C.C.S.M. c. M226
The Municipal Assessment Act
Table of Contents
PART 1 | ||
1 | Definitions | |
(2) | Interpretation of "mines or minerals" | |
PART 2 | ||
2 | Act governs assessments | |
3 | City of Winnipeg exempted | |
PART 3 | ||
4 | Provincial Municipal Assessor | |
5 | Duties of Provincial Municipal Assessor | |
(2) | [Repealed] | |
(3) | Powers of Provincial Municipal Assessor | |
(4) | P.M.A. may appoint assessors | |
(5) | Directions of P.M.A. apply to assessors | |
6 | Regulations by Lieutenant Governor in Council | |
(1.1) | Regulations re varying portions | |
(2) | Regulations by minister | |
(3) | Retroactive regulations for 1990 | |
7 | Certification of assessments by minister | |
(2) | Certification as Act of Legislature | |
8 | Levy for assessment costs | |
PART 4 | ||
9 | General assessments | |
(2) | When general assessment to be made | |
(2.1) | Application of general assessments | |
(2.2) | [Repealed] | |
(3) | Annual assessment rolls after 1990 | |
(4) | [Repealed] | |
(5) | Effect of delivery of assessment rolls | |
(6) | Notice of an assessment | |
(6.1) | Community revitalization property breakdown | |
(7) | Conservation property breakdown | |
(8) | "Conservation land" | |
10 | Property in boundary highways | |
11 | Name in which property assessed | |
(2) | Assessment of right, interest or estate | |
(2.1) | Non-profit occupying community hall etc. | |
(3) | Improvement assessed against occupier | |
(4) | Property leased from railway | |
(4.1) | Winnipeg Airports Authority Inc. | |
(4.2) | Application | |
(5) | Improvements included in assessment | |
(6) | Classification of properties | |
(7) | Allocating assessed values | |
12 | Adding real owners to rolls | |
(2) | Application to add name to rolls | |
(3) | Municipal administrator to make entry on rolls | |
13 | Amending assessment rolls | |
(2) | Application for amendment | |
(3) | Change in ownership amendment | |
(4) | Same conditions and requirements apply | |
(5) | Amendments apply in subsequent years | |
(6) | Notice of an amendment | |
(7) | Conservation property breakdown | |
(8) | "Conservation land" | |
14 | P.M.A. may amend rolls | |
(2) | City Assessor may amend rolls | |
(3) | Notice, revision and appeal re corrections | |
15 | Errors do not affect validity | |
(2) | Revision rights reserved | |
15.1 | Revisions by agreement | |
(2) | Form and content of agreement | |
(3) | Effect of agreement | |
(4) | Supplementary taxes not affected by agreement | |
(5) | Public registries of agreements | |
(6) | Copy to municipality | |
(7) | Amendment and correction process saved | |
16 | Assessor may request information | |
(2) | Time to provide information and declaration | |
(3) | Inquiries at land titles offices by assessor | |
(4) | Information provided not binding on assessor | |
(5) | Cemetery statement on lots or plots | |
PART 5 | ||
17 | Assessment at value | |
(2) | Farm Property: farming purposes | |
(3) | [Repealed] | |
(4) | Farm Property assessed value | |
(5) | Change in use tax payback | |
(6) | Endorsement on tax certificate | |
(7) | Lien on land and collection | |
(8) | Farm Property assessment regulations | |
(9) | [Repealed] | |
(10) | Easements and rights-of-way | |
(11) | Reserve for private roadway | |
(12) | Roadway reserves for several parcels of land | |
(13) | Occupier interest value | |
(14) | Portioned values to be used | |
(15) | Business assessment on annual rental value | |
(16) | Determination of annual rental value | |
18 | Presumption of validity of assessment | |
19 | Assessing the value of a railway roadway, pipeline or gas distribution system | |
PART 6 | ||
20 | Liability to taxation | |
21 | Real property general exemptions | |
22 | Real property partial exemptions | |
(1.1) | Exemption for sports or recreational facility on university land | |
(1.2) | Application of subsection (1.1) | |
(2) | Farm improvements exemption | |
(3) | Airport improvements exemption | |
23 | Exemption from school taxes | |
(2) | Farm Property exemption | |
(3) | Community revitalization property | |
24 | Contiguous land exemption | |
25 | Right, interest or estate of occupier | |
(2) | Occupiers of Crown land | |
26 | Proportionate building tax exemption | |
(2) | Proportionate land tax exemption | |
(3) | Hospital building exemption | |
27 | Contiguous land to multiple exemptions | |
PART 7 | ||
28 | By-law for business assessments | |
29 | Levy of business taxes by councils | |
30 | Business tax exemptions | |
31 | Mandatory personal property assessments | |
(2) | By-law for personal property assessments | |
(3) | Personal property assessments | |
(4) | Personal property tax exemptions | |
(5) | Personal property rate of taxation | |
32 | Business tax on cable television service | |
(2) | "Gross revenue" | |
(3) | [Repealed] | |
(4) | Annual report of gross revenues | |
33 | Subsection 32(1) business tax replaces usual tax | |
