4th Session, 42nd Legislature
This HTML version is provided for ease of use and is based on the bilingual version that was distributed in the Legislature after First Reading.
Bill 3
Bilingual version (PDF) | Explanatory Note |
(Assented to )
HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
The Family Maintenance Act is amended by this Act.
Section 1 is amended by replacing the definition "parent" with the following:
"parent" means a parent under Part II or an adoptive parent; (« parent »)
Part II is replaced with the following:
The following definitions apply in this Part.
"assisted reproduction" means a method of conceiving a child other than by sexual intercourse, such as by artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization. (« procréation assistée »)
"birth parent" means a person who gives birth to a child, regardless of whether the person's own reproductive material was used in the child's conception. (« parent naturel »)
"child" includes a child over the age of 18. (« enfant »)
"donor" means a person who provides reproductive material or an embryo for use in assisted reproduction, other than for the donor's own reproductive use. (« donneur »)
"embryo" means a human organism during the first 56 days of its development following fertilization or creation, excluding any time during which its development has been suspended, and includes any cell derived from such an organism that is used for the purpose of creating a human being. (« embryon »)
"intended parent or parents" means a person who intends, or two persons who are married or in a marriage-like relationship who intend, to be the parent or parents of a child and who, for that purpose, enter into a surrogacy agreement. (« parent d'intention » et « parents d'intention »)
"reproductive material" means a human sperm or ovum or other human cell or a human gene, and includes a part of any of them. (« matériel reproductif »)
"surrogacy agreement" means a written agreement between a surrogate and the intended parent or parents of a child to be carried by the surrogate, in which
(a) the surrogate agrees to not be a parent of the child; and
(b) the intended parent or parents agree to be the child's parent or parents. (« accord de gestation pour autrui »)
"surrogate" means a birth parent who is a party to a surrogacy agreement. (« gestatrice pour autrui »)
A child born as a result of assisted reproduction is deemed to have been conceived on the day the reproductive material or embryo was implanted in the birth parent.
Providing reproductive material
A reference in this Part to a person providing reproductive material or an embryo is a reference to the provision of
(a) the person's own reproductive material; or
(b) an embryo created with the person's own reproductive material.
Parentage to be determined by this Part
For all purposes of the law of Manitoba, the following rules apply:
A person is the child of the person's parents.
A child's parent is a person determined to be the child's parent under this Part or The Adoption Act.
The relationship of parent and child and kindred relationships flowing from that relationship must be determined under this Part.
A child has no more than two parents.
References in enactments and instruments
If an enactment or an instrument refers to a person by describing the person's relationship to another by birth, blood or marriage, the reference must be read to include a person who comes within that relationship because of a parent-child relationship as determined under this Part.
Despite subsections (1) and (2), this Part must not be interpreted as affecting an instrument, or a disposition of property, made before this Part comes into force.
If a child is adopted, the child's parents are as set out in The Adoption Act and this Part does not apply.
Donor not automatically parent
When a child is born as a result of assisted reproduction, a donor who provided reproductive material or an embryo
(a) is not, by reason only of the donation, the child's parent;
(b) must not be declared by a court, by reason only of the donation, to be the child's parent; and
(c) is the child's parent only if determined, under this Part, to be the child's parent.
Parentage if sexual intercourse
On the birth of a child conceived by sexual intercourse, the child's parents are the birth parent and the person whose sperm resulted in the conception of the child.
Unless the contrary is proved, a person is presumed to be a child's parent in any of the following circumstances:
The person was married to or was in a marriage-like relationship with the child's birth parent at the time of the child's birth.
The person was married to the child's birth parent and, in the 300-day period before the child's birth, the marriage was ended
(a) by the person's death;
(b) by a judgment of divorce; or
(c) as referred to in section 24.7 (void or voidable marriages).
The person was in a marriage-like relationship with the child's birth parent and, in the 300-day period before the child's birth, the relationship ended for any reason.
The person married the child's birth parent after the child's birth and acknowledged that the person is a parent of the child.
The person and the child's birth parent have acknowledged in writing that the person is the child's parent.
The person has been found or recognized by a court, whether in Manitoba or elsewhere, to be the child's parent in a proceeding other than under this Part.
No presumption in certain cases
If more than one person may be presumed to be a child's parent under subsection (2), no presumption may be made under that subsection.
Parentage if assisted reproduction
The birth parent of a child conceived through assisted reproduction is a parent of the child.
If the birth parent of a child conceived through assisted reproduction was married to or in a marriage-like relationship with another person when the child was conceived, the spouse or other person is also the child's parent.
