
R.S.M. 1987, c. D12

The Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Act

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Table of Contents

1 Definitions.
2 Non-application of Act.
(2) Non-application of Act.
(3) Crown bound.
3 Handling of dangerous goods in accordance with Act.
4 Director.
5 Inspectors.
(2) Designation of federal employees as inspectors.
6 Environment officers.
7 Appointment of advisory committee.
(2) Expenses of members of advisory committees.
8 Licence to handle licensable hazardous wastes.
(2) Licence to transport hazardous waste.
(3) Hazardous waste to be disposed of at licensed facility.
(4) Licence to operate hazardous waste disposal facility.
(5) Application for licence or temporary operating permit.
(6) Licence to handle licensable hazardous wastes.
(7) Licence to transport hazardous wastes.
(8) Certain operations not contraventions under Act.
9 Prior registration to handle hazardous waste.
(2) Registration of existing handling of hazardous waste.
(3) Certain continued handling not a contravention.
10 Action by director upon receipt of application.
(2) Further action by director.
(3) Procedural rules for hearing.
11 Director may issue or refuse to issue licence or permit.
(2) Suspension or cancellation of licence or permit.
12 Manifest.
13 Various orders by director.
14 Dangerous goods to be properly packaged for transportation.
15 Requirements.
16 Order to dispose of or remove dangerous goods.
17 Order to lessen risk or escape or spillage of any dangerous goods.
18 Powers of environment officer and inspector.
(2) Assistance to inspectors and environment officers.
19 Hold orders.
(2) Compliance with hold order.
(3) Expiry of hold order.
(4) Abatement of damages.
(5) Report to department.
20 Powers of environment officer.
21 Termination, variation, etc. of order.
22 Payment for carrying out work under order.
23 Obstruction.
24 Appeals from actions of environment officers and inspectors.
(2) Action by director on appeal.
25 Appeals from director's actions.
26 Disposition of an appeal by the minister.
(2) Appeal does not operate as stay of order, etc.
(3) Disposition of appeal by minister.
27 Variation or reversal of minister's decision.
28 Reporting of environmental accident.
29 Special powers of environment officers and inspectors.
(2) Non-application of section 24.
30 Issuance of instructions by environment officer.
(2) Persons as agents of government.
(3) Exemption from liability.
(4) Recovery of costs.
31 Penalties.
(2) Imprisonment.
32 Separate offences.
33 Laying of information.
34 Liability of director or officer of corporation.
35 Admissibility of report or certificate as evidence.
(2) Admissibility of copy of extract as evidence.
(3) Analyst or inspector may be required to attend.
(4) Service of duplicate of report etc., on a party required.
36 Order binding on subsequent purchaser.
37 Proprietary information.
38 Insurance.
39 Power to conduct inquiry.
(2) Powers of persons conducting inquiry.
40 Regulations.
(2) Adoption of other regulations.
41 Conflict between Acts.
42 Application of regulation.
43 Municipality may make by-laws.
44 Commencement.