
This is an unofficial version. If you need an official copy, use the bilingual (PDF) version.

This version is current as of January 17, 2025.
It has been in effect since February 1, 1988, when this Act came into force.
Legislative history
C.C.S.M. c. F158 An Act to Repeal The Statute of Frauds
Enacted by Proclamation status (for any provisions coming into force by proclamation)
RSM 1987, c. F158

• whole Act

– in force: 1 Feb. 1988 (Man. Gaz.: 6 Feb. 1988)

Amended by
not amended

NOTE: Proclamations published in The Manitoba Gazette before December 1, 2009 are not available online.
Proclamations published after May 10, 2014 are published only on this website.

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An Act to Repeal The Statute of Frauds, C.C.S.M. c. F158

Loi abrogeant la loi intitulée « Statute of Frauds », c. F158 de la C.P.L.M.

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:

SA MAJESTÉ, sur l'avis et du consentement de l'Assemblée législative du Manitoba, édicte :

Statute of Frauds rep.

1   Subject to section 2, the Statute of Frauds, 29 Car. 2 c. 3, and the Statute of Frauds Amendment Act, 9, Geo. 4 c. 14 are repealed insofar as they are part of the law of the province.

Abrogation de la loi « Statute of Frauds »

1   Sous réserve de l'article 2, les lois impériales intitulées « Statute of Frauds », 29 Car. 2, c. 3, et « Statute of Frauds Amendment Act », 9 Geo. 4, c. 14, sont abrogées dans la mesure où elles s'appliquent dans la province.

Statute may be pleaded in certain actions

2   In any action based in whole or in part upon acts done, contracts or agreements made or other claims which arose prior to October 1, 1983 the Statute of Frauds and the Statute of Frauds Amendment Act may be pleaded and the legal effect of those acts, contracts, agreements or claims shall be adjudicated as if the said statutes had not been repealed.

Applicabilité dans le cadre de certaines actions

2   Les lois intitulées « Statute of Frauds » et « Statute of Frauds Amendment Act » peuvent être invoquées dans le cadre de toute action fondée entièrement ou en partie sur des actes accomplis ou des contrats ou ententes conclus avant le 1er octobre 1983, ou sur des créances nées avant cette date. Il sera statué sur les effets juridiques de ces actes, contrats, ententes ou créances comme si lesdites lois étaient encore en vigueur.