This is an unofficial version. If you need an official copy, use the bilingual (PDF) version.

As of December 14, 2024, this is the most current version available.

It has been in effect since November 22, 2024.

Last amendment included: M.R. 120/2024; 122/2024

Previous version(s)

Note: Earlier consolidated versions are not available online.

Amendment Title Registered Published
122/2024 Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Regulation, amendment 22 Nov. 2024 22 Nov. 2024
120/2024 Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Regulation, amendment 22 Nov. 2024 22 Nov. 2024
79/2024 Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Regulation, amendment 6 Sept. 2024 6 Sept. 2024
168/2018 Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Regulation, amendment 3 Dec. 2018 4 Dec. 2018
173/2008 Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Regulation, amendment 17 Nov. 2008 29 Nov. 2008
137/2007 Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Regulation, amendment 1 Oct. 2007 13 Oct. 2007
100/2007 Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Regulation, amendment 31 July 2007 11 Aug. 2007
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Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Regulation, M.R. 64/2007

Règlement sur les divulgations faites dans l'intérêt public (protection des divulgateurs d'actes répréhensibles), R.M. 64/2007

The Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act, C.C.S.M. c. P217

Loi sur les divulgations faites dans l'intérêt public (protection des divulgateurs d'actes répréhensibles), c. P217 de la C.P.L.M.

Regulation  64/2007
Registered March 28, 2007

bilingual version (HTML)

Règlement  64/2007
Date d'enregistrement : le 28 mars 2007

version bilingue (HTML)

1   In this regulation, "Act" means The Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act.


1   Dans le présent règlement, « Loi » s'entend de la Loi sur les divulgations faites dans l'intérêt public (protection des divulgateurs d'actes répréhensibles).


2(1)   In addition to the government bodies referred to in the Act, the following are designated as government bodies for the purposes of the Act:

(a) an entity named in the Schedule;

(b) a publicly funded body or organization that carries on or engages in any of the following activities:

(i) providing support services, including employment, vocational or personal development services, that are offered during the day to adults living with an intellectual disability under The Adults Living with an Intellectual Disability Act,

(ii) operating a residential care facility licensed or approved under The Social Services Administration Act, other than a foster home,

(iii) operating a facility at which rental units as defined in The Residential Tenancies Act are rented to individuals or families of low or modest income at reduced rents by reason of funding provided by the government or a government agency,

(iv) operating a child care facility licensed under The Child and Family Services Act, other than a foster home,

(v) operating a child care centre licensed under The Community Child Care Standards Act;

(c) the following municipalities:

(i) the City of Brandon,

(ii) The City of Winnipeg,

(iii) The City of Flin Flon,

(iv) the RM of Whitehead,

(v) the Town of The Pas,

(vi) the Town of Winnipeg Beach.


2(1)   Sont désignés à titre d'organismes gouvernementaux pour l'application de la Loi, en plus des organismes indiqués dans celle-ci :

a) les entités mentionnées à l'annexe;

b) les organismes financés par l'État qui :

(i) fournissent des services de soutien de jour, y compris des services d'emploi, des services de formation ou des services de développement personnel, aux adultes ayant une déficience intellectuelle visés par la Loi sur les adultes ayant une déficience intellectuelle,

(ii) gèrent un établissement de soins en résidence autorisé ou agréé sous le régime de la Loi sur les services sociaux, à l'exclusion d'un foyer d'accueil,

(iii) gèrent un établissement où des unités locatives, au sens de la Loi sur la location à usage d'habitation, sont louées à des particuliers ou à des familles à faible ou modeste revenu, à un loyer réduit en raison d'un versement de fonds publics par le gouvernement ou un organisme gouvernemental,

(iv) gèrent un établissement d'aide à l'enfant autorisé sous le régime de la Loi sur les services à l'enfant et à la famille, à l'exclusion d'un foyer d'accueil,

(v) gèrent une garderie autorisée sous le régime de la Loi sur la garde d'enfants;

c) les municipalités suivantes :

(i) la Ville de Brandon,

(ii) la Ville de Winnipeg,

(iii) la Ville de Flin Flon,

(iv) la Municipalité rurale de Whitehead,

(v) la Ville de The Pas,

(vi) la Ville de Winnipeg Beach.

2(2)   For the purpose of clause (1)⁠(b), a body or organization is publicly funded if

(a) it expects to receive operating funding from the government during its current fiscal year of at least 50% of its anticipated operating costs for the year; or

(b) it expects to receive operating funding from the government during its current fiscal year and

(i) within the past fiscal year, it received operating funding from the government that is at least 50% of its operating costs for the year, or

(ii) within its three preceding fiscal years, it received operating funding from the government that, in total, is at least 50% of its total operating costs for those years.

