
This is an unofficial version. If you need an official copy, use the bilingual (PDF) version.

This version is current as of February 17, 2025.
It has been in effect since June 17, 2010.
Legislative history
C.C.S.M. c. N120 The Nuisance Act
Enacted by Proclamation status (for any provisions coming into force by proclamation)
RSM 1987, c. N120

• whole Act

– in force: 1 Feb. 1988 (Man. Gaz.: 6 Feb. 1988)

Amended by
SM 1992, c. 41, s. 16

• in force: 31 Jan. 1994 (Man. Gaz.: 1 Jan. 1994)

SM 2010, c. 33, s. 42

NOTE: Proclamations published in The Manitoba Gazette before December 1, 2009 are not available online.
Proclamations published after May 10, 2014 are published only on this website.

Minor changes and corrections made under section 25 of The Statutes and Regulations Act
Date Authority Affected provision Change or correction
11 Mar. 2024 25(1) s. 2 In the English version, correction of publication errors in HTML format from May 1, 2023 to March 8, 2024.
General information about corrections and minor changes

The Statutes and Regulations Act requires Manitoba legislation to be published on the Manitoba Laws website. Under subsection 25(1) of the Act, the chief legislative counsel is required to correct consolidation and publication errors. Under subsection 25(2) of the Act, the chief legislative counsel may make minor corrections or changes to the consolidated version of an Act or regulation without changing its legal effect.

Notice of the following types of minor changes must be given:

  • replacing a description of a date or time with the actual date or time; [s. 25(2)(f)]
  • replacing a reference to a bill or any part of a bill with a reference to the resulting Act or part of the Act after the bill is enacted and assigned a chapter number; [s. 25(2)(g)]
  • removing a reference to a contingency in a provision that is stated to come into effect when or if that contingency occurs, if that contingency has occurred, or is required as a result of removing such a reference; [s. 25(2)(h)]
  • updating a reference to a person, office, organization, place or thing if an Act provides that references to it are deemed or considered to be references to another person, office, organization, place or thing; [s. 25(2)(i)]
  • updating a reference to reflect a change in the name, title, location or address of a person, office, organization, place or thing, other than
    • a change in the name or title of a document adopted or incorporated by reference unless it was adopted or incorporated as amended from time to time, and
    • a change in the title of a minister or the name of a department; [s. 25(2)(j)]
  • updating a reference to a minister or department when, under subsection 5(3) of The Executive Government Organization Act, the Act is to be read as if it were amended as necessary to give effect to an order in council made under that Act; [s. 25(2)(k)]
  • correcting an error in the numbering of a provision or other portion of an Act, or making a change to a cross-reference required as a result of such a correction; [s. 25(2)(l)]
  • correcting an obvious error in a cross-reference, if it is obvious what the correction should be; [s. 25(2)(m)]
  • if a provision of a transitional nature is contained in an amending Act, incorporating it as a provision of the consolidated Act and make any other changes that are required as a result; [s. 25(2)(n)]
  • removing a provision that is deemed by The Interpretation Act to have been repealed because it has expired, lapsed or otherwise ceased to have effect. [s. 25(2)(o)]

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The Nuisance Act, C.C.S.M. c. N120

Loi sur les nuisances, c. N120 de la C.P.L.M.

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:

SA MAJESTÉ, sur l'avis et du consentement de l'Assemblée législative du Manitoba, édicte :


1   In this Act

"business" means any business, industry, undertaking, profession, process or operation, other than an agricultural operation under The Farm Practices Protection Act, carried on for gain or reward or the hope or expectation of gain or reward; (« entreprise »)

"land use control law" means any Act of the Legislature, regulation, planning scheme or by-law that restricts or prescribes the use to which land or premises may be put or the nature of businesses that may be carried on on any land or premises. (« loi régissant l'usage d'un bien-fonds »)

S.M. 1992, c. 41, s. 16.


1   Les définitions qui suivent s'appliquent à la présente loi:

« entreprise » Toute entreprise, industrie, exploitation, profession ou activité exercée, soit en vue d'un profit ou d'une récompense, soit dans l'espoir ou l'attente d'un profit ou d'une récompense. La présente définition exclut les exploitations agricoles visées par la Loi sur la protection des pratiques agricoles. ("business")

« loi régissant l'usage d'un bien-fonds » Toute loi de la Législature, tout plan d'aménagement ou règlement qui limite ou établit, soit l'usage pouvant être fait d'un bien-fonds ou de lieux, soit la nature des entreprises pouvant y être exercées. ("land use control law")

L.M. 1992, c. 41, art. 16.

Relief from nuisance for odour

2   A person who carries on a business and who, in respect of that business, does not violate

(a) any land use control law;

(b) The Public Health Act;

(c) any regulation under The Public Health Act that deals specifically with the carrying on of that class or type of business;

(d) The Environment Act;

(e) an order or licence made or issued under The Environment Act in respect of the business; or

(f) any regulation under The Environment Act that deals specifically with the carrying on of that class or type of business;

is not liable in nuisance to any person for any odour resulting from the business and shall not be prevented by injunction or other order of a court from carrying on the business because it causes or creates an odour that constitutes a nuisance.

S.M. 2010, c. 33, s. 42.

Non-responsabilité pour les nuisances résultant d'odeurs

2   Une personne qui exerce une entreprise et qui, à l'égard de celle-ci, n'enfreint pas :

a) une loi quelconque régissant l'usage d'un bien-fonds;

b) la Loi sur la santé publique;

c) un règlement quelconque pris en application de la Loi sur la santé publique qui traite spécifiquement de l'exercice de cette catégorie d'entreprises;

d) la Loi sur l'environnement;

e) un ordre ou une licence visé par la Loi sur l'environnement;

f) un règlement quelconque pris en application de la Loi sur l'environnement qui traite spécifiquement de l'exercice de cette catégorie d'entreprises,

n'est pas responsable en nuisance envers qui que ce soit pour toute odeur provenant de l'entreprise et ne peut être empêchée, par une injonction ou une autre ordonnance d'un tribunal, d'exercer l'entreprise du fait que cette dernière provoque une odeur constituant une nuisance.

L.M. 2010, c. 33, art. 42.

Onus of proof

3   Where a plaintiff or claimant in an action or proceeding against a person who carries on a business claims

(a) damages in nuisance for an odour resulting from the business; or

(b) an injunction or other order of a court preventing the carrying on of the business because it causes or creates an odour that constitutes a nuisance;

the onus of proving that the defendant violated any land use control law, or any Act, regulation, order or licence set out in section 2 lies on the plaintiff or claimant.

S.M. 2010, c. 33, s. 42.

Fardeau de la preuve

3   Lorsqu'un demandeur ou un requérant dans une action ou dans une instance contre une personne exerçant une entreprise réclame :

a) soit des dommages-intérêts fondés sur la nuisance pour une odeur provenant de l'entreprise,

b) soit une injonction ou une autre ordonnance du tribunal afin d'empêcher l'exercice de l'entreprise du fait que cette dernière provoque une odeur constituant une nuisance,

ce demandeur ou ce requérant a le fardeau de prouver que le défendeur a enfreint une loi régissant l'usage d'un bien-fonds ou une loi, un règlement, un ordre ou une licence visé à l'article 2.

L.M. 2010, c. 33, art. 42.