as enacted by SM 1990-91, c. 1 on November 14, 1990.
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R.S.M. 1990, c. 198
The Trustees of the Victorian Order of Nurses at Winnipeg Incorporation Act
WHEREAS by royal charter The Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada was duly incorporated;
AND WHEREAS pursuant to the powers contained in the said royal charter and the by-laws made and passed by the governors thereof, a local association of The Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada was established at the City of Winnipeg, to carry on the work of the Order in accordance with the royal charter and with the rules, regulations and by-laws of the said board of governors;
AND WHEREAS the persons hereinafter named, by their petition, prayed for the power to create and maintain an endowment fund: Mesdames Mary McMillan, Elizabeth Alloway, May Sutherland, Eliza Drewry, Minnie Allan, Margaret Cameron, Edythe Kirby, Ruth Minnie Fetherstonhaugh, Mildred Dennistoun, Jessie Flora Ross, Melinda Bryan, May Aylen Bury, Ella Baker, Anabella Walker, Mary Kilbourne, Annie Crowe, Margaret Elizabeth Morse, Gertrude Macdonald, Helen Macdonald, Jean Crawford Brydges, Abby Lenira Aikens, Maud Waugh, Amelia Eva Weiss, Minnie Brydone-Jack, Louise Ethel Botterel, Rosaline Leistikow, Marion Bryce, Eleanor Macdonald, Agnes Schultz, Elizabeth Bain, Kate Hespeler, Katherine Osler, Cecelia O'Kelly, Katherine Bawlf and Jessie Waugh Mathers;
AND WHEREAS their prayer was granted, and resulted in the enactment of An Act to incorporate "The Trustees of the Victorian Order of Nurses at Winnipeg", assented to May 10, 1911;
AND WHEREAS the Minister of Justice has caused the Act to be prepared in English and French for re-enactment in accordance with a judgment dated June 13, 1985 and an order dated November 4, 1985 of the Supreme Court of Canada;
THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
The Trustees of the Victorian Order of Nurses at Winnipeg (hereinafter referred to as "the corporation") is continued as a corporation consisting of those persons who are members on the coming into force of this Act and such other persons as may from time to time become members of the said corporation in the manner hereinafter provided.
The corporation may from time to time and at all times purchase, acquire, receive, accept, build, hold, possess, enjoy, mortgage, sell, dispose of and convey, for them and their successors, any lands, tenements, hereditaments and real and moveable property and estate, together with such grants, demises, gifts, devises and bequests as may be made by any corporation, person or persons whatsoever for the sole use and benefit of the corporation.
The affairs of the corporation shall be entirely managed by a board of directors consisting of not less than five members, with power and authority to make by-laws, rules and regulations, not contrary to law, for the election of their successors and all matters relating to the government and management of the corporation and its affairs, with power to the directors to amend, repeal or re-enact the same from time to time.
All annual subscribers or life members who shall pay such sums as may be fixed by the by-laws of the said board of directors, and whose names shall appear in a book kept for that purpose, shall be members of the corporation and shall have the right to take part in the meetings of the corporation and to be elected directors thereof.
The corporation is hereby authorized to create and maintain an endowment fund, and to devote the same and the income thereof to the purposes of The Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada or the local association thereof, and is authorized to accept gifts, devises and bequests of moneys, lands or securities from any corporation, person or persons whatsoever, and from time to time to sell and dispose of the same and to invest all money or the proceeds of such lands or securities so taken for such endowment fund in mortgages upon lands, or the debentures of cities, towns, villages or rural municipalities, or school districts or public school boards of this Province, or securities in which trustees are authorized by law to invest trust funds, and to assign, transfer, discharge or otherwise deal with such securities or any of them, and to sell, transfer, grant, lease or otherwise deal with any lands so mortgaged which may become vested in such corporation, whether by foreclosure, transmission or quit claim or otherwise.
The board of directors may from time to time borrow money at such rate of interest and upon such terms as they may think proper, and may for such purpose make, execute or issue any mortgages, bonds, debentures or other instruments which shall operate as a mortgage and charge against the lands and effects of the corporation.
Bills of exchange and promissory notes
The board of directors shall have power to draw, make, accept or indorse all bills of exchange and promissory notes necessary for the purposes of the corporation, under the hands of its president and treasurer, and in no case shall it be necessary that the seal of the corporation be affixed to any such bill or note, nor shall the president or treasurer, or any other person or persons appointed in their place or stead and so signing as aforesaid, be personally or individually responsible therefor.
Any deed, transfer, mortgage, charge or other instrument relating to or dealing with real estate in the Province of Manitoba, or any interest therein, vested in the corporation shall be deemed to be and be duly executed, and shall be sufficient for the purposes for which same is issued, if there is affixed thereto the seal of the corporation attested by the signatures of its president and secretary, or other officers of the corporation duly authorized by the directors, and the production of such a document, accompanied by a copy of what purports to be a by-law of the directors, verified by the seal of the corporation and attested by the signatures of any officers of the corporation, shall be conclusive evidence that such document is the act of the corporation for the purpose for which it purports to be intended.
Mortmain and Charitable Uses Act not to apply
The Mortmain and Charitable Uses Act shall not apply to any land, or interest in or arising out of land, granted, given, devised or bequeathed to or in trust for this corporation.
This Act shall be deemed a public Act.
NOTE: This Act replaces S.M. 1911, c. 108.