This is an unofficial archived version of The Farm Income Assurance Plans Act
as enacted by SM 1987-88, c. 9 on July 17, 1987.

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R.S.M. 1987, c. F30

The Farm Income Assurance Plans Act

Table of contents

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:



In this Act,

"Farm Income Assurance Plan" means any program, arrangement, or plan that provides in any way for the paying of moneys to, or guaranteeing or assuring of income for, such farmers or classes of farmers in the province as the Lieutenant Governor in Council may designate; and includes the Manitoba Beef Producers Income Assurance Plan; ("régime d'assurance-revenu agricole" )

"minister" means the Minister of Agriculture. ("ministre")

Establishment of plans and entry into agreements.


The Lieutenant Governor in Council may authorize

(a) the minister to establish farm income assurance plans for the benefit of producers of any natural product as defined in The Natural Products Marketing Act and for that purpose the minister may enter into agreements with producers; and

(b) the minister on behalf of the Government of Manitoba to enter into agreements with the Government of Canada or with an agency of the Government of Canada to provide for the joint participation by the Government of Manitoba and the Government of Canada in any farm income assurance plan.

Pro tanto reduction of government obligation.


Where the minister has entered into agreements with producers respecting a farm income assurance plan, all payments made to those producers by or on behalf of the Government of Canada in support of the price of the product or products covered by the farm income assurance plan and the agreements shall be deemed to be part of the payments received by the producers under the plan; and the sum total of such payments to any producer shall reduce the obligations pro tanto, of the Government of Manitoba under the income assurance plan by an equal amount, notwithstanding that the formula used by the Government of Canada to calculate the total amount of the payments made to the producers is the same or different from, the formula used for calculating payments to producers under any agreement entered into by the minister and those producers.