
Unconsolidated public general Acts

General information about these Acts

This table lists public Acts (other than municipal Acts) and provisions of such Acts that are not found in the Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba. They comprise a small subset of the annual chapters.

These Acts or provisions are seldom amended, and often have a limited duration or application. Here are two examples:

  • Each year the Legislative Assembly enacts an Appropriation Act giving the government expenditure authority for one fiscal year.
  • Some amending Acts contain transitional provisions that affect the application of the base Act (the Act being amended), but are not enacted as amendments to the base Act.

Official status: On this website, only the bilingual version of an Act is an official copy of that Act. It is presumed to be an accurate statement of the law for the period shown in the footer. For more information about official copies of Acts and regulations, see Part 5 (Proof of Legislation) of The Statutes and Regulations Act. In this list of Acts, the bilingual version is not available online for Acts enacted and published before 2010.

Description of links:

  • The chapter number link in the first column is a link to English HTML version of the original Act. That version will never be updated to reflect any amendments.
  • Proclamation shows the coming-into-force information for an Act or provisions of an Act that were to come into force on proclamation.
  • Amendment(s) provides links to the amending Acts as well the most recent consolidated version.
  • Other links: En/Fr bilingual (PDF)   Fr French (HTML)
These Acts are sorted by year and chapter no.   Sort by title
Royal Assent
SM 2024, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2024

– repealed by SM 2024, c. 30, s. 9(2)

14 Mar. 2024
SM 2024, c. 8, s. 12 and 13 The Emergency Medical Response and Stretcher Transportation Amendment Act 4 June 2024
SM 2024, c. 9, s. 52(10) The Minor Amendments and Corrections 2024 4 June 2024
SM 2024, c. 11, s. 6 The Workplace Safety and Health Amendment Act 4 June 2024
SM 2024, c. 16, s. 6 The Change of Name Amendment Act (2) 4 June 2024
SM 2024, c. 30 The Appropriation Act, 2024 7 Nov. 2024
SM 2024, c. 32, s. 3 The Employment Standards Code Amendment Act 7 Nov. 2024
SM 2024, c. 35, s. 69(3), 70(3) and 72(3);
Sch. A, s. 4; Sch. D, s. 8(2)
The Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2024 7 Nov. 2024
SM 2023, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2023

– repealed by SM 2023, c. 3, s. 9(2)

22 Mar. 2023
SM 2023, c. 3 The Appropriation Act, 2023 23 May 2023
SM 2023, c. 8, s. 3 and 4 The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act (Social Responsibility Fee Repealed) 30 May 2023
SM 2023, c. 10, Part 3 The Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2023 30 May 2023
SM 2023, c. 11, s. 5 The Wildlife Amendment Act 30 May 2023
SM 2023, c. 20, s. 22 The Wildfires Amendment Act 30 May 2023
SM 2023, c. 25, s. 6 The Animal Care Amendment Act (2) 30 May 2023
SM 2023, c. 26, s. 46 An Act respecting Child and Family Services (Indigenous Jurisdiction and Related Amendments) 30 May 2023
SM 2023, c. 28, s. 12 The Education Administration Amendment Act (Teacher Certification and Professional Conduct) 30 May 2023
SM 2023, c. 30, s. 17 The Builders' Liens Amendment Act (Prompt Payment) 30 May 2023
SM 2023, c. 42, Part 3 The Personal Care Home Accountability Act (Various Acts Amended) 30 May 2023
SM 2022, c. 1 The Supplementary Appropriation Act, 2021-2022 En/Fr Fr 9 Mar. 2022
SM 2022, c. 2 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2022

– repealed by SM 2022, c. 37, s. 8(2)

