S.M. 1985-86, c. 10
The Heritage Resources Act
Table of Contents
1 | Definitions. | |
2 | Sites of heritage significance. | |
3 | Adjacent and nearby sites. | |
4 | Notice of Intent. | |
5 | Objections. | |
(2) | Form of Notice of Objection. | |
6 | Designation where no objection. | |
(2) | Form of Heritage Notice. | |
7 | Hearing upon objection. | |
(2) | Report of Municipal Board. | |
8 | Decision of minister. | |
(2) | Decision not to designate. | |
(3) | Decision to vary designation. | |
(4) | Reference to L.G. in C. | |
(5) | L.G. in C. decision not to designate. | |
(6) | L.G. in C. decision to designate. | |
9 | Appeals from designations. | |
(2) | Options of minister upon appeal. | |
(3) | Revocation of designation upon appeal. | |
(4) | Variation of designation upon appeal. | |
(5) | Reference to Municipal Board. | |
(6) | Report of Municipal Board. | |
(7) | Reference to L.G. in C. | |
(8) | Revocation of designation. | |
(9) | Varying designation. | |
10 | Revocation of proposed designation - not under objection. | |
11 | Revocation of designation - not under appeal. | |
12 | Heritage resource impact assessment intended or designated sites. | |
(2) | Heritage resource impact assessment - other sites. | |
(3) | Form of application, impact assessment and development plan. | |
13 | Approval of minister. | |
(2) | Waiver of certain requirements. | |
14 | Heritage permit required. | |
(2) | Form of heritage permit. | |
15 | Maintenance of heritage sites. | |
16 | Appointment of inspectors. | |
(2) | Surveys, examinations, etc. | |
(3) | Entry to ascertain breach. | |
(4) | Private residences. | |
(5) | Issue of warrant. | |
17 | Stop order. | |
(2) | Order of judge. | |
(3) | Where delay prejudicial. | |
(4) | Recovery of costs. | |
18 | Appeals from order or action of minister. | |
19 | Erection of commemorative markers. | |
(2) | Damage to commemorative markers. | |
20 | Transfer or sale of sites. | |
21 | Heritage covenants. | |
(2) | Variation of heritage covenants by parties. | |
(3) | Variation of heritage covenants by minister. | |
(4) | Enforcement of heritage covenants. | |
22 | Acquisition and disposal of heritage sites. | |
23 | Register of heritage sites. | |
(2) | Public display of register. | |
24 | Transitional. | |
25 | Designation by by-law. | |
26 | First reading of by-law. | |
(2) | Municipal Notice of Intent. | |
(3) | Hearing. | |
27 | Where no objections raised. | |
(2) | Where objections raised. | |
28 | Hearing by Municipal Board. | |
(2) | Attendance at hearing. | |
(3) | Report of Municipal Board. | |
29 | Action of municipality upon report. | |
30 | Appeals from municipal designations. | |
(2) | Notice of appeal. | |
(3) | Options of municipality upon appeal. | |
31 | Reference of appeal to Municipal Board. | |
(2) | Action of municipality upon report. | |
32 | Revocation - not under appeal. | |
33 | Service, publication and filing requirements. | |
(2) | Form of Municipal Heritage Notice. | |
34 | Protection of proposed and designated municipal sites. | |
(2) | Appointment of inspectors. | |
(3) | Surveys, examinations, etc. | |
(4) | Entry to ascertain breach. | |
(5) | Private residences. | |
(6) | Issue of warrant. | |
35 | Stop order. | |
(2) | Order of judge. | |
(3) | Where delay prejudicial. | |
(4) | Recovery of costs. | |
(5) | Appeals from order or action of municipality. | |
36 | Erection of commemorative markers. | |
(2) | Damage to commemorative markers. | |
37 | Transfer or sale of municipal heritage sites. | |
38 | Acquisition and disposal of municipal heritage sites. | |
39 | Register of municipal heritage sites. | |
(2) | Public display of register. | |
40 | Assistance by minister. | |
(2) | Receipt of gifts, etc. | |
41 | Conflicting declarations. | |
42 | Municipal powers are additional. | |
43 | Definitions. | |
(2) | Designations by L.G. in C. | |
44 | Ownership and right of possession - heritage objects. | |
(2) | Agreement for custody. | |
(3) | Transfer of custody. | |
(4) | Waiver of Crown rights. | |
(5) | Ownership of existing heritage objects. | |
45 | Ownership and right of possession human remains. | |
46 | Report of findings. | |
47 | Acquisition of heritage objects. | |
(2) | Disposal of heritage objects. | |
48 | Agreements with owners. | |
(2) | Minister as trustee. | |
49 | Agreement with museums, etc. | |
(2) | Agreements with other jurisdictions. | |
50 | Agreements for investigation. | |
51 | Destruction of heritage objects or human remains. | |
52 | Export of heritage objects. | |
53 | Heritage permit for searching or excavating. | |
54 | Issue of heritage permits. | |
55 | Register of heritage objects. | |
(2) | Public display of register. | |
56 | Heritage council. | |
(2) | Membership. | |
(3) | Provincial Archivist. | |
(4) | Secretary. | |
(5) | Presiding member and deputy presiding member. | |
(6) | Terms of office. | |
(7) | Remuneration. | |
(8) | Procedure. | |
(9) | Duties and functions. | |
57 | Priority of filings in land titles office. | |
58 | Appeal not a stay. | |
(2) | Frequency of appeals. | |
(3) | Public hearings. | |
59 | Method of service. | |
(2) | Substitutional service. | |
(3) | Where delay prejudicial. | |
60 | Informational and educational programs. | |
61 | Agreements with other jurisdictions. | |
62 | Receipt of gifts, etc. | |
(2) | Consolidated Fund. | |
(3) | Grants out of Consolidated Fund. | |
(4) | Grants payable by minister of Finance. | |
63 | Exemption from liability. | |
64 | Zoning by-laws. | |
65 | Building codes. | |
66 | Crown bound. | |
67 | Regulations by minister. | |
68 | Regulations by L.G. in C. | |
69 | Offence and penalty. | |
(2) | Cost of restoration. | |
70 | Repeal. | |
71 | Reference in Continuing Consolidation. | |
72 | Commencement of Act. |