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S.M. 1996, c. 22
(Assented to November 19, 1996)
WHEREAS The City of Winnipeg and D.B.F. Ltd. have entered into a lease of certain land (the "bridge land") upon which D.B.F. Ltd. has constructed the Charleswood Bridge;
AND WHEREAS there are certain obstacles in The Real Property Act and The City of Winnipeg Act to the arrangements contemplated by The City of Winnipeg and D.B.F. Ltd. respecting the Charleswood Bridge;
AND WHEREAS it is in the public interest that these obstacles be removed;
NOW THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
In this Act, "bridge land" means the land described as follows:
Air space parcel A Plan 31711 WLTO in RL 12 Parish of St James and RL 38 and 39 Parish of St Charles and the bed of the Assiniboine River.
Registration of leasehold title
Subsection 58(2) (public highways excluded from certificate) of The Real Property Act does not apply
(a) to a leasehold title to the bridge land issued to D.B.F. Ltd. for the term of a lease between The City of Winnipeg and D.B.F. Ltd. dated October 1, 1994 or to the renewal of lease provided for in the lease; or
(b) to any leasehold title to the bridge land that issues to a person whose title derives from the leasehold title referred to in clause (a).
Application of The City of Winnipeg Act
Notwithstanding The City of Winnipeg Act, The City of Winnipeg is deemed
(a) to have and always to have had the power to grant the lease of the bridge land; and
(b) to have complied with all requirements of the Act, and more particularly clauses 495(4)(a) and (d) (by-law requirements), as they relate to the construction of the Charleswood Bridge and to the lease of the bridge land.
This Act comes into force on the day it receives royal assent.