This is an unofficial archived version of The Land Surveyors Act
as enacted by SM 1987-88, c. 9 on July 17, 1987.

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R.S.M. 1987, c. L60

The Land Surveyors Act

Table of contents

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:



In this Act,

"association" means the Association of Manitoba Land Surveyors; ("Ordre")

"board" means the board of examiners of the association; ("comité des examens")

"council" means the executive council of the association; ("conseil")

"president" means the president of the association, or the presiding officer for the time being at any general meeting of the association; ("président")

"registrar" means the registrar of the association; ("registraire")

"secretary-treasurer" means the secretarytreasurer of the association; ("secrétaire-trésorier" )

"student" means a person serving under articles to a Manitoba land surveyor. ("stagiaire")


Association continued.


The Association of Manitoba Land Surveyors is continued as a body corporate.

Who may be members.


All persons before or after the coming into force of this Act duly registered under this Act are, while they continue so registered, members of, and form, the association.

Power to hold property.


The association may acquire and hold real and personal property for its corporate purposes but not for any other purpose.

Power to dispose of property.


The association may, under the authority of a by-law of the association, sell, mortgage, lease, or otherwise dispose of any real or personal property.


By-laws that may be passed.


The association may pass by-laws not inconsistent with this Act for

(a) the government, discipline, honour, and ethics of its members, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, providing a code of ethics for its members;

(b) the management of its property;

(c) the examination and admission of candidates for the study and practice of the profession; and

(d) all such other purposes as may be necessary for the management and working of the association.

Preparation and enactment of by-laws.


All by-laws shall be prepared by the executive council of the association and, before becoming effective, shall, except as hereinafter provided, be ratified by the association at the annual general meeting, or at a special general meeting to be called for the purpose.

Resolutions for by-laws.


The association, at any annual or special general meeting, may, for the guidance of the council in the preparation of any by-law, pass resolutions which may be either authoritative or instructive in character, or both; and any by-law prepared and passed by the council in accordance therewith, and not inconsistent with this Act, becomes effective on the passing thereof, or according to the terms and conditions recited therein.

Notice of meeting to ratify by-law.


The notice of any general meeting of the association, at which ratification of a by-law is to be voted upon shall set out particulars of the bylaw.


Executive council, how composed.


There shall be an executive council for the management of the association, to consist of the president, immediate past president, and vice-president, the secretary-treasurer of the association, and four other elective members, to be elected and hold office as hereinafter provided.

Quorum of council.


Five members of the council are a quorum for the transaction of business at meetings of the council.

Calling of meetings.


Meetings of the council may be called by the chairman and shall be called by the chairman at the request of any two members of the council.

Presiding officer.


Each meeting of the council shall be presided over by the president or, in his absence, by the vice-president or, in the absence of both the president and the vice-president, by a chairman to be elected by the members of the council present at the meeting.

Notice of meetings of council, how to be given.


Due notice of each meeting of the council, as shall be provided by by-law, shall be given by the secretary-treasurer to each member thereof, and also to such members of the association as may have business therewith, by mailing the notice to the registered address of each member at least two days previous to the time of the meeting.

Election of other officers.


At the first meeting of the council following the annual election of officers by the association, the council shall appoint such other officers as may be necessary to carry out this Act; and the officers appointed under this subsection hold office during the pleasure of the council.


Annual General meeting.


The annual general meeting of the association for the transaction of business and the election of officers and members of council shall be held in Manitoba on a date in each year determined by the council, at such place and hour as the council may appoint, and may be continued from day to day as may be necessary.



Due notice of the meeting shall be given by the secretary-treasurer to each member of the association by circular letter mailed to his registered address at least two weeks previous to the meeting.

Special general meetings, calling of.


Special general meetings of the association may be called when deemed necessary by the council or on a written request of ten members of the association, including at least three members of the council, addressed to the secretary-treasurer, setting forth their reasons and object for the special meeting.



The secretary-treasurer shall thereupon give at least six days' notice of the meeting by circular letter setting forth the object of the meeting, mailed to the registered address of each member of the association.


Election of officers at annual meeting.


At each annual meeting of the association there shall be elected a president, a vice-president, a secretary-treasurer, a registrar, two auditors, and two elective members of the executive council; and the two elective members of council shall hold office for the term of two years, or until their successors are elected, and the other officers shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are elected.

Registrar may hold other office.


The registrar may hold any other office in the association or be a member of council.

Election by ballot.


All elections under this Act shall be by ballot if demanded, and in the manner required under the by-laws of the association.

Majority required.


Each person elected shall have at least a majority of the votes cast at such election.



Retiring officers may be re-elected.

Scrutiny of ballots.


Where a ballot is demanded, the president shall forthwith appoint two members as scrutineers to receive and count the ballots.

Excess of names.


Where an elector places upon a ballot paper more than the required number of names in any case, the first names only, not exceeding the required number, shall be counted.

Declaration of result.


Upon completion of the scrutiny, the president shall forthwith declare the result of the election; and the secretary-treasurer shall cause the names of the officers elected to be published in the next ensuing issue of The Manitoba Gazette.

Person qualified to vote or hold office.


No person is qualified to vote at an election, or is eligible for election or appointment to any office or position in the association or the executive council, or to hold any office or to fill any vacancy, unless all his fees have been paid and he is duly qualified under this Act and by the by-laws of the association.

Disposal of disputes as to elections.


In the case of doubt or dispute as to who has or have been elected to any office, or as to the legality of the election, the other duly elected officers are a committee to hold an inquiry and decide who, if any, is or are the legally elected officer or officers; and the person or persons, if any, whom they decide have been elected, shall be deemed to be the officer or officers legally elected; and, if the election is found to have been illegal, the committee may order a new election.

Council to fill vacancies.