En/Fr Fr 15 Mar. 2022
SM 2022, c. 7 The Peak of the Market Reorganization Act
En/Fr Fr 24 Mar. 2022
SM 2022, c. 8 The Appropriation Act, 2022 (School Tax Rebate) En/Fr Fr 19 May 2022
SM 2022, c. 13, s. 16 and 17 The Drivers and Vehicles Amendment and Highway Traffic Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 1 June 2022
SM 2022, c. 15, Sch. A, s. 100-102 The Family Law Act En/Fr Fr 1 June 2022
SM 2022, c. 15, Sch. C, s. 35 The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 1 June 2022
SM 2022, c. 19, s. 2(2) and 4(11) and (12) The Reducing Red Tape and Improving Services Act, 2022 En/Fr Fr 1 June 2022
SM 2022, c. 20, s. 17 The Officers of the Assembly Act (Various Acts Amended) En/Fr Fr 1 June 2022
SM 2022, c. 26, s. 15 The Municipal Assessment Amendment and Municipal Board Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 1 June 2022
SM 2022, c. 27, s. 53 and 58 The City of Winnipeg Charter Amendment and Planning Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 1 June 2022
SM 2022, c. 30, s. 10 and 11 The Child and Family Services Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 1 June 2022
SM 2022, c. 37 The Appropriation Act, 2022 En/Fr Fr 3 Nov. 2022
SM 2022, c. 42, s. 65 The Manitoba Hydro Amendment and Public Utilities Board Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 3 Nov. 2022
SM 2022, c. 43, Sch. B, s. 5 The Child and Family Services Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 3 Nov. 2022
SM 2022, c. 45, s. 22, 46, 70, 71 and 76 The Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 En/Fr Fr 3 Nov. 2022
SM 2022, c. 48, s. 43 The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 3 Nov. 2022
SM 2022, c. 50, s. 10 The Vital Statistics Amendment Act (Name Registration) En/Fr Fr 1 Dec. 2022
SM 2021, c. 1 The Supplementary Appropriation Act, 2020-2021 En/Fr Fr 3 Mar. 2021
SM 2021, c. 2 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2021

– repealed by SM 2021, c. 58, s. 7(2)

En/Fr Fr 22 Mar. 2021
SM 2021, c. 14, s. 18 and 19(7) and (8) The Pension Benefits Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 20 May 2021
SM 2021, c. 24, s. 110 and 114 The Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 20 May 2021
SM 2021, c. 30, s. 4, 14, 30 and 32 The Reducing Red Tape and Improving Services Act, 2020 En/Fr Fr 20 May 2021
SM 2021, c. 31, s. 9 The Consumer Protection Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 20 May 2021
SM 2021, c. 36, s. 71, 72, 81 and 89 The Planning Amendment and City of Winnipeg Charter Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 20 May 2021
SM 2021, c. 39, s. 27 to 29 The Public Schools Amendment and Manitoba Teachers' Society Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 20 May 2021
SM 2021, c. 43, s. 44 The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 20 May 2021
SM 2021, c. 45, s. 5 The Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2021 En/Fr Fr 20 May 2021
SM 2021, c. 47, s. 34 The Personal Health Information Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 20 May 2021
SM 2021, c. 48, s. 5(29) to (35) The Reducing Red Tape and Improving Services Act, 2021 En/Fr Fr 20 May 2021
SM 2021, c. 52, s. 21 The Apprenticeship and Certification Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 20 May 2021
SM 2021, c. 54, s. 8 The Petty Trespasses Amendment and Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 20 May 2021
SM 2021, c. 58 The Appropriation Act, 2021 En/Fr Fr 14 Oct. 2021
SM 2021, c. 59 The Loan Act, 2021 En/Fr Fr 14 Oct. 2021
SM 2021, c. 60, Sch. A, s. 25 The Disability Support Act En/Fr Fr 14 Oct. 2021
SM 2021, c. 60, Sch. B, s. 17 The Manitoba Assistance Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 14 Oct. 2021
SM 2021, c. 61, s. 69 to 72 and 78 The Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 En/Fr Fr 14 Oct. 2021
SM 2020, c. 1 The Supplementary Appropriation Act, 2019-2020 En/Fr Fr 10 Mar. 2020
SM 2020, c. 2 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2020

– repealed by SM 2020, c. 19, s. 7(2)

