This is an unofficial archived version.
If you need an official copy, use the bilingual (PDF) version.
Note: It does not reflect any retroactive amendment enacted after November 30, 2022.
To find out if an amendment is retroactive, see the coming-into-force provisions
at the end of the amending Act.
C.C.S.M. c. C150.5
The Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act
(Assented to June 1, 2022)
WHEREAS it is appropriate to consolidate in one statute the days, weeks and months severally proclaimed in law for the purpose of preserving the memory of, or recognizing the significance of, individuals, groups, organizations and cultures, disorders and diseases, and issues and events in Manitoba;
THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
Each Schedule to this Act is hereby enacted.
Information Note Each schedule relates to a specific commemorative day, week or month. The schedules are ordered according to the calendar year. |
In this Act, "week" means seven consecutive days beginning on Sunday except where otherwise indicated.
NOTE: This section contained repeals and amendments to other Acts that are now included in those Acts.
This Act may be cited as The Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act and referred to as chapter C150.5 of the Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba.
This Act comes into force on the day it receives royal assent.
WHEREAS in 1873 the Parliament of Canada established a police force named the North-West Mounted Police to enforce the law in Canada's newly acquired territory in Western Canada;
AND WHEREAS the North-West Mounted Police was first based in Manitoba;
AND WHEREAS in 1919 the Parliament of Canada voted to form a national police force by merging the North-West Mounted Police and the Dominion Police of Eastern Canada, and on February 1, 1920, the newly formed police force was named the Royal Canadian Mounted Police;
AND WHEREAS the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has continued to grow as a police force having jurisdiction in eight provinces and three territories and, through its national police services, offers resources to other Canadian law enforcement agencies;
AND WHEREAS today the scope of services and operations of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Canada has expanded and includes enforcement against organized crime, terrorism, illicit drugs, economic crimes and offences that threaten the integrity of Canada's national borders;
AND WHEREAS the members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have given much to our communities in terms of service and sacrifice;
AND WHEREAS there is a need to recognize and promote awareness of the important history and role of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Manitoba;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Day
1 In each year, February 1 is to be known as Royal Canadian Mounted Police Day.
WHEREAS lymphedema is an accumulation of lymphatic fluid that causes swelling of the arms, legs and other parts of the body and can lead to severe infection or the loss of use of limbs;
AND WHEREAS persons with lymphedema must endure a variety of hardships and challenges;
AND WHEREAS there is currently no cure for lymphedema;
AND WHEREAS March 6 in each year is set aside as Lymphedema Awareness Day in order to increase public awareness of this serious medical condition;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Lymphedema Awareness Day
1 In each year, March 6 is to be known as Lymphedema Awareness Day.
WHEREAS consumer issues affect the lives of all Manitobans and it is in everyone's interest to be knowledgeable about consumer issues and rights;
AND WHEREAS a strong community is one in which consumers are treated fairly and honestly and have clear, accurate information upon which to make informed choices;
AND WHEREAS a healthy marketplace is one in which all businesses
(a) have equal opportunities to succeed,
(b) operate according to rules that do not hinder creativity and innovation, and
(c) comply with fair, reasonable consumer protection standards;
AND WHEREAS consumer organizations in more than 100 countries recognize March 15 as World Consumer Rights Day;
AND WHEREAS observing Consumer Rights Day in Manitoba serves to promote awareness about consumer issues and rights;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Consumer Rights Day
1 In each year, March 15 is to be known as Consumer Rights Day.
WHEREAS human trafficking is the trade in persons, often for the purpose of sexual slavery, servitude or forced labour;
AND WHEREAS human trafficking is an illegal and extremely lucrative industry that affects almost every country in the world;
AND WHEREAS the trafficking and exploitation of children, youth and adults are of great concern in Manitoba, Canada and the international community;
AND WHEREAS Stop Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Week takes place during the second week of March to promote awareness about the sexual exploitation of children;
AND WHEREAS heightened awareness about human trafficking and sexual exploitation is an important part of Tracia's Trust, the province's comprehensive strategy to end sexual exploitation;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Human Trafficking Awareness Day
1 In each year, the Thursday of the second week in March is to be known as Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
WHEREAS the purpose of Agriculture Awareness Day is to highlight the economic importance of Manitoba's agriculture industry with a focus on its contributions in the areas of job creation and advances in technology and innovation;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Agriculture Awareness Day
