
This is an unofficial version. If you need an official copy, use the PDF version.

As of February 12, 2025, this is the most current version available.

It has been in effect since April 12, 1998.

Last amendment included: M.R. 24/98


Note: Earlier consolidated versions are not available online.

Amendment Title Registered Published
24/98 Canadian Chicken Marketing Agency Levies Regulation for Mantioba, amendment* 23 Feb. 1998 7 Mar. 1998
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Canadian Chicken Marketing Agency Levies Regulation for Manitoba, M.R. 134/97

« Canadian Chicken Marketing Agency Levies Regulation for Manitoba », R.M. 134/97

The Farm Products Marketing Act, C.C.S.M. c. F47

NOTE: This regulation was enacted in English only.

Loi sur la commercialisation des produits agricoles, c. F47 de la C.P.L.M.

NOTE : Ce règlement a été adopté en anglais seulement.

version anglaise

Regulation  134/97
Registered June 18, 1997

This Regulation is made under the Canadian Chicken Marketing Agency Delegation Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 237/87 R, and is Regulation No. 1, 1997 of the Canadian Chicken Marketing Agency.


1   In this regulation,

"Agency" means the Canadian Chicken Marketing Agency;

"Board" means The Manitoba Chicken Producer Board;

"chicken broiler" means a chicken of any variety, grade or class which is at least 10 days of age but not more than five months of age, not raised for egg production, and includes fryers and roasting chicken;

"processor" means any person engaged in the business of processing chicken broilers, or using chicken broilers in manufacturing within Manitoba;

"producer" means a person engaged in the production and marketing of chicken broiler locally within Manitoba.

Levy imposed on producers

2   A levy is hereby imposed on each producer of .44 cents per kilogram (live weight) of chicken broiler marketed by him locally within Manitoba.

M.R. 24/98

Time of imposition of levy

3   The levy imposed under this regulation shall be due and payable by the producer to the Agency at the time and place of the marketing of the chicken broilers by the producer.

Appointment of agent

4   The Agency hereby appoints the Board as its agent for the purpose of collecting the levies imposed by section 2.

Processor's obligation to deduct and to remit

5   Each processor shall at the time it takes delivery of chicken broiler deduct from the monies payable for such chicken broiler all levies payable by the producer to this Agency and shall forward such levies to the Board at its office, 430-A Dovercourt Drive, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3Y 1N4, not later than seven days following the last day of each week in which the chicken broiler was received.

Producer's obligations to remit if not deducted

6   Every producer shall forward to the Board at its office, 430-A Dovercourt Drive, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3Y 1N4, all levies payable by such producer under this regulation in respect of chicken broiler marketed by such producer in any week that were not deducted and forwarded to the Board by the person who received the chicken broiler from the producer, not later than seven days following the last day of the week in which such chicken broiler was marketed.

Non-application of regulation

7   This regulation does not apply to any person who is exempt from registering with The Manitoba Chicken Producer Board under subsection 28(3) of the Manitoba Chicken Broiler Producers' Marketing Plan Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 231/87 R, in respect of any chicken broiler raised by that person and delivered by that person directly to an individual for consumption by that individual and his immediate family or any one of them.


8   The Canadian Chicken Marketing Agency Levies Regulation for Manitoba, Manitoba Regulation 99/80, is repealed.

Coming into force

9   This regulation shall come into force on July 1, 1997 or on the date it is registered with the Registrar of Regulations, whichever occurs later.

March 24, 1997Canadian Chicken Marketing Agency:

Lloyd Sandercock, Chairman

Cynthia Currie, General Manager


June 10, 1997The Manitoba Chicken Producer Board:

Cornie Friesen, Chairman

Fred Homann, General Manager