En/Fr Fr 19 Mar. 2020
SM 2020, c. 14 The Appropriation Act, 2020 (COVID-19 Response) En/Fr Fr 15 Apr. 2020
SM 2020, c. 15 The Loan Act, 2020 En/Fr Fr 15 Apr. 2020
SM 2020, c. 17 The Supplementary Appropriation Act, 2020 (COVID-19 Response) En/Fr Fr 14 Oct. 2020
SM 2020, c. 19 The Appropriation Act, 2020 En/Fr Fr 6 Nov. 2020
SM 2020, c. 20 The Loan Act, 2020-2021 En/Fr Fr 6 Nov. 2020
SM 2020, c. 21, Sch. B The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation Reorganization Act En/Fr Fr 6 Nov. 2020
SM 2020, c. 21, s. 230, 231, 233 to 235
and 246
The Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 En/Fr Fr 6 Nov. 2020
SM 2019, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2019

– repealed by SM 2019, c. 2, s. 5(2)

En/Fr Fr 1 Apr. 2019
SM 2019, c. 2 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2019 (2)

– repealed by SM 2019, c. 23, s. 5(2)

En/Fr Fr 3 June 2019
SM 2019, c. 23 The Appropriation Act, 2019 En/Fr Fr 10 Oct. 2019
SM 2019, c. 24 The Loan Act, 2019 En/Fr Fr 10 Oct. 2019
SM 2018, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2018

– repealed by SM 2018, c. 25, s. 6(2)

En/Fr Fr 22 Mar. 2018
SM 2018, c. 25 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2018 (2)

– repealed by SM 2018, c. 26, s. 6(2)

En/Fr Fr 20 June 2018
SM 2018, c. 26 The Appropriation Act, 2018 En/Fr Fr 12 Oct. 2018
SM 2018, c. 27 The Loan Act, 2018 En/Fr Fr 12 Oct. 2018
SM 2017, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2017

– repealed by SM 2017, c. 32, s. 6(2)

En/Fr Fr 21 Mar. 2017
SM 2017, c. 32 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2017 (2)

– repealed by SM 2017, c. 42, s. 6(2)

En/Fr Fr 2 June 2017
SM 2017, c. 42 The Appropriation Act, 2017 En/Fr Fr 10 Nov. 2017
SM 2017, c. 43 The Loan Act, 2017 En/Fr Fr 10 Nov. 2017
SM 2016, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2016

– repealed by SM 2016, c. 11, s. 6(2)

En/Fr Fr 15 Mar. 2016
SM 2016, c. 11 The Appropriation Act, 2016 En/Fr Fr 30 June 2016
SM 2016, c. 12 The Loan Act, 2016 En/Fr Fr 30 June 2016
SM 2015, c. 16 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2015

– repealed by SM 2015, c. 46, s. 6(2)

En/Fr Fr 30 June 2015
SM 2015, c. 20 The Centennial of Manitoba Women's Right to Vote Act En/Fr Fr 30 June 2015
SM 2015, c. 46 The Appropriation Act, 2015 En/Fr Fr 5 Nov. 2015
SM 2015, c. 47 The Loan Act, 2015 En/Fr Fr 5 Nov. 2015
SM 2014, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2014

– repealed by SM 2014, c. 2, s. 6(2)

En/Fr Fr 27 Mar. 2014
SM 2014, c. 2 The Appropriation Act, 2014 En/Fr Fr 12 June 2014
SM 2014, c. 3 The Loan Act, 2014 En/Fr Fr 12 June 2014
SM 2014, c. 10 The Manitoba Institute of Purchasing Management Association of Canada Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 12 June 2014
SM 2014, c. 12, s. 14 and 15 The Consumer Protection Amendment Act (High-Cost Credit Products) En/Fr Fr 12 June 2014
SM 2014, c. 15, s. 27 The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 12 June 2014
SM 2014, c. 29, Sch. B The Council on Post-Secondary Education Repeal Act En/Fr Fr 12 June 2014
SM 2014, c. 30, s. 18 The Court of Queen's Bench Small Claims Practices Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 13 June 2014
SM 2014, c. 35, s. 22 The Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2014 En/Fr Fr 12 June 2014
SM 2014, c. 36, s. 3 The Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 12 June 2014
SM 2013, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2013