In case of the resignation, death, suspension, dismissal, disqualification, or inability to act, of any officer of the association or any elective member of the council, the council, or the other members thereof, as the case may be, except as in this Act otherwise provided, may fill any vacancy so caused for the unexpired portion of the term.


Duties of secretary-treasurer.


The secretary-treasurer of the association shall give notice of all meetings of the association, and of the executive council, and take and enter the minutes and transactions of all the meetings, and enter a true account of all moneys received and paid by him under this Act in proper books provided for the purpose.

Audit of accounts.


The accounts of the secretary-treasurer shall be audited by the auditors and submitted to the council and the association at such time or times as they may require.

Secretary-treasurer to give security by bond.


The secretary-treasurer shall give a bond of security satisfactory to the council, and shall have charge of the records and documents and other property of the association not specially placed in charge of any other person, and shall perform such other duties in connection with his office as required by this Act and as the council or the association may prescribe.

Secretary of executive council.


The secretary-treasurer is secretary of the executive council.

By-laws available to public.


The secretary-treasurer of the association shall allow any person requesting it to read and make copies of any by-law of the association.

Duties of registrar.


The registrar shall

(a) give notice of all meetings of the board to the members thereof;

(b) take and enter the minutes and transactions of all meetings of the board;

(c) enter a true account of all moneys received by him under this Act in proper books provided for the purpose; and

(d) remit all such moneys to the secretarytreasurer.

Audit of registrar's accounts.


The accounts of the registrar shall be audited by the auditors of the association.


Board of examiners, how composed and appointed.


There shall be a board of examiners for the examination of candidates for admission to study, and for commissions to practise as land surveyors; and the board shall consist of the registrar and four other duly qualified members of the association, two of whom shall be appointed each year by the council at its first meeting after the annual election of officers by the association, to hold office for two years.

Vacancies on board.


In case of resignation, death, suspension, dismissal, disqualification, or inability to act, of any member of the board, the council shall appoint a member of the association to be a member of the board for the unexpired portion of his term.

Oath of office.


Each member of the board, before assuming the duties of an examiner, shall take and subscribe an oath of office in Form A in the Schedule; and the oath shall be filed with the registrar and kept with the records of the board.



Three members of the board constitute a quorum thereof.

Chairman of board.


The board shall, as often as may be necessary, elect one of its members, other than the registrar, as its chairman; and may make rules and regulations, subject to this Act and the by-laws of the association, for the conduct and management of examinations; and shall annually, prior to the annual general meeting of the association and whenever else required by the council, make a report in writing to the council of the results of its examinations.

Annual examinations.


The board shall annually meet and hold regular examinations of candidates in Winnipeg at a place appointed by the board on the Monday of the first complete week in April that does not contain a holiday, and may adjourn the meeting from time to time as it may deem necessary.

Supplemental examinations.


Where in any year there are candidates who are permitted by the association to write supplemental examinations, the board shall in that year meet and hold supplemental examinations on the Monday of the first complete week in November that does not contain a holiday, and may adjourn the meeting from time to time as it may deem necessary.

Special examinations.


A special examination for commission to practise as a surveyor may be held at any time at the discretion of the board on the payment in addition to the regular fees prescribed by this Act, of a fee not exceeding $25. for each paper written by the candidate.

Remuneration of examination supervisors.


A member of the association who supervises an examination held by the board may be paid from the funds of the association an amount set by the board and approved by the executive council.

Assistants to board of examiners.


The council may appoint competent persons to assist the board of examiners in any of the subjects of examination and shall fix the fees and expenses to be paid for such assistants.

Arrangements with universities, etc.


The council may make such arrangements with the Senate, or the corresponding body, of any university or educational institution in Canada, as it deems advisable and advantageous for the examination of candidates by the university or institution in any subject, or portion thereof, forming part of the course of instruction required for examination of candidates for commissions as Manitoba land surveyors.


Standards of admission of students.


A person who has a grade 12 university entrance standing in Manitoba or a school standing equivalent thereto from some other province or country, may be admitted as a student, but before filing his articles he shall submit evidence of the standing satisfactory to the board.

Requirements before examination for admission to practise.


Except as hereinafter provided, no person is entitled to be examined for admission to practise as a Manitoba land surveyor unless

(a) he is serving as a student of a Manitoba land surveyor under articles in writing in Form B in the Schedule or under articles to the like effect;

(b) he produces a certificate in Form D in the Schedule signed by the Manitoba land surveyor with whom he served as a student, or, if for a reason satisfactory to the board the certificate cannot be produced, he proves to the satisfaction of the board that he has served a full period under articles mentioned in clause (a);

(c) his service as a student of a Manitoba land surveyor included at least two years of actual practice in the field; and

(d) he produces evidence of good character satisfactory to the board.

Surveyors not to have more than two students.


No Manitoba land surveyor shall have more than two students under articles to him at any time.

Limitation on articles.


A Manitoba land surveyor shall not accept a student under articles unless he has been a member of the association in practice as a Manitoba land surveyor for periods totalling in aggregate not less than two years.

Termination of articles.


A surveyor with whom a student is serving under articles and the student, by mutual agreement, or the surveyor, or the student, with the consent of the board, may terminate the articles of service.

Completion of service as student with another surveyor.


Where a surveyor to whom the student is articled dies, or leaves the province, or is suspended, dismissed, or disqualified, or ceases to practise, or where the articles of service are terminated under subsection 21(4), the student may complete his term of service under articles with another Manitoba land surveyor.

Assignment of articles.


A Manitoba land surveyor may, with the consent of the student, assign to another Manitoba land surveyor the articles of service of a student articled to him, by an instrument in writing in Form C in the Schedule and the student may complete his term of service under articles with that other Manitoba land surveyor; but the student shall be required to produce a certificate from each of the surveyors for the purposes of clause 21(l)(b) or in default thereof such other evidence of service under articles as is satisfactory to the board.

