R.S.M. 1987, c. E190
The Expropriation Act
Table of Contents
1 | Definitions. | |
(2) | Expropriation deemed a "work". | |
2 | Application of Act. | |
(2) | Conflict with other Acts. | |
(3) | Crown is bound. | |
3 | Exercise of expropriation power. | |
4 | Declaration of expropriation. | |
(2) | Plan of expropriated land. | |
(3) | Plans required for highways and drains. | |
(4) | Notice on certificate of title. | |
(5) | Where notice of intention not required. | |
5 | Disturbance of minerals. | |
6 | Expropriation of surplus lands. | |
(2) | Elective date for assessing compensation. | |
7 | Crown lands not expropriated. | |
(2) | Lands used for public services. | |
(3) | May be shown on plan. | |
(4) | Lands owned by authority shown on plan. | |
(5) | Crown lands shown on highways plan. | |
8 | Expropriation of land of authority. | |
(2) | Paramount rights preserved. | |
9 | Confirming authority. | |
(2) | Confirming authority not to delegate. | |
(3) | Amendment of declaration. | |
(4) | Service of confirming order. | |
(5) | Time limited for making order. | |
(6) | Order as evidence of compliance with Act. | |
(7) | Powers not enlarged. | |
(8) | Where inquiry not necessary. | |
(9) | Service of direction. | |
(10) | Where Schedule A not to apply. | |
10 | Application to quash. | |
(2) | Restriction on actions. | |
(3) | Application of subsection 23(1). | |
11 | Registration of declaration. | |
(2) | Better description or plan required. | |
(3) | Effect where expropriated interest not stated. | |
(4) | Effect of statement of expropriated interest on other interests. | |
12 | Declaration may be corrected. | |
(2) | Service of corrected declaration. | |
(3) | Where district registrar may refuse correction. | |
(4) | Proof of signatures not required. | |
13 | Vesting of title. | |
(2) | Certificate of title. | |
(3) | Authority deemed a purchaser. | |
(4) | Filing plan of lands for highways, etc. | |
(5) | Requirements for plan. | |
(6) | Application of subsections 7(3), (4) and (5). | |
(7) | Effect of filing plan. | |
(8) | Statement upon opening or dedicating highway. | |
14 | Notice of expropriation. | |
15 | Certificate of Land Value Appraisal Commission. | |
(2) | Certificate not binding on owner. | |
(3) | Certificate binds authority. | |
(4) | Proceedings not prejudicial. | |
(5) | Fees and charges before Land Value Appraisal Commission. | |
(6) | Variation of certificate. | |
(7) | Determination of costs. | |
16 | Offer of compensation. | |
(2) | Offer may contain offer of due compensation. | |
(3) | Offer of further portion of due compensation. | |
(4) | Offer may refer to amounts owing under liens. | |
(5) | Offer to holder of lien, etc. | |
(6) | Amendment of offer. | |
17 | Agreement Interrupts proceedings. | |
18 | Effect of offer of certified amount | |
(2) | Offer where certificate varied. | |
19 | Payment into court of agreed amount. | |
20 | Right to take possession. | |
(2) | Notice for possession. | |
(3) | Court may vary date. | |
(4) | Order for possession. | |
(5) | Writ for possession. | |
(6) | Execution of writ. | |
(7) | Judgment for costs. | |
21 | Notice of intention to vacate required. | |
22 | Occupant liable for waste. | |
(2) | Owner liable for realty taxes. | |
23 | Extending time for doing any act. | |
(2) | Failure to act in time. | |
24 | Application to extend time in special cases. | |
(2) | Ex parte application. | |
(3) | Effect of extension of time under sec. 8 of Sched. A. | |
(4) | Effect of order extending time under subsec. 9(5). | |
(5) | Filing of order in L.T.O. | |
(6) | Service of order. | |
25 | Authority to compensate for injurious affection. | |
(2) | Effect of injurious affection under certain Acts. | |
(3) | Effective date for determining compensation. | |
26 | Due compensation for land. | |
(2) | Special value of residence of owner. | |
(3) | Equivalent reinstatement in certain cases. | |