– repealed by SM 2013, c. 2, s. 6(2)

En/Fr Fr 29 July 2013
SM 2013, c. 2 The Appropriation Act, 2013 En/Fr Fr 11 Sept. 2013
SM 2013, c. 3 The Loan Act, 2013 En/Fr Fr 11 Sept. 2013
SM 2012, c. 2 The Appropriation Act, 2012 En/Fr Fr 14 June 2012
SM 2012, c. 3 The Loan Act, 2012 En/Fr Fr 14 June 2012
SM 2012, c. 31, s. 27 The Contaminated Sites Remediation Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 14 June 2012
SM 2012, c. 38, s. 29 The Human Rights Code Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 14 June 2012
SM 2011, c. 34, s. 44 The Civil Service Superannuation Amendment Act En/Fr Fr 16 June 2011
SM 2011, c. 38 The Planning and Land Dedication for School Sites Act En/Fr Fr 16 June 2011
SM 2011, c. 42 The Appropriation Act, 2011 En/Fr Fr 16 June 2011
SM 2011, c. 43 The Loan Act, 2011 En/Fr Fr 16 June 2011
SM 2010, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2010

– repealed by SM 2010, c. 42, s. 6

En/Fr Fr 26 Mar. 2010
SM 2010, c. 2, s. 14 The City of Winnipeg Charter Amendment and Municipal Amendment Act (Derelict Property) En/Fr Fr 17 June 2010
SM 2010, c. 42 The Appropriation Act, 2010 En/Fr Fr 17 June 2010
SM 2010, c. 43 The Loan Act, 2010 En/Fr Fr 17 June 2010
SM 2009, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2009

– repealed by SM 2009, c. 2, s. 6

Fr 27 Mar. 2009
SM 2009, c. 2 The Appropriation Act, 2009 Fr 27 May 2009
SM 2009, c. 3 The Loan Act, 2009 Fr 27 May 2009
SM 2008, c. 1 The Appropriation Act, 2008 Fr 5 June 2008
SM 2008, c. 2 The Loan Act, 2008 Fr 5 June 2008
SM 2008, c. 36, s. 58 The Drivers and Vehicles Amendment, Highway Traffic Amendment and Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act
  • in force by proclamation: 1 Sept. 2009 (Man. Gazette: 25 Apr. 2009)
Fr 12 June 2008
SM 2007, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2007 Fr 14 June 2007
SM 2007, c. 4 The Appropriation Act, 2007 Fr 25 Oct. 2007
SM 2007, c. 5 The Loan Act, 2007 Fr 25 Oct. 2007
SM 2007, c. 19 The Firefighters, Peace Officers and Workers Memorial Foundations Act
  • whole Act in force by proclamation: 25 Mar. 2009 (Man. Gazette: 4 Apr. 2009)
Fr 8 Nov. 2007
SM 2006, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2006 Fr 22 Mar. 2006
SM 2006, c. 2 The Appropriation Act, 2006 Fr 13 June 2006
SM 2006, c. 3 The Loan Act, 2006 Fr 13 June 2006
SM 2006, c. 15, Sch. D An Act to establish an All-Party Committee to Make Recommendations on Electing Senators
  • whole Act in force by proclamation: 5 Dec. 2007 (Man. Gazette: 22 Dec. 2007)
Fr 13 June 2006
SM 2005, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2005 Fr 23 Mar. 2005
SM 2005, c. 33, s. 25 The Courts Administration Improvement Act
  • in force by proclamation: 31 July 2009 (Man. Gazette: 8 Aug. 2009)
Fr 16 June 2005
SM 2005, c. 46 The Appropriation Act, 2005 Fr 16 June 2005
SM 2005, c. 47 The Loan Act, 2005 Fr 16 June 2005
SM 2005, c. 48, s. 23 and 24(3) The Architects and Engineers Scope of Practice Dispute Settlement Act (Various Acts Amended) Fr 30 Nov. 2005
SM 2004, c. 47 The Loan Act, 2004 Fr 10 June 2004
SM 2004, c. 48 The Appropriation Act, 2004 Fr 10 June 2004
SM 2003, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2003 Fr 17 Sept. 2003
SM 2003, c. 2 The Loan Act, 2003 Fr 30 Sept. 2003
SM 2003, c. 3 The Appropriation Act, 2003 (Main and Supplementary) Fr 30 Sept. 2003
SM 2003, c. 8 The Nellie McClung Foundation Act Fr 4 Dec. 2003
SM 2002, c. 20 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2002 Fr 1 Aug. 2002
SM 2002, c. 45 The Purchase of Winnipeg Hydro Act

