
C.C.S.M. c. N92

The Non-Smokers Health Protection Act

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1(1) Definitions
(2) Exception for outdoor eating or drinking areas
2(1) No smoking in enclosed places
(2) Proprietor to ensure no smoking
3(1) Exception for group living facilities
(2) Exception for hotel rooms
(3) Transitional
4 Exception for tobacconist shops
5 Drifting smoke
5.1 Exception for traditional Aboriginal practices
6(1) Municipality may pass by-law
(2) By-law conflict
6.1(1) Proprietor to post signs
(2) Removing sign prohibited
6.2 Ashtrays
6.3 Supplying tobacco in specified places prohibited
6.4 Vending machines prohibited
7(1) Supplying tobacco to child prohibited
(2) Exceptions to prohibition
(3) Defense of accused
(4) Inference as conclusive evidence
7.1 Regulations re display and advertising
7.2 Tobacco not to be displayed
7.3(1) Tobacco not to be advertised or promoted
(2) Product and price lists allowed
(3) Repealed
7.4(1) Inspectors
(2) Identification cards
7.5(1) Inspection authority
(2) Additional powers
(3) Assistance to inspector
7.6(1) Person may report suspected violation
(2) Protection from liability
(3) Adverse employment action prohibited
(4) Interference or harassment prohibited
8(1) General offence and penalty
(2) Offence and penalty: contravention of subsection 2(1)
(2.1) Offence and penalty: contravention of subsection 2(2) or section 5
(3) Limitation period
8.1 Directors and officers of corporations
9(1) Regulations
(2) Advisory committee to provide advice
9.1(1) Advisory committee to be established
(2) Composition of advisory committee
9.2 Protection from liability
9.3 Act binds the Crown
9.4 When Act does not apply
10 Reference in C.C.S.M.
11 Commencement of Act