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C.C.S.M. c. C166

The Community Revitalization Tax Increment Financing Act

Table of contents

(Assented to October 8, 2009)

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:




The following definitions apply in this Act.

"community revitalization levy" means the levy imposed under subsection 11(1) on a community revitalization property. (« taxe de revitalisation urbaine »)

"community revitalization property" means real property that is designated by regulation as a community revitalization property. (« propriété visée par un projet de revitalisation »)

"current assessment roll" means the assessment roll that precedes the assessment roll being prepared by an assessor under subsection 9(3) or (4) of The Municipal Assessment Act. (« dernier rôle d'évaluation »)

"designation date", in relation to a community revitalization property, means the date on which the regulation designating the property comes into force. (« date de désignation »)

"education support levy" means a levy imposed under section 184 of The Public Schools Act by the council of a municipality. (« taxe d'aide à l'éducation »)

"fund" means the Community Revitalization Fund established in section 15. (« Fonds »)

"incremental assessed value" of a community revitalization property means the incremental assessed value as determined under section 9. (« valeur fiscale additionnelle »)

"minister" means the minister appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council to administer this Act. (« ministre »)

"pre-designation assessed value" of a community revitalization property means the pre-designation assessed value as determined under section 8. (« valeur fiscale antérieure »)

"school taxes" means the education support levy and the special levy. (« taxes scolaires »)

"special levy" means the levy imposed under section 188 of The Public Schools Act by the council of a municipality to raise the amount that is set out in the statement referred to in section 187 of that Act. (« taxe spéciale »)

S.M. 2020, c. 21, s. 134.

Definitions in Municipal Assessment Act and City of Winnipeg Charter apply


Terms and expressions that

(a) are used but not defined in this Act; and

(b) are defined

(i) in The City of Winnipeg Charter, or

(ii) in The Municipal Assessment Act;

have the same meaning in this Act as they have in those Acts. If a term or expression is defined in or under both those Acts, the definition in The City of Winnipeg Charter applies to community revitalization properties situated in the city.

Application of other Acts


Unless this Act or the regulations provide otherwise, The Municipal Act, The Municipal Assessment Act and The City of Winnipeg Charter apply to the assessment and taxation of community revitalization properties under this Act.




The Lieutenant Governor in Council may, by regulation, designate real property as a community revitalization property if it is satisfied that

(a) significant improvements to the property are to occur; and

(b) it is in the public interest that the improvements be made.

Designation of properties in close proximity


A regulation under subsection (1) may also designate as a community revitalization property real property that is in close proximity to the real property that is to be improved.



Before recommending that the Lieutenant Governor in Council designate a property as a community revitalization property, the minister must consult with the council of the municipality and the school board of the school division in which the property is located.

Designation period


A designation as a community revitalization property expires on the earliest of the following:

(a) December 31 of the 25th year of the designation period;

(b) December 31 of an earlier year prescribed by regulation;

(c) December 31 of the year in which the designation is revoked.



A designation may be renewed at any time before it expires, but the total designation period of a property cannot exceed 25 years.



The Lieutenant Governor in Council may, by regulation, revoke a designation made under section 4.

Municipality and school board to be notified


The minister must notify a municipality and a school board when a community revitalization property situated in the municipality or school division is designated or its designation expires or is revoked.


Amending the assessment roll


When a community revitalization property is designated, the assessor must amend the current real property assessment roll to allocate the property's assessment into two portions, of which

(a) one is attributable to the property's pre-designation assessed value, as determined under section 8; and

(b) the other is attributable to its incremental assessed value, as determined under section 9.

Determining pre-designation assessed value


The pre-designation assessed value of a community revitalization property is

(a) subject to subsection (2) and until the first general assessment after its designation date, its assessed value as entered on the current real property assessment roll; and

(b) for each general assessment after its designation date, its assessed value as determined under subsection (3).

Changes to pre-designation assessed value


The municipality must amend the pre-designation assessment entered on the current real property assessment roll if that assessment is changed as a result of

(a) an order of a board of revision, the Municipal Board or a court;

(b) an amendment made by an assessor under subsection 14(1) or (2) of The Municipal Assessment Act;

(c) an agreement entered into under section 15.1 of The Municipal Assessment Act that changes the assessment of the property; or

(d) a change in the applicable tax roll under section 300 or 326 of The Municipal Act or section 340 or 341 of The City of Winnipeg Charter.

Change to pre-designation assessed value for general assessment


For the purposes of a general assessment, the assessor must change the property's pre-designation assessed value by a rate that is equal to the average rate of change, since the last general assessment, in the assessed value of properties that are in the same class or classes and in the same municipality as the community revitalization property.