1 In each year, the third Tuesday in March is to be known as Agriculture Awareness Day.
WHEREAS sexual assault is one of the most underreported violent crimes in Manitoba and as many as nine sexual assaults out of ten might not be reported to police;
AND WHEREAS there is a need to promote awareness, education and discussion about the seriousness of sexual assault and violence;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
1 In each year, April is to be known as Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
WHEREAS Sikh Canadians represent a growing and dynamic population in Manitoba;
AND WHEREAS Sikh Canadians have made important contributions to Manitoba's social, economic, political and cultural life;
AND WHEREAS it is important to support Sikh heritage, art and culture and those organizations in Manitoba that promote and enhance Sikh social and cultural life;
AND WHEREAS April is an important month for Sikh Canadians as it marks the creation of the Khalsa Panth;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Sikh Heritage Month
1 In each year, the month of April is to be known as Sikh Heritage Month.
WHEREAS caregivers are important to the well-being of Manitobans and Manitoba communities;
AND WHEREAS recognition and awareness of caregivers should be increased and their valuable social and economic contribution to society should be acknowledged;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Caregiver Recognition Day
1(1) In each year, the first Tuesday of April is to be known as Caregiver Recognition Day.
Meaning of caregiver
1(2) A caregiver means a person who provides informal and unpaid personal care, support or assistance to another person because that other person lives with challenges due to
(a) a disability;
(b) an illness;
(c) an injury; or
(d) aging.
WHEREAS it is important to recognize the role that Scottish Manitobans have played and continue to play in Manitoba's cultural heritage;
AND WHEREAS the Tartan of the Province of Manitoba consists of two blocks of colour, chiefly maroon and green with some yellow, dark green and azure blue, representing as follows:
(a) maroon and green — the natural resources of the province,
(b) yellow — the grain and other agricultural products of the province,
(c) dark green — the diverse people who have enriched the life of the province, and
(d) azure blue — Lord Selkirk, the founder of the Red River Settlement;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Manitoba Tartan Day
1 In each year, April 6 is to be known as Manitoba Tartan Day.
WHEREAS over 40 animal shelters and rescue facilities provide valuable support to animals in Manitoba by finding homes for hundreds of neglected or abused animals each year;
AND WHEREAS greater awareness of this important work creates an opportunity to host animal adoption and fostering events throughout Manitoba;
AND WHEREAS these animal shelters and rescue facilities also provide affordable spay and neuter programs that help to control animal populations and protect communities from health and safety risks caused by stray animals;
AND WHEREAS the lack of spay and neuter programs, particularly in northern Manitoba, contributes to growing stray dog populations in these communities, endangering the families and animals that live there;
AND WHEREAS greater awareness of the need for spay and neuter programs creates an opportunity to host events to increase funding and support for them in these communities;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Animal Shelter and Rescue Awareness Day
1 In each year, April 10 is to be known as Animal Shelter and Rescue Awareness Day.
WHEREAS Manitoba school bus drivers have an important responsibility to safely transport students in all parts of the province to and from school, sporting events, field trips and many other activities;
AND WHEREAS school bus drivers manoeuver large vehicles through traffic regardless of road and weather conditions and provide leadership in the event of an emergency;
AND WHEREAS school bus drivers provide parents and guardians, students, teachers and others in the education system with a valuable service;
AND WHEREAS there is a need to recognize and promote awareness of the important role of school bus drivers;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
School Bus Driver Day
1 In each year, the third Wednesday in April is to be known as School Bus Driver Day.
WHEREAS one person's decision to become an organ and tissue donor may benefit up to 50 people;
AND WHEREAS there is a need to promote awareness, education and discussion about becoming an organ and tissue donor;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Day
1 In each year, the Tuesday of the last week in April is to be known as Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Day.
