(a) chicken broiler weighing under 1.55 kg each live weight (truck load average)
as required
This is an unofficial version. If you need an official copy, use the PDF version.
As of February 10, 2025, this is the most current version available.
This is the first version. It has been in effect since February 19, 2017.
The Farm Products Marketing Act, C.C.S.M. c. F47
NOTE: This regulation was enacted in English only.
Loi sur la commercialisation des produits agricoles, c. F47 de la C.P.L.M.
NOTE : Ce règlement a été adopté en anglais seulement.
version anglaiseRegulation 15/2017
Registered February 15, 2017
This Order is made under the Manitoba Chicken Broiler Producers Marketing Plan Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 246/2004, and is Order No. 1, 2017 of Manitoba Chicken Producers. |
1 The minimum price at which chicken broiler produced within the province may be sold by any registered chicken broiler producer until further Order of this board is fixed as follows:
Price per kilogram
(a) chicken broiler weighing under 1.55 kg each live weight (truck load average)
as required
(b) chicken broiler weighing 1.55 kg or over but not more than 1.60 kg each live weigh (truck load average)
(c) chicken broiler weighing over 1.60 kg but not more than 1.67 kg each live weight (truck load average)
(d) chicken broiler weighing over 1.67 kg but not more than 1.75 kg each live weight (truck load average)
(e) chicken broiler weighing over 1.75 kg but not more than 1.85 kg each live weight (truck load average)
(f) chicken broiler weighing over 1.85 kg but not more than 2.00 kg each live weight (truck load average)
(g) chicken broiler weighing over 2.00 kg but not more than 2.10 kg each live weight (truck load average)
(h) chicken broiler weighing over 2.10 kg but not more than 2.20 kg each live weight (truck load average)
(i) chicken broiler weighing over 2.20 kg but not more than 2.30 kg each live weight (truck load average)
(j) chicken broiler weighing over 2.30 kg but not more than 2.40 kg each live weight (truck load average)
(k) chicken broiler weighing over 2.40 kg each live weight (truck load average)
2(1) The minimum prices established under section 1 hereof are basis F.O.B. the producer's production facilities.
2(2) For the purpose of this section, "F.O.B. the producer's production facilities" means that the person purchasing the chicken broiler from the producer must be responsible for removing the chicken broiler from the production floor of the producer's production facility and loading the chicken broiler into a vehicle provided by the purchaser at the purchaser's expense.
3 Each purchaser of chicken broiler from a producer must provide the producer with a receipt showing
(a) the number of chicken broilers removed from the producer's production facility;
(b) the tare and full load weights of the chicken broiler removed from the producer's production facility;
(c) the location of the scale used to determine the weights referred to in clause (b); and
(d) the date and time the weights were determined.
4 The payment for all chicken broiler purchased from a producer must be made by the purchaser within seven days following removal of the chicken broiler from the producer's production facilities unless otherwise agreed to by the producer.
5 This Order does not apply to the marketing of chicken broiler less than 10 days old.
6 Terms defined in the Manitoba Chicken Broiler Producers Marketing Plan Regulation, Manitoba Regulation 246/2004, and used in this Order, have the same meaning in this Order as in that regulation.
7 The Chicken Broiler Price Order, Manitoba Regulation 31/2015, is repealed.
8 This Order comes into force on February 19, 2017, or on the day it is registered under The Statutes and Regulations Act, whichever is later.
February 14, 2017Manitoba Chicken Producers:
Jake Wiebe, Chair
Wayne Hiltz, Executive Director