
R.S.M. 1987, c. B80

The Boxing and Wrestling Commission Act

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Table of Contents

1 Definitions.
2 Board continued.
3 Tenure of office.
4 Removal of member of commission.
5 Quorum.
6 Chairman.
7 Secretary and staff.
8 General power of commission.
9 Permit for boxing contests.
(2) Permit for wrestling exhibitions.
(3) Conditions of the permit
(4) Permit fee.
(5) Refusal to grant permit.
(6) Deposit.
(7) Appeal.
10 Conditions of permit
11 Penalty.
12 Investigation of charges.
(2) Impounding and forfeiture of money by commission.
(3) Application of money.
(4) Commission may lay charge.
13 Fee on receipts.
(2) Establishment of fund.
(3) Payments from fund.
(4) Salaries of commission.
(5) Penalty.
14 Audit of books.
15 Return to minister.
16 Agreement not binding unless approved by commission.
(2) Decision of commission.