WHEREAS invasive species can result in the loss of Manitoba's unique ecosystems and native species;
AND WHEREAS the activities of people are most often responsible for the introduction of a species to a new area;
AND WHEREAS preventing the introduction of an invasive species to an new area is the most effective way to manage it;
AND WHEREAS increasing awareness of the threats of invasive species will help prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Invasive Species Awareness Week
1(1) In each year, the last week of April is to be known as Invasive Species Awareness Week.
Meaning of "invasive species"
1(2) An invasive species is a species or subspecies of animal, plant or other organism that, in respect of Manitoba or an area of Manitoba,
(a) is not native; and
(b) is harmful to the natural environment or would be harmful if it is introduced and spread in that environment.
WHEREAS the Holocaust refers to a specific event in history, namely, the deliberate and planned state-sponsored persecution and annihilation of European Jewry by the Nazis and their collaborators between 1933 and 1945;
AND WHEREAS six million Jewish men, women and children perished under this policy of hatred and genocide;
AND WHEREAS millions of others were victims of that policy because of their physical or mental disabilities, race, religion or sexual orientation;
AND WHEREAS the terrible destruction and pain of the Holocaust must never be forgotten;
AND WHEREAS systematic violence, genocide, persecution, racism and hatred continue to occur throughout the world;
AND WHEREAS the Legislative Assembly is committed to using legislation, education and example to protect Manitobans from violence, racism and hatred and to stopping those who foster or commit crimes of violence, racism and hatred;
AND WHEREAS Yom Hashoah or the Day of the Holocaust, as determined in each year by the Jewish lunar calendar, is an opportune day to reflect on and educate about the enduring lessons of the Holocaust and to reaffirm a commitment to uphold human rights and to value the diversity and multiculturalism of Manitoban society;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Holocaust Memorial Day — Yom Hashoah
1 In each year, Yom Hashoah or the Day of the Holocaust, as determined by the Jewish lunar calendar, is to be known as Holocaust Memorial Day — Yom Hashoah.
WHEREAS neurofibromatosis (NF) is a neurological disorder affecting one in every 3,500 births, and for which there is no preventative treatment or cure;
AND WHEREAS NF causes tumours to form on nerves anywhere in the body, resulting in disfigurement, blindness, deafness, learning disabilities, abnormal growth, epilepsy and cancer;
AND WHEREAS there is a need to promote awareness, education and discussion about NF to ensure that the needs of NF patients are acknowledged, and to support research that may bring hope to patients and their families;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Neurofibromatosis (NF) Awareness Month
1 In each year, the month of May is to be known as Neurofibromatosis (NF) Awareness Month.
WHEREAS Jordan River Anderson, a First Nations child who had complex medical needs, lived his entire life in a hospital because the government of Manitoba and the government of Canada could not agree on which jurisdiction was responsible for his in-home health care costs;
AND WHEREAS Jordan River Anderson's tragic death led to the development of Jordan's Principle, a policy intended to prevent First Nations children from being denied prompt and equal access to government services because of jurisdictional disputes between different levels of government;
AND WHEREAS the proper implementation of Jordan's Principle has been found to uphold the human rights of First Nations children;
AND WHEREAS a teddy bear called Spirit Bear has become symbolic of Jordan's Principle;
AND WHEREAS observing Spirit Bear Day will help create awareness of Jordan's Principle and the challenges faced by First Nations children when accessing government services;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Spirit Bear Day
1 In each year, May 10 is to be known as Spirit Bear Day.
WHEREAS the Province of Manitoba was created by The Manitoba Act, 1870, which facilitated Manitoba's admission as the fifth province of Canada;
AND WHEREAS The Manitoba Act, 1870 was passed by the Parliament of Canada and received royal assent on May 12, 1870;
AND WHEREAS since 1970, the year of Manitoba's centenary, the founding of the Province of Manitoba has traditionally been commemorated on May 12 to mark the enactment of The Manitoba Act, 1870;
AND WHEREAS the commemoration on May 12 has grown into an annual province-wide event celebrating Manitoba and its people;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Manitoba Day
