4th Session, 40th Legislature
This HTML version is provided for ease of use and is based on the bilingual version that was distributed in the Legislature after First Reading.
Bill 203
Bilingual version (PDF) | Explanatory Note |
(Assented to )
WHEREAS the opening of a new school results in increased pedestrian activity and changes in traffic flow;
AND WHEREAS a thorough traffic safety analysis at the location of a new school is required to determine if new traffic control measures are required around the new school and all necessary changes are implemented before the new school opens;
AND WHEREAS the tragic death of Carina Denisenko shortly after the opening of Northlands Parkway Collegiate in Winkler highlights the need to ensure that all necessary traffic control measures are in place before a new school opens;
THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
The Public Schools Act is amended by this Act.
Subsection 1(1) is amended by adding the following definition:
"traffic authority" means a traffic authority as defined in The Highway Traffic Act; (« autorité chargée de la circulation »)
The following is added after section 68.2 and before the centred heading "BUILDINGS AND OTHER PROPERTY":
Pedestrian safety part of school design
During the planning of a new school, pedestrian safety must be taken into account when selecting the school site and during all stages of the school design process.
Consultation with traffic engineers
Traffic engineers or other persons with recognized traffic safety qualifications must be consulted at the start of the school design process and throughout the process.
When the construction of a new school has been approved, the responsible school division must notify the traffic authority responsible for all roads and highways that border the new school site.
Pedestrian safety analysis required
After being advised of the new school construction approval, the traffic authority must conduct an analysis of the roads and highways that border the new school site to determine if any changes are required to address increased pedestrian activity when the new school opens.
The pedestrian safety analysis must include a review of speed limits and a consideration of whether new traffic infrastructure, such as traffic control devices, pedestrian crosswalks and signage, is required on roads and highways that border the new school site.
Notice of pedestrian safety changes
The traffic authority must provide the school division with written notice of any changes it requires on roads and highways that border the new school site.
School cannot open until all required changes made
A new school must not open until any speed limit changes required by the traffic authority have been made and any new traffic infrastructure required by the traffic authority has been constructed or installed and is operating.
This Act comes into force on the day it receives royal assent.