Consolidated version: [HTML] [PDF]

Fr 9 Aug. 2002
SM 2002, c. 54 The Loan Act, 2002 Fr 9 Aug. 2002
SM 2002, c. 55 The Appropriation Act, 2002 Fr 9 Aug. 2002
SM 2001, c. 1 The Loan Act, 2001 Fr 6 July 2001
SM 2001, c. 2 The Appropriation Act, 2001 Fr 6 July 2001
SM 2001, c. 24, s. 35 The Labour-Sponsored Investment Funds (Various Acts Amended) Act Fr 6 July 2001
SM 2000, c. 3 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2000 Fr 5 July 2000
SM 2000, c. 4 The Interim Appropriation Act, 2000 (2) Fr 2 Aug. 2000
SM 2000, c. 7 The Loan Act, 2000 Fr 18 Aug. 2000
SM 2000, c. 8 The Appropriation Act, 2000 Fr 18 Aug. 2000
SM 1999, c. 5 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1999 Fr 17 June 1999
SM 1999, c. 6 The Special Payment to Certain Dependent Spouses of Deceased Workers Act Fr 29 June 1999
SM 1999, c. 8 The Loan Act, 1999 Fr 14 July 1999
SM 1999, c. 9 The Appropriation Act, 1999 Fr 14 July 1999
SM 1998, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1998 Fr 26 Mar. 1998
SM 1998, c. 2 The Loan Act, 1998 Fr 29 June 1998
SM 1998, c. 3 The Appropriation Act, 1998 Fr 29 June 1998
SM 1998, c. 43 The Norway House Cree Nation Northern Flood Master Implementation Agreement Act Fr 29 June 1998
SM 1997, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1997 Fr 27 Mar. 1997
SM 1997, c. 2 The Loan Act, 1997 Fr 28 June 1997
SM 1997, c. 3 The Appropriation Act, 1997 Fr 28 June 1997
SM 1996, c. 1 The Loan Act, 1996 Fr 6 June 1996
SM 1996, c. 2 The Appropriation Act, 1996 Fr 6 June 1996
SM 1996, c. 22 The Charleswood Bridge Facilitation Act Fr 19 Nov. 1996
SM 1996, c. 29 The GRIP and Related Programs Termination and Crop Insurance Amendment Act Fr 19 Nov. 1996
SM 1996, c. 56 The York Factory First Nation Northern Flood Implementation Agreement Act Fr 19 Nov. 1996
SM 1996, c. 57 The Nelson House First Nation Northern Flood Implementation Agreement Act Fr 19 Nov. 1996
SM 1996, c. 79 The Manitoba Telephone System Reorganization and Consequential Amendments Act
  • s. 1 and 6(1)(c) in force by proclamation: 18 Dec. 1996 (Man. Gazette: 28 Dec. 1996)
  • s. 2 to 4, 5(1) and (3) to (7), 6 (except 6(1)(c)), 8 to 14, 15(1), (2) and (5) to (13), 17 to 28 and 30 to 38 in force by proclamation: 1 Jan. 1997 (Man. Gazette: 18 Jan. 1997)
Fr 28 Nov. 1996
SM 1995, c. 1 The Loan Act, 1995 Fr 30 June 1995
SM 1995, c. 2 The Appropriation Act, 1995 Fr 30 June 1995
SM 1995, c. 16 The Split Lake Cree, Northern Flood Implementation Agreement, Water Power Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act Fr 3 Nov. 1995
SM 1994, c. 21 The Manitoba Historical Society Property Act Fr 5 July 1994
SM 1994, c. 29 The Loan Act, 1994 Fr 5 July 1994
SM 1994, c. 30 The Appropriation Act, 1994 Fr 5 July 1994
SM 1993, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1993 Fr 26 Mar. 1993
SM 1993, c. 20 The Social Allowances Regulation Validation Act Fr 27 July 1993
SM 1993, c. 21 The Public Sector Reduced Work Week and Compensation Management Act

