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S.M. 2001, c. 33
(Assented to July 6, 2001)
HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
In this Act,
"claimant" means a person who applies under this Act for support; (« demandeur »)
"designated authority" means the person or persons appointed under subsection 37(1), and includes a person to whom a power or duty is delegated under subsection 37(2); (« autorité désignée »)
"former Act" means The Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act, R.S.M. 1987, c. M20; (« ancienne loi »)
"Manitoba court" means a court designated under section 2; (« tribunal du Manitoba »)
"minister" means the minister appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council to administer this Act; (« ministre »)
"provisional order" means
(a) a support order of a court in Manitoba that has no force or effect until confirmed by a court in a reciprocating jurisdiction, or
(b) a similar order made in a reciprocating jurisdiction and received for confirmation in Manitoba; (« ordonnance conditionnelle »)
"provisional order of variation" means
(a) a variation of a support order of a court in Manitoba that has no force or effect until confirmed by a court in a reciprocating jurisdiction, or
(b) a similar order made in a reciprocating jurisdiction and received for confirmation in Manitoba; (« ordonnance modificative conditionnelle »)
"reciprocating jurisdiction" means a jurisdiction declared in the regulations made under subsection 43(1) to be a reciprocating jurisdiction; (« État pratiquant la réciprocité »)
"support" includes support, maintenance or alimony payable for a person or for the child of a person or for both; (« aliments »)
"support order" means a court order or an order made by an administrative body requiring the payment of support and includes the provisions of a written agreement requiring the payment of support if those provisions are enforceable in the jurisdiction in which the agreement was made as if they were contained in an order of a court of that jurisdiction. (« ordonnance alimentaire »)
The minister may designate a court or courts in Manitoba for the purpose of proceedings under this Act.
In this Part, "respondent" means the person against whom support is sought.
This Part applies only where there is no support order in effect requiring the respondent to pay support for the claimant or for any children for whom support is claimed or for both.
If a claimant is ordinarily resident in Manitoba and believes that the respondent is ordinarily resident in a reciprocating jurisdiction, the claimant may start a process in Manitoba that could result in a support order being made in the reciprocating jurisdiction.
Contents of support application
To start the process, the claimant must complete a support application that includes the following:
(a) the name and address for service of the claimant;
(b) a copy of the specific statutory or other legal authority on which the claimant's application for support is based, unless the claimant is relying on the law of the jurisdiction where the respondent is ordinarily resident;
(c) the amount and nature of support claimed;
(d) a sworn document setting out the following:
(i) the name and any information known to the claimant that can be used to locate or identify the respondent,
(ii) the financial circumstances of the respondent, to the extent known by the claimant,
(iii) the name of each person for whom support is claimed and the date of birth of any child for whom support is claimed,
(iv) the evidence in support of the claimant's application that is relevant to establishing entitlement to or the amount of support, including,
(A) where support is claimed for a child, details of the parentage of the child and information about the child's financial and other circumstances, and
(B) where support is claimed for the claimant, information about the claimant's financial and other circumstances and the claimant's relationship with the respondent;
(e) any other information or documents required by the regulations.
No requirement to notify respondent
The claimant is not required to notify the respondent that a process has been started under this section.
Providing support application to designated authority
The claimant must submit the support application to the designated authority in Manitoba, accompanied by a certified translation if required by the appropriate authority in the reciprocating jurisdiction in which the claimant believes the respondent is ordinarily resident.
Forwarding support application
On receiving a support application, the designated authority must
(a) review the support application to ensure that it is complete; and
(b) forward a copy of the completed application, as soon as practicable, to the appropriate authority in the reciprocating jurisdiction in which the claimant believes the respondent is ordinarily resident.
Further information or documents
On receiving a request for further information or documents from a reciprocating jurisdiction under an enactment in that jurisdiction that corresponds to clause 10(2)(a), the claimant must, in accordance with the regulations, provide the further information or documents within the time referred to in the request.
On receiving a certified copy of an order and reasons, if any, from a reciprocating jurisdiction under an enactment in that jurisdiction that corresponds to section 15, the designated authority must, in accordance with the regulations, provide a copy of the order and reasons, if any, to the claimant and the Manitoba court.
