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This version was current from November 8, 2018 to March 31, 2022.

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Latest version

C.C.S.M. c. H29

The Health Sector Bargaining Unit Review Act

Table of contents

(Assented to June 2, 2017)

WHEREAS the health sector in Manitoba has a large number of collective bargaining units and restructuring is required to improve patient care;

AND WHEREAS it is desirable to streamline collective bargaining processes by establishing a fixed number of bargaining units, allowing for the selection of bargaining agents for those units through representation votes, and appointing employer bargaining representatives;

AND WHEREAS it is appropriate to appoint a commissioner to guide the establishment of the new collective bargaining framework;

THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:




The following definitions apply in this Act.

"bargaining unit" means a unit as defined in The Labour Relations Act. (« unité de négociation »)

"commissioner" means the commissioner appointed under section 5. (« commissaire »)

"employer bargaining representative" means a representative appointed under subsection 3(2) or 4(1). (« représentant patronal »)

"employers organization" means an employers organization established by subsection 3(1). (« association d'employeurs »)

"existing agreement" means a collective agreement identified in subsection 9(1) as an existing agreement. (« convention existante »)

"health region" means a health region as defined in The Regional Health Authorities Act. (« région sanitaire »)

"Labour Board" means the Manitoba Labour Board continued under The Labour Relations Act. (« Commission »)

"minister" means the minister appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council to administer this Act. (« ministre »)

"province-wide health employer" means Shared Health Inc. (« employeur provincial du secteur de la santé »)

"regional health authority" means a regional health authority as defined in The Regional Health Authorities Act. (« office régional de la santé »)

Labour Relations Act definitions


In this Act, "bargaining agent", "collective agreement", "employee" and "union" have the same meaning as in The Labour Relations Act.

S.M. 2018, c. 34, s. 58.


Appropriate bargaining units


The following seven bargaining units are hereby established as the appropriate bargaining units for each health region and the province-wide health employer:

(a) nurses;

(b) physicians;

(c) medical residents;

(d) physician assistants and clinical assistants;

(e) professional/technical/paramedical — consisting of employees not included in clauses (a) to (d) who hold a degree, licence or certificate and are employed in a paramedical classification;

(f) facility support — consisting of employees in the facilities sector not included in clauses (a) to (e);

(g) community support — consisting of employees in the community sector not included in clauses (a) to (e).

Single bargaining unit


A health region and the province-wide health employer may not have more than one bargaining unit for the unionized employees of each class mentioned in clauses (1)(a) to (g).

All unionized employees to be included


All unionized employees in the health sector must be included in a bargaining unit.

Multi-employer certification — health region


A bargaining unit for a health region is to be certified under a multi-employer certification when, in addition to the regional health authority, one or more other employers are specified as providing health services in the health region by a regulation under clause 31(1)(b).

Multi-employer certification — province-wide health employer


A bargaining unit for the province-wide health employer is to be certified under a multi-employer certification when, in addition to the province-wide health employer, one or more other employers are specified as providing health services that are provincial in scope by a regulation under clause 31(1)(b.1).

S.M. 2018, c. 34, s. 59.

Employers organization for health region


For the sole purpose of collective bargaining, an employers organization is hereby established for each health region, consisting of

(a) the regional health authority; and

(b) any other employers that provide health services in the region and are specified by a regulation under clause 31(1)(b).

Employers organization for province-wide health employer


For the sole purpose of collective bargaining, an employers organization is hereby established for the province-wide health employer, consisting of

(a) the province-wide health employer; and

(b) any other employers that provide health services that are provincial in scope and are specified by a regulation under clause 31(1)(b.1).

Employer bargaining representative


The minister must appoint an employer bargaining representative to represent each employers organization established by subsection (1) or (1.1). An employer bargaining representative may be appointed to represent more than one employers organization.

Exclusive jurisdiction to bargain


An employer bargaining representative has exclusive jurisdiction to bargain collectively on behalf of any employers organization that the representative has been appointed to represent.

S.M. 2018, c. 34, s. 60.

4(1) and (2)   [Repealed]

S.M. 2018, c. 34, s. 61.


