First Session, Thirty-Ninth Legislature
This version is based on the printed bill that was distributed in the Legislature after First Reading. It is not the official version. If accuracy is critical, you can obtain a copy of the printed bill from Statutory Publications or view the online bilingual version (PDF).
Bill 215
Section |
Table of Contents |
1 | Definitions |
2(1) | Application for testing order |
(2) | Application requirements |
(3) | Application by another person |
(4) | Physician may require testing, counselling or treatment of applicant |
3(1) | Medical officer may make testing order |
(2) | Contents of order |
(3) | Medical officer may hold hearing |
(4) | Medical officer to provide addresses |
4(1) | Appeal to chief medical officer if no order made |
(2) | Chief medical officer's response |
5 | Court order for compliance |
6 | Obligation of person taking sample |
7 | Obligation of analyst |
8 | Results not admissible as evidence |
9(1) | Confidentiality |
(2) | Permitted disclosure |
(3) | Disclosure in legal proceeding |
10 | Protection from liability |
11 | Regulations |
12(1) | Offence and penalty |
(2) | Limitation |
13 | Act prevails |
14(1) | Amendments effective when Public Health Act replaced |
(2) | |
(3) | |
(4) | |
(5) | |
15 | C.C.S.M. reference |
16(1) | Coming into force |
(2) | Coming into force: section 14 |