1 In each year, May 12 is to be known as Manitoba Day.
WHEREAS thousands of allied healthcare professionals are committed to delivering frontline quality care to Manitobans every day;
AND WHEREAS allied healthcare professionals support our healthcare system by increasing the accessibility of care, helping patients to heal faster and more completely, and by promoting mental wellness and healthy lifestyles;
AND WHEREAS their work eases the burden on emergency rooms, shortens wait times and improves patients' quality of care;
AND WHEREAS the contribution of allied healthcare professionals to Manitoba's healthcare system is valuable and should be recognized;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Allied Healthcare Professionals Recognition Week
1 In each year, the week of May 14 is to be known as Allied Healthcare Professionals Recognition Week.
WHEREAS service animals provide important assistance to persons with a wide range of disabilities and impairments;
AND WHEREAS therapy animals offer social and emotional support in a variety of therapeutic settings and provide companionship to residents in hospitals, personal care homes and other care facilities;
AND WHEREAS there is a need to recognize the important work provided by service animals and therapy animals;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Service and Therapy Animal Day
1 In each year, May 20 is to be known as Service and Therapy Animal Day.
WHEREAS Special Olympics provides year-round sports programs and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-style sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities;
AND WHEREAS there is a need to promote awareness about the abilities of people with intellectual disabilities, and to showcase those abilities through athleticism and sport;
AND WHEREAS Special Olympics enriches lives, fosters respect, promotes dignity and supports advocacy in communities across Manitoba for people with intellectual disabilities;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Special Olympics Awareness Week
1 In each year, the second week in June is to be known as Special Olympics Awareness Week.
WHEREAS Jon Sigurdsson was an Icelandic scholar and statesman who led the 19th century struggle for Icelandic self-government;
AND WHEREAS Jon Sigurdsson's birthday, June 17, was chosen as Iceland's national holiday when Iceland announced its autonomy from Denmark in 1944;
AND WHEREAS a statue of Jon Sigurdsson, which stands on the northeast corner of the grounds of the Manitoba Legislative Building, was presented by the people of Iceland in June 1921 in honour of the Icelandic settlers who were among the first to establish a community in Manitoba;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Jon Sigurdsson Day
1 In each year, June 17 is to be known as Jon Sigurdsson Day.
WHEREAS Somali Canadians make significant and important cultural, economic, political and social contributions to Manitoba;
AND WHEREAS the week of June 25 to July 1 includes significant dates in the history of the Somali community, including independence celebrations for Somalia, Somaliland and Djibouti, which are held on June 26, June 27 and July 1;
AND WHEREAS these dates represent important moments of pride, resilience and self-determination for all Somalis in East Africa and the Horn of Africa;
AND WHEREAS celebrations are held in Manitoba during this week that reflect the rich culture, heritage and traditions of the Somali people and celebrate independence, liberty and freedom;
AND WHEREAS Somali Heritage Week is an opportunity to recognize, reflect on and celebrate the history and culture of the Somali regions in Africa and the diversity and immeasurable strength that Somali Canadians add to Manitoba;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Somali Heritage Week
1 In each year, June 25 to July 1 is to be known as Somali Heritage Week.
WHEREAS in 1891 Ukrainians began immigrating to Manitoba where they pioneered and engaged in agricultural activities;
AND WHEREAS Canadians of Ukrainian descent, of which there are at least 167,000 in Manitoba, constitute a greater proportion of Manitoba's population than of the population of any other province or territory of Canada, and Winnipeg has become the home base for the organized cultural, educational and religious activities of the Ukrainian Canadian community;
AND WHEREAS in 2008 the Legislative Assembly enacted The Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Day Act to mark the anniversary of the Ukrainian Famine and Genocide of 1932-33;
AND WHEREAS during World War II, a disproportionate number of Ukrainian Canadians registered in the Canadian armed forces to fight for the rights and liberties of Canadians;
AND WHEREAS for over a century Ukrainian Canadians have made invaluable contributions in many fields of endeavour, and their success continues to encourage immigration, which enriches the economic and social well-being of all Manitobans;
AND WHEREAS it is important to recognize and celebrate the Ukrainian Canadian heritage and achievement as part of Canada's multiculturalism;
AND WHEREAS every year for the last 46 years, Canada's National Ukrainian Festival, at which thousands of people proudly celebrate their Ukrainian culture and heritage, has taken place at Selo Ukraina near Dauphin, Manitoba;
AND WHEREAS the National Ukrainian Festival takes place each year on the last weekend before Terry Fox Day;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Manitoba Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Day
1 In each year, the last Saturday before the first Monday in August is to be known as Manitoba Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Day.