Appointment of commissioner


The Lieutenant Governor in Council must appoint a commissioner to inquire into and make decisions in relation to bargaining unit restructuring and union representation in the Manitoba health sector in accordance with this Act.



The commissioner is to be appointed for the term specified in the order of appointment and may be re-appointed.

Responsibilities carried out as soon as practicable


The commissioner must carry out his or her responsibilities under this Act as soon as practicable after being appointed.


Commissioner to determine composition of bargaining units


The commissioner must, by order, determine the composition of the bargaining units established by subsection 2(1) for each health region and the province-wide health employer, having regard to the following factors:

(a) the need to enhance operational efficiency;

(b) the need to promote integration of health care delivery in the province and across the continuum of patient care;

(c) the need to facilitate the development of consistency in terms and conditions of employment;

(d) improvements in an employer's ability to restructure or reorganize its services or functions, and to integrate services or functions;

(e) community of interest among employees;

(f) that only unionized employees are to be included in a bargaining unit;

(g) any other factor that the Lieutenant Governor in Council specifies by regulation.

S.M. 2018, c. 34, s. 62.

Commissioner to seek views of unions and employers


Before determining the composition of bargaining units under section 6, the commissioner must

(a) give written notice to

(i) the unions, employers organizations and employer bargaining representatives that will be directly affected by the determination, and

(ii) the province-wide health employer, if it will be directly affected by the determination; and

(b) give them an opportunity to make representations to the commissioner in the form and manner and within the time frame set out in the notice.

S.M. 2018, c. 34, s. 63.


Determining bargaining agent


In accordance with this section, the commissioner must, by order, determine the bargaining agent that is to represent the employees in each bargaining unit for each health region and the province-wide health employer.

Affiliated unions


Unions affiliated with the same parent union are considered to be a single union for the purpose of this section.

Unions eligible for selection


If, on the coming into force of this Act, a union is a bargaining agent for any employees included in a bargaining unit established by subsection 2(1) for a health region or the province-wide health employer, that union is eligible to be selected to represent the employees of the entire bargaining unit for that health region or the province-wide health employer.

If only one eligible union


If only one union is eligible for selection as the bargaining agent for a bargaining unit, that union must be determined to be the bargaining agent.

Representation vote if two or more eligible unions


If two or more unions are eligible for selection as the bargaining agent for a bargaining unit, the commissioner must conduct a secret ballot vote of the employees included in that unit to determine which union will be the bargaining agent for that unit.

Voting procedures


The commissioner may

(a) by rule or otherwise, prescribe all procedural matters respecting holding and conducting votes;

(b) make rules respecting the eligibility of employees to vote; and

(c) determine questions of voter eligibility in a vote.

S.M. 2018, c. 34, s. 64.


Existing agreement applies until new agreement negotiated


For employees in a bargaining unit established by subsection 2(1) who are governed by a collective agreement in effect on the day this Act comes into force (the "existing agreement"),

(a) the employees continue to be governed by the existing agreement; and

(b) the union determined under section 8 to be the bargaining agent for that bargaining unit is bound by the existing agreement and must administer it on behalf of the employees;

until the term of the existing agreement expires or the receiving collective agreement designated under section 10 is revised, whichever occurs later.

Earlier transition at option of employees


Despite subsection (1), if a revised collective agreement is concluded before the term of an existing agreement has expired, the bargaining agent may specify that the employees shall cease to be governed by the existing agreement and become governed by the revised collective agreement.

No certification application


No union may apply for certification as a bargaining agent for one or more employees in a bargaining unit established by subsection 2(1) until a revised collective agreement for that unit has been concluded.


Receiving collective agreement


After the bargaining agent for a bargaining unit is determined under section 8, the commissioner must, by order, designate a receiving collective agreement for the bargaining unit. That agreement is to form the basis for negotiating a revised collective agreement between the parties.



The commissioner must designate the receiving collective agreement using the following rules:


Determine whether — immediately before the bargaining agent was determined under section 8 — the bargaining agent was a party to more than one collective agreement governing employees in the bargaining unit.


If there was more than one such agreement, the receiving collective agreement is the one that governed the greatest number of employees at that time.


If there was only one such agreement, the receiving collective agreement is that agreement.