27 | Market value defined. | |
(2) | Factors not considered. | |
(3) | Determining market value in certain partial takings. | |
(4) | Unit value of land in certain cases. | |
28 | Compensation for disturbance of owner. | |
(2) | No disturbance considered in certain cases. | |
(3) | Compensation for disturbance of lessee. | |
29 | Loss of goodwill of business. | |
(2) | Determination of business loss may be deferred. | |
30 | Injurious affection in partial takings. | |
(2) | Partial taking defined. | |
(3) | Due compensation to include amount for injurious affection. | |
31 | Injurious affection where no land taken. | |
(2) | Time for making claim limited. | |
(3) | Saving rights of persons under disability. | |
(4) | Limitation period for action. | |
32 | Betterment considered. | |
33 | Payment for security interests. | |
(2) | Due compensation for land stands in place of land. | |
(3) | Satisfaction of security interests and debt. | |
(4) | Disturbance of security interests. | |
(5) | Payment for security interest on partial taking. | |
(6) | Conditions of security interest varied. | |
(7) | Debt under security interest preserved. | |
34 | Undertakings of authority to mitigate damage. | |
(2) | Requirements for undertaking. | |
(3) | Binding effect. | |
(4) | Court may order performance. | |
(5) | Court may impose conditions. | |
35 | Authority to pay interest. | |
(2) | Time from which interest runs. | |
(3) | Only on unpaid compensation. | |
(4) | Court may increase interest rate as penalty. | |
36 | Voluntary payment of compensation authorized. | |
37 | Court to determine due compensation. | |
(2) | Limitation period in respect of declarations registered after July 1, 1980. | |
(3) | Limitation period where declaration registered on or before July 1,1980. | |
38 | Judges may make rules. | |
39 | Several claims may be joined. | |
40 | Number of expert witnesses limited. | |
41 | Judge may inspect land. | |
42 | Judge to furnish particulars of amount adjudged. | |
43 | When owner entitled to costs. | |
(2) | When costs discretionary. | |
(3) | Costs before L.V.A.C. | |
44 | Appeal. | |
(2) | Practice on appeal. | |
(3) | Appeal as to fact and law. | |
(4) | Costs where authority appeals. | |
(5) | Costs where owner appeals. | |
45 | Due compensation stands in stead of land. | |
46 | Rent may be abated. | |
(2) | Frustration of lease. | |
47 | Successors in title bound. | |
48 | Payment into court. | |
(2) | Notice. | |
(3) | Court to adjudicate claims. | |
(4) | Costs may be ordered. | |
(5) | Effect of order. | |
49 | Payment where compensation less than $1,000. | |
50 | Abandonment of expropriation. | |
(2) | Effect of abandonment. | |
51 | Restriction on disposal of expropriated land. | |
(2) | Application of subsec. (1). | |
52 | Right to entry for survey, etc. | |
53 | Appointment of personal representative. | |
(2) | Where owner cannot be found. | |
(3) | Act of representative binding. | |
54 | Mode of service. | |
(2) | Effective date of service by mail or publication. | |
55 | Regulations. | |
1 | Notice of intended expropriation. | |
2 | Contents of notice. | |
3 | Notice of objection. | |
4 | Confirming authority's action. | |
(2) | Appointment of inquiry officer. | |
(3) | Costs of inquiry officer. | |
(4) | Legal costs of owner. | |
(5) | Taxing of legal costs. | |
5 | Notice of public hearing. | |
(2) | Two or more matters dealt with at one inquiry. | |
6 | Parties to inquiry. | |
(2) | Duties of inquiry officer. | |
(3) | Restrictions on inquiry. | |
7 | Revoking appointment of inquiry officer. | |
8 | Report of inquiry officer. | |
9 | Action after report. | |
(2) | Copies of report to parties. | |
FORM 1 | ||
Declaration of Expropriation | ||
(Section 4) | ||
FORM 2 | ||
Notice of Expropriation | ||
(Section 14) | ||
FORM 3 | ||
Notice under section 18 where amount certified by | ||
Land Value Appraisal Commission | ||