– repealed by SM 2000, c. 35, s. 21

Fr 27 July 1993
SM 1993, c. 55 The Loan Act, 1993 Fr 27 July 1993
SM 1993, c. 56 The Appropriation Act, 1993 Fr 27 July 1993
SM 1992, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1992 Fr 27 Mar. 1992
SM 1992, c. 59 The Loan Act, 1992 Fr 24 June 1992
SM 1992, c. 60 The Appropriation Act, 1992 Fr 24 June 1992
SM 1991-92, c. 1 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1991 Fr 22 Mar. 1991
SM 1991-92, c. 44 The Public Sector Compensation Management Act

– repealed by SM 2000, c. 35, s. 20

Fr 26 July 1991
SM 1991-92, c. 46 The Loan Act, 1991 Fr 26 July 1991
SM 1991-92, c. 49 The Appropriation Act, 1991 Fr 26 July 1991
SM 1990-91, c. 1 The Re-enacted Statutes of Manitoba (Private Acts) Act, 1990 Fr 14 Nov. 1990
SM 1990-91, c. 3 The Re-enacted Statutes of Manitoba (Public General Acts) Act, 1990 Fr 14 Nov. 1990
SM 1990-91, c. 4, s. 6(3), 10(8) and 11 The Statute Law Amendment (Re-enacted Statutes) Act Fr 14 Dec. 1990
SM 1990-91, c. 5 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1990 Fr 28 Nov. 1990
SM 1990-91, c. 9 The Loan Act, 1990 Fr 14 Dec. 1990
SM 1990-91, c. 14 The Appropriation Act, 1990 Fr 14 Dec. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 233 The Boundaries Extension Act Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 234 The Boundaries Extension (Terms and Conditions) Act Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 235 The Boundary Extension in the North-West Angle Inlet of Lake of the Woods Act, 1928 Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 236 The Boundary Extension in the North-West Angle Inlet of Lake of the Woods Act, 1954 Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 237 The Debtors' Arrest Act Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 238 The Director of Soldier Settlement Act Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 239 The Expropriation Validation Act Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 240 The Manitoba School Boards Association Act (formerly The Manitoba Association of School Trustees Act)

Consolidated version: [HTML] [PDF]

Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 241 The Manitoba Railway Act Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 242 The Manitoba-Northwest Territories Boundary Act, 1966 Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 243 The Manitoba-Ontario Boundary Act, 1929 Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 244 The Manitoba-Ontario Boundary Act, 1953 Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 245 The Manitoba-Ontario Lake St. Joseph Diversion Agreement Authorization Act Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 246 The Manitoba-Saskatchewan Boundary Act, 1937 Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 247 The Manitoba-Saskatchewan Boundary Act, 1942 Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 248 The Manitoba-Saskatchewan Boundary Act, 1966 Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 249 The Manitoba-Saskatchewan Boundary Act, 1980 Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 250 The A.E. McKenzie Co. Ltd. and A.E. McKenzie Foundation Act Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 251 The Moose Lake Loggers Ltd. Certain Former Employees Act Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 253 The Provincial Boundaries Act Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 254 The Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba, The City of Brandon, and The Government of Manitoba Agreement Validation Act

