the Redditt Subdivision of the Canadian National Railway; thence southwesterly along said Redditt Subdivision to the intersection of Pioneer Avenue; thence westerly along Pioneer Avenue to the intersection of Westbrook Street, thence northeasterly along Westbrook Street to the intersection of Portage Avenue East; thence westerly along Portage Avenue East and Portage Avenue to the intersection of Notre Dame Avenue; thence northwesterly along Notre Dame Avenue to the intersection of Isabel Street; thence northeasterly along Isabel Street and the Slaw Rebchuk Bridge to the intersection of the Carberry Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence northwesterly along said Carberry Subdivision to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of Molson Street and Grassie Boulevard; thence easterly and southeasterly along Grassie Boulevard and its straight line production southeasterly to the intersection of the eastern limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence southerly and easterly along said eastern limit to the intersection of the straight line production northerly of the eastern limit of Lot 4 Plan 20840 WLTO; thence southerly along said straight line production northerly and the eastern limit of said Lot 4 and its production southerly to the intersection of the Pine Falls Subdivision of the Central Manitoba Railway; thence northeasterly along said Pine Falls Subdivision to the intersection of Day Street; thence southerly along Day Street to the intersection of Kildare Avenue West; thence westerly along Kildare Avenue West to the intersection of Hoka Street; thence southerly along Hoka Street to the intersection of Rosseau Avenue West; thence westerly along Rosseau Avenue West to the intersection of Plessis Road; thence southerly along Plessis Road to the intersection of Dugald Road; thence westerly along Dugald Road to the intersection of Lagimodière Boulevard; thence northeasterly along Lagimodière Boulevard to the intersection of Regent Avenue West; thence northwesterly along Regent Avenue West to the intersection of Panet Road; thence northeasterly along Panet Road and Molson Street to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River and Bishop Grandin Boulevard; thence northeasterly along Bishop Grandin Boulevard to the intersection of St. Anne's Road; thence southeasterly along St. Anne's Road to the intersection of Southglen Boulevard; thence southwesterly along Southglen Boulevard to the intersection of Dakota Street; thence southerly along Dakota Street to the intersection of Warde Avenue; thence southwesterly along Warde Avenue to the intersection of St. Mary's Road; thence southerly along St. Mary's Road to the intersection of the straight line production northeasterly of the southern limit of Lot 6 Plan 20294 WLTO; thence southwesterly along said straight line production, the southern limit of said Lot 6 and its straight line production southwesterly to the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River; thence in a general northerly direction along said centre thread to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the La Riviere Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the centre thread of the Assiniboine River; thence in a general easterly direction along said centre thread to the intersection of the straight line production northeasterly of the northwestern limit of Parcel A Plan 19453 WLTO; thence in a southwesterly direction along said straight line production northeasterly and the northwestern limit of said Parcel A and its production southwesterly to the intersection of Wellington Crescent; thence southeasterly along Wellington Crescent to the intersection of Grosvenor Avenue; thence southwesterly along Grosvenor Avenue to the intersection of Arbuthnot Street; thence southeasterly along Arbuthnot Street to the intersection of Corydon Avenue; thence southwesterly along Corydon Avenue to the intersection of Stafford Street; thence southeasterly along Stafford Street to the intersection of Grant Avenue; thence southwesterly along Grant Avenue to the intersection of Cambridge Street; thence southerly along Cambridge Street to the intersection of Poseidon Bay; thence southeasterly along Poseidon Bay to the intersection of Taylor Avenue; thence westerly along Taylor Avenue to the intersection of Waverley Street; thence southerly along Waverley Street to the intersection of the Rivers Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence westerly along said Rivers Subdivision to the intersection of the La Riviere Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence northerly along said La Riviere Subdivision to the point of commencement.


Parcel 1: All that portion of the Province of Manitoba contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the intersection of the western limit of the City of Winnipeg and the southern limit of Outer Two Mile Lot 83 of the Parish of Saint Charles; thence westerly along the southern limit of the Parish of Saint Charles and its straight line production westerly to the southeast corner of Outer Two Mile Lot 1 of the Parish of Headingley; thence westerly along the southern limit of the said Parish of Headingley and its straight line production westerly to the southeast corner of River Lot 1 of the Parish of Saint Francois Xavier; thence northerly along the eastern limit of said River Lot 1 and the eastern limits of River Lot 227 and Outer Two Mile lot 227 of last said Parish to the intersection of the straight line production westerly of the northern limit of said Parish of Headingley; thence easterly along last said straight line production westerly and the northern limits of the outer two miles of the Parish of Headingley and the Parish of Saint Charles to the intersection of the western limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence in a general southerly direction (an irregular line) along the western limit of said City of Winnipeg to the point of commencement.

