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This version was current from July 1, 2019 to May 31, 2022.

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at the end of the amending Act.

Latest version

C.C.S.M. c. R65

The Regulatory Accountability Act

Table of contents

(Assented to June 2, 2017)

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:




The following definitions apply in this Act.

"administrative burden" means anything that is necessary to comply and demonstrate compliance with a regulatory requirement, including the collecting, processing, reporting and retaining of information, and the financial and economic costs of doing so. (« fardeau administratif »)

"committee" means the Regulatory Accountability Committee established by subsection 5(1). (« Commission »)

"educational institution" means a college as defined in The Advanced Education Administration Act and the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology. (« établissement d'enseignement »)

"emergency" means a present or imminent situation or condition that requires prompt action to prevent or limit

(a) the loss of life;

(b) harm or damage to the safety, health or welfare of people; or

(c) damage to property or the environment. (« situation d'urgence »)

"government agency" means a board, commission, association or other body, whether or not incorporated, all the members of which, or all the members of the board of management or board of directors of which, are appointed by an Act or by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, other than an educational institution. (« organisme gouvernemental »)

"policy" includes a guideline, directive, statement, bulletin and procedure manual. (« politique »)

"prescribed" means prescribed by a regulation under this Act.

"regulation" means a regulation as defined in section 1 of The Statutes and Regulations Act, other than one that is made or approved by the board of an educational institution or an independent officer of the Assembly. (« règlement »)

"regulatory instrument" means

(a) a statute;

(b) a regulation; or

(c) a policy or form that is made or approved by the government or a government agency. (« instrument de réglementation »)

"regulatory requirement" means a requirement in a regulatory instrument for a person to take an action in order to

(a) access a program or service offered by the government or a government agency;

(b) carry on business; or

(c) participate in a regulated activity. (« obligation administrative »)

"responsible minister" means the minister appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council to administer this Act. (« ministre responsable »)

"secretariat" means the Regulatory Accountability Secretariat established under subsection 7(1). (« Secrétariat »)

"stakeholder" means any person who is required to comply with a regulatory requirement in order to

(a) access a program or service offered by the government or a government agency;

(b) carry on business; or

(c) participate in a regulated activity. (« intéressé »)

S.M. 2019, c. 11, s. 25.

When Act applies


Subject to subsection (2), this Act applies to every regulatory requirement that is in a regulatory instrument.

When Act does not apply


This Act does not apply to a regulatory requirement

(a) for practice and procedure in judicial proceedings;

(b) that in respect of which the implementation, change or elimination requires the agreement of another jurisdiction;

(c) for a matter that is of a validating or transitional character;

(d) for an obligation that relates only to the government or a government agency and its functions; or

(e) in a regulatory instrument that is exempted by order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council or by a regulation under this Act.

S.M. 2019, c. 11, s. 25.




The purposes of this Act are

(a) to minimize the administrative burden placed on stakeholders to comply with regulatory requirements; and

(b) to promote and enhance regulatory accountability within the government and government agencies.



For the purposes of this Act, regard must be had for the following principles of regulatory accountability:

Achieving balance — Regulatory accountability is promoted and enhanced when regulatory requirements meet desired public policy outcomes and administrative burdens are minimized without compromising human health and safety and essential economic, financial, environmental and social objectives.

Identifying the best option — Regulatory accountability is promoted and enhanced when a thorough exploration and analysis of a comprehensive range of options is engaged in in order to achieve the desired public policy outcomes, including exploration and analysis of options that do not implement regulatory requirements.

Regulatory requirements are chosen only when they are determined to be the best response to a clearly identified need.

Assessing the impact — Regulatory accountability is promoted and enhanced when the impact of proposed regulatory requirements on stakeholders and the public is assessed to determine what response is necessary to achieve the desired public policy outcomes, and whether the administrative burden being placed on stakeholders is minimized.

Consulting and communicating with stakeholders and the public — Regulatory accountability is promoted and enhanced when stakeholders and the public are consulted before a regulatory requirement is implemented and when changes to regulatory requirements are communicated to stakeholders and the public in a transparent, predictable manner.

