
This is an unofficial archived version.
If you need an official copy, use the bilingual (PDF) version.

This version was current from June 24, 1992 to November 4, 2015.

Note: It does not reflect any retroactive amendment enacted after November 4, 2015.
To find out if an amendment is retroactive, see the coming-into-force provisions
at the end of the amending Act.

Latest version

C.C.S.M. c. W170


Table of contents

(Assented to July 17, 1987)

WHEREAS the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba believes that:

(a) women and men should have equal rights, opportunities and responsibilities to enable them to develop their talents and capabilities for their personal fulfilment and for the benefit of society;

(b) changes in social, legal and economic structures that would make possible full equality and promote free access, without discrimination of any kind, of women to all types of social and economic development and to all types of education should be promoted by the Government of Manitoba;

AND WHEREAS the role of women in childbearing should not be a source of discrimination and that the upbringing of children requires a sharing of responsibility between women and men and society as a whole;

NOW THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:



In this Act,

"council" means the Manitoba Women's Advisory Council established under this Act; (« Conseil »)

"minister" means the member of the Executive Council charged by the Lieutenant Governor in Council with the administration of this Act. (« ministre »)

S.M. 1992, c. 3, s. 3.

Establishment of council


There is hereby established a council under the name of the "Manitoba Women's Advisory Council".

S.M. 1992, c. 3, s. 4.



The purpose of the council is to advance the goal of equal participation of women in society and to promote changes in social, legal and economic structures to that end.



To fulfil its purpose under this Act, the council shall

(a) advise the minister on such matters relating to equality of status for women as the minister may refer to it for consideration, or as the council, on its own initiative, undertakes for consideration;

(b) recommend to the minister policies, projects, programs of research, study or activity, legislation and other steps and initiatives designed to advance the goal of equality of status for women;

(c) carry out such other duties and functions relating to equality of status for women as the minister may direct or as the council on its own initiative may undertake.



In carrying out its duties, the council may,

(a) receive petitions and submissions from persons, groups and organizations;

(b) hold public meetings;

(c) disseminate information to the public;

(d) conduct, or participate in, programs of research, study or activity;

(e) carry out any of its projects and activities in co-operation with other bodies both inside and outside the province;

(f) engage, on a temporary basis or for a specific purpose, such persons who have a technical or specialized knowledge of any matter relating to the work of the council as the council considers necessary to advise and assist the council.

Gifts and bequests


Where any person makes a gift or bequest of money to the council, the gift or bequest shall be paid to the Minister of Finance to be held in trust for the use of the council and the Minister of Finance shall, upon direction of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, pay such moneys to the council.



The council shall consist of the chairperson and at least eight and no more than 18 other members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

Criteria for appointment


In making an appointment under section 7 or a re-appointment under section 9 or 10, the Lieutenant Governor in Council shall endeavour to select persons who are representative of the various geographic, ethnic and socio-economic sectors of the province.

Terms of office of members


The first members of the council to be appointed under this Act, other than the chairperson, shall be appointed for a term of not less than one year and not more than two years and every member appointed subsequently shall be appointed for a term of two years.

Appointment of successors


A member whose term of office expires continues to hold office until a successor is appointed.



A member whose term of office expires may be re-appointed for one further term as a member.

Appointment as chairperson


Nothing in subsection (3) precludes a member from being appointed chairperson of the council and to be re-appointed to that office pursuant to subsection 10(5).

Membership vacancies


Any vacancy that occurs among the members of the council before the expiry of a term of office shall be filled by a new appointment, and the member so appointed shall hold office for the remainder of the unexpired term and thereafter until a successor is appointed.



The chairperson of the council shall preside at all meetings of the council.

Acting chairperson


Where the chairperson is absent or is unable to act by virtue of illness or incapacity, the council shall appoint one of the members of the council to serve as acting chairperson in the place and stead of the chairperson until the chairperson is able to resume the duties of chairperson or a new chairperson is appointed.

Term of office of chairperson


The first chairperson of the council to be appointed under this Act shall be appointed for a term of two years and every chairperson appointed subsequently shall be appointed for a term of three years.

Appointment of successor


A chairperson whose term of office expires continues to hold office until a successor is appointed.



A chairperson whose term of office expires may be re-appointed for one further term as chairperson.

Remuneration and expenses


Each member of the council and the chairperson and any acting chairperson of the council shall receive such remuneration for their services as the Lieutenant Governor in Council may fix and reimbursement for reasonable expenses necessarily incurred by them in performing those services.

Executive director


An executive director, who shall be the chief executive officer of the council, shall, with the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, be employed under The Civil Service Act.

Duties of executive director


The executive director employed under subsection (1), subject to the direction of the council,

(a) shall co-ordinate the work of the council;

(b) shall have responsibility for carrying out the day-to-day activities and operations of the council;

(c) shall be the employing authority for the council within the meaning and for the purposes of The Civil Service Act; and

(d) shall carry out such other duties and perform such other functions as the council may require.

Officers and employees


In addition to the executive director employed under section 12, such other officers and employees as the council considers necessary to enable it to carry out its duties and perform its functions under this Act may be employed under The Civil Service Act.



The council shall hold at least six meetings in each year on such dates and at such times and places as the council may determine and may hold additional meetings at the call of the chairperson.



A majority of the members of the council constitute a quorum for the purpose of holding any meeting and conducting any business thereat.

Rules and by-laws


The council may make rules and by-laws for the procedure to be followed in calling meetings and in conducting its meetings and for the internal management of its affairs.

Reports to minister


Within six months after the close of each fiscal year of the council, the council shall prepare and submit to the minister a report of its activities for the immediately preceding fiscal year, and the report shall include an audited statement of its accounts for that fiscal year.

Reports to be laid before Assembly


The minister shall lay before the Assembly each report received under subsection (1), forthwith upon the receipt thereof if the Legislature is then in session or, if the Legislature is not then in session, within 15 days after the commencement of the next ensuing session of the Legislature.

Reference in Continuing Consolidation


This Act may be referred to as chapter W170 of the Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba.

Commencement of Act


This Act comes into force on the day it receives the royal assent.