
This is an unofficial archived version.

This version was current from February 1, 1988 to March 28, 2014.

Note: It does not reflect any retroactive amendment enacted after March 28, 2014.
To find out if an amendment is retroactive, see the coming-into-force provisions
at the end of the amending Act.

Latest version

C.C.S.M. c. H170


Table of contents

WHEREAS the original plans of the surveys of the Hudson's Bay Company on the Red River and the River Assiniboine have been lost; and wheras it is desirable to prevent mischief arising from that loss;

THEREFOR HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:



A copy of the plans aforesaid, identified by the signature of a Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba and by the great seal, has, in all trials and disputes relative to land, the same force and validity, and shall be considered as evidence of the same matters, as if they were the original plans.

Original plans as evidence


Nothing herein prevents any party giving in evidence the original plans, in case they are discovered.

Making of copy of company's register


The Lieutenant Governor may, by order in council, direct that a copy of the register book kept by the Hudson's Bay Company, in connection with the lands surveyed by it on the Assiniboine and Red Rivers, shall be made by a clerk to be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor for that purpose.

Identification of copy


The copy so to be made shall be verified as a true copy of the original register book by the affidavit of the clerk or other person who has examined it, and shall be identified by the signature of the Lieutenant Governor and the great seal.

Effect of copy


A copy so verified and identified, either under this Act or any former Act of the Legislature, may be used in the same manner, and for the same purposes, as the original register book, and is admissible in evidence as prima facie proof to the same extent as if it were the original.

Where to be deposited


The copy of the plans of survey of the Hudson's Bay Company and of the register book, so made or identified as aforesaid under this Act or any such former Act, shall be deposited, or, if already so deposited, shall remain for safe keeping in the Land Titles Office at Winnipeg, and shall hereafter be under the control of the district registrar as part of the official books and instruments of the Land Titles Office at Winnipeg.

Production of a certain copy of books of record to be prima facie proof of identity of lots, etc.


The copy of books of record in the Dominion land office, at Winnipeg, showing the numbers of lots of land in Manitoba, according to the survey thereof by the Hudson's Bay Company, and the corresponding numbers of the same lots or part of lots, according to the Dominion Government survey, which copy is certified by E. F. Stephenson, Dominion lands agent at Winnipeg, to be a true and correct copy of the originals in his office, and which copy is now on file in the Land Titles Office at Winnipeg as deposit number 548, is, upon its production in any court, admissible in evidence as prima facie proof that it is such true and correct copy, and prima facie proof that the land designated by any number, according to the Dominion Government survey, is the same land or part of the same land as was formerly designated by the corresponding Hudson's Bay Company survey number, as such corresponding numbers are set out in the deposit number 548.