
C.C.S.M. c. C25

The Cattle Producers Association Act

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1 Definitions
2 Purpose
3(1) Association continued
(2) Board of directors
4(1) Quorum of board
(2) Majority decision of board
(3) Rules of procedure
5 Capacity of the association
6(1) Objects & powers of the association
(2) Restricted powers
7 Information, books and records
8(1) Fees
(2) Exemption
(3) Fees are refundable
(4) Limit on fees
10 Contents of administration by-law
11(1) Existing by-law amended by directors
(2) Approval of amendments
12(1) Repeal or amendment of by-law
(2) Notice of resolution
(3) 60% vote required
(4) Saving
13 Non-application of Corporations Act
14(1) Vendor security program
(2) Levies and payments
(3) Requirement to collect and remit levies
(4) Expenses
(5) Investment income
15(1) Refund where payment received twice
(2) Subrogation
(3) Assistance from vendor
16(1) Audit
(2) Annual report
17 Advisory committee
18(1) Regulations
(2) Levies are refundable
(3) Approval of regulations by minister