This is an unofficial archived version of The St. John's Cathedral Chapter Act
as enacted by SM 1990-91, c. 1 on November 14, 1990.
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R.S.M. 1990, c. 170
The St. John's Cathedral Chapter Act
WHEREAS The Dean and Chapter of St. John's Cathedral was incorporated by An Act to Incorporate the Dean and Chapter of St. John's Cathedral Church, being chapter 21 of the Statutes of Manitoba, 1874;
AND WHEREAS The Dean and Chapter of St. John's Cathedral, by its petition, prayed that certain matters be enacted;
AND WHEREAS their prayer was granted, and resulted in the enactment of The St. John's Cathedral Chapter Act, assented to July 27, 1971;
AND WHEREAS the Minister of Justice has caused the Act to be prepared in English and French for re-enactment in accordance with a judgment dated June 13, 1985 and an order dated November 4, 1985 of the Supreme Court of Canada;
THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
In this Act
"Bishop" means the Bishop of the Diocese of Rupert's Land of the Anglican Church of Canada; (« évêque »)
"Cathedral" means the Cathedral Church of St. John in the City of Winnipeg in the Diocese of Rupert's Land of the Anglican Church of Canada. (« cathédrale »)
The Dean and Chapter of St. John's Cathedral (hereinafter referred to as "the corporation") is continued as a corporation, consisting of the Dean of Rupert's Land, the Canons of the Cathedral, the Chancellor of the Diocese of Rupert's Land, the Churchwardens of the Cathedral and the Secretary of the Diocese of Rupert's Land and their successors in office from time to time.
The intent, purpose and object of this Act is to provide for the administration and control of those services and affairs of St. John's Cathedral which are of an episcopal or diocesan nature; to provide guidance, counsel and support for non-parochial ministries within the Diocese of Rupert's Land; and to promote Christian mission and education.
The persons referred to in section 2, and their successors in office, shall be the members of the corporation from time to time.
The corporation may elect or appoint such officers as it deems necessary to carry out its purposes and objects and for the transaction of the business of the corporation.
The Bishop may confer the title of Honorary Canon of the Cathedral on any clergyman whose service he may wish to recognize, but the title does not include membership in the corporation.
The corporation may, for ecclesiastical, educational and eleemosynary purposes, and any purposes incidental to any of them,
(a) purchase, acquire, accept, receive, whether by way of purchase, grant, donation, gift, devise, bequest, or otherwise, and own, hold, control, receive income from, improve, develop, manage, administer and sell, assign, transfer, exchange, lease, let, turn to account or otherwise dispose of or deal with property of every kind and description, whether real or personal, and wheresoever situate;
(b) at any time and from time to time borrow a sum or sums of money and give promissory notes or other evidence of debt in connection therewith, and assign, mortgage or pledge, any of the properties or assets of the corporation to secure the repayment of any money borrowed;
(c) invest and re-invest all funds and money of the corporation in securities in which trustees are by law entitled to invest;
(d) raise and assist in raising money;
(e) grant loans, or endorse, or guarantee payment of any promissory note or other evidence of debt.
The corporation may pass such canons, by-laws, rules and regulations, not contrary to law or this Act, as it deems necessary or advisable for the conduct of the affairs of the corporation.
Trusts reaffirmed and continued
All trusts and trust estates and properties of every kind and description, including incomplete or inchoate trusts, granted to or held by the corporation or any other person pursuant to the provisions of its original incorporating Act and amending Acts, or in respect of which the corporation and those persons or any of them might become entitled to act, and all powers, rights, immunities and privileges conferred upon or enjoyed by the corporation and those persons or any of them under any of those trusts and any trust deed, deed, mortgage, indenture, conveyance, will, codicil, probate, letters of administration, judgment, order, appointment or other document whatsoever, or in respect or by virtue of any trust howsoever created, are hereby declared to be vested in the corporation, from and after the coming into force of this Act, upon the same trusts and with the same powers and subject to the same obligations and duties as are therein, thereby or in respect thereof imposed.
The corporation may act as trustee and may exercise any powers necessary to carry out any trust under which it is a trustee.
Any deed, transfer, assignment, mortgage, lease, guarantee, contract or other document or instrument affecting property, whether real or personal, which is vested in the corporation or which is vested in the corporation as trustee, shall be deemed to be duly executed for all purposes if it has affixed thereto the seal of the corporation, verified by the signatures of the Dean or Chancellor and of any other member of the corporation and, when approved by the Bishop, shall be binding upon the corporation according to the tenor and effect thereof.
NOTE: This Act replaces S.M. 1971, c. 111.