Filing of articles.


A copy of the articles of service of a student signed by all parties thereto, and a copy of every assignment of such articles of service signed by both parties thereto together with a consent thereto signed by the student shall be filed with the registrar within two months of the date thereof to be kept by him with the records of the association, and the fees prescribed therefor under section 51 shall be paid to the registrar.

Service begins from time of filing.


Where a copy of articles of service, or of an assignment of articles of service, is not filed with the registrar within the time set out in subsection (1), it may be filed after the expiration of that time; but, in that case, the period of service of the student shall, unless the board otherwise directs, be reckoned only from the date of filing.

Notice of application for examination.


A person intending to write an examination required under this Act or prescribed by the association for qualification for a commission to practise as a land surveyor shall give to the registrar written notice of his intention to present himself for the examination at least one month before the examination, and shall pay to the registrar at the time of giving notice the fees prescribed under section 50.

Examination for admission to practise.


No person shall be admitted to practise as a land surveyor in Manitoba until he has attained the full age of 18 years, and, except as hereinafter provided, has passed an examination satisfactory to the board in botany, geology, algebra, geometry, plane and spherical trigonometry, astronomy, levelling and curves, practical computations, descriptions, laws relating to surveys and plans made or required in Manitoba, manuals of survey, practical surveying, town planning, photogrammetry, field work and observing, and such other subjects as the association may from time to time prescribe.

Other requirements.


Before receiving a commission to practise as a land surveyor in Manitoba, an applicant shall perform such practical operations as the board may require to demonstrate his familiarity with surveying operations and his capability of intelligently reporting thereon, and shall answer under oath, which may be administered by any member of the board, such questions as the board or any member thereof may require, as to his actual experience in the field and with instruments.

Requirement of further period of service.


Where an applicant for examination, or further examination, for a commission to practise as a land surveyor applies more than four years after the completion of his period of articles, he may be required by the board to serve under articles as a student of a Manitoba land surveyor for a further period of not more than two years before he is permitted to write the examination.

Examination in stages.


A person serving under articles as a student of a Manitoba land surveyor may, after filing his articles, write the examinations mentioned in subsection 26(1) in such parts and at such stages during his articles as the association may prescribe.


Commission to practise as surveyor, and security to be given and oaths to be taken.


Every person who passes the examinations and fulfils the requirements of this Act shall receive a commission from the association in Form E in the Schedule, authorizing him to practise as a surveyor of lands in and for Manitoba; but before receiving the commission he shall, with two sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the board, enter into a bond, in duplicate, in Form F in the Schedule, jointly and severally, in the sum of $1,000 to Her Majesty, her heirs and successors, conditioned for the due and faithful performance of the duties of his office, and shall take and subscribe the oath of allegiance in Form G in the Schedule and the oath of office, in Form H in the Schedule.

To be recorded in office of Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs.


The oaths of allegiance and of office shall be deposited, and the commission shall be recorded, in the office of the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs.

Bond to be for the benefit of persons sustaining damage.


The bond shall be deposited and kept in the manner prescribed by law with regard to bonds given for like purposes by other public officers, and shall inure to the benefit of any person sustaining damage by breach of any condition thereof.

Publication in Gazette


The secretary-treasurer shall cause the name of every person who receives a commission to be published in the next ensuing issue of The Manitoba Gazette.

Acquiring foreign citizenship.


Any surveyor, registered or unregistered, who becomes a subject or citizen of any foreign sovereign or a country other than Canada, or who has formally declared an intention to become a subject or citizen of a foreign sovereign or a country other than Canada, and who afterwards wishes to begin or resume the practice of land surveying in Manitoba, shall

(a) become re-naturalized under the Citizenship Act (Canada) or by other sufficient legal process; and

(b) furnish the bond and take the official oaths prescribed by this Act.


Requirements for admission of surveyors from other parts of Commonwealth.


Any person who has been duly qualified to practise as a land surveyor in any part of the Commonwealth other than this province, and who produces to the board his diplomas or certificates, may be required by the board to serve under articles as a student of a Manitoba land surveyor for such a period, and write such examinations, as may be prescribed by the board and approved by the council.

Appeal of requirements by board.


Where, under subsection 26(3) or section 30, the board requires a person to serve a period of articles or write an examination, the person affected thereby may appeal the requirement to the council which may confirm, vary or quash the requirement; and the person affected may appeal the decision of the council in respect thereof as provided in section 44 and section 44 applies, with such modifications as the circumstances require, to the appeal of the decision of the council.

Special requirements for certain graduates.


A graduate from any Canadian university or college which included a regular course of study in the technical and academic subjects in which candidates for a commission are required to be examined may

(a) be admitted to service under articles as a student of a Manitoba land surveyor without being required to pass the examination to which reference is made in subsection 27(1):

(b) write such examinations as may be prescribed by the association;

(c) serve under articles as a student of a Manitoba land surveyor for such period of not less than 18 months, of which not less than twelve months shall be actual practice in the field, as the board may direct; and

(d) upon passing an examination and complying with the requirements set out in clauses 21(1)(b) and (d), receive a commission authorizing him to practise as a surveyor of lands.

Commission to practice.


A person

(a) who has successfully completed a course of two or more years study and training in surveying at a provincial institute of technology in Manitoba, or at a similar institution in Canada with standards acceptable to the board, and who has been granted his diploma by such institute:

(b) who has served a term of service under articles as a student of a Manitoba land surveyor for such period of not less than two years, of which at least 12 months shall be actual practice in the field, as the board may direct;

(c) who has written such examinations as may be prescribed by the association; and

(d) who has passed an examination and complied with the requirements set out in clauses 21(1)(b) and (d);

may receive a commission authorizing him to practise as a surveyor of lands.


