R.S.M. 1990, c. 123
The Neepawa and Duck Mountain Railway Company Incorporation Act
1 | The "Neepawa and Duck Mountain Railway Company" |
2 | Powers of company to construct a certain line of railway |
3 | Power to build bridges |
4 | Plans to be submitted to Governor-General |
5 | Telegraph and telephone lines |
6 | Privisional directors and their authority |
7 | Capital stock how divided and applied |
8 | Percentage to be paid up |
9 | Paid-up stock |
10 | Paid-up stock to contractors |
11 | Bonuses |
12 | First general meeting of stockholders |
13 | Qualification of directors |
14 | Election of director |
15 | General meetings and election of directors |
16 | Calls on shares |
17 | Power to own elevators and vessels |
18 | Issue of bonds |
19 | Issue of preference shares |
20 | Trustees of land held by company and expenditure of receipts therefor |
21 | Lands sold discharged from liens |
22 | Unpaid bondholders to become qualified for directors |
23 | Bonds, etc. transferable by delivering until registered |
24 | Company to have power to make notes, etc. |
25 | Powers to make running arrangements |
26 | Leasing powers |
27 | Acquisition of lands for stations, right of way, etc. |
28 | When road to be commenced and finished |
29 | Conveyances of land to company |
30 | Powers under "Railway Act" |
31 | Coming into force of Act |