WHEREAS the British Parliament abolished slavery in the British Empire as of August 1, 1834;
AND WHEREAS slavery existed in British North America prior to its abolition in 1834;
AND WHEREAS abolitionists and others who struggled against slavery, including those who arrived in Upper and Lower Canada by the Underground Railroad, have historically celebrated August 1 as Emancipation Day;
AND WHEREAS it is important to recognize the heritage of Manitoba's people of African descent and the contributions that the Black community have made and continue to make to Manitoba;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Emancipation Day
1 In each year, August 1 is to be known as Emancipation Day.
WHEREAS Terry Fox, born in Manitoba on July 28, 1958, inspired a nation with his heroic efforts;
AND WHEREAS after losing his right leg to cancer at the age of 18, Terry Fox was moved by the suffering of other cancer patients to raise awareness and money for cancer research by running across Canada;
AND WHEREAS on April 12, 1980, Terry Fox began his Marathon of Hope in St. John's, Newfoundland and journeyed 5,373 kilometres in 143 days, until he was forced by the spread of cancer to stop on September 1, 1980, just outside Thunder Bay, Ontario;
AND WHEREAS on February 1, 1981, the Marathon of Hope fund reached $24.17 million, realizing Terry Fox's dream of raising $1 from every Canadian to fight cancer;
AND WHEREAS Terry Fox's legacy is still supporting and sustaining the search to find the cure for cancer;
AND WHEREAS, to date, more than $800 million has been raised in Terry Fox's name to support cancer research and funds continue to be raised;
AND WHEREAS Terry Fox's visionary efforts also laid the groundwork for the Terry Fox Foundation and the Terry Fox Research Institute;
AND WHEREAS Terry Fox and his legacy of hope, courage, commitment and strength in adversity continue to be an inspiration to school children and communities in Manitoba and Canada and around the world;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Terry Fox Day
1 In each year, the first Monday in August is to be known as Terry Fox Day.
WHEREAS cancer is the most common disease-related cause of death among children;
AND WHEREAS approximately 1,400 children across Canada are diagnosed with cancer each year;
AND WHEREAS there is a need to increase awareness of and education about childhood cancer;
AND WHEREAS many organizations in Canada and elsewhere have recognized the month of September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, including the Canadian Cancer Society;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
1 In each year, the month of September is to be known as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
WHEREAS Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by prenatal alcohol exposure that can lead to lifelong physical, mental, and behavioural difficulties, as well as learning disabilities;
AND WHEREAS recent studies suggest that close to 4% of Canadians live with this disorder;
AND WHEREAS it is often difficult to diagnose FASD and diagnosis, treatment and support require an interdisciplinary team approach;
AND WHEREAS it is important to bring attention to the risks of prenatal exposure to alcohol, raise awareness of the impact of FASD on individuals and communities, and encourage all Manitobans to learn more about the disorder and its effects;
AND WHEREAS International FASD Awareness Day is held each year on September 9, which represents the ninth day of the ninth month of the year to symbolize the nine months of pregnancy;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day
1 In each year, September 9 is to be known as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day.
WHEREAS grandparents play an important, nurturing role in family life and are a valuable link between generations;
AND WHEREAS grandparents should be honoured and appreciated for their guidance and wisdom;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Grandparents' Day