2(2)   Pour l'application de l'alinéa (1)b), un organisme est financé par l'État lorsque, selon le cas :

a) il s'attend à recevoir du gouvernement pendant son exercice en cours un financement correspondant au moins à 50 % de ses coûts de fonctionnement prévus pour l'exercice;

b) il s'attend à recevoir du gouvernement pendant son exercice en cours un financement et, selon le cas :

(i) a reçu du gouvernement pendant le dernier exercice un financement qui correspond au moins à 50 % de ses coûts de fonctionnement pour cet exercice,

(ii) a reçu du gouvernement pendant ses trois exercices précédents un financement qui, au total, correspond au moins à 50 % de ses coûts totaux de fonctionnement pour ces exercices.

2(3)   For the purpose of subsection (2), operating funding from the government includes

(a) operating funding received from a government body; and

(b) a subsidy paid by the government or a government body to the body or organization on behalf of an individual who receives the service.

M.R. 137/2007; 168/2018; 79/2024; 120/2024; 122/2024

2(3)   Pour l'application du paragraphe (2), le financement du gouvernement comprend :

a) celui reçu d'un organisme gouvernemental;

b) toute subvention versée par lui ou par un organisme gouvernemental à l'organisme visé au nom du particulier qui reçoit le service.

R.M. 137/2007; 168/2018; 79/2024; 120/2024; 122/2024


3   The procedures referred to in section 5 of the Act must provide that a designated officer has authority to refer a disclosure, with notice to the employee, in the following cases:

1.The designated officer may refer a disclosure to the Ombudsman if it would be inappropriate for the designated officer to deal with it, either because of the nature of the wrongdoing or because of the persons involved in the disclosure.

2.The designated officer may refer a disclosure to another designated officer if the wrongdoing is in or relates to another part of the public service.


3   Les règles mentionnées à l'article 5 de la Loi prévoient qu'un fonctionnaire désigné a le pouvoir de renvoyer une divulgation dans les cas suivants, pourvu qu'il en avise l'employé :

1.Le fonctionnaire désigné peut renvoyer une divulgation à l'ombudsman s'il n'est pas indiqué qu'il y donne suite en raison de la nature de l'acte répréhensible ou de l'identité des personnes mises en cause dans le cadre de la divulgation.

2.Le fonctionnaire désigné peut renvoyer une divulgation à un autre fonctionnaire désigné si l'acte répréhensible est commis au sein d'un autre secteur de l'administration publique ou à l'égard de celui-ci.

Exception: subsection 7(1) of the Act

4   If a chief executive determines in consultation with the Ombudsman that the exception set out in subsection 7(1) of the Act applies, a disclosure received from an employee must be referred to the Ombudsman with notice to the employee.

Exception — paragraphe 7(1) de la Loi

4   Si l'administrateur général, après avoir consulté l'ombudsman, détermine que l'exception visée au paragraphe 7(1) de la Loi s'applique, une divulgation est renvoyée à l'ombudsman et l'employé qui l'a faite en est avisé.

Coming into force

5   This regulation comes into force on the same day that section 1 of the Act comes into force.

Entrée en vigueur

5   Le présent règlement entre en vigueur en même temps que l'article 1 de la Loi.


(Section 2)



(Article 2)


Health-related bodies*

Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre of Winnipeg, Inc.

Beacon Hill Lodge

Betel Home Foundation
Gimli, Manitoba

Betel Home Foundation
Selkirk, Manitoba

Bethania Mennonite Personal Care Home, Inc.

Calvary Place Personal Care Home

CancerCare Manitoba, a corporation under The CancerCare Manitoba Act

Centre de santé Saint-Boniface Inc.

Centre Taché Centre

Charleswood Care Centre

Clinique Youville Clinic Inc.

Concordia General Hospital

Concordia Place

The Convalescent Home of Winnipeg

C.P.L. — Valleyview
Brandon, Manitoba

Dinsdale Personal Care Home

Brandon, Manitoba

Donwood Manor Personal Care Home Inc.

Dr. Gendreau Personal Care Home
Ste. Rose du Lac, Manitoba

Eden Mental Health Centre
Winkler, Manitoba

Extendicare Oakview Place

Extendicare Tuxedo Villa

Foyer Valade

Fred Douglas Lodge

Golden Door Geriatric Centre

Golden Links Lodge

Golden West Centennial Lodge

Heritage Lodge Personal Care Home

Hillcrest Place Inc.
Brandon, Manitoba

Holy Family Nursing Home

Kildonan Personal Care Centre Inc.

