
R.S.M. 1990, c. 60

The Grand Lodge of Manitoba of the Independent Order of Oddfellows Incorporation Act

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Table of Contents

1 Continuation
2 General powers
(2) Subordinate Lodges
3 Borrowing powers
4 By-Laws
5 Officers
6 Incorporation of Subordinate Lodges
7 Realty in excess of what may be held
8 Execution of deeds, etc.
9 Incorporation of Subordinate Lodges
10 Lodges already incorporated
11 Certificate of incorporation
12 Investments
13 Security to be furnished by treasurers
14 Interest not transferable
15 Lodge ceasing to exist
16 Security for certain debts
17 Subordinate Lodges amenable to by-laws of Grand Lodge
18 Effect of suspension or expulsion
19 Dissolving of Subordinate Lodge
20 Limited liability of members
21 Act deemed Public Act