Register of surveyors to be kept


The secretary-treasurer shall make and keep a correct register in Form I in the Schedule, of all persons who are entitled to be registered under this Act, and shall enter opposite the names of all registered persons who have died a statement of the fact, and make the necessary alterations in the addresses of persons registered, and, subject to this Act, keep the register in accordance with the by-laws of the association and the orders and regulations of the council.

Manner of keeping register.


No name shall be entered in the register except of a person authorized by this Act to be registered, nor unless the secretary-treasurer is satisfied by proper evidence that the person claiming to be registered is so entitled; and any appeal from the decision of the secretary-treasurer shall be decided by the council, and any entry that is proved to the satisfaction of the council to have been fraudulently or incorrectly made shall be erased from, or amended in, the register by order of the council.

Penalty for procuring registration by false statements.


Any person who wilfully procures, or attempts to procure, registration under this Act by making or producing, or causing to be produced or made, any false or fraudulent representation or declaration, either orally or in writing, that he is entitled to registration, is guilty of an offence and is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine of not less than $25. and not more than $100., and, in default of payment, to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months; and the council may remove the name of the offender from the register.

Penalty if register falsified.


If the secretary-treasurer wilfully makes, or causes or allows to be made, any falsification in any matters relating to the register, he is guilty of an offence, and is liable on summary conviction, to a fine of not less than $25. or more than $100., and, in default of payment, to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months.

Removal of names from register.


A registered surveyor who desires to cease practice may have his name removed from the register at any time by giving to the secretary written notice of his desire and paying up all fees due from him to the association to date of notice: and upon receiving the notice and payment of the fees the secretary shall remove the name of the surveyor from the register and thereafter the surveyor shall not be liable to the association for annual or other fees.

Restoration of names.


Where a person whose name has been removed from the register in accordance with subsection (1) or with section 45 desires to resume practice as a registered surveyor, he may apply to the council to be registered, and upon

(a) passing such examinations as the council may prescribe;

(b) paying an amount determined by the council, which shall not exceed the total of the annual fees for the period since his name was removed from the register; and

(c) otherwise complying with this Act: his name may be re-registered.

Effect of resignation or withdrawal.


The resignation or withdrawal as aforesaid of any registered surveyor does not operate to release the surveyor or his sureties, or either of them, from any obligation incurred or resulting in consequence of any professional negligence or misconduct of the surveyor during the time he was so registered.


Suspension for conviction for crime.


Where a member has been convicted of an indictable offence carrying a maximum penalty in excess of two years imprisonment, the council may, after holding a hearing to which sections 42, 43, and 44 apply with such modifications as the circumstances require, suspend or expel the member from the association and cause his name to be removed from the register.

Inquiry and summons where no complaint made.


Although no complaint has been made against a member of the association, the council may

(a) inquire into any suspected unprofessional conduct of the member or suspected breach of a by-law of the association by the member; and

(b) summon the member to appear before the council for examination as to any such matter specified in the summons.

Summons proceeded with as complaint.


Where a summons has been issued under subsection (1), the council may deal with the matter specified in the summons as though it had been raised by a complaint against the member summoned; and the provisions of this Act referring or applying to a complaint against a member refer and apply with such modifications as the circumstances require to the matter specified in the summons.

Disqualification of members of council.


Where a member of council was an initiator of any proceeding under this section, he is disqualified from sitting and adjudicating in the proceeding or any hearing or meeting with respect thereto.

Complaints against members.


The council may hear and determine any complaint made against a member respecting a violation of any provision of this Act or of the bylaws or of the rules of professional ethics of the association, or charging gross negligence or corruption in the execution of the duties of his office, or professional misconduct, or conduct likely to bring the profession of land surveying into disrepute.



Upon receipt of a complaint the council shall fix a time and place for hearing the complaint, and at the time and place so fixed, the council shall meet and hear the evidence adduced and if the council is satisfied as to the truth of the complaint, it may, in its discretion, reprimand, fine, or suspend or fine and suspend, the accused person or expel him from the association.



A member suspended or expelled may be reinstated and have his name entered in the register and all his rights and privileges under this Act restored in such manner and upon such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the council.

Discipline committee.


Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the council may appoint a discipline committee of members of the association, not less than three in number, of whom three shall constitute a quorum, for the purpose of ascertaining the facts of any matter of complaint, and may alter the number, constitution and tenure of office of such committee.

Powers and duties of discipline committee.


The discipline committee shall meet from time to time for the dispatch of business and, subject to any rules made by the council, may regulate the convening, notice, place, management and adjournment of such meetings, the appointment of a chairman, the mode of deciding questions, and generally the transaction and management of business and if there is a quorum the committee may act notwithstanding any vacancy in the committee, and in case of a vacancy may appoint a member of the association to fill the vacancy until the next meeting of the council.

Complaint against member.


The discipline committee, of its own motion or upon the application of any person, may, and upon the request of the council shall, inquire into and determine any matter of complaint against any member where it is alleged, or the committee has reasonable ground for believing, that the member has been guilty of any of the matters mentioned in subsection (1).

Notice of hearings.


Before the holding of an inquiry by the discipline committee or the council under this Act, a notice shall be served upon the person whose conduct is the subject of inquiry, and where there is a complainant, upon the complainant, and the notice shall embody, or be accompanied by, a copy of the charges made or a statement of the subject matter of the inquiry, and shall also specify the time and place of the inquiry, and shall be signed by the chairman of the discipline committee or by the secretary-treasurer.

Time and service of notice.


A notice under subsection (7) shall be served by sending it by registered mail in an envelope addressed to the person to be served at his address as shown in the annual register, or in the complaint, at least 15 days before the date of the inquiry by the discipline committee or the council, and proof that the notice or document was so sent shall be proof of service.