Determining incremental assessed value


The incremental assessed value of a community revitalization property that is designated under subsection 4(1) is determined as follows:

(a) if, after its designation date, improvements are made to the community revitalization property, then the incremental assessed value is the difference between its assessed value, including the improvements, and its pre-designation assessed value;

(b) if, after its designation date, the community revitalization property becomes ineligible for an exemption from taxation for school purposes, then the incremental assessed value is the assessed value of the assessable property on the current assessment roll.

Incremental assessed value of property in close proximity


The incremental assessed value of a property that is in close proximity to a community revitalization property designated under subsection 4(1) is the difference between its assessed value and its pre-designation assessed value.

Exemption re school taxes


The incremental assessed value of a community revitalization property is exempt from taxation for school purposes.


Community revitalization levy


In each year, a municipality must impose the community revitalization levy on the portioned value of the incremental assessed value of each community revitalization property situated in the municipality.

Levy in lieu of school taxes otherwise payable


The community revitalization levy is to be imposed and is payable in lieu of school taxes that would be payable in respect of the property if it had not been designated as a community revitalization property.

Levy rate


The rate of the community revitalization levy must equal the total of the following tax rates imposed by the municipality on real property located in the same school division as the community revitalization property:

(a) if applicable, the tax rate imposed by the municipality in respect of the education support levy;

(b) the tax rate imposed by the municipality in respect of the special levy.

Levy collection and priority


The community revitalization levy is to be collected in the same manner, and with the same priorities,

(a) in the case of a community revitalization property situated in the city, as a real property tax imposed under The City of Winnipeg Charter;

(b) in the case of a community revitalization property situated in any other municipality, as a real property tax imposed under The Municipal Act.

Liability to pay levy


Each person in whose name a community revitalization property is assessed is liable to pay the community revitalization levy in respect of the property.

Joint liability


If the community revitalization levy is payable by two or more persons, payment by one of them on account of the levy discharges the liability of the others for the levy to the extent of the payment.

Levy amount remitted to the province


Each year, a municipality must, at the same time it remits the special levy to school divisions under section 189 of The Public Schools Act, remit to the Minister of Finance the amount of the community revitalization levy in respect of all community revitalization properties situated in the municipality.

Municipality's calculation of school taxes


In calculating school taxes under The Public Schools Act, the total school assessment is to be determined without reference to the incremental assessed value of the community revitalization properties situated in the municipality.


Fund established


A fund to be known as the "Community Revitalization Fund" is hereby established.

Purpose of fund


The purpose of the fund is to promote and support significant improvement projects in order to

(a) revitalize communities or neighbourhoods;

(b) encourage economic development;

(c) enhance social and cultural development;

(d) preserve heritage properties.

Control and supervision of fund


The fund is under the control and supervision of the minister, and is to be deposited with the Minister of Finance and held in trust in a separate account in the Consolidated Fund.

Credits to fund


The amounts remitted to the Minister of Finance by a municipality under section 13 (community revitalization levy) are to be credited to the fund.

Investment of excess money


If the balance to the credit of the fund is more than the amount that is required for immediate purposes, the Minister of Finance may invest the excess. All earnings from the investment must be credited to the fund.

Payments from fund


On the requisition of the minister, the Minister of Finance may make a grant from the fund from amounts credited to the fund for a community revitalization property, for a purpose mentioned in subsection (2), to

(a) the person in whose name the community revitalization property is assessed;

(b) an occupier of the community revitalization property;

(c) the municipality in which the community revitalization property is situated; or

(d) a person or organization carrying on activities or projects that are consistent with the purposes of the fund and that are in the same community or neighbourhood as the community revitalization property.

Use of grants


The minister may requisition a grant only if it is to be used for a purpose agreed to by the municipality in which the community revitalization property is situated.



The accounts and transactions of the fund must be audited annually by an auditor, who may be the Auditor General. The cost of the audit is an administrative expense of operating the fund.



The minister must include in each annual report of the minister's department a financial statement of the fund and a report on the use of grants made from the fund in the year and what those grants achieved.




The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations

(a) designating real property as a community revitalization property;

(b) amending or revoking a designation made under clause (a);

(c) prescribing the year in which a designation expires;

(d) respecting the application of any provision of The Municipal Act, The Municipal Assessment Act, The Public Schools Act or The City of Winnipeg Charter, with or without modification, to a community revitalization property or a community revitalization levy, or both;

(e) respecting any other matter necessary or advisable to carry out the intent and purpose of this Act.

Retroactive effect


A regulation made under clause (1)(a) or (b) may be given retroactive effect. But it may not come into force on a date before January 1 of the year in which it was made.


17 to 19

NOTE: These sections contained consequential amendments to other Acts that are now included in those Acts.


C.C.S.M. reference


This Act may be referred to as chapter C166 of the Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba.

Coming into force


This Act comes into force on a day to be fixed by proclamation.

NOTE:  S.M. 2009, c. 29, was proclaimed in force November 1, 2009.