Subsection (2) does not apply if there is proof that, before the child was conceived, the spouse or other person
(a) did not consent to be the child's parent; or
(b) withdrew consent to be the child's parent.
This section does not apply when the birth parent is a surrogate and the court has made a declaratory order under section 24.1 or 24.2.
Declaratory order respecting parentage — general
Subject to sections 24.1 and 24.2, any person who has an interest may apply to the court for a declaratory order that a person is or is not a parent of a child, whether born or unborn.
Notice of an application must be given to the Director of Child and Family Services under The Child and Family Services Act for the purpose of ensuring that the child has not been placed for adoption.
No hearing if child placed for adoption
The court must not hear an application under this section if, in response to a notice under subsection (2), the Director certifies to the court that
(a) the child has been placed for adoption; and
(b) more than 21 days have elapsed since a parent of the child consented to the child's adoption under The Adoption Act or signed a voluntary surrender of guardianship under The Child and Family Services Act.
If the court finds that a person is or is not a parent of a child, the court may make a declaratory order to that effect.
The court may make a declaratory order under this section despite the death of the child or the person who is the subject of the application, or both.
When an application concerns a child conceived by sexual intercourse or through assisted reproduction without a surrogate, the court
(a) must give effect to any applicable presumption or rule set out in section 21 or 22;
(b) may consider evidence of the biological parentage of a child conceived by sexual intercourse; and
(c) may consider evidence as to whether there was consent to parentage under subsection 22(3) if the child was born as a result of assisted reproduction.
Entering into surrogacy agreement
The intended parent or parents of a child and a surrogate may enter into a surrogacy agreement.
A surrogacy agreement must be entered into before a child is conceived.
A child in relation to whom a surrogacy agreement is entered into must be conceived through assisted reproduction.
A surrogacy agreement must include the following provisions:
(a) that the potential surrogate will be the birth parent of a child conceived through assisted reproduction;
(b) that on the child's birth,
(i) the surrogate agrees not to be a parent of the child, and
(ii) the intended parent or parents agree to be the child's parent or parents;
(c) any provision required by the regulations.
The surrogate and the intended parent or parents must each receive independent legal advice before entering into a surrogacy agreement, and a certificate to that effect must be attached to the agreement.
Shared parental responsibility
Unless the surrogacy agreement provides otherwise, the surrogate and the intended parent or parents share the rights and responsibilities of a parent respecting the child from birth until the child is two days old.
For the purpose of clause (4)(c), the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting any additional provisions to be included in surrogacy agreements.
Application for declaratory order — surrogate consents
If, after a child is born, the surrogate consents to relinquish entitlement to parentage of the child to the intended parent or parents, the intended parent or parents may apply to the court for a declaratory order that they are the child's parent or parents and the surrogate is not a parent.
The surrogate's consent must be in writing and must not be given before the child is two days old.
The court must make the declaratory order sought under this section if it is satisfied that
(a) the surrogate and the intended parent or parents made a surrogacy agreement in compliance with the requirements of section 24;
(b) before the child was conceived, no party to the surrogacy agreement withdrew from the agreement; and
(c) after the child's birth,
(i) the surrogate consented to relinquish entitlement to parentage of the child to the intended parent or parents in accordance with subsection (2), and
(ii) the intended parent or parents took the child into their care.
An application under this section must be made within 30 days after the child's birth, unless the court extends the time.
Agreement not evidence of consent
A surrogacy agreement is not consent for the purposes of subsection (2) but may be used as evidence of the parties' intentions respecting the child's parentage.
Application for declaratory order — no consent
If the surrogate does not give the consent referred to in subsection 24.1(2), any party to the surrogacy agreement may apply to the court for a declaratory order as to the parentage of the child.
Reasons for failure to consent
An application may be made under this section if the surrogate refuses to give consent or if consent is not given because the surrogate
(a) is deceased or otherwise incapable of providing consent; or
(b) cannot be located after reasonable efforts have been made to do so.
Before making a declaratory order under this section, the court must be satisfied that
(a) the surrogate and the intended parent or parents made a surrogacy agreement in compliance with the requirements of section 24; and
(b) before the child was conceived, no party to the surrogacy agreement withdrew from the agreement.
On application under this section, the court may make the declaratory order that is sought or make any other declaration of parentage as the court sees fit.
A surrogacy agreement is unenforceable in law but, in an application under this section, it may be used as evidence of
(a) an intended parent's or parents' intention to be a parent of the child contemplated by the agreement; and
(b) a surrogate's intention to not be a parent of a child contemplated by the agreement.