Proceeding in absence of persons concerned.


If a complainant or the person whose conduct is the subject of inquiry fail to attend, the discipline committee or council may, upon service of the notice mentioned in subsection (7), being proved by affidavit or statutory declaration or viva voce evidence under oath, proceed with the inquiry and, without further notice to that complainant or person, make a report of its findings or take any other action authorized by this Act.

Evidence under oath.


The testimony of witnesses shall be taken under oath, which the chairman or acting chairman of the discipline committee or of the council is hereby authorized to administer, and there shall be full right to cross-examine and reexamine all witnesses called and to adduce evidence in defence and reply, and any party to the inquiry shall have the right to be represented by counsel.

Records of inquiry.


The discipline committee or the council shall keep a record of all evidence adduced at the inquiry.

Reports of discipline committee.


The discipline committee shall report in writing to the council its findings and such recommendations as it may deem advisable, and the council may act upon the report of the committee and may make such order thereon as the council may deem just.

Notice of decision.


The council shall, forthwith after making a decision under this section, serve written notice of the decision on the person in respect of whom the decision was made.

Liability of members of council, etc.


No personal action for damages lies against the council or the discipline committee, or any member thereof, for any proceedings taken in good faith or orders made or enforced under the disciplinary provisions of this Act.

Rules respecting complaints.


The council, or the discipline committee with the concurrence of the council, may make rules not inconsistent with this Act regulating the making of complaints and the hearing and determination of matters of complaint under the disciplinary provisions of this Act.



The person against whom a complaint is made, the person preferring the complaint or the council may obtain from the registrar of the Court of Queen's Bench a subpoena ad testificandum or a subpoena duces tecum requiring the attendance of any witness or witnesses before the council or the discipline committee at the hearing of the complaint.

Appeal to Court.


A member reprimanded, fined, or suspended or fined and suspended or expelled may, within 30 days after the date of service upon him of notice of the decision of the council, appeal to a judge of the Court of Queen's Bench from the decision, and the judge, upon hearing the appeal, may affirm, vary or rescind the decision of the council or order the council to re-hear the matter of complaint and for that purpose to receive and consider such evidence as he may specify; and any order of the judge is a judgment of the court and binding upon the association.

Notice of appeal.


Notice of an appeal shall be served on the president or vice-president or secretarytreasurer of the association.

Copies of proceedings, etc.


The secretary-treasurer shall, upon the request of any person desiring to appeal, furnish him with a certified copy of all proceedings, reports, orders and papers before the discipline committee and the council in the matter in respect of which the appeal is taken.

Appeal to Court of Appeal.


Any party to the appeal may, with the leave of a judge of the Court of Appeal given upon an application made within 30 days after the date of the decision of the judge of the Court of Queen's Bench appeal that decision to the Court of Appeal.

Order as to costs of appeal.


In an appeal under this section, a judge of the Court of Queen's Bench or the Court of Appeal, as the case may be, may make such order as to costs as may be deemed just.

Practice while appeal pending.


A member who has been suspended or expelled shall not, while an appeal under this section is pending, practise as a land surveyor.

Articled students.


Sections 42, 43 and 44 apply with such modifications as the circumstances require to complaints made against articled students or candidates for admission to practise as land surveyors.

Misconduct of members.


A member who

(a) uses or suffers his name to be used by a person who is not a member of the association in such a way that it may be inferred that a person who is not entitled to practice as a land surveyor, is entitled to so practice; or

(b) does any act or thing, or affords any means or facilities, to enable any unqualified person to practise as a land surveyor; or

(c) does any act or thing calculated to lead the public or any person to believe that an unqualified person is a land surveyor or authorized to practise as such; or

(d) certifies any plan of survey not made under his own personal supervision; or

(e) falsely certifies as to the service of a student under articles when such service has not been bona fide performed in the manner required by this Act; or

(f) knowingly acts as the professional agent of a person who is not duly qualified to practise as a land surveyor;

is guilty of misconduct in the execution of the duties of his office and is liable to proceedings under section 42 in addition to any other liability that he may incur by reason of such misconduct.

Acts of students on behalf of principal.


Subsection (1) does not prevent a member from permitting a student serving under articles to perform for and in his name, and under his supervision, any work that the student is capable of performing; but the member is liable for any damage caused by the student or resulting from lack of knowledge or skill on his part.

Costs in case of frivolous complaints.


The council may order to be paid out of funds at its disposal such costs as to it seems just to any person against whom a complaint has been made that, when finally determined, is found to be frivolous or vexatious.


Annual register of members to be kept.


The secretary-treasurer shall in each year, under the direction of the council, keep for inspection, at his office, free of charge, a correct register of names, in alphabetical order according to the surnames, with the respective residences or post office addresses, in Form J in the Schedule, of all persons appearing on the general register on the third Wednesday in January in every year, who are not in arrears for any fees.

"Surveyors' Annual Register".


The register shall be called "Surveyors' Annual Register", and it shall be corrected from time to time as becomes necessary.

Copy of register as evidence.


A copy of the register for the time being, certified by the secretary-treasurer under the seal of the association, is admissible in evidence in all courts and land titles offices, and before all magistrates, municipal councils, and others, that the persons specified therein are registered and duly authorized land surveyors.

Supplying of copies of register.


The secretary-treasurer shall give or send free of charge, on the application of any person, accompanied by postage thereon, a copy of the register, certified as aforesaid; and, on or before March 1 in each year, he shall send prepaid to each land titles office, and municipal clerk whose address is known, a copy of the register corrected to date and certified as aforesaid.

Certified copies.