Where the respondent is ordinarily resident in a reciprocating jurisdiction that requires a provisional order, the Manitoba court may, on application by a claimant and without notice to and in the absence of a respondent, make a provisional order taking into account the specific statutory or other legal authority on which the claimant's application for support is based.
Evidence in proceedings under subsection (1) may be given orally, in writing or as the court may allow.
If a provisional order is made, the designated authority must send to the reciprocating jurisdiction
(a) three certified copies of the provisional order; and
(b) a support application referred to in subsection 5(2).
If, during a proceeding for confirmation of a provisional order, a court in a reciprocating jurisdiction remits a matter back for further evidence to the Manitoba court that made the provisional order, the Manitoba court must, after giving notice to the claimant, receive further evidence.
If evidence is received under subsection (4), a proper officer of the Manitoba court must forward to the court in the reciprocating jurisdiction a certified copy of the evidence with modifications, if any, to the provisional order as the Manitoba court considers appropriate.
If a provisional order made under this section comes before a court in a reciprocating jurisdiction and confirmation is denied in respect of one or more persons for whom support is sought, the Manitoba court that made the provisional order may, on application within six months after the denial of confirmation, re-open the matter, receive further evidence and make a new provisional order for a person in respect of whom confirmation was denied.
In this Division, "support application" means
(a) a provisional order referred to in clause (b) of the definition "provisional order" in section 1; or
(b) a document from a reciprocating jurisdiction corresponding to a support application described in subsection 5(2).
If the designated authority receives a support application from an appropriate authority in a reciprocating jurisdiction, with information that the respondent named in the support application ordinarily resides in Manitoba, the designated authority must serve on the respondent, in accordance with the regulations,
(a) a copy of the support application; and
(b) a notice requiring the respondent to appear at a place and time set out in the notice and to provide the information or documents required by the regulations.
Forwarding support application
If the designated authority has not served the respondent in accordance with subsection (1) and knows or believes that the respondent is ordinarily resident in another reciprocating jurisdiction in Canada, the designated authority
(a) must forward the support application to the appropriate authority in that other reciprocating jurisdiction; and
(b) must notify the appropriate authority in the originating reciprocating jurisdiction that it has done so.
Returning support application to reciprocating jurisdiction
If the designated authority
(a) is unable to determine where the respondent resides; or
(b) has not served the respondent in accordance with subsection (1) and knows or believes that the respondent is ordinarily resident in a jurisdiction outside Canada;
the designated authority must return the support application to the appropriate authority in the originating reciprocating jurisdiction with any available information respecting the location and circumstances of the respondent.
Information that Manitoba court must consider
Where a support application comes before a Manitoba court, the Manitoba court in making an order must consider
(a) the evidence given or submitted to the Manitoba court; and
(b) the documents forwarded from the reciprocating jurisdiction.
If the Manitoba court requires further information or documents from the claimant to make a support order, the Manitoba court
(a) must direct the designated authority to contact the claimant or the appropriate authority in the reciprocating jurisdiction to request the information or documents; and
(b) must adjourn the hearing and may, if the Manitoba court considers it appropriate, make an interim support order.
Terminating interim support order
If the information or documents requested under subsection (2) are not received by the Manitoba court within 18 months from the date of the request, the Manitoba court may dismiss the support application and terminate an interim support order made under clause (2)(b).
The dismissal of a support application under subsection (3) does not preclude the claimant from commencing a new support application.
If the parentage of a child is in issue and has not previously been determined, the Manitoba court may decide that issue.
Determination of parentage for purposes of this Act
Subject to subsection (3), a determination of parentage under this section has effect only for the purposes of support proceedings under this Act.
Declaration of parentage for all purposes
The Manitoba court may make a determination of parentage that has the same effect as a declaratory order made under section 19 or 20 of The Family Maintenance Act
(a) if satisfied that it is fit and just to do so, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, including the nature and quality of the evidence adduced; and
(b) if notice of the request for a determination of parentage is given to the Director of Child and Family Services appointed under The Child and Family Services Act;
and subsections 20(2) and 20(4) to (8) and sections 21 to 24 of The Family Maintenance Act apply to the proceeding.
Choice of law re child support
With respect to entitlement to support for a child, the Manitoba court must first apply the law of the jurisdiction in which the child is ordinarily resident, but if under that law the child is not entitled to support, the Manitoba court must apply the law of Manitoba.
