
R.S.M. 1987, c. A50

The Agrologists Act

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Table of Contents

1 Definitions.
(2) Persons not practising agrology.
2 Corporate status and name.
3 Branches continued.
4 Powers.
5 Membership.
6 Council.
(2) Elective councillors.
(3) Existing council continued.
7 Nomination of candidates.
(2) Filling vacancies.
(3) Changing branches.
8 Appointed councillors.
(2) Term of office.
(3) Filling vacancy.
9 Exercise of powers of the institute.
10 Membership.
11 Registration.
12 Inquiry into conduct and notice thereof.
(2) Service of notice.
(3) Proof of service.
(4) Failure to attend hearing.
(5) Testimony under oath.
(6) Subpoenas.
(7) Witness' allowances.
(8) Copy of conviction.
(9) Hearings in camera.
13 Penalties.
(2) Costs.
14 Appeal to court.
(2) Procedure on appeal.
(3) Certified copies to be provided.
(4) Judge may make any order considered just.
(2) Unauthorized use of title.
(3) Fine.
(4) No collection of fees for unauthorized practice.
(5) Injunction.
16 Head office.