In the case of any person whose name does not appear in such a copy, a certified copy under the hand of the secretary, of the entry of the name of the person in the register, is evidence that that person is a registered and duly authorized surveyor under this Act.


Annual membership fees.


Every Manitoba land surveyor shall pay to the secretary-treasurer, or any person deputed by him to receive it, such annual fee, as may be determined by the association at the previous annual meeting; and the fee is payable on or before the Tuesday after the first Monday in January in each year.

Consequences of non-payment of fees.


A member of the association who omits or neglects to pay his annual fees to the association is not entitled to any of the rights and privileges conferred under this Act as long as the omission or neglect continues and his name shall be removed from the register; and he is liable to the penalties provided in this Act for practising as a Manitoba land surveyor without being qualified to do so.

Other fees.


The association may pass by-laws prescribing fees for any service, matter or thing provided or done by the association for which no other fee is prescribed under this Act.

Recovery of fees.


All fees payable under this Act may be recovered as ordinary debts due the association.

Exemption from payment of membership fees.


The association may by by-law provide that any registered surveyor who has been a member in good standing of the association for an aggregate total of 35 years or more, is exempt from further payment of the annual fee for membership.


Penalty for unauthorized practice.


No person shall act as surveyor of lands, other than public lands of Canada, within the province unless he is duly authorized to practise under this Act under a penalty of $500.

Default in payment of fee.


No person so admitted and registered, and who is in default to the association for any fee imposed or authorized to be imposed by this Act, shall practise or profess to practise as a land surveyor for hire, gain, hope of reward, or self interest, under a penalty of $100. dollars for each and every offence, and in default of payment the offender shall be imprisoned for a term not exceeding three months; nor shall any such person recover in any court for any services performed by him.

Evidence of want of authority or non-payment of fees.


The certificate of the secretarytreasurer, under the seal of the association, is conclusive evidence of such non-registration or non-membership or non-payment of fees, as the case may be.

Improper use of title or initials M.L.S.


No person, unless registered as in this Act provided, is entitled to take or use the name of Manitoba land surveyor, either alone or in combination with any other word or words, or the letters M.L.S., or any name, title or description implying that he is registered under this Act or that he is authorized to act as a surveyor of lands under this Act.



Any person who, not being registered under this Act, takes or uses any name, letters, titles or description as aforesaid is guilty of an offence and is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine of $50. for the first offence, and of $100. for each subsequent offence.

Registration of plans.


No plan of survey of land in this province shall be accepted by any registrar or district registrar unless it is signed by a duly authorized Manitoba land surveyor; but this section does not apply to plans or surveys of lands belonging to Her Majesty in right of Canada.

Offence and penalty.


Any person who in the province interrupts, molests, or hinders, a Manitoba land surveyor, or the duly authorized assistant of a Manitoba land surveyor while in the discharge of his duties with respect to a survey, is guilty of an offence and is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding $50. or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two months or to both.

Civil remedy not to prejudice.


Subsection (1) does not prejudice any civil remedy that the land surveyor or other person may have against the offender for damages occasioned by the offence.

Offence and penalty.


Every person who knowingly or wilfully defaces, alters, or removes, any mound or landmark, post or monument, placed by, or under the supervision and on the instructions of, a Manitoba land surveyor or a Dominion land surveyor under the Canada Lands Surveys Act (Canada), to any limit, boundary, or angle, of any township or section, or any legal subdivision, lot, parcel of land, in Manitoba is guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine of not more than $100. or to imprisonment for a term of not more than three months or to both.

Civil remedy not to prejudice.


Subsection (1) does not prejudice any civil remedy that any person may have against the offender for damages occasioned by the offence.

Temporary removal of marks.


Nothing in this Act prevents a Manitoba land surveyor or a Dominion land surveyor or the duly authorized assistant of a Manitoba land surveyor or Dominion land surveyor, in his operations, from taking up posts and other boundary marks when necessary, after which he shall carefully replace them as they were before or renew them.


Right of entry on lands for purpose of making survey.


Any Manitoba land surveyor or the duly authorized assistant of a Manitoba land surveyor when engaged in the performance of his duties may pass over, measure along, and ascertain the bearings of, any line or limit whatsoever; and for those purposes may pass over the lands of any persons whomsoever, doing no actual damage to the property of the person.

Right of entry.


For the purpose of obtaining any measurement or sight necessary to a proper and satisfactory performance of his duties, a Manitoba land surveyor, or the duly authorized assistant of a Manitoba land surveyor, may enter upon any land or into any building, mine, or structure at a time suitable to the person in rightful possession thereof.

Order for entry.


Where a Manitoba land surveyor, or the duly authorized assistant of a Manitoba land surveyor, is hindered in doing anything that he is authorized to do under subsection (1) or (2), he may apply to a judge of the Court of Queen's Bench for an order restraining such hindrance and the judge may make such order as to him seems just.

Compelling attendance before surveyor.


Where a Manitoba land surveyor is in doubt as to the true corner, boundary or limit of any township, section, lot or tract of land which he is employed to survey, and has reason to believe that any person is possessed of any important information touching that corner, boundary, or limit, or of any writing, plan, or document tending to establish the true position of the corner, boundary, or limit, if the person does not willingly appear before, and submit to examination by the surveyor, or does not willingly produce to him the writing, plan, or document, the surveyor may apply to any justice of the peace for a subpoena accompanying the application by an affidavit or solemn declaration, to be made before the justice, of the facts on which the application is founded; and the justice may issue a subpoena accordingly.

Service of the subpoena.


The subpoena shall be served upon the person named therein by delivering a copy thereof to him, or by leaving the subpoena for him with some grown person of his family at his residence, exhibiting to him or the grown person the original.

Penalty for refusal to obey subpoena or to give evidence required.