Evaluating effectiveness and efficiency — Regulatory accountability is promoted and enhanced when a regulatory requirement is regularly reviewed to determine whether the desired public policy outcomes have been achieved and whether the benefits (including financial, economic, environmental and social benefits) of the regulatory requirements justify the administrative burden and other costs (including financial, economic, environmental and social costs).

Monitoring and minimizing the number of regulatory requirements — Regulatory accountability is promoted and enhanced when an accurate determination is made of the number of regulatory requirements and the growth in the number of regulatory requirements is minimized.

Streamlining design — Regulatory accountability is promoted and enhanced when duplication and inconsistencies between regulatory requirements and within and between regulatory instruments are eliminated.


Regulatory Accountability Committee


The committee of the Executive Council called the Regulatory Accountability Committee is hereby established and consists of the ministers and members of the Legislative Assembly appointed to the committee by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.



At the direction of Executive Council, the committee is to oversee the government's initiatives and activities furthering the purposes of this Act and Part 6.1 of The Statutes and Regulations Act, including initiatives and activities related to

(a) ensuring that the principles of regulatory accountability set out in section 4 of this Act are applied in developing, analyzing, implementing and reviewing regulatory requirements; and

(b) minimizing the administrative burden and number of regulatory requirements without compromising human health and safety and essential economic, financial, environmental and social objectives.

Majority must be ministers


A majority of the committee members must be ministers.

Chair and vice-chair designated


The Lieutenant Governor in Council must designate one committee member as chair and another as vice-chair. They must be ministers.

LG in C may appoint secretary


The Lieutenant Governor in Council may appoint an officer called the Secretary to the Regulatory Accountability Committee to perform the duties and functions that may be assigned to the secretary by the committee, and the secretary is to rank as a deputy minister.

Regulatory Accountability Secretariat


The Regulatory Accountability Secretariat is established as a secretariat of the government under the direction and control of the responsible minister. The secretary is the administrative head of the secretariat.



The secretariat's mandate is to advise the government and government agencies about regulatory accountability and in doing so the secretariat may

(a) coordinate the government's initiatives and activities on regulatory accountability;

(b) facilitate the identification, monitoring and minimization of the number of regulatory requirements and their administrative burden and the identification of unnecessary regulatory requirements;

(c) monitor compliance with the obligations under this Act and Part 6.1 of The Statutes and Regulations Act;

(d) work with government departments, government agencies and other persons or entities to promote and enhance regulatory accountability; and

(e) perform any other duties or tasks given to it by the committee.


Establishing baseline and annual number of regulatory requirements


For the purpose of monitoring the progress made in furthering the purposes of this Act, the responsible minister must

(a) arrange for a count to be conducted to determine the number of regulatory requirements in force or applicable as of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016; and

(b) determine the number of regulatory requirements in force or applicable in each fiscal year after that.

Reducing and minimizing administrative burden


To reduce and minimize the administrative burden of regulatory requirements, the government and government agencies are to do the following:

(a) until the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021, eliminate at least two regulatory requirements for each regulatory requirement implemented during the fiscal year;

(b) beginning with the fiscal year commencing on April 1, 2021, eliminate at least one regulatory requirement for each regulatory requirement implemented during the fiscal year.

Offset and administrative burden


For the purpose of

(a) clause (1)(a), the administrative burden of the eliminated regulatory requirements must be at least twice the administrative burden of the implemented regulatory requirement; and

(b) clause (1)(b), the administrative burden of the eliminated regulatory requirement must be equivalent to or greater than the administrative burden of the implemented regulatory requirement.

Eliminating and implementing regulatory requirements


For greater certainty, a regulatory requirement may be

(a) eliminated by repealing or amending a statute or regulation or changing or dispensing with the use of a policy or form; and

(b) implemented by way of a new regulatory instrument or an amendment to an existing regulatory instrument.



This section does not apply to a regulatory instrument that is made or approved in response to an emergency.


Annual report


Within six months after the end of each fiscal year, the responsible minister must prepare a report about the regulatory accountability initiatives and activities of the government and government agencies, including the progress made in furthering the purposes of this Act within that fiscal year.