Law of Manitoba applies re amount of child support
In deciding the amount of support to be paid for a child, the Manitoba court must apply the law of Manitoba.
Choice of law re claimant support
With respect to the entitlement to and the amount of support for the claimant, the Manitoba court must apply the law of Manitoba, but if under the law of Manitoba the claimant is not entitled to support, the Manitoba court must apply the law of the jurisdiction in which the claimant and the respondent last maintained a common habitual residence.
On the conclusion of a hearing, the Manitoba court may, in respect of a claimant or a child, or both
(a) make a support order;
(b) make an interim support order and adjourn the hearing to a specified date;
(c) adjourn the hearing to a specified date without making an interim support order; or
(d) refuse to make a support order.
The Manitoba court may make a support order that is retroactive.
A support order may require support to be paid in periodic payments or as a lump sum, or both.
If the Manitoba court refuses to make a support order, the Manitoba court must give reasons for its order.
Order where notice not complied with
If the respondent does not appear as required in the notice or does not provide the information or documents required under clause 9(1)(b), the Manitoba court may make an order in the absence of the respondent or of the information or documents and in making the order may draw any inference it considers appropriate.
Where respondent does not appear
Where the respondent does not appear as required, the Manitoba court must, in accordance with the regulations, send a copy of the order to the respondent.
Forwarding order to reciprocating jurisdiction
The designated authority must, as soon as practicable, forward a certified copy of an order under this Division and reasons, if any, to the appropriate authority in the reciprocating jurisdiction that forwarded the claimant's support application.
In this Part,
"extra-provincial order" means a support order, an interim support order or an order that varies a support order made in a reciprocating jurisdiction in Canada, but does not include a provisional order or a provisional order of variation; (« ordonnance extraprovinciale »)
"foreign order" means a support order, an interim support order or an order that varies a support order made in a reciprocating jurisdiction outside Canada, but does not include a provisional order or a provisional order of variation. (« ordonnance étrangère »)
Receipt of an order in Manitoba
To register an extra-provincial order or a foreign order, the order must be forwarded to the designated authority in Manitoba.
Designated authority forwards order to court
On receiving a certified copy of an extra-provincial order or a foreign order, the designated authority in Manitoba must forward a copy of the order in accordance with the regulations to the Manitoba court.
On receiving an extra-provincial order or foreign order, the Manitoba court must register the order as an order of that court.
Effect of registration of order
On being registered, the extra-provincial order or foreign order
(a) has, from the date it is registered, the same effect as if it was a support order made by a Manitoba court; and
(b) may, both with respect to arrears accrued before registration and with respect to obligations accruing after registration, be enforced in the same manner as a support order made by a court in Manitoba, or varied as provided in this Act, whether the order is made before, on or after the day on which this Act comes into force.
After the registration of a foreign order under section 18, the designated authority must, in accordance with the regulations, notify any party to the order believed to be ordinarily resident in Manitoba of the registration of the order.
Application to set aside registration of foreign order
A party to the order may apply to the Manitoba court to set aside the registration of the foreign order within 30 days after receiving notice of the registration of the foreign order and on giving notice in accordance with the regulations.
Order re registration of foreign order
On an application under subsection (2), the Manitoba court may
(a) confirm the registration; or
(b) set aside the registration if the Manitoba court determines
(i) that, in the proceeding in which the foreign order was made, a party to the order did not have proper notice or a reasonable opportunity to be heard,
(ii) that the foreign order is contrary to the public policy of Manitoba, or
(iii) that the court that made the foreign order did not have jurisdiction to make the order.
Reasons required if court sets aside registration
If the Manitoba court sets aside the registration, it must give reasons for its decision.
For the purposes of subclause (3)(b)(iii), a court has jurisdiction
(a) if both parties to the order were ordinarily resident in the reciprocating jurisdiction outside Canada; or
(b) if a party, who was not ordinarily resident in the reciprocating jurisdiction outside Canada, is subject to the jurisdiction of the court that made the foreign order.
Notice of decision or order required
Notice of a decision or order of the Manitoba court must, in accordance with the regulations, be given to the parties and the designated authority.