Lions Personal Care Centre

Luther Home

Main Street Project Inc.

Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre Inc.

Maples Personal Care Home

McCreary/Alonsa Health Centre  
McCreary, Manitoba

McCreary/Alonsa Health Centre Personal Care Home
McCreary, Manitoba

Meadowood Manor

Menno Home for the Aged Grunthal, Manitoba

MFL Occupational Health and Safety Center Inc.

Middlechurch Home of Winnipeg Inc.

Misericordia General Hospital

Misericordia Health Centre

Mount Carmel Clinic

Nine Circles Community Health Centre Inc.

Nisichawayasihk Personal Care Home
Nelson House, Manitoba

Northern Spirit Manor
Thompson, Manitoba

Nor'West Co-op Community Health Centre, Inc.

Park Manor Personal Care Home, Inc.

Parkview Place

Pembina Mennonite Personal Care Home

Pinaow Wachi Inc.
Norway House, Manitoba

Poseidon Care Centre

Prairie View Lodge
Pilot Mound, Manitoba

Red River Place
Selkirk, Manitoba

Rehabilitation Centre for Children Inc.

Rest Haven Nursing Home  
Steinbach, Manitoba

River East Personal Care Home Ltd.

Riverview Health Centre Inc.

Rock Lake Hospital
Crystal City, Manitoba

Rock Lake Personal Care Home
Pilot Mound, Manitoba

St. Adolphe Personal Care Home
St. Adolphe, Manitoba

St. Boniface General Hospital

St. Joseph's Residence Inc.

St. Norbert Personal Care Home Inc.

St. Paul's Home
Dauphin, Manitoba

Ste. Rose General Hospital
Ste. Rose, Manitoba

Salem Home Inc.
Winkler, Manitoba

Salvation Army Grace General Hospital

Seven Oaks General Hospital

Sexuality Education Resource Centre Manitoba, Inc.

Shared Health Inc.

The Sharon Home — Kanee Centre

The Sharon Home — Simkin Centre

Tabor Home Inc.
Morden, Manitoba

Tudor House Personal Care Home
Selkirk, Manitoba

Victoria General Hospital

Villa Youville Incorporated
Ste. Anne, Manitoba

Vista Park Lodge

West Park Manor Personal Care Home

Winnipegosis General Hospital Inc.
Winnipegosis, Manitoba

Winnipegosis-Mossey River PCH Inc.
Winnipegosis, Manitoba

Women's Health Clinic Inc.

*If no location is listed, the body is located in Winnipeg.

Organismes du secteur de la santé*

Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre of Winnipeg, Inc.

Beacon Hill Lodge

Betel Home Foundation
Gimli (Manitoba)

Betel Home Foundation
Selkirk (Manitoba)

Bethania Mennonite Personal Care Home, Inc.

Calvary Place Personal Care Home

Action cancer Manitoba, personne morale visée par la Loi sur la Société Action cancer Manitoba

Centre de santé Saint-Boniface Inc.

Centre Taché Centre

Charleswood Care Centre

Clinique Youville Clinic Inc.

Concordia General Hospital

Concordia Place

The Convalescent Home of Winnipeg

Les Résidences Parc Central Ltée — Valleyview
Brandon (Manitoba)

Dinsdale Personal Care Home
Brandon (Manitoba)

Donwood Manor Personal Care Home Inc.

Dr. Gendreau Personal Care Home
Sainte-Rose-du-Lac (Manitoba)

Eden Mental Health Centre
Winkler (Manitoba)

Extendicare Oakview Place

Extendicare Tuxedo Villa

Foyer Valade

Fred Douglas Lodge

Golden Door Geriatric Centre

Golden Links Lodge

Golden West Centennial Lodge

Heritage Lodge Personal Care Home

Hillcrest Place Inc.
Brandon (Manitoba)

Holy Family Nursing Home

Kildonan Personal Care Centre Inc.

Lions Personal Care Centre

Luther Home

Main Street Project Inc.

Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre Inc.

Maples Personal Care Home

Centre de santé de McCreary et d'Alonsa
McCreary (Manitoba)

McCreary/Alonsa Health Centre Personal Care Home
McCreary (Manitoba)

Meadowood Manor

Menno Home for the Aged
Grunthal (Manitoba)

MFL Occupational Health and Safety Center Inc.

Middlechurch Home of Winnipeg Inc.

Misericordia General Hospital

Misericordia Health Centre

Mount Carmel Clinic

Nine Circles Community Health Centre Inc.

Nisichawayasihk Personal Care Home
Nelson House (Manitoba)

Northern Spirit Manor
Thompson, Manitoba

Nor'West Co-op Community Health Centre, Inc.