(2) | Business premises tax payable | |
34 | Copy of by-law to Provincial Municipal Assessor | |
(2) | By-law continues in force | |
PART 8 | ||
35 | Appointment of board of revision | |
(2) | Presiding member of board of revision | |
(3) | Term of office of board members | |
(4) | Appointment of secretary | |
36 | Duties of a board of revision | |
(2) | Rules of practice | |
37 | Protection of board members | |
38 | Designation of board panels | |
(2) | Presiding officer of panel | |
(3) | Panel has powers of a board | |
(4) | More than one panel sitting | |
39 | Quorum of board or panel | |
40 | Compensation | |
41 | Annual sittings of boards of revision | |
(2) | Secretary to give notice of sittings | |
(3) | Content of notice of sitting | |
(4) | Method of giving notice of sitting | |
42 | Application for revision | |
(2) | No revision re railway roadway, pipeline or gas distribution system | |
43 | Application requirements | |
(2) | Assessor's request to increase assessed value | |
(3) | Notice of request to increase assessed value | |
44 | Notice of sitting to parties | |
(2) | [Repealed] | |
45 | Notice of rescheduled sitting | |
(2) | Adjournments of sittings | |
46 | Absence of party at revision hearing | |
(2) | Board may dismiss where applicant absent | |
(3) | Assessor to attend revision hearings | |
47 | Party may testify or call witnesses | |
(2) | Subpoena powers of secretary | |
(3) | Board may call witnesses | |
(4) | Service of subpoena, summons or order | |
48 | Failure of witness to appear: penalty | |
49 | Attendance money entitlement | |
(2) | Liability for attendance money | |
50 | Testimony under oath or affirmation | |
(2) | Administration of oath or affirmation | |
51 | Recording of evidence | |
(2) | Liability for cost of recording | |
52 | Board may view property | |
53 | Burden of proof on assessor | |
(2) | Burden of proof on applicant | |
(3) | Burden of proof for non-cooperation | |
54 | Order by board or panel | |
(2) | No order on matters not put at issue | |
(2.1) | Increase in assessed value | |
(3) | No change if fair and just relation | |
(3.1) | Effect of providing inconsistent information | |
(3.2) | Effect of providing no information | |
(4) | Panel report to board | |
(5) | Mailing of board or panel order | |
(6) | Board report to council | |
(7) | Revision of assessment roll by assessor | |
(8) | Revising the assessed value of a community revitalization property | |
55 | Revised assessment rolls final | |
(2) | Amendment process saved | |
56 | Appeal to Court of Queen's Bench | |
(2) | Appeal to Municipal Board | |
(3) | Simultaneous appeals | |
(4) | New hearing on appeal | |
(5) | Right of appeal lost | |
57 | Appeal procedure to Municipal Board | |
(2) | Notice of appeal to Municipal Board | |
(2.1) | Contents of notice | |
(3) | Filing fee on appeal | |
(4) | Appeal fee refund | |
(5) | Municipal Board to set appeal hearing with notice | |
(5.1) | Board may assist in resolution | |
(6) | Notice of appeal hearing | |
(7) | Posting of notice of appeal hearing | |
(8) | Assessor may seek increase in assessed value | |
(9) | Assessor's notice of request to increase assessed value | |
58 | Assessors to attend appeal hearings | |
59 | Adjournment of appeal hearings | |
(2) | Municipal Board Act powers apply | |
(3) | Appeal hearing in absence of party | |
(4) | Dismissal if appellant fails to appear | |
(5) | Burden of proof on appeals | |
(6) | Burden of proof for non-cooperation | |
60 | Order by Municipal Board | |
(1.1) | No hearing necessary with agreement | |
(1.2) | No order on matters not at issue in an appeal | |
(1.3) | Increase in assessed value | |
(2) | No change by Board if fair and just relation | |
(2.1) | Effect of providing inconsistent information | |
(2.2) | Effect of providing no information | |
(3) | Board may direct assessments redone | |
(4) | Directions on assessments to be redone | |
(5) | Reassessment as of before delivery of rolls | |
(6) | Same conditions and requirements apply | |
(7) | Reassessments apply in subsequent years | |
(8) | P.M.A. and City Assessor to be heard | |
61 | Mailing of order of Board | |
(2) | Revision by municipal administrator | |
(3) | Revising the assessed value of a community revitalization property | |
62 | Appeal to Court of Queen's Bench | |
(2) | Content of appeal documents, parties | |
(3) | 28-day limitations | |
63 | Appeal to Court of Appeal | |
(2) | Leave to appeal | |
(3) | Apply for leave within 30 days | |
(4) | Notice | |
(5) | Court of Appeal decision final | |
PART 9 | ||
64 | Offence and penalty | |
65 | Repeals | |
(2) | Application of repealed statutes | |
66 | Existing enactments and by-laws | |
67 | Pre-1990 assessment proceedings | |
68 | Phase-in of tax increase or decrease | |
69 | Reference in C.C.S.M. | |
PART 10 | ||
70 to 97 | [amendments to other Acts] | |
PART 11 | ||
98 | Retroactive: January 1, 1990 | |
(2) | January 1, 1991 |