This is an unofficial version. If you need an official copy, use the PDF version.
As of January 15, 2025, this is the most current version available.
It has been in effect since March 7, 1978.
Last amendment included: M.R. 25/78
Note: Earlier consolidated versions are not available online.
Amendment | Title | Registered | Published |
25/78 | Order 2/78 of The Manitoba Egg Producers' Marketing Board | 7 Mar. 1978 | 25 Mar. 1978 |
Pullet and Egg Quotas, M.R. 164/72
Being Order 3/72 of The Manitoba Egg Producers' Marketing Board (herein called the "Producer Board"), made under the Manitoba Egg Producers' Marketing Plan being Manitoba Regulation 160/71 and The Farm Products Marketing Act
« Pullet and Egg Quotas », R.M. 164/72
« Being Order 3/72 of The Manitoba Egg Producers' Marketing Board (herein called the "Producer Board"), made under the Manitoba Egg Producers' Marketing Plan being Manitoba Regulation 160/71 and The Farm Products Marketing Act »
The Farm Products Marketing Act, C.C.S.M. c. F47
NOTE: This regulation was enacted in English only.
Loi sur la commercialisation des produits agricoles, c. F47 de la C.P.L.M.
NOTE : Ce règlement a été adopté en anglais seulement.
version anglaiseRegulation 164/72
Registered September 27, 1972
Pullet quotas
1 Quotas will be set by the Producer Board determining the quantity of pullets which may be marketed by each pullet producer in a prescribed period, based on the capacity of the production facilities of each producer which has been certified by the Producer Board. The capacity of certified production facilities will be stated on the license issued by the Producer Board to each producer.
2 Pullet producers may make application to the Producer Board for registration, license and certification of production facilities at any time. Every application shall be in writing in a form prescribed by the Producer Board and signed by the applicant and shall be forwarded to the head office of the Producer Board.
3 After September 30th, 1972 no producer shall raise, keep or market pullets for laying purposes unless that producer is registered with and licensed by the Producer Board and no producer shall raise or keep at any one time a quantity of pullets for laying purposes in excess of 100% of the marketing quota granted that producer by the Producer Board for that prescribed period.
4 No pullet producer shall market in any period prescribed by the Producer Board a quantity of pullets for laying purposes in excess of the quota set by the Producer Board for that prescribed period. Quotas and duration of rearing periods will be set by the Producer Board for rearing periods commencing October 1, 1972 and thereafter by notice to registered producers sent by ordinary mail.
5 A registered pullet producer may make application to the Producer Board for alteration of license and certification of production facilities, and unregistered pullet producers may make application for registration, license, and certification of production facilities at any time. Every application shall be in writing, in a form prescribed by the Producer Board, and signed by the applicant, and shall be forwarded to the head office of the Producer Board.
6 The Producer Board may register and license any person and certify any production facilities or defer any application, or may renew, vary, cancel, or re-issue any registration, license or certification or may register, license or certify production facilities upon prescribed terms and for prescribed periods of time.
Egg quotas
7 Quotas will be set by the Producer Board determining the quantity of eggs which may be marketed by each egg producer in a prescribed period, based on the capacity of the production facilities of each producer which have been certified by the Producer Board and the nature of the producer unit. The capacity of certified production facilities will be stated on the license issued by the Producer Board to each producer.
8 Egg producers may make application to the Producer Board for registration, license, certification of production facilities and nature of producer unit at any time. Every application shall be in a form prescribed by the Producer Board and signed by the applicant and shall be forwarded to the head office of the Producer Board.
9 After September 30th, 1972, no producer shall produce or market eggs unless that producer is registered with and licensed by and has received a marketing quota from the Producer Board.
10 No egg producer shall market in any period prescribed by the Producer Board a quantity of eggs in excess of the quota set by the Producer Board for that prescribed period. Quotas and duration of prescribed periods will be set by the Producer Board for prescribed periods commencing October 1, 1972 and thereafter by notice to registered producers sent by ordinary mail. The Producer Board may permit an egg producer to market a quantity of eggs in excess of the quota set for a prescribed period if that producer had marketed less than the quota set for him during a prescribed period or periods which has since expired.
11 All eggs produced by a registered producer in excess of the marketing quota permitted by the Producer Board shall be marketed by the producer through the Producer Board. The Producer Board may make initial payments to the producers on all such product and place the balance of the proceeds of the sale of all such product in a pool, along with other moneys similarly received. The Producer Board may deduct all necessary proper disbursements from the pool fund and at the end of the pool period distribute the remainder of the proceeds in the pool to the producers who marketed excess eggs through the Producer Board, proportionate to the quantity, quality, variety, grade, class, or size of the eggs marketed by each producer in relation to the total volume of eggs marketed in the pool period, taking into account any initial payments which may have been paid to each producer.
12 Every registered producer shall forward to the head office of the Producer Board, within seven days following the last day of each week, a report in the form prescribed by the Producer Board setting out the marketing of all eggs made by that producer during the previous week.
M.R. 25/78
13 A registered egg producer may make application to the Producer Board for alteration of license, certification of production facilities and the nature of the producer unit, at any time. Every application shall be in writing, in a form prescribed by the Producer Board, and signed by the applicant, and shall be forwarded to the head office of the Producer Board.
14 The Producer Board may register and license any person, certify any production facilities and the nature of the producer unit or defer any application, or may renew, vary, cancel or re-issue any registration, license, or certification or may register, license, or certify production facilities or the nature of the producer unit upon prescribed terms and for prescribed periods of time.
15 The egg quotas set by this Order are subject to the exemption under Section 17 of the Manitoba Egg Producers' Marketing Plan which presently read as follows:
17(1) Any person who raises eggs for hatching purposes is exempt from control under this plan on all eggs sold for hatching purposes.
17(2) Any person who keeps, for laying purposes, less than five hundred laying hens is exempt from registering with the Producer Board, provided that where two or more persons market eggs from such a laying flock, in partnership, or in circumstances in which there is a sharing by them, whether familial, or communal or otherwise, of facilities, labour or services provided directly or indirectly by all or any of them or pursuant to a contract jointly or severally with the same corporation firm or individual, for the purposes of this exemption, any eggs marketed in any year by one of such persons shall be deemed to have been marketed in that year by the other or others.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the seal of The Manitoba Egg Producers' Marketing Board is hereon impressed, duly attested by the hands of its proper officer on that behalf this 25th day of September, 1972.
September 25, 1972The Manitoba Egg Producers' Marketing Board:
Peter Dyck, Chairman
David Froese, Secretary