Parcel 2: All that portion of the City of Winnipeg which lies south and west of the following described boundary:

Commencing at the intersection of the centre thread of the Assiniboine River and the western limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence in a general easterly direction along the sinuous centre thread of said Assiniboine River to the intersection of the Charleswood Bridge; thence southerly along said Charleswood Bridge and William R. Clement Parkway to the intersection of Roblin Boulevard; thence easterly along Roblin Boulevard to the intersection of Laxdal Road; thence southerly along Laxdal Road to the intersection of Ridgewood Avenue; thence easterly along Ridgewood Avenue and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of the Rivers Subdivision of the Canadian National Railway; thence easterly along said Rivers Subdivision to the intersection of McCreary Road; thence southerly along said McCreary Road to the intersection of the southwestern limit of the City of Winnipeg.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the intersection of Henderson Highway and McLeod Avenue; thence southeasterly along McLeod Avenue to the intersection of Roch Street; thence southwesterly along Roch Street to the intersection of the straight line production northwesterly of the southern limit of River Lot 75 of the Parish of Kildonan; thence southeasterly along the southern limit of said River Lot 75 to the intersection of the northwestern limit of Lot 41 Block 1 Plan 7059 WLTO; thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of said Lot 41 to the southwest corner of said Lot 41; thence southeasterly along said straight line production and the southern limit of said Lot 41 and Lot 42 Block 1 Plan 7059 WLTO and its straight line production southeasterly to the intersection of Raleigh Street; thence northeasterly along Raleigh Street to the intersection of said McLeod Avenue; thence southeasterly along McLeod Avenue to the intersection of Molson Street; thence southwesterly along Molson Street to the intersection of Grassie Boulevard; thence easterly and southeasterly and its production southeasterly along Grassie Boulevard to the intersection of the eastern limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence northerly, easterly and northwesterly along the eastern and northeastern limits of said City of Winnipeg to the intersection of the straight line production northeasterly of Gateway Road; thence southwesterly along last said straight line production and Gateway Road to the intersection of Chief Peguis Trail; thence northwesterly along Chief Peguis Trail to the intersection of said Henderson Highway; thence southwesterly along said Henderson Highway to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the western limit of the City of Winnipeg and the Perimeter Highway; thence southerly, northeasterly and northerly (an irregular line) along the limit of the City of Winnipeg to the most northerly intersection of the centre thread of the Seine River; thence in a general northwesterly direction along said centre thread to the intersection of the said Perimeter Highway; thence southwesterly along the said Perimeter Highway to the intersection of St. Anne's Road; thence northwesterly along St. Anne's Road to the intersection of Southglen Boulevard; thence southwesterly along Southglen Boulevard to the intersection of Dakota Street; thence southerly along Dakota Street to the intersection of Warde Avenue; thence southwesterly along Warde Avenue to the intersection of St. Mary's Road; thence southerly along St. Mary's Road to the intersection of the straight line production northeasterly of the southern limit of Lot 6 Plan 20294 WLTO; thence southwesterly along said straight line production, the southern limit of said Lot 6 and its straight line production southwesterly to the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River; thence in a general southwesterly direction along last said centre thread to the intersection of the Perimeter Highway; thence southwesterly along the Perimeter Highway to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the centre thread of the Seine River and the straight line production westerly of the northern limit of Lot 316 RCMP; thence easterly along said straight line production, the northern limit of said Lot 316 and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of the northern limit of Lot 312 RCMP; thence easterly along the northern limits of Lots 312, 306, 298 and 291 RCMP and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of Lagimodière Boulevard; thence southeasterly along Lagimodière Boulevard to the intersection of Fermor Avenue; thence easterly along Fermor Avenue to the intersection of the eastern limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence southerly along said eastern limit to the intersection of the southern limit of Plan 3364 WLTO; thence westerly along the southern limit of said Plan 3364 and its straight line production westerly to the intersection of said Lagimodière Boulevard; thence southerly along Lagimodière Boulevard to the intersection of Bishop Grandin Boulevard; thence westerly along Bishop Grandin Boulevard to the intersection of the centre thread of the Seine River; thence in a general northerly direction along said centre thread to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River and the Keewatin Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence in a general southerly direction along said centre thread to the intersection of the straight line production westerly of the southern limit of Lot 38 Plan 4286 WLTO; thence easterly along the said straight line production and the southern limit of said Lot 38 