Effect of new evidence on a declaratory order
On application, the court may confirm or set aside a declaratory order that was made under this Part, or make a new order, if evidence that was not available at the previous hearing becomes available.
Rights and property interests not affected
Setting aside an order under subsection (1) does not affect rights and duties that have already been exercised or interests in property that have already been distributed.
Subsection 2(1) does not apply to a declaratory order of parentage under this Part, except an order made under section 24.2 (surrogate does not consent).
In this section, "parentage test" means a test used to identify inheritable characteristics, including
(a) a human leukocyte antigen test (HLA);
(b) a test of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA); and
(c) any other test the court considers appropriate.
At the request of a party to an application under this Part, the court may make an order granting leave to have a tissue or blood sample, or both, taken from a named person for the purpose of conducting a parentage test and to submit the results in evidence.
No tissue or blood sample may be taken from a person without the person's consent.
If a person named in an order made under subsection (2) is too young to consent, consent may be given by the person's parent or guardian.
If a person refuses to give a tissue or blood sample for the purpose of conducting a parentage test or if a required consent is not given, the court may draw any inference it considers appropriate.
An order made under subsection (2) may require a party to pay all or part of the cost of a parentage test.
No distinction between child born inside or outside marriage
There is no distinction between the status of a child born inside marriage and a child born outside marriage.
For the purposes of this Part, if two people have entered into a void marriage but one or both of them went through the form of marriage in good faith and they lived together afterwards, they are deemed to have been married during the period they lived together and their marriage is deemed to have ended when they stopped living together.
For the purposes of this Part, if a voidable marriage is declared a nullity, the persons who went through the form of marriage are deemed to have been married until the date of the declaratory order of nullity.
Orders to be filed with Vital Statistics
The registrar or clerk of the court must file in the office of the Director of Vital Statistics a statement respecting every declaratory order of parentage made under this Part.
Acknowledgment of parentage may be filed
A written acknowledgment of parentage referred to in item 5 of subsection 21(2) may be filed in the office of the Director.
Section 25 is amended
(a) in the English version of the definition "extra-provincial finding", by striking out "of paternity or maternity" and substituting "as to whether a person is a child's parent"; and
(b) in the French version,
(i) by adding the following definition:
« conclusion extra-provinciale » Conclusion judiciaire, qui ne constitue pas une ordonnance déclaratoire extra-provinciale, portant qu'une personne est ou n'est pas le parent d'un enfant et qui est rendue incidemment lors d'une décision rendue sur une autre question par un tribunal situé hors du Manitoba. ("extra-provincial finding")
(ii) by repealing the definition "déclaration extra-provinciale".
Subsection 29(2) is amended by striking out "paternity or maternity" and substituting "parentage".
Section 31 of the French version is amended
(a) in the section heading, by striking out "Déclarations" and substituting "Conclusions rendues";
(b) by striking out "déclaration" and substituting "conclusion"; and
(c) by striking out "faite" wherever it occurs and substituting "rendue".
Section 32 of the French version is amended
(a) in the section heading, by striking out "Déclarations" and substituting "Conclusions rendues";
(b) by striking out "déclaration" wherever it occurs and substituting "conclusion";
(c) by striking out "faite" wherever it occurs and substituting "rendue"; and
(d) by striking out "juridiction conformément aux règles du Manitoba relatives aux conflits de lois" and substituting "compétence, conformément aux règles du Manitoba relatives aux conflits de lois,".
Section 33 of the French version is amended
(a) by striking out "déclaration" and substituting "conclusion";
(b) by striking out "est faite," and substituting "est rendue, dans la mesure où cette copie est"; and
(c) by striking out "l'a faite" and substituting "l'a rendue".
Section 34 is replaced with the following:
Presumption where conflicting findings
There shall be no presumption of parentage where contradictory findings of parentage exist, whether extra-provincial or otherwise.
Section 35 of the French version is amended by striking out "déclarations" and substituting "conclusions".
The Adoption Act
The Adoption Act is amended by this section.
Subsection 1(1) is amended
(a) in the definition "extended family", by striking out "birth parent" and substituting "parent"; and
(b) by replacing the definition "parent" with the following:
"parent" means a parent under Part II of The Family Maintenance Act or an adoptive parent; (« parent »)
The centred heading before section 24 of the French version is replaced with "ORDONNANCE DÉCLARATOIRE DE FILIATION".
Section 24 is amended
(a) in the part before clause (a), by striking out "that a man be declared to be the father of" and substituting "for a declaration of parentage respecting"; and
(b) in clause (a) of the French version, by striking out "demande" and substituting "requête".