If the registration of a foreign order is set aside, the foreign order received under this Part must, at the request of the party applying to register the order, be dealt with in accordance with Part 1, Division 2 or Part 3, Division 2, as the case may be, as if the foreign order were a document corresponding to a support application received under subsection 9(1) or a support variation application received under subsection 29(1).
Requesting further information or documents
If the foreign order does not contain the necessary information or documents required for a support application, the designated authority must request from the appropriate authority of the reciprocating jurisdiction in which the foreign order was made the necessary information and documents and until the required information and documents are provided to the designated authority, no proceedings under Part 1, Division 2, or Part 3, Division 2, as the case may be, may continue.
Foreign order expressed in non-Canadian currency
If a foreign order that has been registered and filed in accordance with section 18 refers to an amount of support that is not expressed in Canadian currency, the conversion of the amount into Canadian currency must be determined by the designated authority in accordance with the regulations.
Foreign document not in English or French
If a foreign order or other document is written in a language other than English or French, the order or document must be accompanied by a translation of the order or document into the English or French language.
A translation required under subsection (1) must be authenticated as being accurate by a certificate of the translator.
In this Part,
"applicant" means a party applying to vary a support order; (« demandeur »)
"respondent" means the party who is the respondent in a support variation application; (« défendeur »)
"support order" means a support order as defined in section 1 that is
(a) made in Manitoba, or
(b) made in a reciprocating jurisdiction and registered in a court in Manitoba under Part 2 or the former Act,
but does not include a provisional order or a provisional order of variation. (« ordonnance alimentaire »)
Nothing in this Part
(a) authorizes a judge of the Provincial Court to vary a support order made in Canada by a federally appointed judge, but a judge of the Provincial Court may make a provisional order of variation under section 27; or
(b) allows a support order originally made under the Divorce Act (Canada) to be varied except as authorized by a federal enactment.
Application to vary support order
If an applicant is ordinarily resident in Manitoba and believes that the respondent is ordinarily resident in a reciprocating jurisdiction, the applicant may start a process in Manitoba that could result in the variation of a support order being made in the reciprocating jurisdiction.
Contents of support variation application
To start the process, the applicant must complete a support variation application that includes the following:
(a) the name and address for service of the applicant;
(b) a certified copy of the support order;
(c) a copy of the specific statutory or other legal authority on which the applicant's application for variation is based, unless the applicant is relying on the law of the jurisdiction where the respondent is ordinarily resident;
(d) the particulars of the variation applied for, which may include a termination of the support order;
(e) a sworn document setting out the following:
(i) the name and any information known to the applicant that can be used to locate or identify the respondent,
(ii) the financial circumstances of the respondent, to the extent known by the applicant, including whether the respondent is or was receiving social assistance,
(iii) the name of each person, to the extent known by the applicant, for whom support is payable or who will be affected by the variation if granted,
(iv) the evidence in support of the application, including,
(A) where support to the applicant or respondent is an issue, information about the applicant's relationship with the respondent, and
(B) if the variation applied for affects support for a child, information about the child's financial and other circumstances,
(v) information prescribed in the regulations about the applicant's financial circumstances;
(f) any other information or documents required by the regulations.
No requirement to notify respondent
The applicant is not required to notify the respondent that a process has been started under this section.
Providing support variation application to designated authority
The applicant must submit the support variation application to the designated authority in Manitoba, accompanied by a certified translation if required by the appropriate authority in the reciprocating jurisdiction in which the applicant believes the respondent is ordinarily resident.
Forwarding support variation application
On receiving a support variation application, the designated authority must
(a) review the support variation application to ensure that it is complete; and
(b) forward a copy of the completed support variation application, as soon as practicable, to the appropriate authority in the reciprocating jurisdiction in which the applicant believes the respondent is ordinarily resident.
Further information or documents
On receiving a request for further information or documents from a reciprocating jurisdiction under an enactment in that jurisdiction that corresponds to clause 30(2)(a), the applicant must, in accordance with the regulations, provide the further information or documents within the time referred to in the request.
On receiving a certified copy of an order and reasons, if any, from a reciprocating jurisdiction under an enactment in that jurisdiction that corresponds to section 34, the designated authority must, in accordance with the regulations, provide a copy of the order and reasons, if any, to the applicant and the Manitoba court.