Park Manor Personal Care Home, Inc.

Parkview Place

Pembina Mennonite Personal Care Home

Pinaow Wachi Inc.
Norway House (Manitoba)

Poseidon Care Centre

Prairie View Lodge
Pilot Mound (Manitoba)

Red River Place
Selkirk (Manitoba)

Rehabilitation Centre for Children Inc.

Rest Haven Nursing Home
Steinbach (Manitoba)

River East Personal Care Home Ltd.

Riverview Health Centre Inc.

Hôpital de Rock Lake
Crystal City (Manitoba)

Rock Lake Personal Care Home
Pilot Mound (Manitoba)

St. Adolphe Personal Care Home
Saint-Adolphe (Manitoba)

Hôpital général de Saint-Boniface

St. Joseph's Residence Inc.

St. Norbert Personal Care Home Inc.

St. Paul's Home
Dauphin (Manitoba)

Hôpital général de Ste. Rose
Sainte-Rose (Manitoba)

Salem Home Inc.
Winkler (Manitoba)

Salvation Army Grace General Hospital

Seven Oaks General Hospital

Sexuality Education Resource Centre Manitoba, Inc.

Soins communs

The Sharon Home — Kanee Centre

The Sharon Home — Simkin Centre

Tabor Home Inc.
Morden (Manitoba)

Tudor House Personal Care Home
Selkirk (Manitoba)

Victoria General Hospital

Villa Youville Incorporated
Sainte-Anne (Manitoba)

Vista Park Lodge

West Park Manor Personal Care Home

Winnipegosis General Hospital Inc.
Winnipegosis (Manitoba)

Winnipegosis-Mossey River PCH Inc.
Winnipegosis (Manitoba)

Women's Health Clinic Inc.

*Les organismes dont l'adresse n'est pas indiquée sont situés à Winnipeg.


Brandon University

Le Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface

St. Andrew's College in Winnipeg

St. John's College

St. Paul's College

University College of the North

The University of Manitoba

The University of Winnipeg


Université de Brandon

Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface

St. Andrew's College in Winnipeg

St. John's College

St. Paul's College

Collège universitaire du Nord

Université du Manitoba

Université de Winnipeg


Eastman Crisis Centre Inc.

Focus on Employment Inc.

Ikwe-Widdjiitiwin Inc

Insurance Council of Manitoba under The Insurance Act

Manitoba Health Research Council, continued as a body corporate under The Manitoba Health Research Council Act

Manitoba Housing Authority, a body corporate incorporated under Part II of The Housing and Renewal Corporation Act

The Manitoba Museum

Nova House Inc.

Osborne House Inc.

Parkland Crisis Centre Incorporated

Portage Family Abuse Prevention Centre Inc.

St. Amant Centre Inc.

Segue Career Options Inc.

Skills Unlimited

Society for Manitobans with Disabilities Inc.

South Central Committee on Family Violence Inc.

Sport Manitoba

Tax Appeals Commission under The Tax Appeals Commission Act

The Pas Committee for Women in Crisis, Inc.

Thompson Crisis Centre Inc

Venture Manitoba Tours Ltd.

Westman Coalition for Employment Opportunities Inc.

M.R. 100/2007; 137/2007; 173/2008; 168/2018; 120/2024


Eastman Crisis Centre Inc.

Focus on Employment Inc.

Ikwe-Widdjiitiwin Inc

Conseil d'assurance du Manitoba, organisme créé sous le régime de la Loi sur les assurances

Conseil manitobain de la recherche en matière de santé, organisme prorogé à titre de personne morale sous le régime de la Loi sur le Conseil manitobain de la recherche en matière de santé

Bureau du logement du Manitoba, personne morale constituée en vertu de la partie II de la Loi sur la Société d'habitation et de rénovation

Musée du Manitoba

Nova House Inc.

Osborne House Inc.

Parkland Crisis Centre Incorporated

Portage Family Abuse Prevention Centre Inc.

Centre St-Amant

Segue Career Options Inc.

Skills Unlimited

Society for Manitobans with Disabilities Inc.

South Central Committee on Family Violence Inc.

Sport Manitoba

Commission d'appel des impôts et des taxes, organisme constitué sous le régime de la Loi sur la Commission d'appel des impôts et des taxes

The Pas Committee for Women in Crisis, Inc.

Thompson Crisis Centre Inc

Venture Manitoba Tours Ltd.

Westman Coalition for Employment Opportunities Inc.

R.M. 100/2007; 137/2007; 173/2008; 168/2018; 120/2024