Section 25 is amended
(a) in the part before clause (a), by striking out "that a man be declared to be the father of" and substituting "for a declaration of parentage respecting"; and
(b) in the French version, by striking out "la demande" and substituting "la requête".
Clause 50(e) is amended by striking out "The Family Maintenance Act for a declaration that a man be declared to be the father of" and substituting "Part II of The Family Maintenance Act for a declaration of parentage respecting".
Clause 67(e) is amended by striking out "The Family Maintenance Act for a declaration that a man be declared to be the father of" and substituting "Part II of The Family Maintenance Act for a declaration of parentage respecting".
Clause 85(e) is amended by striking out "The Family Maintenance Act for a declaration that a man be declared to be the father of" and substituting "Part II of The Family Maintenance Act for a declaration of parentage respecting".
The Child and Family Services Act
Subsection 1(1) of The Child and Family Services Act is amended by replacing the definition "parent" with the following:
"parent" means a parent under Part II of The Family Maintenance Act or an adoptive parent; (« parent »)
The Child Support Service Act
The definition "parent" in section 1 of The Child Support Service Act is replaced with the following:
"parent" means a parent under Part II of The Family Maintenance Act or an adoptive parent. (« parent »)
The Domestic Violence and Stalking Act
Clause 2(1)(e) of The Domestic Violence and Stalking Act is replaced with the following:
(e) is the other parent of their child under Part II of The Family Maintenance Act or by adoption, regardless of their marital status or whether they have ever lived together.
The Human Tissue Gift Act
Subsections 10(4) and 11(3) of The Human Tissue Gift Act are amended by striking out "the mother or father, or the step-mother or step-father" and substituting "the parent or step-parent".
The Infants' Estates Act
The definition "parent" in section 1 of The Infants' Estates Act is replaced with the following:
"parent" means a parent under Part II of The Family Maintenance Act or an adoptive parent. (« parent »)
The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act
Subsection 11(3) of The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act is amended
(a) in the part before clause (a), by striking out "section 19 or 20" and substituting "Part II"; and
(b) by replacing the part after clause (b) with the following:
and Part II of The Family Maintenance Act applies to the proceeding.
The Legal Aid Manitoba Act
The Legal Aid Manitoba Act is amended by replacing clause 17.2(1)(a) with the following:
(a) in a case where a parent under Part II of The Family Maintenance Act is responsible for the care and control of a child, the parent of the child;
The Parental Responsibility Act
The Parental Responsibility Act is amended by this section.
Section 1 is amended
(a) by replacing the definition "parent" with the following:
"parent" means
(a) in a case where a parent under Part II of The Family Maintenance Act is responsible for the care and control of a child, the parent of the child,
(b) in a case where an adoptive parent is responsible for the care and control of a child, the adoptive parent of the child, or
(c) in a case where a court of competent jurisdiction has appointed a person as guardian of the person of a child, the guardian of the child,
but does not include the director or an agency who is responsible pursuant to any Act or arrangement for the care or supervision of a child; (« parent »)
(b) in the French version, by repealing the definition ""père ou mère" ou "père et mère"".
Section 2 of the French version is amended by striking out "pères et les mères" and substituting "parents".
Section 3 of the French version is amended
(a) in the section heading, by striking out "père ou de la mère" and substituting "parent"; and
(b) by striking out "père ou la mère" wherever it occurs and substituting "parent".
Subsection 7(1) of the French version is amended, in the part before clause (a), by striking out "père ou la mère" and substituting "parent".
Subsection 7(2) of the French version is amended by striking out "père ou à la mère" and substituting "parent".
Subsection 7(3) of the French version is amended
(a) by striking out "père ou la mère" wherever it occurs and substituting "parent"; and
(b) in clause (h), by striking out "de son père ou de sa mère" and substituting "du parent".
Clause 8(1)(b) of the French version is amended
(a) by striking out "père ou de la mère" and substituting "parent"; and
(b) by striking out "au père ou à la mère" and substituting "à ce dernier".
Subsection 8(2) of the French version is amended by striking out "père ou la mère" and substituting "parent".
The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Act
Subsection 70(1) of The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Act is amended by replacing the definitions "child of a victim" and "parent of a victim" with the following:
"child of a victim" means a child of a victim under Part II of The Family Maintenance Act, an adopted child of a victim or a child to whom a victim stands in loco parentis at the time of the accident; (« enfant de la victime »)
"parent of a victim" means a parent of a victim under Part II of The Family Maintenance Act, an adoptive parent of a victim or a person who stands in loco parentis to a victim at the time of the accident; (« parent de la victime »)
The Vital Statistics Act
The Vital Statistics Act is amended by this section.