Notice of intent to commence bargaining


Within 180 days after a bargaining agent is determined under section 8, either the bargaining agent or the employer bargaining representative may serve notice on the other of an intent to commence collective bargaining with a view to concluding a revised collective agreement between the parties.

When agreement negotiated


When the parties negotiate a revised collective agreement as contemplated by subsection (3), the resulting agreement is a collective agreement that is in force for the purposes of this Act and The Labour Relations Act.

Commissioner's powers re intermingling of employees


Before a revised collective agreement is concluded, the commissioner may — on application by the bargaining agent or employer bargaining representative, or on the commissioner's own initiative — do any of the following in relation to the intermingling of employees within a bargaining unit:

(a) amend, to the extent the commissioner considers necessary, any certificate issued to a bargaining agent under The Labour Relations Act or, if there is no certificate, any provision of an existing agreement that describes the scope of the bargaining unit covered by the collective agreement;

(b) prescribe any modifications or restrictions that the commissioner considers necessary or advisable to the operation or effect of any provision of an existing agreement governing employees in a bargaining unit established by subsection 2(1);

(c) give any further direction that the commissioner considers necessary or advisable as to the interpretation or application of an existing agreement governing employees in a bargaining unit established by subsection 2(1).



In making a decision respecting the provisions of an existing agreement under clause (1)(b), the commissioner must take into account the extent to which, and the fairness with which, the provisions have been, or could be, applied to the employees affected in order to

(a) remove any inconsistencies or conflicts between two or more existing agreements or resulting from the intermingling; and

(b) define or redefine the employees' seniority rights under an existing agreement, having regard to section 13.

If agreement not negotiated


If the parties do not reach agreement on a revised collective agreement as contemplated by subsection 10(3) before the receiving collective agreement expires, the bargaining agent or the employer bargaining representative may thereafter

(a) exercise any rights under the receiving collective agreement as if it had not expired; and

(b) exercise any rights under The Labour Relations Act dealing with the settlement of provisions of a collective agreement, subject to a regulation under clause 31(1)(d);

so that a revised collective agreement may be concluded.

No effect on commissioner's jurisdiction


Nothing in subsection (1) authorizes the Labour Board to make a decision or order determining any matter in relation to which the commissioner has jurisdiction under this Act.


Seniority and service recognition


Seniority rights and service recognition are portable for any employee whose bargaining unit, bargaining agent or collective agreement is changed as a result of this Act.


No termination of employment


A change decided on by the commissioner under this Act or as a necessary consequence of such a change — including, but not limited to, a change in bargaining unit, bargaining agent or collective agreement — does not constitute termination of an employee's employment.

No right to compensation


Despite any other enactment or the terms of a collective agreement, no employee is entitled to any notice, wages in lieu of notice, severance pay, termination pay or other compensation if the employee's position is substantially the same after a change referred to in subsection (1) as it was beforehand.



Nothing in this section precludes an employer from voluntarily terminating an employee's employment in accordance with applicable law or a contract or collective agreement.


Jurisdiction of the commissioner


The commissioner has exclusive jurisdiction to inquire into and make decisions and orders about all matters and questions arising under this Act.

Questions for decision of the commissioner


Without limiting subsection (1), in any proceeding before the commissioner — or on written application by any person or organization that, in the commissioner's opinion, is affected by or has an interest in the determination of the question, or on the commissioner's own initiative — the commissioner may decide any question for the purposes of this Act, including but not limited to, whether

(a) a person is an employer, employee, professional employee or a member of a union;

(b) an association or organization is a union;

(c) an employee or group of employees is included in a bargaining unit;

(d) a collective agreement has been entered into and, if so, who the parties are, what its terms are and any related matter;

(e) a collective agreement is by its terms in effect;

(f) any person has failed to comply with a provision of this Act; or

(g) a union has become a successor by reason of a merger, amalgamation, or transfer of jurisdiction, or there has been a transfer of bargaining rights to a successor union.

Powers under Part V of Evidence Act


When exercising powers and performing duties under this Act, the commissioner has all the powers and protections of a commissioner under Part V of The Manitoba Evidence Act, and may receive and act on any evidence or information on oath, affidavit or otherwise that the commissioner considers appropriate, whether that evidence is admissible in evidence in a court of law or not.