– repealed by SM 1991-92, c. 41, s. 31

Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 255 The Railway Companies Incorporation Act Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 256 The Red River Valley Railway Roads Around Station Grounds Act Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 257 The School Capital Financing Authority Repeal Act Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 258 The Soldier Settlement Board Act Fr 14 Nov. 1990
RSM 1990, c. 259 The Title to Certain Lands Act
Fr 14 Nov. 1990
SM 1989-90, c. 1 An Act to establish and validate The Public Inquiry into the Administration of Justice and Aboriginal People Fr 14 June 1989
SM 1989-90, c. 5 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1989 Fr 29 June 1989
SM 1989-90, c. 9 The Statute Re-enactment and By-law Validation (Winnipeg) Act Fr 22 Dec. 1989
SM 1989-90, c. 14 The Loan Act, 1989

– repealed by SM 2022, c. 24, s. 20

Fr 8 Dec. 1989
SM 1989-90, c. 23 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1989 (2) Fr 22 Nov. 1989
SM 1989-90, c. 65 The Manitoba Data Services Disposition and Consequential Amendments Act Fr 15 Mar. 1990
SM 1989-90, c. 66 The Appropriation Act, 1989 Fr 15 Mar. 1990
SM 1989-90, c. 67 The Supplementary Appropriation Act, 1989 Fr 15 Mar. 1990
SM 1989-90, c. 68 The Statute Re-enactment and By-law Validation (Municipal) Act
Fr 15 Mar. 1990
SM 1989-90, c. 91, s. 18 The Statute Law Amendment (Re-enacted Statutes) Act, 1990 Fr 15 Mar. 1990
SM 1988-89, c. 1 The Re-enacted Statutes of Manitoba, 1988, Act
Fr 14 June 1989
SM 1988-89, c. 2 The Statute Re-enactment Act, 1988
Fr 26 June 1989
SM 1988-89, c. 3 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1988 Fr 29 June 1989
SM 1988-89, c. 6 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1988 (2) Fr 30 Nov. 1988
SM 1988-89, c. 15 The Regulations Validation Statutes Amendment Act Fr 8 Dec. 1989
SM 1988-89, c. 22 The Loan Act, 1988 Fr 20 Dec. 1988
SM 1988-89, c. 31 The Manitoba Oil and Gas Corporation Continuance Act Fr 20 Dec. 1988
SM 1988-89, c. 33 The Appropriation Act, 1988 Fr 20 Dec. 1988
SM 1988-89, c. 38 The Centennial Projects Tax Status Act
Fr 19 Oct. 1988
SM 1988-89, c. 39 The Convention Centre Corporation Act
  • (See RSM 1990 at p. 1857)

Fr 15 Mar. 1990
SM 1988-89, c. 40 The Greater Winnipeg Gas Distribution Act
  • (See RSM 1990 at p. 1865)

  • MR 22/2012

Consolidated version: [HTML] [PDF]

Fr 15 Mar. 1990
SM 1988-89, c. 41 The Health Sciences Centre Act

– repealed by SM 2000, c. 30, s. 1

Fr 15 Mar. 1990
SM 1988-89, c. 42 The Succession Duty Act

– repealed by SM 2024, c. 35 s. 58

Fr 15 Mar. 1990
SM 1987-88, c. 3 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1987 Fr 27 Mar. 1987
SM 1987-88, c. 6 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1987 (2) Fr 12 June 1987
SM 1987-88, c. 9 The Re-enacted Statutes of Manitoba, 1987, Act
Fr 17 July 1987
SM 1987-88, c. 70 The Loan Act, 1987 Fr 17 July 1987
SM 1987-88, c. 71 The Appropriation Act, 1987 Fr 17 July 1987
SM 1986-87, c. 1 The Loan Act, 1986 Fr 10 June 1986
SM 1986-87, c. 3 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1986 Fr 24 July 1986
SM 1986-87, c. 41 The Loan Act, 1986, (2) Fr 10 Sept. 1986
SM 1986-87, c. 42 The Appropriation Act, 1986 Fr 8 Sept. 1986
SM 1986-87, c. 45 The Interim Appropriation Act, 1986 (2) Fr 4 Sept. 1986
SM 1982, c. 1 The Loan Act, 1982

– repealed by SM 2022, c. 24, s. 19

30 Mar. 1982