Provisional order of variation
Where the respondent is ordinarily resident in a reciprocating jurisdiction that requires a provisional order of variation, the Manitoba court may, on application by an applicant and without notice to and in the absence of a respondent, make a provisional order of variation taking into account the specific statutory or other legal authority on which the applicant's application for variation is based.
Evidence in proceedings under subsection (1) may be given orally, in writing or as the court may allow.
Forwarding provisional order of variation
If a provisional order of variation is made, the designated authority must send to the reciprocating jurisdiction
(a) three certified copies of the provisional order of variation; and
(b) a support variation application referred to in subsection 25(2).
If, during a proceeding for confirmation of a provisional order of variation, a court in a reciprocating jurisdiction remits a matter back for further evidence to the Manitoba court that made the provisional order of variation, the Manitoba court must, after giving notice to the applicant, receive further evidence.
If evidence is received under subsection (4), a proper officer of the Manitoba court must forward to the court in the reciprocating jurisdiction a certified copy of the evidence with modifications, if any, to the provisional order of variation as the Manitoba court considers appropriate.
If a provisional order of variation made under this section comes before a court in a reciprocating jurisdiction and confirmation is denied in respect of one or more persons for whom support is sought, the Manitoba court that made the provisional order of variation may, on application within six months after the denial of confirmation, re-open the matter, receive further evidence and make a new provisional order of variation for a person in respect of whom confirmation was denied.
In this Division, "support variation application" means
(a) a provisional order of variation referred to in clause (b) of the definition "provisional order of variation" in section 1; or
(b) a document from a reciprocating jurisdiction corresponding to a support variation application described in subsection 25(2).
If the designated authority receives a support variation application from an appropriate authority in a reciprocating jurisdiction, with information that the respondent named in the support variation application ordinarily resides in Manitoba, the designated authority must serve on the respondent, in accordance with the regulations,
(a) a copy of the support variation application; and
(b) a notice requiring the respondent to appear at a place and time set out in the notice and to provide the information or documents required by the regulations.
Forwarding support variation application
If the designated authority has not served the respondent in accordance with subsection (1) and knows or believes that the respondent is ordinarily resident in another reciprocating jurisdiction in Canada, the designated authority
(a) must forward the support variation application to the appropriate authority in that other reciprocating jurisdiction; and
(b) must notify the appropriate authority in the originating reciprocating jurisdiction that it has done so.
Returning support variation application to reciprocating jurisdiction
If the designated authority
(a) is unable to determine where the respondent resides; or
(b) has not served the respondent in accordance with subsection (1) and knows or believes that the respondent is ordinarily resident in a jurisdiction outside Canada;
the designated authority must return the support variation application to the appropriate authority in the originating reciprocating jurisdiction with any available information respecting the location and circumstances of the respondent.
Information that Manitoba court must consider
Where a support variation application comes before a Manitoba court, the Manitoba court in making an order must consider
(a) the evidence given or submitted to the Manitoba court; and
(b) the documents forwarded from the reciprocating jurisdiction.
Interim support variation order
If the Manitoba court requires further information or documents from the applicant to make a support variation order, the Manitoba court
(a) must direct the designated authority to contact the applicant or the appropriate authority in the reciprocating jurisdiction to request the information or documents; and
(b) must adjourn the hearing and may, if the Manitoba court considers it appropriate, make an interim support variation order.
Terminating interim support variation order
If the information or documents requested under subsection (2) are not received by the Manitoba court within 18 months from the date of the request, the Manitoba court may dismiss the support variation application and terminate an interim support variation order made under clause (2)(b).
The dismissal of a support variation application under subsection (3) does not preclude the applicant from commencing a new support variation application.
Choice of law re child support
With respect to entitlement to receive or to continue to receive support for a child, the Manitoba court must first apply the law of the jurisdiction in which the child is ordinarily resident, but if under that law the child is not entitled to support, the court must apply the law of Manitoba.
Law of Manitoba applies re amount of child support
In deciding the amount of support to be paid for a child, the Manitoba court must apply the law of the jurisdiction where the person liable to pay the support is ordinarily resident.
Choice of law re support other than for child
With respect to the entitlement of a party other than a child to continue to receive support and the amount of that support, the Manitoba court must apply the law of Manitoba, but if under the law of Manitoba the party is not entitled to support, the Manitoba court must apply
(a) the law of the jurisdiction in which the party is ordinarily resident; or
(b) if the party is not entitled to support under the law of the jurisdiction referred to in clause (a), the law of the jurisdiction in which the parties last maintained a common habitual residence.
