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S.M. 2017, c. 39
Bill 35, 2 nd Session, 41st Legislature
The Agricultural Producers' Organization Funding Amendment Act
Explanatory Note This note is a reader's aid and is not part of the law. The Agricultural Producers' Organization Funding Act requires designated persons or companies that purchase agricultural products from producers to withhold a specified percentage of the purchase money otherwise payable to a producer and remit that amount to the certified organization (presently Keystone Agricultural Producers). The certified organization then treats those amounts as payment towards the producer's annual membership fee in the organization. All amounts are refundable at the request of the producer. This Act makes two amendments in relation to this scheme:
This Act also extends the period for which the certified organization is certified from two years to five years. In addition, this Act makes a small number of housekeeping amendments to The Agricultural Producers' Organization Funding Act. |
(Assented to November 10, 2017)
HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
The Agricultural Producers' Organization Funding Act is amended by this Act.
Subsection 19(1) is amended by striking out "two years" and substituting "five years".
Subsection 19(2) is amended by striking out "two year terms" and substituting "five-year terms".
Subsection 20(1) is amended by striking out "prior to October 1 of the second year" and substituting "after January 1 and before October 1 of the fifth year".
Section 21 is amended by striking out "subsections 19(1) and 22(3)" and substituting "subsection 19(1)".
Clauses 23.1(1)(a), 24.1(a), 25(3)(a) and 27(3)(a) are amended by striking out "name and address" and substituting "name, address, e-mail address and, if applicable, the certified organization membership number,".
Subsection 27(1) is amended by adding ", up to an amount equal to the annual membership fee of the certified organization" at the end.
Subsection 28(1) is replaced with the following:
If, during a fiscal year of the certified organization, the amount remitted for a person under section 27 is less than the annual membership fee of the certified organization, the certified organization shall, unless the person requests a refund under section 29, treat that amount
(a) as an application for supporter status in the certified organization, or renewal of supporter status; and
(b) as a payment to the certified organization towards supporter status.
This Act comes into force on the day it receives royal assent.