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S.M. 2007, c. 5
Bill 27, 1st Session, 39th Legislature
The Loan Act, 2007
(Assented to October 25, 2007)
HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
The following definitions apply in this Act.
"agency" means a corporation or agency mentioned in Schedule A or B or to which money may be advanced under a program mentioned in Schedule A or B. (« organisme »)
"government's borrowing authority" means the unused portion of the authority provided to the government under section 2, or under a similar provision of a previous Loan Act, to borrow money for purposes other than to refinance debt. (« pouvoir d'emprunt du gouvernement »)
Increase in government's borrowing authority
The authority of the government to borrow for purposes other than to refinance debt is increased by $2,300,000,000.
Subject to subsection (3), an agency may borrow or raise for its purposes amounts not exceeding, in total, the amounts set out for the agency in Schedules A and B. This is in addition to any amounts that an agency may borrow
(a) to refinance debt; or
(b) under a statutory authority to borrow money for temporary purposes or working capital.
Amounts borrowed or raised under subsection (1) may be borrowed or raised
(a) by means of a loan from the government; or
(b) subject to subsection (3), by any other means authorized by the agency's governing legislation and approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
Abatement of government's borrowing authority
An amount borrowed or raised under clause (2)(b) reduces, and must not exceed, the government's borrowing authority.
Agency guarantee abates borrowing authority
The amount of a guarantee provided by an agency reduces, and must not exceed the lesser of,
(a) the government's borrowing authority; and
(b) the agency's unused borrowing authority under subsection (1).
L.G. in C. may authorize advances
The Lieutenant Governor in Council may authorize amounts to be advanced to agencies or for programs as set out in Schedules A and B.
Lapse of previous borrowing authority
Any unused authority under section 3 or 4 of The Loan Act, 2006 to borrow or advance an amount set out in a Schedule to that Act lapses except to the extent it is included in Schedule B to this Act.
Additional authority for loans and guarantees
Until changed by another Act of the Legislature, the total of the loans and guarantees that the government provides under section 63 of The Financial Administration Act in a fiscal year must not exceed $200,000,000.
An agency or other person that needs legislative authority to borrow an amount to be advanced to it by the government under 63 of The Financial Administration Act is deemed to have that authority.
This Act is retroactive and is deemed to have come into force on April 1, 2007.
The Loan Act, 2007 — Schedule A
Incremental Capital Authority Requirements For Non-Budgetary Programs, 2007-08
The Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board | $ 458,000,000 |
Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation | 73,613,900 |
Health Capital Program | 61,379,300 |
Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation | 41,313,900 |
The Manitoba Water Services Board | 36,625,600 |
The Manitoba Lotteries Corporation | 32,700,000 |
Diagnostic Services Manitoba | 22,270,100 |
Manitoba Industrial Opportunities Program | 22,052,300 |
The University of Winnipeg | 19,000,000 |
Special Operating Agencies Financing Authority — Fleet Vehicles Agency | 8,000,000 |
Manitoba Student Aid Program | 7,508,400 |
Communities Economic Development Fund | 4,600,000 |
Special Operating Agencies Financing Authority — Companies Office | 2,050,000 |
Rural Economic Development Initiatives | 1,873,400 |
Special Operating Agencies Financing Authority — The Property Registry | 1,000,000 |
$791,986,900 |
The Loan Act, 2007 — Schedule B
Expenditure Authority as at April 1, 2007 not yet expended or abated
The Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board | $ 558,897,400 |
Health Capital Program | 245,417,600 |
Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation | 122,021,600 |
Manitoba Industrial Opportunities Program | 88,192,800 |
Manitoba Opportunities Fund Ltd. | 62,316,500 |
Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation | 47,316,600 |
The Manitoba Lotteries Corporation | 45,050,000 |
Manitoba Student Aid Program | 42,709,700 |
The Manitoba Water Services Board | 20,336,900 |
The Manitoba Lotteries Corporation — First Nations Casino Development | 17,400,000 |
Diagnostic Services Manitoba | 17,061,000 |
Communities Economic Development Fund | 9,999,800 |
Rural Economic Development Initiatives | 5,656,600 |
Manitoba Farm Mediation Board | 3,000,000 |
Co-operative Loans and Loans Guarantee Board | 3,500,000 |
Special Operating Agencies Financing Authority — Fleet Vehicles Agency | 1,240,000 |
Manitoba Science and Technology Fund | 768,000 |
Venture Manitoba Tours Ltd. | 665,000 |
Manitoba Capital Fund | 636,800 |
Manitoba Film Guarantee Program | 580,600 |
International Education | 486,600 |
$ 1,293,253,500 |