On the conclusion of a hearing, the Manitoba court may, in respect of a party or a child, or both,
(a) make a support variation order;
(b) make an interim support variation order and adjourn the hearing to a specified date;
(c) adjourn the hearing to a specified date without making an interim support variation order; or
(d) refuse to make a support variation order.
The Manitoba court may make a support variation order that is retroactive.
A support variation order may require support to be paid in periodic payments or as a lump sum or both.
If the Manitoba court refuses to make a support variation order, the Manitoba court must give reasons for its order.
Order where notice not complied with
If a respondent does not appear as required in the notice or does not provide the information or documents required under clause 29(1)(b), the Manitoba court may make an order in the absence of the respondent or of the information or documents and in making the order may draw any inference it considers appropriate.
Where respondent does not appear
Where the respondent does not appear as required, the Manitoba court must, in accordance with the regulations, send a copy of the order to the respondent.
Forwarding order to reciprocating jurisdiction
The designated authority must, as soon as practicable, forward a certified copy of an order under this Division and reasons, if any, to the appropriate authority in the reciprocating jurisdiction in which the applicant is ordinarily resident and if the support order was originally made in another reciprocating jurisdiction, to the appropriate authority in that jurisdiction.
The Manitoba court, after taking into account any right of a government or agency of a government under section 39, may vary a support order registered in Manitoba under Part 2 or a former Act
(a) if both the applicant and respondent accept the Manitoba court's jurisdiction;
(b) if both the applicant and respondent are ordinarily resident in Manitoba; or
(c) if the respondent is ordinarily resident in Manitoba and the support order was registered by the applicant under Part 2 or a former Act.
Family Maintenance Act applies
The Family Maintenance Act applies for the purposes of varying a support order under the circumstances referred to in subsection (1), as if the order being varied was an order for support under that Act.
Subject to subsections (2) and (3), a party to a proceeding under this Act or the designated authority may appeal to The Court of Appeal any ruling, decision or order of the Manitoba court under this Act.
An appeal must be commenced within 90 days after the date the ruling, decision or order of the Manitoba court appealed from is entered as a judgment of the court unless the period is extended by The Court of Appeal either before or after the appeal period has expired.
A person responding to an appeal under subsection (2) may appeal a ruling, decision or order in the same proceeding within 30 days after receipt of the notice of the appeal.
Order remains in force unless court orders otherwise
An order under appeal remains in force pending the determination of the appeal unless the court that made the order or The Court of Appeal orders otherwise.
Notifying reciprocating jurisdiction
The designated authority must notify the appropriate authority in the reciprocating jurisdiction of the decision on the appeal.
Appointment of designated authority
The minister may appoint one or more persons to act as the designated authority in Manitoba for the purposes of this Act or any provisions of this Act.
Delegation by designated authority
A person appointed under subsection (1) may, in writing, delegate any power or duty under this Act to any other person or persons.
On receipt of an order or document for transmission under this Act to a reciprocating jurisdiction, the designated authority must transmit the order or document to the appropriate authority of the reciprocating jurisdiction.
Translation if document not in English or French
If the reciprocating jurisdiction requires an order or document to be translated into a language other than English or French, the person for whom the order or document is being transmitted must provide the required translation together with a certificate of the translator authenticating the accuracy of the translation.
Any government or agency of a government that is providing or has provided social assistance to a person has the same rights as that person to commence or participate in proceedings under this Act for any of the following purposes:
(a) obtaining support or a variation of support;
(b) responding to an application for a variation of support payments or arrears under a support order;
(c) responding to an application to suspend enforcement of support payments or arrears under a support order;
(d) making or responding to an application to the Manitoba court to set aside the registration of a foreign order under section 19;
(e) appealing or responding to an appeal of a ruling, decision or order of the Manitoba court or The Court of Appeal under this Act;
and has the right to seek an order of reimbursement of the social assistance provided to that person by the government or agency of the government.
If, in a proceeding under this Act, a document from a reciprocating jurisdiction contains terminology different from the terminology in this Act or contains terminology or is in a form different than that customarily in use in the Manitoba court, the Manitoba court must give a broad and liberal interpretation to the terminology or form so as to give effect to the document.