1 In each year, the first Sunday after Labour Day in September is to be known as Grandparents' Day.
WHEREAS Terry Fox, born in Manitoba on July 28, 1958, inspired a nation with his heroic efforts;
AND WHEREAS after losing his right leg to cancer at the age of 18, Terry Fox was moved by the suffering of other cancer patients to raise awareness and money for cancer research by running across Canada;
AND WHEREAS on April 12, 1980, Terry Fox began his Marathon of Hope in St. John's, Newfoundland and journeyed 5,373 kilometres in 143 days, until he was forced by the spread of cancer to stop on September 1, 1980, just outside Thunder Bay, Ontario;
AND WHEREAS on February 1, 1981, the Marathon of Hope fund reached $24.17 million, realizing Terry Fox's dream of raising $1 from every Canadian to fight cancer;
AND WHEREAS the Terry Fox Run is held each year at thousands of sites in more than 25 countries with more than 2 million participants running to raise funds for cancer research;
AND WHEREAS Terry Fox's visionary efforts also laid the groundwork for the Terry Fox Foundation and the Terry Fox Research Institute;
AND WHEREAS Terry Fox and his legacy of hope, courage, commitment and strength in adversity continue to be an inspiration to school children and communities in Manitoba and Canada and around the world;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Terry Fox Run Day
1 In each year, the second Sunday after Labour Day in September is to be known as Terry Fox Run Day.
WHEREAS the purpose of Manitoba Farm and Food Awareness Week is to encourage activities to promote Manitoba farms, Manitoba food and other products of farming carried on in Manitoba;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Manitoba Farm and Food Awareness Week
1 In each year, the week beginning on the third Monday in September is to be known as Manitoba Farm and Food Awareness Week.
WHEREAS each year there are approximately 240 collisions and trespassing incidents along Canadian railways resulting in the injury or death of more than 100 people;
AND WHEREAS most rail accidents are preventable tragedies that can cause injury or death;
AND WHEREAS educational awareness programs can help protect Manitobans from rail accidents;
AND WHEREAS setting aside one week each year to focus attention on rail safety will heighten public awareness and help prevent rail accidents;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Rail Safety Awareness Week
1 In each year, the week of the last Friday in September is to be known as Rail Safety Awareness Week.
WHEREAS the orange shirt has become a symbol of remembrance for residential school survivors;
AND WHEREAS the symbol originated in the experience of Phyllis (Jack) Webstad of the Stswecem'c Xgat'tem First Nation, who shared her story of how her new orange shirt was taken away from her on her first day at St. Joseph Mission Residential School, leaving her with feelings of worthlessness and insignificance;
AND WHEREAS Indigenous children were historically taken from their homes to residential schools at the end of September;
AND WHEREAS the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has called for a national day of remembrance for residential school survivors;
AND WHEREAS this day will provide a way for Manitobans to publicly commemorate the history and legacy of residential schools and the resilience of residential school survivors, commemoration being a vital component of the reconciliation process;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Orange Shirt Day
1 In each year, September 30 is to be known as Orange Shirt Day.
WHEREAS An Act for the protection of game in the Province of Manitoba received royal assent in 1879, authorizing the Lieutenant Governor to appoint game guardians, the earliest predecessors of today's conservation officers, having the powers of constables to protect Manitoba's game and wild fowl;
AND WHEREAS The Conservation Officers Act received royal assent in 2015, bringing together enforcement officers responsible for fish and wildlife, natural resources and protected areas under a new organization known as the Manitoba Conservation Officers Service, and providing that conservation officers have the powers and protections of peace officers while carrying out their enforcement duties;
AND WHEREAS the Manitoba Conservation Officers Service is Manitoba's third-largest armed law enforcement agency;
AND WHEREAS since 1966, six Manitoba conservation officers have lost their lives in the line of duty, reflecting the dangers that conservation officers increasingly face in their daily work;
AND WHEREAS it is important to honour Manitoba's conservation officers for their selfless work, and recognize that conservation officers deserve protection and support in carrying out their important enforcement duties;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Conservation Officers Recognition Day