and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of the southern limit of Lot 37 of said Plan; thence easterly along the southern limit of said Lot 37 and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of St. Mary's Road; thence southerly along St. Mary's Road to the intersection of Fermor Avenue; thence northeasterly along Fermor Avenue to the intersection of the centre thread of the Seine River; thence in a general northerly direction along last said centre thread to the straight line production westerly of the northern limit of Lot 316 RCMP; thence easterly along said straight line production, the northern limit of said Lot 316 and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of the northern limit of Lot 312 RCMP; thence easterly along the northern limits of Lots 312, 306, 298 and 291 RCMP and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of Lagimodière Boulevard; thence northerly along Lagimodière Boulevard to the intersection of the Redditt Subdivision of the Canadian National Railway; thence northwesterly along said Redditt Subdivision to the intersection of the Emerson Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence northerly and northwesterly along said Emerson Subdivision to the intersection of said Keewatin Subdivision; thence westerly along said Keewatin Subdivision to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at the northwest corner of Parcel A Plan 34260 WLTO; thence easterly along the northern limit of the City of Winnipeg to the intersection of Notre Dame Avenue; thence easterly then southeasterly along Notre Dame Avenue to the intersection of Erin Street; thence southerly along said Erin Street to the intersection of Portage Avenue; thence westerly along said Portage Avenue to intersection of the La Riviere Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence southerly along said La Riviere Subdivision to the intersection of the centre thread of the Assiniboine River; thence in a general westerly direction along said centre thread to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of Conway Street; thence northerly along said straight line production to the intersection of said Portage Avenue; thence westerly along said Portage Avenue to the intersection of Mount Royal Road; thence northerly along said Mount Royal Road to the intersection of Ness Avenue; thence westerly along said Ness Avenue to the intersection of Moray Street; thence northerly along Moray Street to the intersection of Saskatchewan Avenue; thence westerly along Saskatchewan Avenue to the intersection of the straight line production southerly of the western limit of said Parcel A; thence northerly along last said straight line production and the western limit of said Parcel A to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of Church Avenue and Arlington Street; thence southeasterly along Church Avenue to the intersection of Main Street; thence southwesterly along Main Street to the intersection of Redwood Avenue; thence southeasterly along Redwood Avenue to the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River; thence in a general northeasterly direction along said centre thread to the intersection of the straight line production southeasterly of the northeast limit of Parcel B Plan 6729 WLTO; thence northwesterly along said straight line production and said northeast limit to the intersection of Scotia Street; thence northeasterly along Scotia Street to the intersection of Leila Avenue; thence northwesterly along Leila Avenue to the intersection of the Winnipeg Beach Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence southwesterly along said Winnipeg Beach Subdivision to the intersection of Inkster Boulevard; thence southeasterly along Inkster Boulevard to the intersection of Arlington Street; thence southwesterly along Arlington Street to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of Bishop Grandin Boulevard and the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River; thence in a general northerly direction along said centre thread to the intersection of the straight line production westerly of the southern limit of Lot 38 Plan 4286 WLTO; thence easterly along the said straight line production and the southern limit of said Lot 38 and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of the southern limit of Lot 37 of said plan; thence easterly along the southern limit of said Lot 37 to the intersection of St. Mary's Road; thence southerly along St. Mary's Road to the intersection of Fermor Avenue; thence northeasterly along Fermor Avenue to the intersection of the centre thread of the Seine River; thence in a general southerly direction along last said centre thread to the intersection of Bishop Grandin Boulevard; thence southwesterly along Bishop Grandin Boulevard to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the western limit of the City of Winnipeg and Mollard Road; thence easterly along Mollard Road to the intersection of Pipeline Road; thence southerly along Pipeline Road to the intersection of Leila Avenue; thence southeasterly along Leila Avenue to the intersection of McPhillips Street; thence southwesterly along McPhillips Street to the intersection of Jefferson Avenue; thence northwesterly along Jefferson Avenue to the intersection of Adsum Drive; thence westerly along Adsum Drive to the intersection of the Arborg Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence northwesterly along said Arborg Subdivision to the intersection of said Jefferson Avenue; thence westerly along said Jefferson Avenue to the intersection of the western limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence northerly along said western limit to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the