Law of reciprocating jurisdiction
In a proceeding under this Act,
(a) the Manitoba court must take judicial notice of the law of a reciprocating jurisdiction and, where required, apply it; and
(b) an enactment of a reciprocating jursidiction may be pleaded and proved for the purposes of this Act by producing a copy of the enactment received from the reciprocating jurisdiction.
Certain documents from reciprocating jurisdiction
In a proceeding under this Act, a document purporting to be signed by a judge, officer of a court or public officer in a reciprocating jurisdiction is, unless the contrary is proved, proof of the appointment, signature and authority of the person who signed it.
Statements in writing sworn to by the maker, depositions or transcripts of evidence taken in a reciprocating jurisdiction may be received in evidence by a court in Manitoba under this Act.
This Act does not impair any other remedy available to a person, the Province of Manitoba, a province or territory of Canada, a jurisdiction outside Canada or a political subdivision or official agency of a province or territory of Canada or of a jurisdiction outside Canada.
Regulations declaring reciprocating jurisdictions
If the Lieutenant Governor in Council is satisfied that laws are or will be in effect in a jurisdiction for the reciprocal enforcement of support orders made in Manitoba on a basis substantially similar to this Act, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations declaring that jurisdiction to be a reciprocating jurisdiction.
Conditions re declaring a reciprocating jurisdiction
In declaring a jurisdiction to be a reciprocating jurisdiction under subsection (1), the Lieutenant Governor in Council may impose any conditions with respect to the enforcement and recognition of support orders made or registered in that jurisdiction.
The Lieutenant Governor in Council may, by regulation, revoke any declaration made under subsection (1) and the jurisdiction with respect to which the declaration was made ceases to be a reciprocating jurisdiction for the purposes of this Act.
The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) respecting information or documents required for the purposes of this Act;
(b) respecting the service or giving of documents required under this Act;
(c) respecting the giving of notices under section 19;
(d) respecting proceedings under this Act;
(e) respecting forms for the purposes of this Act;
(f) respecting the conversion of the amounts of support to Canadian currency;
(g) respecting any other matter the Lieutenant Governor in Council considers necessary or advisable to carry out the intent of this Act.
An order made or registered under the former Act continues to be valid and in force, and may be varied or enforced or otherwise dealt with under this Act.
Former Act applies where certain notices given
Where notice of proceedings to consider a provisional order or a provisional order for variation or notice of registration of a final order is given to the respondent before the coming into force of this Act, the provisional order, provisional order for variation or application to set aside the registration of a final order must be dealt with in accordance with the former Act as if the former Act had not been repealed.
Former Act applies where certain applications pending
An application for a provisional order or a provisional order for variation by a person ordinarily resident in Manitoba under the former Act, made before the coming into force of this Act, may be continued as if the former Act had not been repealed.
Where this Act applies — Part 2
Where, on the coming into force of this Act, a final order received for registration under the former Act has not been registered in the Manitoba court, the final order must be dealt with in accordance with this Act as if it were an extra-provincial order or foreign order, as the case may be, received under Part 2 of this Act.
Where this Act applies — Part 1 or 3
Where a provisional order or a provisional order for variation was received under the former Act and notice of proceedings to consider the order had not been given to the respondent on the coming into force of this Act, the provisional order or provisional order for variation must be dealt with in accordance with this Act as if the order was received under Part 1 or Part 3 of this Act, as the case may be.
Consequential amendment, C.C.S.M. c. C280
Clause (o) of the definition "family proceeding" in section 41 of The Court of Queen's Bench Act is replaced with the following:
(o) The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act;
Consequential amendment, C.C.S.M. c. F20
Clause (b) of the definition "order" in section 52 of The Family Maintenance Act is amended by striking out "The Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act" and substituting "The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act, The Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act (now repealed)".
Consequential amendment, C.C.S.M. c. G20
Clauses (c) and (d) of the definition "maintenance order" in section 13 of The Garnishment Act are amended by striking out "The Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act" and substituting "The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act or The Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act (now repealed)".
The Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act, R.S.M. 1987, c. M20, is repealed.
This Act may be cited as The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act and referred to as chapter I60 of the Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba.
This Act comes into force on a day fixed by proclamation.