1 In each year, October 1 is to be known as Conservation Officers Recognition Day.
WHEREAS more than 1,200 Indigenous women and girls in Canada have gone missing or been murdered since 1980, according to police reports;
AND WHEREAS for decades their families have called for greater recognition of the crisis of violence against Indigenous women and girls;
AND WHEREAS the tragic issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in Canada has garnered attention and support throughout Manitoba, Canada and the international community;
AND WHEREAS advocacy by their families, with the support of Indigenous women's organizations, led to the creation of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls;
AND WHEREAS vigils honouring missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls are held across Canada on October 4 each year, raising public awareness and building a movement of social change in respect of violence against Indigenous women and girls;
AND WHEREAS families of Manitoba's missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls have called for an official day of awareness to honour their daughters, mothers, sisters, grandmothers, partners and friends;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Honouring and Awareness Day
1 In each year, October 4 is to be known as Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Honouring and Awareness Day.
WHEREAS many Manitoba parents and families have suffered a miscarriage, a stillbirth or the death of an infant during delivery or shortly after birth;
AND WHEREAS those parents and families deserve and require support and understanding during their time of grief;
AND WHEREAS promoting awareness of the challenges faced by those parents and families is a positive means of establishing support and understanding;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day
1 In each year, October 15 is to be known as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day.
WHEREAS developing and maintaining a highly skilled workforce is vital to Manitoba's economic prosperity;
AND WHEREAS the apprenticeship system provides in-depth, quality training that ensures that apprentices are highly educated and technically skilled and ready to work in sectors of the economy where technical skills are urgently needed;
AND WHEREAS becoming an apprentice can help traditionally disadvantaged people in their search for employment opportunities, as well as enable them to provide for their families in an honourable manner;
AND WHEREAS it is important to recognize the apprenticeship system and the continuing contribution of skilled tradespeople to society in order to ensure that young people and others continue to see the value and nobility of work in the skilled trades;
AND WHEREAS the continued success of the apprenticeship system requires an awareness of the relevance and importance of the apprenticeship system, which can only be maintained through ongoing collaboration among employers, employees, educational institutions, the government and the public;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Apprenticeship Recognition Week
1 In each year, the week of the first Monday in November is to be known as Apprenticeship Recognition Week.
WHEREAS the freedoms and dignity enjoyed by Manitobans are preserved by those who serve in Canada's armed forces;
AND WHEREAS those who serve and have served, and the sacrifices they have made, must not be forgotten;
AND WHEREAS Remembrance Day provides the opportunity to remember and pay tribute to those who have sacrificed their lives, limbs and health to protect our freedoms;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Remembrance Day Awareness Week
1 In each year, the seven-day period from November 5 to November 11 is to be known as Remembrance Day Awareness Week.
WHEREAS Manitobans deserve a health care system that is current, accessible and responsive to the needs of all Manitobans;
AND WHEREAS nurse practitioners are trusted health professionals who are integral to the goal of ensuring all Manitobans have access to a primary care provider;
AND WHEREAS nurse practitioners, by virtue of their clinical expertise, judgment and compassion, play a vital role in caring for Manitoba families in a variety of settings, including QuickCare clinics and emergency departments;
AND WHEREAS nurse practitioners are valued partners in health care who, in addition to providing clinical services, also focus on disease prevention and guiding patients to make healthy lifestyle choices;
AND WHEREAS there is a need to recognize and promote awareness of the important role of nurse practitioners in Manitoba's health care system;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Nurse Practitioner Day
1 In each year, November 18 is to be known as Nurse Practitioner Day.
WHEREAS 2007-08 marks the 75th anniversary of the Ukrainian Famine and Genocide of 1932-33, which is being recognized by the international community;
AND WHEREAS it is recognized that Soviet authorities denied, concealed or destroyed information about the Ukrainian Famine and Genocide of 1932-33, and it is only now that accurate information about this horrific event is emerging;
AND WHEREAS some survivors of the Ukrainian Famine and Genocide of 1932-33 and their descendants have made their home in Manitoba and have contributed richly to Manitoban society;
AND WHEREAS Manitobans cherish democratic freedoms, defend human rights and are passionately committed to the principles of diversity and multiculturalism;
THEREFORE the following is proclaimed throughout Manitoba:
Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Day
1 In each year, the fourth Saturday in November is to be known as Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Day.