
S.M. 1985-86, c. 10

The Heritage Resources Act

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Table of Contents

1 Definitions.
2 Sites of heritage significance.
3 Adjacent and nearby sites.
4 Notice of Intent.
5 Objections.
(2) Form of Notice of Objection.
6 Designation where no objection.
(2) Form of Heritage Notice.
7 Hearing upon objection.
(2) Report of Municipal Board.
8 Decision of minister.
(2) Decision not to designate.
(3) Decision to vary designation.
(4) Reference to L.G. in C.
(5) L.G. in C. decision not to designate.
(6) L.G. in C. decision to designate.
9 Appeals from designations.
(2) Options of minister upon appeal.
(3) Revocation of designation upon appeal.
(4) Variation of designation upon appeal.
(5) Reference to Municipal Board.
(6) Report of Municipal Board.
(7) Reference to L.G. in C.
(8) Revocation of designation.
(9) Varying designation.
10 Revocation of proposed designation - not under objection.
11 Revocation of designation - not under appeal.
12 Heritage resource impact assessment intended or designated sites.
(2) Heritage resource impact assessment - other sites.
(3) Form of application, impact assessment and development plan.
13 Approval of minister.
(2) Waiver of certain requirements.
14 Heritage permit required.
(2) Form of heritage permit.
15 Maintenance of heritage sites.
16 Appointment of inspectors.
(2) Surveys, examinations, etc.
(3) Entry to ascertain breach.
(4) Private residences.
(5) Issue of warrant.
17 Stop order.
(2) Order of judge.
(3) Where delay prejudicial.
(4) Recovery of costs.
18 Appeals from order or action of minister.
19 Erection of commemorative markers.
(2) Damage to commemorative markers.
20 Transfer or sale of sites.
21 Heritage covenants.
(2) Variation of heritage covenants by parties.
(3) Variation of heritage covenants by minister.
(4) Enforcement of heritage covenants.
22 Acquisition and disposal of heritage sites.
23 Register of heritage sites.
(2) Public display of register.
24 Transitional.
25 Designation by by-law.
26 First reading of by-law.
(2) Municipal Notice of Intent.
(3) Hearing.
27 Where no objections raised.
(2) Where objections raised.
28 Hearing by Municipal Board.
(2) Attendance at hearing.
(3) Report of Municipal Board.
29 Action of municipality upon report.
30 Appeals from municipal designations.
(2) Notice of appeal.
(3) Options of municipality upon appeal.
31 Reference of appeal to Municipal Board.
(2) Action of municipality upon report.
32 Revocation - not under appeal.
33 Service, publication and filing requirements.
(2) Form of Municipal Heritage Notice.
34 Protection of proposed and designated municipal sites.
(2) Appointment of inspectors.
(3) Surveys, examinations, etc.
(4) Entry to ascertain breach.
(5) Private residences.
(6) Issue of warrant.
35 Stop order.
(2) Order of judge.
(3) Where delay prejudicial.
(4) Recovery of costs.
(5) Appeals from order or action of municipality.
36 Erection of commemorative markers.
(2) Damage to commemorative markers.
37 Transfer or sale of municipal heritage sites.
38 Acquisition and disposal of municipal heritage sites.
39 Register of municipal heritage sites.
(2) Public display of register.
40 Assistance by minister.
(2) Receipt of gifts, etc.
41 Conflicting declarations.
42 Municipal powers are additional.
43 Definitions.
(2) Designations by L.G. in C.
44 Ownership and right of possession - heritage objects.
(2) Agreement for custody.
(3) Transfer of custody.
(4) Waiver of Crown rights.
(5) Ownership of existing heritage objects.
45 Ownership and right of possession human remains.
46 Report of findings.
47 Acquisition of heritage objects.
(2) Disposal of heritage objects.
48 Agreements with owners.
(2) Minister as trustee.
49 Agreement with museums, etc.
(2) Agreements with other jurisdictions.
50 Agreements for investigation.
51 Destruction of heritage objects or human remains.
52 Export of heritage objects.
53 Heritage permit for searching or excavating.
54 Issue of heritage permits.
55 Register of heritage objects.
(2) Public display of register.
56 Heritage council.
(2) Membership.
(3) Provincial Archivist.
(4) Secretary.
(5) Presiding member and deputy presiding member.
(6) Terms of office.
(7) Remuneration.
(8) Procedure.
(9) Duties and functions.
57 Priority of filings in land titles office.
58 Appeal not a stay.
(2) Frequency of appeals.
(3) Public hearings.
59 Method of service.
(2) Substitutional service.
(3) Where delay prejudicial.
60 Informational and educational programs.
61 Agreements with other jurisdictions.
62 Receipt of gifts, etc.
(2) Consolidated Fund.
(3) Grants out of Consolidated Fund.
(4) Grants payable by minister of Finance.
63 Exemption from liability.
64 Zoning by-laws.
65 Building codes.
66 Crown bound.
67 Regulations by minister.
68 Regulations by L.G. in C.
69 Offence and penalty.
(2) Cost of restoration.
70 Repeal.
71 Reference in Continuing Consolidation.
72 Commencement of Act.