Report contents


The report must include the following information:

(a) the total number of regulatory requirements at the end of the fiscal year;

(b) an explanation of the method used to determine the total number of regulatory requirements;

(c) a historical comparison of the total number of regulatory requirements;

(d) the net change in the number of total regulatory requirements as at the end of the fiscal year;

(e) an assessment of other regulatory accountability initiatives and activities during the fiscal year;

(f) any other prescribed information.

Report to be available to the public


The report must be made available to the public, including by posting on a government website, in accordance with any prescribed requirements.

Report to be tabled in the Assembly


The responsible minister must table a copy of the report in the Assembly on any of the first 15 days on which the Assembly is sitting after the minister prepares the report.

Statement re non-compliance


If the responsible minister determines that the report will not be published by the date referred to in subsection (1), on or before that date the minister must make available to the public a written statement giving the reasons for the non-compliance.

Annual departmental reports re regulatory accountability


Within six months after the end of each fiscal year, each minister must prepare and publish information about the progress on regulatory accountability initiatives and activities of the department and any government agencies for which the minister is responsible, including information about the total number of regulatory requirements at the end of the fiscal year and the net change in the total number of regulatory requirements as at the end of the fiscal year, and any other prescribed information.


Policies and forms to be available to the public


A policy or form that contains one or more regulatory requirements must be made available to the public, including by posting on a government website, in accordance with any prescribed requirements.

Proposed policies and forms may be published


A proposed policy or form that contains one or more regulatory requirements may be published on a government website in accordance with any prescribed requirements.

Comments may be submitted


Within the prescribed time period, any member of the public may submit comments about the proposed policy or form to the secretariat for review and consideration.


Legal proceedings


No action or other proceeding may be brought in respect of an obligation established by or under this Act.



No regulatory instrument or regulatory requirement is invalid or defective by reason only of a failure to comply with this Act.

Statutes and Regulations Act does not apply to exemption order


For greater certainty, The Statutes and Regulations Act does not apply to an exemption order under clause 2(2)(e).



The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations

(a) respecting the method for determining the administrative burden and respecting the period within which measures must be taken under section 9 and the taking into account of regulatory requirements eliminated before regulatory requirements are implemented;

(b) prescribing the information to be included in the reports under sections 10 and 11;

(c) respecting publication of policies and forms under section 12;

(d) extending the application of this Act or any provision of it to a regulation, rule, order or by-law referred to in clause 8(2)(g) of The Statutes and Regulations Act;

(e) exempting a type of regulatory requirement or a regulatory instrument or class of regulatory requirements or regulatory instruments from this Act or any provision of it or respecting the circumstances in which an exemption may be granted;

(f)  defining any word or expression used but not defined in this Act;

(g) respecting any matter that the Lieutenant Governor in Council considers necessary or advisable to carry out the purposes of this Act.

Regulations may establish classes


A regulation under subsection (1) may establish classes and provide differently for different classes.

Part 6.1 of Statutes and Regulations Act does not apply


For greater certainty, Part 6.1 of The Statutes and Regulations Act does not apply to a regulation under subsection (1).

Review of this Act


Within five years after this Act receives royal assent, the responsible minister must undertake a comprehensive review of this Act that includes an opportunity for public representations.

Report tabled in Assembly


Within one year after the review is undertaken or within any longer period that the Legislative Assembly allows, the responsible minister must table a report on the review in the Assembly.


NOTE:  This section contained amendments to The Statutes and Regulations Act, which are now included in that Act.


C.C.S.M. reference


This Act may be cited as The Regulatory Accountability Act and referred to as chapter R65 of the Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba.

Coming into force — royal assent


Subject to subsection (2), this Act comes into force on the day it receives royal assent.

Coming into force — proclamation


The following provisions come into force on a day to be fixed by proclamation:

(a) sections 9 to 12;

(b) subsection 17(4) insofar as it enacts sections 34.3, 34.4 and 34.6 of The Statutes and Regulations Act.

NOTE:  Sections 10 and 11 of S.M. 2017, c. 21 came into force by proclamation on September 30, 2018.

NOTE:  Sections 9 and 12 of S.M. 2017, c. 21 came into force by proclamation on July 1, 2019.