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S.M. 2001, c. 23
(Assented to July 6, 2001)
HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
The Manitoba Hydro Act is amended by this Act.
Subsection 39(2) is amended by adding "and to subsection (2.1)" after "Act".
The following is added after subsection 39(2).
The rates charged for power supplied to a class of grid customers within the province shall be the same throughout the province.
For the purpose of subsection (2.1),
(a) grid customers are those who obtain power from the corporation's main interconnected system for transmitting and distributing power in Manitoba; and
(b) customers shall not be classified based solely on the region of the province in which they are located or on the population density of the area in which they are located.
Despite section 3 and subsection 26(1) of The Crown Corporations Public Review and Accountability Act, Manitoba Hydro may, in order to
(a) reduce rates for grid customers as required to comply with subsection 39(2.1) of The Manitoba Hydro Act; and
(b) provide non-grid customers with similar reductions in regions where grid customers' rates are reduced;
charge rates that are less than those approved by The Public Utilities Board.
Subsection 39(2.2) of The Manitoba Hydro Act applies for the purposes of subsection (1).
This Act comes into force on a day fixed by proclamation.