Procedural rules


The commissioner may determine his or her own rules of practice and procedure in relation to any matter under this Act.

Power to delegate


The commissioner may authorize another person to act on his or her behalf in relation to any matter under this Act, other than making a decision, order or rule under this Act.


Commissioner may issue, amend or rescind certificates


For the purpose of carrying out responsibilities under this Act, the commissioner may, by order, issue, amend or rescind any bargaining certificate, including a multi-employer certificate.

Incidental orders


In addition to the decisions and orders the commissioner is authorized to make under this Act, the commissioner may make any order

(a) that is incidental to a power or duty of the commissioner under this Act; or

(b) that requires compliance with a decision or order made by the commissioner.

Order may amend or rescind Labour Board order


A decision or order of the commissioner may amend or rescind a decision or order (including a certification) of the Labour Board.

Same effect as if made by Labour Board


A decision or order of the commissioner has the same force and effect as a certification or other decision or order of the Labour Board, and

(a) is to be treated for all purposes as if it were made by the Labour Board; and

(b) is enforceable in the same manner as a decision or order of the Labour Board.

Retroactive decisions and orders


A decision or order of the commissioner may be made retroactive to a date specified in the decision or order.

Statutes and Regulations Act does not apply


The Statutes and Regulations Act does not apply to a decision, order or rule made by the commissioner.

Decisions and orders are final


A decision or order made by the commissioner is final and binding and is not subject to appeal or review in any court, and no proceedings of the commissioner may be restrained by injunction, prohibition or other process or proceeding in any court.

Judicial review


Despite subsection (1), a decision or order of the commissioner may be questioned or reviewed by way of an application for judicial review on a question of law or jurisdiction, if the application is filed with the court and served on the commissioner no later than 30 days after the date of the decision or order.


Conflict with Labour Relations Act


Subject to section 27, if there is a conflict or inconsistency

(a) between this Act and The Labour Relations Act; or

(b) between an action, decision or order taken or made by the commissioner under this Act and an action, decision or order taken or made under The Labour Relations Act;

this Act or the action, decision or order taken or made under this Act prevails.

Labour Relations Act applies after revised agreement concluded


After a revised collective agreement has been concluded, all matters respecting that agreement are to be dealt with under The Labour Relations Act, and not by the commissioner under this Act.

Commissioner not compellable as a witness


Neither the commissioner, nor any person acting on the commissioner's behalf, may be required to give evidence in a court or in any other proceeding about information that comes to his or her knowledge in exercising a power or duty under this Act.

Protection from liability


Neither the commissioner, nor any person acting on the commissioner's behalf, is liable for any loss or damage suffered by any person by reason of anything done or omitted to be done, in good faith, in the exercise or intended exercise of a power or duty under this Act.

Certificate of commissioner admissible


A copy of a decision or order of the commissioner appearing to be signed by the commissioner is admissible in evidence in any proceeding as conclusive proof of the decision or order, unless the contrary is shown. Proof of the commissioner's appointment or signature is not required.



The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations

(a) [repealed] S.M. 2018, c. 34, s. 65;

(b) specifying employers for the purpose of subsection 3(1);

(b.1) specifying employers for the purpose of subsection 3(1.1);

(c) specifying one or more factors for the purpose of section 6;

(d) respecting the application of The Labour Relations Act for the purpose of clause 12(1)(b);

(e) defining any word or expression used but not defined in this Act;

(f) respecting any transitional matter or difficulty that may be encountered in bringing the provisions of this Act into effect;

(g) respecting any matter that the Lieutenant Governor in Council considers necessary or advisable to carry out the purpose of this Act.

Application of regulations


A regulation made under subsection (1) may be general or particular in its application.

S.M. 2018, c. 34, s. 65.

Continuing effect of bargaining framework


Sections 1 to 3 and the regulation-making powers in section 31 continue to have effect in the health sector even after revised collective agreements are concluded.

S.M. 2018, c. 34, s. 66.


C.C.S.M. reference


This Act may be referred to as chapter H29 of the Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba.

Coming into force


This Act comes into force on a day to be fixed by proclamation.

NOTE:  S.M. 2017, c. 25 came into force by proclamation on May 9, 2018