
This is an unofficial archived version of The Alumni Association of the University of Manitoba Incorporation Ac
as enacted by SM 1990-91, c. 1 on November 14, 1990.

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R.S.M. 1990, c. 3

The Alumni Association of the University of Manitoba Incorporation Act

Table of contents

WHEREAS there have at times existed in the city of Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, an association or associations of the graduates of The University of Manitoba;

AND WHEREAS one of those associations was named The Alumni Association of the University of Manitoba, and had for its objects to afford members thereof the means, by united efforts, to promote more effectually the interests of the University and to bind the graduates thereof more closely to one another and to the University;

AND WHEREAS the persons hereinafter named by their petition, prayed that The Alumni Association of the University of Manitoba should be incorporated:  Hjalmar A. Bergman, one of His Majesty's counsel learned in the law; Frederick W. Clark, professor; John W. Dafoe, editor; Frank Garland, chief clerk; Alexandra Hogg, married woman; Reginald Hugo, engineer; Archbishop Samuel P. Matheson; Edward Pitblado, barrister-at-law; Isaac Pitblado, one of His Majesty's counsel learned in the law; Max Steinkopf, one of His Majesty's counsel learned in the law; Norman Warner, physician; Elinor Wheeler, married woman; Stuart S. Garson, John T. Haig, Marcus Hyman, William Iveus and Ralph Maybank, all of the city of Winnipeg in the Province of Manitoba; James McLenaghen, Selkirk; John W. Pratt, Birtle, Ivan Schultz, Baldur; and Charles W. Wiebe, Winkler, in the Province of Manitoba, all members of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba; Monsignor Alphonse A. Cherrier, of the city of St. Boniface in the Province of Manitoba; and Sidney E. Smith, president of the University of Manitoba, of Fort Garry in the Province of Manitoba;

AND WHEREAS their prayer was granted and resulted in the enactment of an Act to Incorporate "The Alumni Association of the University of Manitoba" assented to March 19, 1935;

AND WHEREAS the Minister of Justice has caused the Act to be prepared in English and French for re-enactment in accordance with a judgment dated June 13, 1985 and an order dated November 4, 1985 of the Supreme Court of Canada;

THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:



The Alumni Association of the University of Manitoba (hereinafter referred to as "the corporation") is continued as a corporation consisting of those persons who are members of the corporation on the coming into force of this Act and such other persons as shall become members, and their successors.



The affairs and business of the corporation shall be managed by such officers, directors and committees, and under such restrictions as to their duties and powers, as by by-laws in that behalf, the corporation may from time to time cause to be made.

Power to make constitution, by-laws and rules


Without restricting the generality of section 2, the corporation may make, or cause to be made from time to time, such constitution, by-laws, rules or regulations as it deems necessary or advisable for the due carrying out of the purposes and objects of the corporation.  Such constitution, by-laws, rules or regulations may include the following matters:

(a) the adoption of a common seal;

(b) the appointment, functions, duties and removal of all agents, officers and servants and their remunerations;

(c) the time and place of the calling and holding of all meetings of the directors, and of the corporation and the quorum and the procedure to be followed at such meetings;

(d) full powers from time to time to amend or repeal any such constitution, by-laws, rules or regulations.



All graduates of the University of Manitoba, herein referred to as "the University", who have paid during the last financial year, such sum as is fixed by the by-laws as the annual subscription or membership fee, and whose names appear in a book kept for that purpose, shall be members of the corporation.

Powers and objects


The corporation may exercise and enjoy such powers as are necessary for the purpose of uniting all the graduates of the University in the promotion of the welfare of the University and in dealing as a body with matters affecting the common interests of the graduates and may also, but not so as to limit the generality of the foregoing, exercise and enjoy the following powers:

(a) to receive and hold by gift, bequest, devise, grant, purchase or exchange, any property, to use and dispose of the same in the interest of the University, subject, however, to any terms, conditions, directions or trusts contained in the instrument by which the property is granted, conveyed or assured to the corporation;

(b) to take, hold and administer any securities, funds or property which are at any time transferred, given, devised or bequeathed to the corporation by any person for the purpose of assisting the University, the students or professors thereof, and the corporation shall have power, in its discretion, to hold, as investments, any securities which are transferred to it by any person;

(c) to invest any funds or trust funds of the corporation in securities authorized by law for the investment of trust funds;

(d) to apply and expend the income from any property of the corporation to any purposes or objects connected with the University.  Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the terms "purposes" and "objects" shall include the purchase of land, the erection and furnishing of buildings, the provision of scholarships, fellowships and prizes, the equipment and maintenance of libraries and laboratories, the provision of bursaries for research in any department of university work, and the construction, equipment and maintenance of auditoria, gymnasia and athletic grounds.

Trust funds to be administered separately


Any and all sums of money, securities and property of every kind or description received by the corporation in trust, for the purposes or objects set forth in section 5 shall be administered by the corporation separately and apart from the funds and properties of the corporation.

Principal office of corporation


The principal office of the corporation shall be located at Winnipeg, or at such other place as the corporation may name by by-law, in Manitoba.

NOTE:  This Act replaces S.M. 1935, c. 97.