
This is an unofficial version. If you need an official copy, use the bilingual (PDF) version.

This version is current as of January 16, 2025.
It has been in effect since February 1, 1988, when this Act came into force.
Legislative history
C.C.S.M. c. V10 The Vacant Property Act
Enacted by Proclamation status (for any provisions coming into force by proclamation)
RSM 1987, c. V10

• whole Act

– in force: 1 Feb. 1988 (Man. Gaz.: 6 Feb. 1988)

Amended by
not amended

NOTE: Proclamations published in The Manitoba Gazette before December 1, 2009 are not available online.
Proclamations published after May 10, 2014 are published only on this website.

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The Vacant Property Act, C.C.S.M. c. V10

Loi sur les biens abandonnés, c. V10 de la C.P.L.M.

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:

SA MAJESTÉ, sur l'avis et du consentement de l'Assemblée législative du Manitoba, édicte :

Personal property deposited or held in trust

1   All personal property, including money or securities for money, deposited with or held in trust by any person in the province, which remains unclaimed by the person entitled thereto for 12 years from the time when that property, money or securities were first payable, notwithstanding that the depositee or trustee has delivered or paid or transferred that personal property, money, or securities to any other person or official within or without the province as depositee or trustee, vests in, and is payable to, His Majesty in right of the Province of Manitoba subject only to His Majesty's pleasure with respect to any claim thereafter made by any person claiming to be entitled to that property, money or securities.

Transfert de biens personnels

1   Tous les biens personnels, y compris de l'argent ou des valeurs, laissés à un dépositaire ou à un fiduciaire au Manitoba, même si celui-ci les a depuis remis, même hors-province, à un autre dépositaire ou fiduciaire, et qui, 12 ans après être devenus payables, n'ont pas encore été réclamés par celui qui a le droit de le faire, sont dévolus et payables à Sa Majesté du chef du Manitoba, sauf la discrétion de Sa Majesté à l'égard de réclamations subséquentes présentées par un prétendu titulaire de ces biens.

Escheats Act to apply

2   The property set out in section 1 is subject to the application of The Escheats Act.

Législation applicable

2   La Loi sur les biens en déshérence s'applique aux biens visés à l'article 1.