
R.S.M. 1987, c. S12

The Sanatorium Board of Manitoba Act

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Table of Contents

1 Definitions.
2 Continuation of The Sanatorium Board of Manitoba.
3 Objects and aims of board.
(2) Powers of board.
(3) Acquiring and selling of property.
4 Borrowing of money.
5 Power to issue and sell securities.
(2) Forms of securities.
(3) Seal on bonds, etc.
(4) Signature on bonds, etc.
(5) Effect of mechanically reproduced seals, etc. on bonds.
6 Board may accept gifts, devises, etc.
7 General meeting.
(2) Persons entitled to attend and vote.
8 Election of members.
(2) Eligilibity
(3) Composition of board.
(4) Filling of vacancies.
9 Notice of general meeting.
(2) Notice of meeting to certain persons.
10 Officers of board.
(2) Duties of officers.
(3) Absence of vice-chairman.
11 Quorum.
12 Secretary and treasurer.
(2) Committees.
13 By-laws.
14 Admission of persons.
15 Recovery of cost of treatment from injured person.
16 Payment for insured services under The Health Services Insurance Act.
17 Councils of municipalities may make grants to board.
18 Grants in aid to board.