Where the person commanded by the subpoena to appear, after being paid his reasonable expenses or having them tendered to him, refuses or neglects to appear before the surveyor at the place and time appointed in the subpoena, or to produce the writing, plan, or document, if any, therein mentioned or referred to, or to give such evidence or information as he may possess touching the boundary or limit in question, a warrant by the justice for the arrest of the person may be issued and he may be punished accordingly by a fine not exceeding $50., or by imprisonment not exceeding one month, or both, in the discretion of the justice.


Fines, fees, etc., to be property of association.


All fees, fines, and penalties receivable and recoverable under this Act belong to, and are the property of, the association.

Secretary-treasurer to receive all moneys and apply same.


All moneys arising from fees or otherwise shall be paid to the secretary-treasurer of the association, to be applied, in accordance with such regulations as may be made by the council, for defraying the expenses of registration and other expenses of the execution of this Act.

Investment of surplus funds.


The council may invest any moneys of the association not required for the immediate purposes of the association in securities in which a trustee is authorized to invest trust moneys in accordance with The Trustee Act, and any income derived from the moneys so invested shall be added to and considered as part of the income of the association.

Office premises, examination halls, etc.


The association may also use surplus funds or invested capital for the rental or purchase of land and premises, for the building of premises to serve as offices, examination halls, lecture rooms, library, or for any other public purpose connected with land surveying.


Method of sending notices and documents.


Subject to the other provisions of this Act, all notices and documents required by, or for the purposes of, this Act to be sent, may be sent by post, by letter, and shall be deemed to have been received at the time when the letter containing them would be delivered in the ordinary course of mail; and, in proving the sending, it is sufficient to prove that the letter containing the notice or document was prepaid and properly addressed and mailed.

Sending of notices, etc., to municipal councils, etc.


The notices and documents may be in writing or in print, or partly in writing and partly in print; and, when sent to a municipal council or another authority, shall be deemed to be properly addressed if addressed to the council or authority, or to some officer of the council or authority, at the principal place of business of the council or authority, and, when sent to a person registered under this Act, shall be deemed to be properly addressed if addressed to him according to his address registered in the register of the association.

Certificate of secretary-treasurer as evidence.


In all prosecutions and legal proceedings under this Act the certificate of the secretary-treasurer, under the seal of the association, is admissible in evidence as prima facie proof of the facts therein certified to, or of any act, proceeding, by-law, or regulation, of the association.

Who may prosecute.


Any person may be prosecutor or complainant under this Act.

Taking of oaths, etc.


Any oath, affidavit, or declaration required or authorized under this Act to be sworn, affirmed, taken, or declared shall be so sworn, affirmed, taken, or declared before a person authorized under The Manitoba Evidence Act to take, administer, or receive oaths, affirmations, affidavits, or statutory declarations.



(Section 16)


I, A.B., of , having been appointed a member of the board of examiners for the examination of candidates under The Land Surveyors Act, do solemnly swear (or solemnly affirm, as the case may be) that I will faithfully discharge the duties of such office according to law, without favour, affection or partiality. So help me God. (Omit last four words if affirmed) Sworn (or affirmed) before me at this day of , 19 .


A Commissioner for Oaths (or as the case may be).


(Section 21)


These articles of agreement, made the day of one thousand nine hundred and , between A.B., of , Manitoba, land surveyor, of the first part, and C.D. of , and E.F., child (or ward) of C.D., of the second part, witnesses:

That E.F., of his own free will, and by and with the consent of C.D., doth, by these presents, place and bind himself student to A.B., to serve him (as such) from the day of the date hereof, for and during and until the full end and term of years from hence next ensuing and fully to be completed and ended. And C.D. doth hereby, for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, covenant with A.B., his executors, administrators and assigns, that E.F. shall well and faithfully and diligently, according to the best and utmost of his power, serve A.B. as his student in the practice or profession of a Manitoba land surveyor, which he, A.B., now follows, and shall abide and continue with him from the day of the date hereof, for and during and unto the full end of the said term of years; and that he, E.F. , shall not at any time during the term cancel, obliterate, injure, spoil, destroy, waste, embezzle, spend, or make away with any of the books, papers, writings, documents, maps, plans, models, drawings, instruments, field notes, moneys, chattels or other property of A.B., his executors, administrators or assigns, or of any of his employers; and that in case E.F. shall act contrary to the last mentioned covenant, or if A.B., his executors, administrators or assigns, shall sustain or suffer any loss or damage by the misbehaviour, neglect, or improper conduct of E.F., C.D., his heirs, executors or administrators, will indemnify A.B., his executors, administrators or assigns, and make good or reimburse him or them the amount or value thereof; and further, that E.F. shall at all times keep the secrets of A.B. in all matters and things relating to the said business and profession, and will at all times during the said term be just, true, and faithful to A.B. in all matters and things, and from time to time pay all moneys which he shall receive of, or belonging to, or by order of A.B., into his hands, and make and give A. B. true and fair accounts of all his acts and doings whatsoever in the said business and profession, without fraud or delay, when and so often as he shall thereto be required; and will readily and cheerfully obey and execute his lawful and reasonable commands, and shall not depart or absent himself from the service or employ of A.B. at any time during the said term, without his consent first had and obtained, and shall from time to time, and at all times during the said term, conduct himself with all due diligence and with honesty and sobriety; and E.F. doth hereby for himself covenant with A.B., his executors, administrators and assigns, that he, E.F., will truly, honestly and diligently serve A.B. at all times for and during the said term, as a faithful student ought to do in all things whatsoever in the manner above specified.