Section 1 is amended
(a) in the definition "birth", by striking out "mother" and substituting "birth parent";
(b) by adding the following definitions:
"birth parent" means a person who gives birth to a child; (« parent naturel »)
"married person" includes a person who, within the period of gestation prior to the birth of the child in respect of whose birth an application for registration is made under this Act, was lawfully married; (« personne mariée »)
(c) by repealing the definition "married woman"; and
(d) in the definition "stillbirth", in the part before clause (a), by striking out "mother" and substituting "birth parent".
Section 3 is amended by adding the following before subsection (1):
In subsections (2) to (7), "parent" means a birth parent and
(a) the birth parent's spouse; or
(b) another person who declares that they, together with the birth parent, are the child's parent by signing the statement respecting the birth under subsection (2) or a joint request under subsection (7).
Subsection 3(2) is replaced with the following:
After the birth of a child in the province and prior to the release from the health facility, or in the case of a home birth, within five days after the birth,
(a) the parents of the child or one of them;
(b) an employee in the health facility in which the child is born;
(c) if there is no person to whom clause (a) or (b) applies or if the child's parents are unable to act because of death, illness, absence from Manitoba or otherwise, a person standing in their place as parent; or
(d) if there is no person to whom clause (a), (b) or (c) applies, any person who has knowledge of the birth;
shall provide a statement in an approved form respecting the birth to the event registrar or to the director.
Subsection 3(4) is amended by striking out "a separate statement for each child shall be completed and delivered or mailed as provided in subsection (2);" and substituting "a separate statement under subsection (2) shall be provided respecting each child".
Subsections 3(5) to (8) are replaced with the following:
Registration if birth parent married
If the birth parent is a married person on the day the child is born, the child's birth must be registered in one of the following ways:
(a) showing the particulars of the birth parent and their spouse as the child's parents;
(b) showing the particulars of only the birth parent as the child's parent, if the birth parent declares that their spouse is not a parent of the child;
(c) showing the particulars of the birth parent and a person other than their spouse as the child's parents, if both the birth parent and the other person sign the statement respecting the birth and the birth parent declares that their spouse is not a parent of the child.
Registration if birth parent unmarried
If the birth parent is not a married person on the day the child is born, the child's birth must be registered in one of the following ways:
(a) showing the particulars of the birth parent and another person as the child's parents, if both the birth parent and the other person sign the statement respecting the birth;
(b) showing the particulars of only the birth parent as the child's parent.
At any time after a child's birth has been registered showing that only the birth parent is the child's parent under clause (5)(b) or (6)(b), the birth parent and a person who acknowledges that they are a parent of the child may make a joint written request in an approved form to the director for the person to be registered as a parent of the child. The director may amend the registration according to the joint request on payment of the prescribed fee.
Limit on amending birth registration
Once a birth has been registered showing the birth parent and another person as the child's parents, the registration may be amended with respect to the identity of the parents only by a declaratory order or an order of adoption.
Subsection 3(11) is amended
(a) by striking out "is not completed and delivered or mailed in the manner, and within the time, herein provided, every person upon whom the duty of completing and delivering or mailing the statement is imposed" and substituting "under subsection (2) is not provided within five days after the birth, every person who has a duty to provide the statement"; and
(b) by striking out "complete and deliver or mail" and substituting "provide".
Subsection 3(13) is amended by striking out "complete and deliver" and substituting "provide".
Subsection 3(14) is amended by striking out "section 24 or 29" and substituting "subsection 24.7(1) or section 29".
Subsection 9(2) of the English version is amended by striking out "complete and deliver" and substituting "provide".
Subsection 30(7) is replaced with the following:
Notice to Director of Child and Family Services
Within three days after receiving a statement respecting the birth of a child to an unmarried birth parent under the age of 18 years, the director shall send a copy of the statement to the Director of Child and Family Services.
Subsection 32(5) is amended
(a) by replacing clause (e) with the following:
(e) the name of each parent at the time of each parent's birth;
(b) by replacing clause (f) with the following:
(f) the name of each parent and their age at the time of the child's birth;
The Youth Drug Stabilization (Support for Parents) Act
The definition "parent" in section 1 of The Youth Drug Stabilization (Support for Parents) Act is amended
(a) by replacing clause (a) with the following:
(a) a parent under Part II of The Family Maintenance Act or an adoptive parent; or
(b) in clause (b), by striking out "his or her biological or adoptive mother or father" and substituting "their parent".
This Act comes into force on the day it receives royal assent.