eastern limit of the City of Winnipeg and the straight line production northerly of the eastern limit of Lot 4 Plan 20840 WLTO; thence southerly along said straight line production northerly and the eastern limit of said Lot 4 and its production southerly to the intersection of the Pine Falls Subdivision of the Central Manitoba Railway; thence northeasterly along said Pine Falls Subdivision to the intersection of Day Street; thence southerly along Day Street to the intersection of Kildare Avenue West; thence westerly along Kildare Avenue West to the intersection of Hoka Street; thence southerly along Hoka Street to the intersection of Rosseau Avenue West; thence westerly along Rosseau Avenue West to the intersection of Plessis Road; thence southerly along Plessis Road to the intersection of Dugald Road; thence westerly along Dugald Road to the intersection of Lagimodière Boulevard; thence southerly along Lagimodière Boulevard to the intersection of Fermor Avenue; thence easterly along Fermor Avenue to the intersection of said eastern limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence northerly, easterly, northerly and westerly (an irregular line) along said eastern limit to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the centre thread of the Assiniboine River and Charleswood Bridge; thence southerly along said Charleswood Bridge and William R. Clement Parkway to the intersection of Roblin Boulevard; thence easterly along Roblin Boulevard to the intersection of Laxdal Road; thence southerly along Laxdal Road to the intersection of Ridgewood Avenue; thence easterly along Ridgewood Avenue and its straight line production easterly to the intersection of the Rivers Subdivision of the Canadian National Railway; thence easterly along said Rivers Subdivision to the intersection of the La Riviere Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence northerly along said La Riviere Subdivision to the intersection of the center thread of the Assiniboine River; thence in a general westerly direction along said center thread to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the western limit of the City of Winnipeg and Jefferson Avenue; thence southerly along said western limit to the intersection of the Carberry Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence southeasterly along said Carberry Subdivision to the intersection of Keewatin Street; thence northerly along Keewatin Street to the intersection of Selkirk Avenue; thence southeasterly along Selkirk Avenue to the intersection of the Arborg Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence northwesterly along said Arborg Subdivision to the intersection of Jefferson Avenue; thence westerly along Jefferson Avenue to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of Maryland Street and Notre Dame Avenue; thence southerly along Maryland Street to the intersection of Broadway; thence easterly along Broadway to the intersection of Osborne Street North; thence southerly along Osborne Street North to the intersection of the centre thread of the Assiniboine River; thence in a general easterly direction along said centre thread to the intersection of the centre thread of the Red River; thence in a general northerly direction along last said centre thread to the intersection of the Redditt Subdivision of the Canadian National Railway; thence southwesterly along said Redditt Subdivision to the intersection of Pioneer Avenue; thence westerly along Pioneer Avenue to the intersection of Westbrook Street, thence northeasterly along Westbrook Street to the intersection of Portage Avenue East; thence westerly along Portage Avenue East and Portage Avenue to the intersection of Notre Dame Avenue; thence northwesterly along Notre Dame Avenue to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the Perimeter Highway and the western limit of the City of Winnipeg; thence northerly, westerly and northerly along said western limit to the intersection of the straight line production southwesterly of Bishop Grandin Boulevard; thence northeasterly along said straight line production and Bishop Grandin Boulevard to the intersection of Pembina Highway; thence southerly along Pembina Highway to the intersection of Bison Drive; thence westerly along Bison Drive to the intersection of Waverley Street; thence southerly along Waverley Street to the intersection of the straight line production northerly of Shahi Street; thence southerly along said straight line production northerly and Shahi Street and its straight line production southerly to the intersection of the Perimeter Highway; thence westerly along the Perimeter Highway to the point of commencement.


All that portion of the City of Winnipeg contained within the following described limits:

Commencing at a point at the intersection of the La Riviere Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the centre thread of the Assiniboine River; thence northerly along said La Riviere Subdivision to the intersection of Portage Avenue; thence easterly along Portage Avenue to the intersection of Erin Street; thence northerly along Erin Street to the intersection of Sargent Avenue; thence easterly along Sargent Avenue to the intersection of Maryland Street; thence southerly along Maryland Street to the intersection of Broadway; thence easterly along Broadway to the intersection of Osborne Street North; thence southerly along Osborne Street North to the intersection of the centre thread of the Assiniboine River; thence in a general westerly direction along said centre thread to the point of commencement.

S.M. 1989-90, c. 2, s. 1; S.M. 1999, c. 1, s. 4; 2008 Electoral Divisions Boundaries Commission Report; 2018 Electoral Divisions Boundaries Commission Report.