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S.M. 2004, c. 31
Bill 37, 2nd Session, 38th Legislature
The Labour Relations Amendment Act
(Assented to June 10, 2004)
HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:
The Labour Relations Act is amended by this Act.
The following is added after subsection 87.1(3):
Except in the circumstance mentioned in subsection (4), the board shall make its determination under subsection (3) within 21 days after it has notified the parties of the application, even if an unfair labour practice complaint has been filed under subsection 30(1) alleging a failure to bargain in good faith under subsection 63(1).
Subsection 87.3(1) is amended by replacing everything before clause (b) with the following:
If the board determines under subsection 87.1(3) that the party making an application under subsection 87.1(1) is bargaining in good faith but that a new collective agreement is unlikely to be concluded within 30 days if the parties continue to bargain,
(a) the employees shall immediately terminate any strike;
(a.1) the employer shall immediately terminate any lockout;
The following is added after subsection 87.3(1):
If the board determines under subsection 87.1(3) that the applicant party is not bargaining in good faith, that party may at any time after the determination is made make a new application under subsection 87.1(1) for the board to settle the provisons of a collective agreement.
Subsection 87.3(2) is replaced with the following:
Within 10 days after a determination by the board that the applicant party is bargaining in good faith but that a new collective agreement is unlikely to be concluded through further bargaining, the employer and the bargaining agent may serve a notice on the board stating that they wish to have the collective agreement settled by arbitration. The notice must name a person who has agreed to act as arbitrator.
Subsection 87.3(5) is amended by striking out "A collective agreement" and substituting "Subject to subsection (5.1), a collective agreement".
The following is added after subsection 87.3(5):
Extension of term of agreement
A collective agreement settled by an arbitrator or the board more than six months following the expiry date of the previous collective agreement shall remain in effect for six months following the date of settlement.
This Act comes into force on the day it receives royal assent.