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R.S.M. 1990, c. 235

The Boundary Extension in the North-West Angle Inlet of Lake of the Woods Act, 1928

Table of contents

WHEREAS the preamble to this Act when it was originally enacted provided as follows:

WHEREAS in and by virtue of Article I of the Treaty between His Britannic Majesty in respect of the Dominion of Canada and the United States of America for the further demarcation of the boundary between Canada and the United States of America, signed at Washington on the twenty-fourth day of February, 1925, the two parcels of land hereinafter described, situate, lying and being in the North-west Angle Inlet of Lake of the Woods became the property of Canada;

AND WHEREAS the said parcels of land are situate within the boundaries of lands added to the Province of Manitoba by the Manitoba Boundaries Extension Act, 1912;

AND WHEREAS it is expedient that the said parcels of land be added to and form part of the Province of Manitoba;

AND WHEREAS it is considered advisable to continue this Act in the body of Manitoba's laws in its original form without revision;

AND WHEREAS the Minister of Justice has caused this Act to be prepared in English and French for re-enactment in accordance with a judgment dated June 13, 1985 and an order dated November 4, 1985 of the Supreme Court of Canada;

THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:

Consent to increase of Provincial limits


The Legislative Assembly of Manitoba hereby consents that the limits of the Province be increased so that the following described pieces or parcels of land mentioned in the preamble hereto shall from and after the coming into force of this Act be added to and form part of the Province of Manitoba, namely:


All and singular, that certain piece or parcel of land covered by water, situate, lying and being in the North-west Angle Inlet of Lake of the Woods and particularly described as follows:  Commencing at a point, the second intersection from the south of the meridian through International Boundary Monument number nine hundred and twenty-five with the middle thread of the North-west Angle Inlet of Lake of the Woods, said point being north two thousand nine hundred and four feet, more or less, of said International Boundary Monument number nine hundred and twenty-five, thence due north along the said meridian four hundred and seventy feet, more or less, to the third intersection from the south of the said meridian with the said middle thread of the said North-west Angle Inlet of Lake of the Woods, thence following the sinuosities of the said middle thread of the said North-west Angle Inlet of Lake of the Woods southerly a distance of seven hundred feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, containing by admeasurement two acres, be the same more or less, shown marked A on the plan referred to in the schedule to this Act.


All and singular, that certain piece or parcel of land covered by water, situate, lying and being in the North-west Angle Inlet of Lake of the Woods and particularly described as follows:  Commencing at a point, the fourth intersection from the south of the meridian through International Boundary Monument number nine hundred and twenty-five with the middle thread of the North-west Angle Inlet of Lake of the Woods, said point being north three thousand seven hundred and twenty feet, more or less, of said International Boundary Monument numbered nine hundred and twenty-five, thence due north along the said meridian two hundred and ninety feet, more or less, to the fifth intersection from the south of the said meridian with the said middle thread of the said North-west Angle Inlet of Lake of the Woods, thence following the sinuosities of the said middle thread of the said North-west Angle Inlet of Lake of the Woods southerly a distance of three hundred and twenty-five feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, containing by admeasurement one-half acre, be the same more or less, shown marked B on the plan referred to in the schedule to this Act.

NOTE:  Section 1 was subsequently repealed and substituted.  See R.S.M. 1954, c. 21, re-enacted as The Boundary Extension in the North-west Angle Inlet of Lake of the Woods Act, 1954.

When effective


The territorial boundaries and limits of Manitoba shall be and are hereby extended and increased as above set forth, upon the passage of an Act of the Parliament of Canada provided therefor.

Laws to apply


All laws and statutes of the Province of Manitoba shall apply and extend to the whole of the territory within the above described limits, unless where otherwise expressed or necessarily implied.


This Act shall come into force on the day it is assented to.


The plan mentioned in section 1 of this Act is a blue print deposited with the original copy of Bill No. 10 of the First Session of the Eighteenth Legislature and identified by the signature thereon of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.

NOTE:  This Act replaces An Act to provide for the extension of the Boundary of the Province of Manitoba in the North-west Angle Inlet of Lake of the Woods, assented to February 7, 1928, being chapter 3, Statutes of Manitoba, 1928.