This is an unofficial archived version of The Salvation Army Catherine Booth Bible College Incorporation Act
as enacted by SM 1990-91, c. 1 on November 14, 1990.

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R.S.M. 1990, c. 178

The Salvation Army Catherine Booth Bible College Incorporation Act

Table of contents

WHEREAS the persons hereinafter named, by their petition, prayed that The Salvation Army Catherine Booth Bible College should be incorporated:

Major Earl Robinson, Major John Nelson, and Captain George Swaddling, all officers of The Salvation Army, all of The City of Winnipeg, in Manitoba, together with such persons as shall for the time being be members of the Board of Trustees of The Salvation Army Catherine Booth Bible College;

AND WHEREAS their prayer was granted and resulted in the enactment of An Act to incorporate The Salvation Army Catherine Booth Bible College, assented to August 18, 1983;

AND WHEREAS the first members of the board of trustees of the college (hereinafter called "the board") were Commissioner Arthur R. Pitcher, Colonel Harry Read, Major Roy Calvert, Colonel Charles Sheppard, Lieutenant-Colonel Gladys McGregor, Lieutenant-Colonel Stanley Walter, Lieutenant-Colonel Calvin Ivany, Major June Dwyer, Major John Nelson, Major Earl Robinson, Lieutenant-Colonel William Kerr;

AND WHEREAS the Minister of Justice has caused this Act to be prepared in English and French for re-enactment in accordance with a judgment dated June 13, 1985 and an order dated November 4, 1985 of the Supreme Court of Canada;

THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:



The Salvation Army Catherine Booth Bible College (hereinafter referred to as "the college") is continued as a corporation.



The college shall consist of the members of the board of trustees for the time being of the college.

Head office


The head office of the college shall be in The City of Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba.

Powers of college


The college has all the powers, privileges, and immunities conferred by and is subject to all the limitations and liabilities set out in The Corporations Act and that are applicable thereto.

Property to be used for educational purposes


All the property which, at any time after August 18, 1983, belongs to the college shall, at all times, be exclusively applied and appropriated to the advancement of education.

No personal benefit


No part of the income or other assets of the college shall be payable to or otherwise available for the personal benefit of the members of the board or any other person except insofar as may be required for payment of salaries of employees or reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of the college.

Members of the board


The board shall consist of not less than nine members nor more than 21 members and the college shall decide annually as to the number of members on the board.

Appointment of members


The Governing Council of the Salvation Army, Canada West shall appoint the members of the board.

Powers of board


The board shall administer in all things, the affairs of the college and may make or cause to be made for the college any description of contract that it may by law enter into and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the board may

(a) make, amend, and repeal by-laws for the governing of the college not inconsistent herewith or with any law in force in Manitoba;

(b) exercise all of the powers of the college as herein provided; and

(c) exercise all the powers of the directors of a corporation under the applicable provisions of The Corporations Act.



The college may solicit and receive donations of money and other property of every kind and description either absolutely or on trust conditions.

Affiliation with other colleges and universities


The college may apply to affiliate with any university or college.

Power to grant degrees


The college in its corporate name may grant degrees including honorary degrees, diplomas, and certificates of standing in the subjects and courses offered by the college.

Earned degrees


By this Act the college is authorized to grant the following degrees:

(a) Bachelor of Arts General with Major in Biblical and Theological Studies (B.A.).

(b) Bachelor of Arts Advanced with Christian Ministries Major (B.A.).

(c) Bachelor of Theology (B. Th. ).

Other degrees


The authority of the college to grant degrees other than those mentioned in subsection (2) is subject to the written approval of the Minister of Education of the province.

Note: This Act replaces S.M. 1982-83-84, c. 101.