
R.S.M. 1987, c. E60

The Elevator Act

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Table of Contents

1 Definitions.
2 Operation of elevators.
(2) Operators of elevators.
3 Operation of elevator in accordance with Act.
4 Appointment of board.
(2) Membership.
(3) Alternate members.
(4) Term of office.
(5) Filling of vacancies.
(6) Re-appointment.
(7) Remuneration.
5 Quorum.
(2) Rules of procedure.
(3) Appointment of committees.
6 Issue of permits.
7 Operation of elevator without permit therefor forbidden.
8 Recommendations by board.
9 Meeting for discussion of recommendation.
(2) Meetings to be public.
10 Exception from regulation.
(2) Exception from provision of Act.
11 Closing elevator.
12 Passengers on freight elevators.
13 Regulations.
14 Offence and penalty.
(2) Subsequent offences.
(3) Daily separate offences.