In consideration whereof and of one dollar of lawful money by C.D. to A.B. paid at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged), A.B. for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, doth covenant with C.D. his heirs executors and administrators, that he, A.B., will accept and take E.F. as his student, and that he, A.B., will by the best ways and means he may or can, and to the utmost of his skill and knowledge, teach instruct, or cause to be taught and instructed, E.F. in the course of study prescribed by The Land Surveyors Act, in practical surveying operations, and in the use of instruments, and generally in the art, practice and profession of a Manitoba land surveyor, which he, A.B., doth now and at all times during said term shall use and practise, and also will provide E.F. with all the necessary and reasonable expenses incurred in transacting or performing the business of A.B., and also will, at the expiration of the said term, give to E. F. the certificate of service required by The Land Surveyors Act, and use his best means and endeavours, at the request, cost and charges of C.D. and E.F. or either of them, to cause and procure him, the said E.F., to be examined before the board of examiners of candidates for commissions as Manitoba land surveyors; provided E.F. shall have well, faithfully and diligently served his intended service under articles.

And for the true performance of all and every the covenants and agreements aforesaid, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, each of them, A.B. and C.D., doth bind himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, unto the other, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in the penal sum of hundred dollars, firmly by these presents.

In witness whereof, the parties aforesaid have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written.

A.B. (L.S.)



Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of


Note: In case the student is over the age of 18 years, the parent or guardian shall not be required to be a party to these articles.


(Section 23)


This Indenture made this day of , 19 .


A.B., of the of , in the Province of Manitoba, a registered Manitoba Land Surveyor, (hereinafter called "the assignor") Of the First Part


C D., of the of , in the Province of Manitoba, a registered Land Surveyor, (hereinafter called "the assignee") Of the Second Part


E.F., of the of , in the Province of Manitoba, a student surveyor, (hereinafter called "the student") Of the Third Part

WITNESSETH THAT Whereas by articles of agreement made the day of ,

19 , the student placed and bound himself to the assignor to serve him as a student from the date thereof for a term of years;

And Whereas (Here insert reasons for assignment)

And Whereas the parties hereto have agreed that the articles of agreement shall be assigned by the assignor to the assignee;

NOW THEREFOR the parties hereto agree as follows: 1.

The assignor transfers and assigns unto the assignee the said articles of agreement and any rights and duties that he has thereunder.


The assignee, as a practising Manitoba Land Surveyor, hereby accepts the student under the articles of agreement and will carry out the covenants of the assignor thereunder.


The student hereby consents to the assignment of the articles of agreement and releases the assignor from any and all responsibility or liability to himself under the articles of agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.





in the presence of (Witness)


(Section 21)


I, A.B., of the of , in Manitoba, a Manitoba Land Surveyor, hereby certify and declare that C.D., of the of , in Manitoba, has regularly and faithfully served as my student under articles of service under The Land Surveyors Act, from the day of , 19 , to the day of , 19 , and that during that period he has been engaged with me in the field for a period of not less than years, and that C.D. has always conducted himself with due diligence, honesty and sobriety, during the said period of service under articles.

Given under my hand at the of , in Manitoba, this day of , 19 .




(Section 28)


This is to certify to all whom it may concern that A.B., of hath duly passed his examination before the board of examiners, and hath been found duly qualified to fill the office and perform the duties of a Manitoba land surveyor, he having complied with all the requirements of the law in that behalf. Wherefore he, the said A.B., is hereby duly admitted to the said office and commissioned for the discharge of the duties thereof, and is by law authorized to practise as a land surveyor in the Province of Manitoba.

In witness whereof, we, the president and secretary-treasurer of the Association of Manitoba Land Surveyors and chairman of the board of examiners have signed this commission and affixed the seal of the association at Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, this day of ,19 .

C.D., President.

E.F., Secretary-treasurer.

(Seal of association)

G.H., Chairman Board of Examiners.


(Section 28)


Take notice that we A.B., of , Manitoba land surveyor, C.D., of , and E.F., of , are held and firmly bound jointly and severally to Her Majesty the Queen, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, to be well and truly paid to Her Majesty, her heirs and successors, for which payment, to be well and truly made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents.

Sealed with our respective seals and dated the day of ,19.

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounder A.B. shall well and faithfully execute, fulfil and perform all duties of and pertaining to the office of Manitoba land surveyor, to which he has been commissioned, and shall not in any manner misconduct himself in the said office to the damage of any person being a party to or interested in any legal or lawful proceeding carried on, arising in or appertaining to said office or the duties thereof, then this obligation to be null and void, but otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect.

A.B. (L.S.)

C.D. (L.S.)

E.F. (L.S.)

Signed and sealed in the presence of



Province of Manitoba

To Wit:

We, C.D., of , and E.F., of (giving name, residence and calling) the sureties mentioned in the foregoing (or within) bond or covenant of and for one A.B., as Manitoba land surveyor, do solemnly swear (or affirm as the case may be) and say as follows:

I, the said C.D., for myself, and I, the said E.F., for myself, say, that I am seized and possessed to my own use in real and personal estate, situated and held within the Province of Manitoba, of the actual value of one thousand dollars, over and above all liens and encumbrances affecting the same and above all exemptions to which I am by law entitled and after payment of all my just debts.



Sworn (or affirmed) before me at this day of ,19.

A Commissioner for Oaths (or as the case may be).


(Section 28)


I, A.B. do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God. (Omit last four words if affirmed).


Sworn (or affirmed) before me at the of this day of , 19 .

A Commissioner for Oaths (or as the case may be).


(Section 28)


I, A.B., do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will faithfully discharge the duties of a Manitoba land surveyor according to law, without favour, affection or partiality. So help me God. (Omit last four words if affirmed).


Sworn (or affirmed) before me at this day of , 19 .

A Commissioner for Oaths

(or as the case may be).


(Section 34)


Name Residence Other When When When Remarks or P.O. professional admitted ceased to died

address qualifications practise


(Section 48)


Name Residence or Other professional Remarks

P.O. address qualifications