
R.S.M. 1987, c. N90

The Newspapers Act

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Table of Contents

1 No newspaper etc., to be published in Manitoba, except certain formalities complied with.
2 What affidavit shall contain.
3 Requisites of affidavit
4 Who shall swear to affidavit
5 Notice to persons named in affidavit who do not swear to it
6 Filing of affidavits.
7 New affidavit required when certain changes made.
8 Where any person named in the affidavit has ceased to be publisher, etc., how proved.
9 Notice of printer's name and address, etc., to be contained in every newspaper.
10 Penalty for non-compliance with Act.
(2) Printer's or publisher's name to be contained on printed matter.
11 Onus of proof.
12 Proof that newspaper was bought
13 Copies of affidavits to be furnished.
14 Certified copies of affidavit to be received as prima facie evidence.
15 Matters contained in affidavit to be evidence against deponents and others.
16 Where no benefit of Defamation Act
17 Penalty for publishing newspaper without having made affidavit.
18 Warrant to enter and seize.